My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 116 I, Li Yunlong, will never do business at a loss!

Chapter 116 I, Li Yunlong, will never do business at a loss!

Just when the brigade chief of staff was imagining the future.

sunny slope,

The captain of Duano Alliance was in a bad mood.

The old devil stayed in his wing command room, frowning deeply.

Several captains and the staff officers of the wing headquarters were also on the sidelines.

It's all the same expression.

The seventeen assistant officers of the Duano Alliance formed a team in the alliance headquarters and frowned.

In the wing headquarters, there is another lieutenant officer who is slightly different.

This person is the war supervisor sent by Yoshio Shinozuka.

At this time, the war supervisor devil was sitting on the seat next to the old devil Duoye, looking at the map on the table, and then flipped through the combat losses submitted by the various brigades in the past five days.

Gradually, as if infected, the devil's brows also slowly frowned, and it became deeper and deeper.

"In the past seven days, our regiment's garrison has encountered [-] long-range shelling by guerrillas and [-] small-scale conflicts."

"Detailed statistics show that in the past six days, the guerrillas have fired a total of 82 [-] mortar shells, planted [-] landmines, and fired [-] rounds of bullets."

"In an average attack, the guerrillas dropped forty 82-caliber mortar shells on the regiment, fired a thousand rounds, and planted twenty mines."

A staff officer is also summing up the report.

He threw out a set of data directly, making the war supervisor who had just arrived look condensed.

The situation of Duano United was completely different from what he had imagined.

He thought that with the steady and steady tactics of the Duoye United, they would advance step by step and eventually occupy Yangcun, where the Independent Regiment was stationed, within a month, destroying the enemy's transportation channels.

Unexpectedly, instead, the Duano Alliance barely made any progress and was beaten by the guerrillas.

He did not speak, but continued to listen.

The staff officer continued:

"The guerrillas, that is, the independent regiment, sent five teams, each carrying two 82 mortars, to repeatedly harass the wing's garrison."

"They carried mortars and launched long-range bombardment two kilometers away from our wing. The targets had no specific rules. There were camps, patrols, and distribution centers for supplies. Not long ago, two soldiers even urinated during their patrol, and they were all attacked. Shelling."

Hearing this, the ghost lieutenant who supervised the battle couldn't bear it anymore, and the corners of his eyes twitched violently.

Too much!

The staff officer continued:

"The guerrillas quickly fired dozens of shells each time, then quickly retreated into the mountains and forests."

"From firing to evacuation, the time did not exceed 2 minutes, and the opponent had heavily loaded horses, which could carry all the luggage, including shells, and marched at high speed on the mountain road. Our unit could not pursue it at all."

"The cavalry pursues them, and they will encounter thunderstorms or small groups of troops equipped with assault pistols."

"In the follow-up, our wing changed its strategy and took the initiative to send a small group of troops to disperse and search for enemy guerrillas. However, the terrain around the hostile Yangpo was very familiar and they were very vigilant. They were repeatedly escaped by the enemy. Although there were firefights, there were no substantial results."

"Furthermore, the small group of troops who were searching often encountered shelling. Fortunately, the terrain in the mountainous area is changeable, so there was almost no loss."

"In the past seven days, our alliance has suffered 230 casualties, including 99 jade broken and 43 seriously injured."

Hearing this, Zhong Zuo, the war supervisor from Taiyuan, frowned into two vertical lines.

What happened here was too outrageous, and it was crazily challenging his perception of the world.

Tuba Road···

Before the war even started, two thousand shells were poured on the locust army.

They are all [-] mortar shells.

The locust army rarely has mortars, but the 82 mortar shells weigh about three kilograms, which is the same level as the Type [-] infantry artillery shells, and can be converted into Type [-] infantry artillery shells.

Two thousand Type [-] infantry artillery.

Not to mention the poor Tuba Road, even the locust army is a considerable amount.

This time the multi-field unit fought independently and attacked the base of the independent regiment. The unit's six 720-type infantry guns only carried [-] shells, one and a half bases per gun.

Of course, the Duano Alliance also has four mountain cannons and more than 1000 75 mountain artillery shells. This is the core firepower of the Duano Alliance.

Moreover, there is a huge gap between barrel guns and mortars, which cannot be simply calculated by the amount of projected ammunition.

