My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 130 Target: King Kong

Chapter 130 Target: King Kong
That night.

07: 30.

"Report, Liao County has fallen."

"Major Sasaki who is stationed sent a farewell telegram."

In the headquarters of the First Army, a staff officer rushed in and reported to Yoshio Shinozuka.

"So fast?!"

Shinozuka Yoshio stood up abruptly and looked at the telegram in the staff officer's hand.

Even though he had expected it in his heart, he was prepared to lose Liao County and the Yangyu Highway was completely cut off by Tuba Road, but Yoshio Shinozuka was still quite shocked at this time.

It's only 07:30!

The plane he sent to support Liao County has just returned.

Liao County's persistence was shorter than he expected, and the speed of Tuba Road's attack on the city was faster than he expected.

And the gap is not small!
Liao County's fortifications, he personally inspected, perfect and solid,
If you want to take down a county with a solid fortification group and a locust army garrisoned so quickly, even if you have a Type [-] infantry artillery and enough shells, you must attack from multiple sides at the same time, and there is no priority.

This group of Tuba roads are consciously honing their ability to attack fortified cities... Yoshio Shinozuka realized the factors behind the rapid fall of the county.

"This group of beggars..."

Shinozuka Yoshio's heart flashed a glimmer of haze.

Although he has always attached great importance to the guerrillas, he was even reprimanded by the commander many times for overemphasizing the strength of the Tuba Road in the North China Front Army Operation Conference.

But in his heart, he has never considered this group of Tubalu as opponents.

Even recently, this group of guerrillas has obtained a lot of weapons and ammunition, and their strength has improved a lot. Even if the Tuba Road recently launched such a large-scale sabotage operation, it almost destroyed half of the railways in North China.

In his opinion, no matter what kind of weapon Tubalu gets, the essence of this group of people will not change.

Just a bunch of farmers taking up arms.

You can only hide in the ravines, avoid the main force of the locust army, use the complex terrain to find the lone troops of the locust army, and then concentrate several times or even ten times the superior force to fight an ambush.

Can only engage in sneak attacks and sabotage.

It will cause headaches and troubles for the locust army. It will greatly affect the security of North China, and will seriously damage the empire's plan to turn North China into a rear military station.

But that's all.

It will never be possible to defeat the main force of the locust army head-on.

It is also impossible to drive the locust army away from North China.

If it weren't for the lack of locust troops, or if the empire had other strategic distractions, otherwise, this group of dirt roads would have been wiped out long ago.

This is also the common thinking of the high-level empire.

As long as the preserved fruit is resolved and the forces are concentrated, the locust army can easily wipe out these soil eight roads, and then devour this huge territory and population, turning it into a new power and armor for the Great Japanese Empire.

However, the rapid fall of Liao County and the complete cut off of the Yangyu Highway combined with the recent attacks on the Zhengtai Line and Tongpu Line railways, as well as the huge Tuba Road bases that appeared on both sides of the Zhengtai Line centered on the Taihang Mountains.

Shinozuka Yoshio suddenly realized something in his heart.

This group of farmers entrenched in the mountainous areas of North China is growing rapidly.

Weapons and equipment, the quality of individual troops, the commanding ability of officers, and strategic vision are all growing rapidly.

Gradually grow into a real army.

And it is a conscious and planned growth.

Tuba Road intends to establish a solid base in Taihang and the area west of it, develop and grow, and then fight a decisive battle with the main force of the locust army to drive the locust army out.

"No way··"

"No way!"

Shinozuka Yoshio subconsciously wanted to deny the thoughts in his heart.

"Surname Mo?"

"Li Yunlong's friend."

"Because of the personal friendship with Li Yunlong and the hatred with the Imperial Locust Army, why did you support the guerrillas?"

"No strings attached?"

North Review, Okabe Naozaburo received the news from the First Army Intelligence Section.

"Is that possible?"

Okabe Naozaburo sneered directly.

Because of his personal friendship with Li Yunlong, and because of his personal hatred with the locust army, he supported the guerrillas with weapons, ammunition, supplies, and medical resources totaling nearly [-] million US dollars to fight the locust army.

How much hate is this?

How strong is this friendship?
Don't have any other conditions?
Is this possible?

When the empire buys tens of millions of dollars of scrap steel from the Americans, and tens of millions of dollars of finished fuel oil, it has to sign a series of commercial contracts and agree to certain commercial conditions.

