My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 122 The devil's attack failed, and the curtain opened!

Chapter 122 The devil's attack failed, and the curtain opened!

Da da da···


In the direction of the Yangpo stronghold in Yangcun, where the independent regiment is stationed, at a position 22 kilometers away, there is a village called Niucun.

Twelve o'clock sharp at night.

Intensive and violent Czech-style gunshots suddenly sounded outside the village, followed by a series of grenade explosions and the bursting sound of twenty rounds of shelling guns, forming a series like fried beans.

"Enemy attack!"

In the village, a company commander in charge of stationing here suddenly opened his eyes.

"Reserve team, assemble!"

Without any hesitation, without even taking off his shoes, the first company commander, who was ready for battle anytime and anywhere, raised his pistol, rushed out of the room, and at the same time directly ordered the reserve team to assemble.

At this moment, the company commander's eyes were all serious.

As the first battalion and first company commander of the [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Brigade, he is also an old Red Army veteran who came out of the grass.

Although he hadn't figured out the situation in the outskirts of Niu Village,
But listen to the gunshots,

The outer positions of Niu Village are Czech-style and made in Germany. Mauser rang [-] times continuously, forming one piece. His company's firepower was almost fully fired, and he could vaguely hear shouts of killing.

It shows that the situation on the front line is critical, and the garrison troops have put out all their firepower, even fighting the devils in close quarters.

And the gunshots just rang out,

In other words, the devil took advantage of the night to touch his position, and the position was in danger.

It is even possible that the devils have already taken the position.

"Send someone to notify the battalion commander, and the others will follow me."

Without hesitation, he rushed to the outer positions with the company headquarters and the reserve team.

It later proved that the company commander's reaction was extremely correct.

At that time, a squadron of devils took advantage of the night to quietly touch the position. Although the [-]th regiment, one battalion and one company had rich combat experience, they had never experienced being attacked by devils at night. Devil's way.

In a hurry, half of the forward positions were occupied by the little devils, and the devils continued to penetrate along the torn hole. Behind, there was another squadron of devils who planned to expand the results of the battle.

The position of Niu Village is in danger.

If the company commander had hesitated a little bit, if he hadn't been so decisive and directly invested all the troops of the whole company, then Niu Village would definitely be taken by the devils.

But there are no ifs on the battlefield.

With rich combat experience, the [-]th Regiment, a Battalion and a Company Commander directly made the final decision without knowing the details of the situation or even asking about the situation when they were attacked by devils at night and half of their positions were captured. The right choice.

Including the company staff and even the cooking squad, more than 100 people from the whole company mobilized collectively to fight with the devils who had touched the ground, and finally drove the devils off the ground.


Looking at the devils in the distance, Lianchang spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva, touched his side, and sat down on the ground without any support.

In the battle just now, a grenade exploded beside him, within a distance of less than one meter. Thanks to his quick reaction, he hid in the trench in time, otherwise it would have been more than a trivial matter of coughing up blood.

"How about the casualties?"

After taking a breath, he hurriedly asked the deputy company commander to count the casualties.

"About a third of the casualties."

After all, it is a veteran army, and rough statistics will come out soon.

"Damn it, the little devil is going crazy!"

The company commander cursed.

When the devils attacked, one-third of their companies were killed or injured. Although they were careless, the devils touched the ground, but it was enough to prove how violent the little devils attacked.

"Thanks to Captain Li for giving us good equipment, otherwise..."

The deputy company commander was terrified.

The devil's attack method is simply betting on his life.

A squadron of more than 150 devils swarmed into the position almost in groups. If they were discovered in advance, if the devils stepped on the landmines preset in front of the position.

Faced with the enhanced firepower, now a squad has two Czech-style guns, three 150-gun shell guns, and a company with cross-fire. I am afraid that at least half of the more than [-] devils will stay.

And it's the least.

Definitely not less than one-third of what it is today.

But there are no ifs on the battlefield.

However, although the little devil made the right bet, he was still driven out, and the casualties on both sides were about the same.

In the case of losing half of the position after suffering a big loss, when the strength of the two sides was similar, and under the situation of lack of preparation, the company still drove the devils out. The firepower of Erlian has been greatly enhanced recently.

Each squad has two Czech models, and two company 60 mortars equipped with flares.