But he was sent by Yoshio Shinozuka as a war supervisor to urge the Tano United Team to settle the independent regiment within a month, occupy Yangcun, and investigate on the spot to study how the Tuba Road transported materials in.

There is no need to say much about its own ability.

He knew very well that although the loss of the Duoye Alliance was not large, it had a serious impact on the morale of the alliance, and it also greatly delayed the progress of the locust army's penetration of the surrounding areas, and the attack was seriously hindered.

and also,

The Eighth Route Army is not an idiot either. The fact that the Independent Regiment was able to unleash such intensive firepower before the start of the battle not only shows that the enemy has a large number of mortars, powerful artillery fire, and sufficient ammunition reserves.


In the 25 shellings, the gunners of the guerrillas were quite accurate in shelling, which shows that the artillery units of the independent regiment are well-trained and are a very strong artillery force.

Since the pursuit troops were blocked one after another, they were still unable to stop the enemy's shelling. It also shows that the independent regiment's combat level is very good. With the help of terrain advantages, it easily suppressed the locust army.

"I recommend."

Taking a deep breath, the ghost lieutenant who supervised the battle said:

"Initiate an attack, the whole alliance sets off, and launches an attack on Yangcun."

Without waiting for Captain Duano to speak, he continued, speaking bluntly:

"The current situation has proved that the tactics of advancing steadily and gradually are wrong and are not suitable for dealing with guerrillas at all."

"Do not."

Faced with the war supervisor's questioning, Old Devil Duoye shook his head, and said in a calm tone:
"On the contrary, it justifies my tactics."

"Judging from the recent shelling, Li Yunlong and his independent regiment are completely different from the guerrillas we faced before."

"To be precise, Li Yunlong and his independent regiment are not guerrillas at all, but a unit with the same equipment, the same level of training, and the same morale as the empire."

"My wing only has an advantage in long-range artillery fire, but in complex mountainous areas, long-range artillery fire is difficult to play."

Old devil Duano's tone remained calm:
"According to my recent investigation, a large number of fortifications have been built on the tens of kilometers of mountain roads from the Yangpo stronghold to Yangcun, with a total of five lines of defense."

"Facing such an army that is not weak and has strong multiple fortifications, it is a taboo to attack rashly."


The devil Zhongzuo who was supervising the battle froze. He wanted to slap the table and spit out a baga.

However, even though he was a war supervisor and was specially sent by Yoshio Shinozuka, his military rank was only lieutenant commander, while Tano was chief commander, so he had no right to command the troops to fight.

"I will report the truth to Commander Shinozuka."

The ghost lieutenant who supervised the battle could only put down this sentence.

"I have already reported to Commander Shinozuka." Old devil Tano cast a disdainful glance at the lieutenant officer who supervised the battle, then continued to lower his head, looking at the analysis of the battle report on the table, and continued to frown.


Seeing this, the supervising devil Zhongzuo finally couldn't bear it, and cursed angrily:

"Don't forget, the commander's order is to capture Yangcun within a month and annihilate the main force of the Independence Regiment."

Throwing out a harsh word, Zhong Zuo, the devil who supervised the battle, left angrily.

The old devil Duano ignored the war supervisor who was driven away by him, and continued to stare at the map on the table, lost in thought, but his brows were still tightened.

"What a tough opponent!"

After a long time, Old Devil Duano let out a long sigh:

"No wonder Sakata died at the hands of this person."

"Send me a report to Commander Shinozuka."

The old devil Duano said: "I ask him to send aviation troops to investigate the Eighth Route Army positions and villages between Yangpo and Yangcun, where the Independence Regiment is stationed, and take aerial maps."


The staff officer immediately went to carry out the order.

Compared with the traditional middle and low-level officers of the devil who are arrogant and arrogant, who regard bushido as Guigao, Tano is obviously different.

He is more rational and more scheming.

Keenly perceived the true strength of the independent regiment.

"These little devils are hard to deal with!"


Li Yunlong also looked at the map, and praised the little devil in a rare way.

The contraction of the Duoye United team, which was steady and steady, was indeed somewhat beyond his expectations.

In his original plan, the devils who were harassed by the enhanced version of the primary version of Sparrow War would not tire of it, and finally launched a group attack furiously, advancing all the way to Yang Village.