"Is Yangcun, where the independent regiment is stationed, the delivery point for these supplies?"

Okabe Naozaburo attached great importance to the subsequent information.

Since Zhengtai Line and Tongpu Line were attacked by Tuba Road on a large scale, bridges and railways were destroyed, and the law and order in North China has deteriorated to the extreme. The important reason for this is that Tuba Road has acquired a lot of weapons and equipment recently.

Therefore, he is urging investigations into the source of supplies and transportation channels of the guerrillas every day.

But even if the intelligence forces of the entire empire were assembled, it was still impossible to find out who transported materials to Tuba Road and how they transported them.

Now that the delivery location of the supplies is finally confirmed, then...
"When can the assembly be completed?"

Naozaburo Okabe looked at his chief of staff.

Tuba Road launched a round of large-scale attacks that were completely beyond the imagination of the empire, causing serious damage to a large number of empire properties in North China, with estimated losses of hundreds of millions of yen.

The base camp was furious and called many times to ask for accountability.

Fortunately, these are all messes left by Hayao Tada, and he was only scolded a few times and asked to come up with a solution.

Naozaburo Okabe decided to mobilize more than [-] troops to carry out a large-scale raid on the Tuba Road base areas in the north and south of the Zhengtai Line, completely destroying the soil for the survival of the guerrillas.

At that time, more troops will be dispatched, and even Yang Village will be destroyed together.

As the commander and the top leader of the North China Front Army, he is responsible for making the final decision on the combat plan, while the chief of staff and the staff are responsible for formulating the details of the plan in detail according to the situation.

"It will not be until mid-October at the earliest to complete the troop assembly and material preparation."

The devil's chief of staff replied with a wry smile.

Although the casualties of the locust army were not many in this attack by the Tuba Road, so far, excluding the Imperial Association Army, only more than 5000 people have been confirmed to be broken and missing.

There is only one infantry regiment plus one brigade, which is not too much for the North China Front Army with a total strength of more than 20.

However, the traffic damage in North China was very serious. Almost all of the six railways were destroyed. The railway team is rushing to repair it, but it will take at least a month before it can be opened to traffic.

The road is also five not one.

The mobilization of troops and the preparation of combat materials need to be transported. Without roads and railways, the transport efficiency is extremely high.

What's more troublesome is that Tuba Road continues to attack road and railway facilities, and a large number of main forces have to continue to be stationed near the communication line, making it very difficult to deploy troops.

"Is it mid-October at the earliest?"

Naozaburo Okabe was also aware of the difficulty in mobilizing troops, so he did not continue to urge, but exhorted:
"Be sure to assemble five full infantry brigades, including three artillery regiments, with a total strength of more than [-] troops."

The strength demonstrated by the Tuba Road this time made Naozaburo Okabe realize that the real elite forces of the locust army must be dispatched in order to completely destroy these restless factors in North China with the force of thunder.


The chief of staff nodded.

More than [-] troops, about a quarter of the current North China Front Army.

This number is not high.

A force stationed outside the country has a quarter of the mobile force, which is very small.

One-third is normal.

But the North China region is too big, with six railways, dozens of important towns, and various important transportation lines, with a total area of ​​one million square kilometers.The situation is too complicated, and we have to face the threats of the Jinsui Army, Tuba Road, and the Central Army, as well as endless resistance forces.

The more than 20 North China Front Army was really stretched and had to be scattered in various defense areas, almost unable to move, and there was almost no strategic maneuvering force.

Deploying mobile forces requires the coordination of various defense zones, which is very complicated.

This point can be seen from the fact that 5000 people were mobilized to form a Hattori mobile detachment to clean up the law and order around the Zhengtai Line, all relying on the foundation left by Tada Hayao.

If it was before, even a month ago, he would not have been able to mobilize so many troops.

But now, with the destruction of the Tuba Road, a large number of railways and factories in North China have been destroyed. On the contrary, the North China Front Army has released part of its troops. It can be done by mobilizing more than 5 troops and giving him a month to two months.

same day.


Ten o'clock at night.


Zhang Dabiao led the team, and 33 special forces members lined up neatly. After saluting Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong who came to see them off, they all walked to the predetermined location ten kilometers away from Yangcun.

There, there will be Boss Mo's vehicle to take them to the devil's native land.


