My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 109 This is a bag of flour!

Chapter 109 This is a bag of flour!
"Come on, let's laugh together!"

Headquarters, logistics department, Zhang Wanhe is greeting the people of Shuiyaozi Armory to take a group photo.

All the people in the arsenal were present, more than 900 people gathered in a group, including old and young, but most of them were young people at a young age, and everyone laughed from the bottom of their hearts.

Full of hope and future.


Under the flashlight, more than 900 smiles were engraved on the film and left in time.


Most of these [-] smiles have become the pillars of the Taihang Science and Technology Zone. This photo is also known as the beginning of the Taihang Science and Technology Zone, which is the pinnacle of industrial technology in the world.

"Come, come, take a group as a unit, take a group photo, each group has it."

Zhang Wanhe organized various groups to continue taking pictures.

Shuiyaozi Armory originally had a small number of people, with only more than 500 core personnel. The main tasks were to repair firearms, manufacture frontier hand grenades, reload bullets, and manually manufacture a small amount of mortar shells.

With two consecutive waves of support from Commander Li, the supply of weapons and ammunition for the troops has gradually improved, and the pressure on the arsenal has also been greatly relieved.
Those extra parts and high-quality steel make the maintenance work of the arsenal much easier. Ordinary workers can do high-quality repairs. The high-quality copper shells increase the technical difficulty of reinstalling in the arsenal. Arsenal pressure.

This freed the Shuiyaozi Armory from full production, allowing it to concentrate on solving technical problems, improving product quality, and so on.

In particular, the 60 grenades gave the arsenal a great sigh of relief. Under the leadership of Zhang Wanhe, they began to integrate manual workshops, improve the manufacturing process, and reduce the danger in production.

Zhang Wanhe had this idea a long time ago.

Although the construction in the border area is weak and the output is low, the scattered handicraft workshops and the uneven production workers lead to frequent accidents, and he couldn't do anything about it before.

After the Bayi-style horse rifle was finalized, under the order of the superior and with the support of the border area, Zhang Wan and Shuiyaozi Arsenal began to expand technical personnel and organize training.

A large number of outstanding young people with firm beliefs, as well as activists from various rear base areas, and the technical backbone of the branch arsenal were selected.

Prepare for the big fortune Li Yunlong said.

"Minister Zhang."

During the photo shoot, a person ran to Zhang Wanhe's side:
"Captain Li's call."

"Li Yunlong's phone number?"

Zhang Wanhe got up immediately, handed over the person who took the photo to his deputy, and then strode towards the telephone room.

that speed,

It's a few minutes faster than answering the call from the headquarters.

"Hey, Minister Zhang has been quite free recently, and you answered the phone so quickly!"

Zhang Wanhe picked up the phone and heard Li Yunlong's voice.

"What's good this time?"

Zhang Wanhe didn't care about Li Yunlong's embarrassment at all, his tone was like that between good buddies, and he was not polite at all.

Just like Li Yunlong vs. Zhang Wanhe before.

If it was the past, Zhang Wanhe would definitely have a headache when he heard Li Yunlong's call, and he would often not answer it, but now, Li Datuan is very wealthy, the largest rich man in Shanxi.

In just half a year, more than [-] tons of weapons and ammunition (including packaging) flowed out of this rich man.

Rich people, Yan Laoxi would be jealous.

Compared with Li Yunlong, the logistics department in charge of Zhang Wanhe is poor at all. He is richer than him by any hair, so he doesn't have to worry about being missed. Naturally, Minister Zhang is happy to answer the phone.

"good stuff?"

"Good things are still far away!"

Li Yunlong smiled:
"Just something, it should be here soon, remember to report to the headquarters for me."

After speaking, Li Yunlong hung up the phone directly.

"This Li Yunlong..."

Li Datuan said a few words without thinking and then hung up the phone, leaving Zhang Wanhe really confused.

Is it really something unimportant?
Zhang Wanhe guessed in his heart.

Otherwise, with Li Yunlong's temper, he must transport it by himself, so as to make a fuss?Moreover, he will not be the first to tell him.

at this time,

Yang Village.

"Hey hey..."

Li Yunlong hung up the phone, tsk tsk tsk, reminiscing about the call just now.

I feel very comfortable in my heart.

It's much more exciting than directly swearing.

logistics department,
After half an hour of being inexplicable, Zhang Wanhe finally waited for the transport team of the Independent Regiment.

Several carts pulled by Pelton horses came into his sight, and the soldiers of the Logistics Department of the Independent Regiment leading the team reported to Zhang Wanhe:
"This batch of military supplies has a total of [-] rounds of Type [-] infantry artillery shells. Please sign for receipt."

"How many?"

Zhang Wanhe almost bit his own tongue.

After half an hour of brainstorming, he had already determined that what Li Yunlong sent over this time was not something good, otherwise he wouldn't have given it to him directly, and he didn't say what it was when he called, just to tease him.

But I didn't expect...
"A total of [-] rounds of Type [-] infantry artillery shells!"

The logistics fighter of the independent regiment in charge of transportation answered again, and handed Zhang Wanhe a document:
"Please sign for receipt!"


Zhang Wanhe gasped for a moment.

The army does have cannons, and there are quite a few of them. The headquarters artillery regiment has [-] cannons, including three [-]-type infantry cannons.

However, the number of shells is so small that it is not appropriate to describe it as pitiful. It is more difficult to capture shells from the devils than cannons. At its peak, the artillery regiment at the headquarters did not have 130 rounds of ammunition in total.