And he can rely on the mountainous terrain around Yangcun, and the independent regiment will build a small half-year position, intercept the devils layer by layer, consume the devils' strength, and then wait until the devils are exhausted to launch a swallow.

Yes, Li Yunlong actually planned to wipe them all out.

As long as the devil's Duano unit is eaten, the independent regiment can reimburse 60 mortar shells.

It's a pity that this old devil named Duano was very calm, and he seemed to have seen the strength of the independent regiment. After being bombed by him for a few days, not only did he not attack, he even retracted his hand that was originally stretched out to the surroundings.

"What are you afraid of?"

Kong Jie, who was also in the regiment headquarters, stared:

"Now our total strength is [-] times that of the devils, and they are all elite troops, and their firepower is stronger than that of the devils. Even if we are pulled out to fight in the sun, we will win."

"The little devil's mountain artillery is indeed powerful, but there are only a few of them, and the strength is not enough. As long as you organize a commando and bring a few mortars to attack the artillery positions, it will not be a problem at all."

"That's not how wars are fought!"

Li Yunlong shook his head.

"Although the enemy cannot be underestimated, what Lao Kong said is indeed the truth. With our current strength, we have more than 6000 troops and more than 500 supplementary soldiers, and most of them are the backbone combat troops of the main force. Taking the initiative to attack has a great chance of winning, not to mention total annihilation, defeating the Duano Alliance is not a problem at all."

Ding Wei also interjected:
"The devils in Yangpo are alone, and there will be no reinforcements in a short time."

"Old Kong is indeed right, we have this strength."

Li Yunlong first calmly agreed with Kong Jie's words, and then raised his tone slightly:
"But it's a bad business to do."

Ding Wei and Kong Jie still don't understand, but now among the three, Li Yunlong has the right to decide, and the two can only stop discussing this topic, only Kong Jie muttered:
"Hey, Lao Li, this is not like you!"

Ding Wei did not speak, but nodded slightly, expressing his agreement.

"What would I have done before?"

Li Yunlong asked curiously.

"If it was you before..."

Ding Wei replied: "I will definitely take the initiative to launch an attack on the Duoye Alliance, just like the Cangyunling half a year ago. I reckon that your kid will take the little devil's artillery unit as the main target."


Li Yunlong suddenly laughed:
"Old Ding is the one who knows me! After all, he is an old comrade-in-arms!"

"If it was before, we would indeed do this!"

Li Yunlong looked around at several people in the regiment headquarters, including Zhao Gang, Zhang Dabiao, Shen Quan and other core cadres of the independent regiment, as well as Ding Wei, Kong Jie and other regiment leaders of brother troops, as well as several battalion commanders who came to support.

He raised his voice and said:

"But with our current strength, if this tough battle is finally fought, the casualties between us and the devils are estimated to be one to one."

Li Yunlong said in a solemn tone:

"The Duoye Wing is the mobile wing of the First Army. It belongs to the second-level division. It participated in the Taiyuan Battle. Its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. Although it is not a type-A division, it is also the elite of the devils."

"According to reports from Wang Chengzhu and the First Battalion, these devils have become familiar with our shelling and harassment in the past two days, and they even made Wang Chengzhu and the others suffer a little bit yesterday."

Ding Wei and Kong Jie looked at Li Yunlong, and then both of them turned their eyes to Zhao Gang, looked at each other for the last time, and stopped talking.

Thinking of what Li Yunlong said before, the two of them understood a little.

There will be good things in the future,

In the future, the strength of the army will increase rapidly. The most important thing now is not to kill devils and fight devils desperately, but to preserve the vitality. When the strength rises, they can kill devils casually.

"Even if it's a one-to-one match, it's blood money." The commander of the [-]th Regiment and the [-]st Battalion from the [-]th Brigade immediately said loudly: "We are not afraid of sacrifice, including me, our [-]th Regiment and the [-]st Battalion are ready to die with the devils." preparation."

"Blood for nothing!"

Leader Li stared:
"We're here to fight the devils, not to exchange one with the devils."

"I, Li Yunlong, will never do business at a loss!"

"I order."

Li Yunlong didn't bother to talk too much, and directly ordered:

"The battalions take turns, and the artillery company launched a harassing war against the Yangpo devils."

"Remember it all for me. The troops are forbidden to go out of the mountains, not even one step."


All the battalion commanders took orders together.

(End of this chapter)

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