Going to Yokosuka Port on September 100th, boarded the King Kong, killed more than [-] navy devils on board, and the naval officer Rear Admiral Araki, and blew up the King Kong.

Also at the same time.

mountain city.

Ta Kung Pao newspaper.


An editor hurriedly stormed the office of the newspaper's president and editor-in-chief, and then handed over a familiar secret letter to the editor-in-chief and a military figure beside the editor-in-chief.

"I went to work today and saw this letter on the desk..."

In the panic, the editor hesitated a bit.

Seeing the familiar secret letter, the pupils of both the editor-in-chief and the military commander shrank suddenly.

It's the third letter.

After the previous two lessons, Director Dai arranged a lot of surveillance around the Ta Kung Pao newspaper office. It can be said that even if an ant passes by within 500 meters of the newspaper office, they will know.

But this letter still quietly arrived on the desk of an editor in the newspaper office.

Nearly a hundred control personnel were unaware...

"You come with me..."

The military commander pointed to the editor.

Which editor looked at his editor-in-chief begging for help.

"No need to worry, it's just a routine investigation."

The editor-in-chief gave a casual word of comfort, and then picked up the secret letter.

"The third secret letter?"

Director Dai received the news soon.

"Announcement: Within three days, our department will launch an attack on the devil's important military facilities. Remember to strengthen your vigilance and be prepared. Don't make me too boring."

Seeing the content, even Director Dai, who has been in a high position for a long time and is used to calculating interests, subconsciously has a trace of blood flowing in his heart.

This is an open declaration of war.

And it is a high-profile declaration before the action.

Compared with the previous few times, it is more exciting and exciting.

If it works...

"Director, do you want to publish it?"

the subordinate asked.

"Of course!"

"Continue to the headlines!"

Director Dai did not hesitate.

Although I don't know who the person who did it is, it is obvious that everyone has the enemy of devils.

An enemy of an enemy can be a friend.

The other party's attack on the devils is also very beneficial to the fruit, and the news is published from the Ta Kung Pao. The outside world will default to the other party's connection with the fruit, which can also enhance the influence of the fruit.


Men nodded.

"You continue to be responsible for investigating the source of this secret letter, pay attention to the means."

Director Dai exhorted:
"Including the people in Ta Kung Pao."

Director Dai obviously knows the methods of his subordinates, and this mysterious force is very powerful, and has not shown hostility so far, so he emphasizes and warns.


The subordinates will leave.


The door of the office was closed, Director Dai slumped on the sofa chair, rubbed his forehead, sighed, and then looked at another report on the desk.

This report is about the recent situation in North China,
Their allies in North China dispatched more than 20 people to launch a large-scale attack, which almost completely destroyed the devil's communication line in North China, causing tens of thousands of casualties to the little devil.

Guogui's own investigation, as well as the materials submitted by allies, proved the authenticity of this report.

Because of this report,

His immediate boss, the bald boss, has been in a bad mood recently, and he could even be said to be furious...

The allies launched a large-scale offensive in North China, which caused the devils a big loss, which is good news for them.

Next, the devils can only mobilize frontline troops to deal with the guerrillas in North China and reduce the pressure on the frontline. This is excellent news for their own family, which is now stretched to the limit and morale is low.

But an ally with 20 troops, very good equipment and ammunition, who can launch a large-scale attack, and who can kill more than [-] devils in World War I is not good news for them.

You must know that three years ago, the total combat strength of this group of people was only more than 5, and the weapons and equipment were extremely poor, and there was almost no ammunition supply.

And this is only in North China and its surrounding areas.

Although in the following situation, those guys are now showing such strength that they will inevitably usher in the crazy revenge of the devils, but in the past three years, under the suppression of the devils and the crowding out of their own side, this group of people still developed to such a degree, it is difficult Reassuring.

Of course, this also means that...

In the mind of the bald boss, it is difficult to say who is the biggest enemy between these people and the devils.

He can think of the next move.

Cooperating with devils, probably not.

Although his boss is hostile to this group of people, he is not stupid, and devils want to save their lives.

However, the intermittent military pay will definitely not be given anymore, the blockade will definitely be strengthened, and the military suppression will be even stronger than last year.Zhu Guaibing is estimated to be reused.

"Will you let me take a secret shot and deal with them?"

Director Dai was a little curious.

(End of this chapter)

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