None of the ten shots were fired.

This is still the peak period.

But now, he knew that the headquarters artillery regiment had only one hundred rounds of ammunition.

At this time, Li Yunlong brought in [-] shells!

"This dog thing..."

Zhang Wanhe scolded with a smile.


In Taiyuan, a few shabby-dressed ordinary people pushed a wheelbarrow to the gate of the city, and a few devils immediately surrounded them with bayonets:

"The locust army asked you what you were doing?"

Next to the devil, a second devil with a split head came up immediately, as if to show off his momentum, his thin voice was deliberately suppressed to be serious.

But it sounds like a strong fox fake tiger prestige.

Senior officers were attacked four times in a row, and six devil generals were killed. The devil also realized the seriousness of the problem and strengthened the vigilance of important cities. Only a few clever ones remained.

Taiyuan, as the headquarters of the First Army, is the top priority. Almost every person and material entering the county must be carefully checked.

The four people who were stopped in front of them were all unfamiliar faces, so they were naturally stopped, and the devils around them were all on high alert, with bayonets almost reaching the waist of a 'commoner'.

"Sir, please forgive me!"

"Sir, please forgive me!"

Several "common people" who were pushing were suddenly frightened by the bayonet and lost their souls.

Lao Gao raised his hands, his calves were trembling, and he kept begging for mercy. The wheelbarrow he was holding on to overturned, and the three sacks on it fell to the ground.

One of the devils directly stabbed it with a bayonet. The sharp bayonet pierced the sack, and fine white flour flowed out.

At the gate of the city, a small devil captain watched this scene with keen eyes.

"We are from Xiaoluo Village, we go to the city to sell white noodles..."

A commoner answered tremblingly.

"Open it and check."

The terrified attitude of several ordinary people made the locust army relax immediately, and the devil captain behind ordered.

A devil opened a sack of flour, looked at it, reached out to feel it, and then stabbed it around with a bayonet, ignoring the flour protruding from the breach.

Several 'common people' around looked at the exposed flour, their faces full of pain, subconsciously wanted to reach out, but they quickly retracted, their mouths moved, and they dared not say anything.

"This is a generation of flour..."

There was only one commoner who couldn't bear it and murmured softly.

But the devils didn't care about it at all, and continued to check roughly.

After the final inspection, the devil found nothing abnormal in the flour bag, and found no contraband after searching several people. The wheelbarrow was also checked, and there was no abnormality.

"I have a new face, but my accent is from Xiao Luo Village..."

The second ghost, who was in the limelight, also said in the ear of the captain of the devil.

"Let's go."

After the inspection, no abnormalities were found, and the leader of the ghost team who had been observing calmly waved his hand to signal for him to go.

The high-level devils strictly ordered the highest vigilance to prevent all attacks from happening. The devils in Taiyuan also knew about the two military columns, so the implementation was very strict without leaving any loopholes.

Although the best thing is to keep anyone out.

But the devils worked so hard to conquer Taiyuan, not to blockade it, let alone to guard it, but to occupy Taiyuan, and then search for profits from here to support the expansion of the devil's locust army and continue to fight.

However, it is already the twentieth century.

The one-pass model of wanton robbery no longer works.

Although Taiyuan is the capital of SX province and the wealthiest place in the province, even if the devils robbed the whole city, it would not be as good as one-third of what the locust army consumed when they captured Taiyuan, leaving only a dilapidated empty city.

Empire blood loss.

If they all do this, the empire will go bankrupt in less than a year.

In this era, if you want to gain benefits through war without losing money, after the army occupies a place, you must allow the local population to flow and the economic system to function, so that you can efficiently obtain benefits and return your capital.

Economic plunder is much more efficient than direct robbery.

Blocking, guarding, and closing the city all day long, and prohibiting anyone from entering or leaving, can indeed ensure safety, not to mention the benefits of rising, and it is not even enough to spend on the garrison.

Therefore, even if these four people were relatively unfamiliar faces, they were finally released after inspection and confirmation.

Thanks to the four people, they packed up the three big bags of flour, and carefully collected the ones that leaked on the ground. If the devils were not chasing them, the flour on the ground would probably be cleaned up.

"Baga, let's go..."

Driven by the devil's bayonet, the four tremblingly pushed the wheelbarrow into the city of Taiyuan.

The wheelbarrow entered Taiyuan City, drove all the way to the market, came to a small alley, then turned a corner and entered a house.

Then, the three of them unwrapped the flour, wrapped it in sackcloth, tied it with hemp rope, and made it into a bag of explosives, and finally inserted the detonator and added the fuse.

The last person disassembled the wheelbarrow and took out the detonators and fuzes from the wooden beams and wooden wheels.

"Hey, I'm afraid the devil would never have dreamed of it."

During the period, one person was making explosives, and was amazed at the same time:
"This stuff is actually explosives!"

Yes, these four are members of the Special Forces of the Independent Regiment.

Their task this time is to enter Taiyuan and kill Major General Ochiai Matsujiro, head of the Devil No.13 Brigade.

"This is still edible!" The captain of the four said, "Boss Mo said in the information that this explosive is edible, it can be fried or boiled, and it won't hurt your stomach if you eat it."


"Won't the pancakes explode?"

"Eatable, our captain has tried it, and there is no problem, but the taste is a bit strange."

"Hey, when the task is over, I will try..."

In a room deep in a small alley in Taiyuan City, where devils are heavily guarded, four special forces members had a heated chat.

Under their hands, more than a dozen bombs quietly took shape.

(End of this chapter)

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