The firepower surpassed a squadron of Devils.

"The second team, attack."

Already occupying half of the opponent's position, seeing that the opponent was about to be defeated, he was actually driven down. The duck he got flew directly, and the angry captain of the devil jumped his feet, and immediately prepared to launch a second wave of attack.

10 minutes later,

Another squadron leader of the Tano Regiment raised his samurai sword aloft, howled, and rushed towards a series of positions with more than 100 devils wearing gas masks.

"Launch a chemical bomb."

At the same time, the devils let the artillery fire gas bombs.

Boom boom boom... A 90-type [-]mm mortar in the rear fired again and again, throwing gas bombs one after another at a series of positions.

Although the Type 90 is a mortar with a caliber of only [-] mm, the stubborn and stupid pursuit of precision by the poor devils is still reflected in this mortar.

With a caliber of only 160 mm, the total weight with the base plate is as high as 600 kg, and the range is only 82 meters.What's even more outrageous is that compared with the [-]-force, the precision pursued has no advantage.

The only advantage is the five kilogram projectile.

Therefore, devils are generally used to launch poison gas bombs.

"Gas bomb!"

"Wear a gas mask."

With the illumination of the flares, the company commander discovered that the shells falling on the position did not explode as expected, but spread into a cloud of green smoke, and immediately ordered the soldiers to wear gas masks.

The poison gas commonly used by devils is mustard gas, which can invade the body through the skin, digestive tract, and respiratory tract. It is highly toxic, difficult to treat, and has a poor prognosis, causing long-term sequelae.


The gas mask produced by the system uncle is very effective. It can filter the mustard gas’s damage to the respiratory and digestive tracts, and the impact on eyesight is also smaller than that of the devil. , but the material is very tight and can protect the skin from aggression.

Therefore, the gas bombs hardly caused many casualties to the company.

Both sides had gas masks, but the little devil's gas bombs made him feel lonely.


When the devils approached the position, the company commander ordered to fire, the flares were lifted into the air, and one shell after another fell between the devil formations.

Naturally, the little devil wouldn't just be beaten without resisting, the machine gun countered the suppression, and the grenades started hunting down the machine gun positions.

Fierce fighting broke out between the two sides again.


With the help of the explosion, the leader of the devil team who was in charge of directing the attack was stunned.

Although the intelligence showed that Tuba Road had a large number of gas masks, and collectively changed into new military uniforms.

Moreover, the leader of the alliance has repeatedly emphasized that the eight routes that their alliance faces are all elites, with advanced weapons and equipment, sufficient ammunition reserves, and strong firepower, so they must not be careless at all.

But the devil captain actually didn't pay much attention to it.

Seeing it with his own eyes at this time, his heart was still incomparably shocked.

It also made him have to admit that the combat power of the troops in front of him was no weaker than that of the locust army warriors under his command. They even had superior firepower, especially the machine guns, which were much more than the locust army.

"Second Squadron, attack..."

Gritting his teeth, he let the second squadron attack.

"Infantry artillery, push to the front line for support."

Although the first wave of attack failed, the commander of the devil team knew that the position in front of him was very strong, and they were all thick civil bunkers, which were difficult to take down.

As the devils increased their attacking troops, the pressure on the company increased sharply. Fortunately, the first battalion also arrived at this time.

The intensive firepower woven by two 82 mortars and six 60 mortars directly interrupted the devil's second wave of attack, and even extended the firepower. The first battalion of the 14th regiment launched a counterattack and wiped out many devils.

Half a month has passed, and the training of the second batch of recruits in the recruit battalion is over. At this time, the strength of the independent regiment has reached 500 people, so the total strength of the first battalion is now 500 people.

Soon after, the devils launched a third attack. This time, the devils who had figured out the situation of the position attacked in groups, but the first battalion of the 15th regiment had come to support under the command of Li Yunlong.

The two battalions have a total of 1000 people, with [-] mortars and nearly [-] machine guns.

Facing the attack of a brigade of devils, the first battalion of the 15th regiment did not go into battle, but supported the first battalion of the 60th regiment with six 14 mortars to block the devil's attack.

Then sixteen mortars fired together, and in the early morning, the two battalions charged back directly, defeating the attacking devil brigade in one fell swoop.

If it weren't for the artillery support of the Devil's four mountain cannons, I'm afraid it would be able to divide and defend and annihilate a Devil squadron.

that night
The first battalion of the 14th regiment and the 15th regiment blocked the repeated attacks of a brigade of devils at the cost of 170 casualties, and wiped out nearly 200 devils.

Because we don't know the specific data of the devil's casualties, it is impossible to calculate the exact casualty ratio. However, in this battle, 79 soldiers from the two battalions were sacrificed and 25 were seriously injured.

Considering that under the cover of the mountain artillery, the devils did not retreat in a hurry, and most of the seriously injured were taken away. It can be estimated that the casualty ratio is about three to one.

Three devils, one troop.

An extremely rare big win.

However, even with this huge casualty ratio, the company commander stationed in Niu Village was still scolded bloody by the battalion commander:

"The devil took advantage of the night to touch the ground, what are you doing for food?"

"Melee combat at night is our specialty. When the weapons and equipment were not good before, we relied on this method to survive. You kid is even better at it. The brigade commander has praised you."

"How come now that the weapons and equipment are ready, you have even forgotten the ability to watch the house?"


The first company commander was scolded bloody by his battalion commander.

He bowed his head silently, his face full of shame.

This matter is indeed his problem. Devils rarely use night attacks, and he was negligent.

If he strengthened the reminder, deployed more secret sentries, or planted more warning mines, there would be no such problem.Moreover, casualties can be reduced a lot.

But on the battlefield, there are no ifs.

Beside the two, stood the other company platoon leaders of the two battalions. All of them lowered their heads and reflected seriously.

Everyone understands that if this happened to him, there is a high probability that he will fall into the devil's way.

"Come here, send the first company commander back to Yang Village and go to that hospital for treatment."

The first battalion commander scolded for a long time, looked at his old subordinate who was covered in wounds, sighed inwardly, and said:
"In the hospital, reflect on yourself."

"Battalion Commander, I'm slightly injured, I don't need..." the first company commander said quickly.

That hospital refers to Boss Mo's Hospital. Although the technology there is good and the food is good, the company commander feels that his injury is not serious and cannot be regarded as a serious wounded person.

"Excuting an order."

The battalion commander didn't talk too much:

"After recovering from injury, return to the team immediately!"


"Attacked last night."

Leading the team back to Yangpo, the initial casualties of the Duoye Alliance have been counted:

"There were 590 casualties, including 370 and 22 jade broken people, and [-] people were missing..."


Facing the casualties of nearly 600 people, which accounted for one-fifth of the alliance, Old Devil Duano was not too angry. He just cursed and then sighed.

This was what he expected.

Last night's attack completely proved his guess.

The independent regiment stationed in Yangcun, and the Tuba Road who came to support the independent regiment, are very elite troops, not inferior to the locust army in the slightest, and may even surpass them.

In the battle last night, not only did the Duano regiment suffer heavy casualties, even in the early morning, if he hadn't reacted in time, the artillery squadron was almost wiped out by the independent regiment.

"Calculate the casualty data in detail, and then record the battle process last night..."

Old devil Duano said:
"Then, send it to Commander Tano."

Although this truthfully written combat report will greatly affect his image in the eyes of the commander of the post, and he will be designated as an incompetent officer, but it is much better than exhausting the Duano brigade here.

According to yesterday's situation, he continued to attack, completely courting death...

"In addition, urge the Hedian brigade as soon as possible..."

Before Old Devil Duoye could finish speaking, a staff officer ran over in a hurry:

"The captain of the regiment, the commander of the first army, sent a telegram that the surrounding strongholds and sentry towers of the Hedian brigade were attacked by groups of guerrillas. At present, it is impossible to support our regiment on time."


"The surrounding areas of the Hedian brigade were attacked by guerrillas in large numbers?"

Duano was stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable.

The Hedian Brigade is a second-line garrison brigade, with a total strength of more than 800 troops, and its combat effectiveness is not strong. Of course, this is not the point.
The point is that the Hedian Brigade is stationed around the Zhengtai Line and is mainly responsible for railway patrol and security...
In other words, Tuba Road is attacking the strongholds and artillery towers on the Zhengtai Line on a large scale.

(End of this chapter)

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