My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 139 Growth!Not just weaponry.

Chapter 139 Growth!Not just weaponry.

The first battalion of the independent regiment was killing devils on the railway, and the second and third battalions were not idle either.

The Second Battalion is launching a joint operation with the New Fifth Regiment.

The target is directed at the devil's Black Cliff stronghold.

The Black Cliff Stronghold, located on the Black Cliff Mountain in the middle section of the Baiyu Highway at Zhibaima Temple in Yangquan, is the key for the devils to control the Baiyu Highway and the surrounding grain-producing areas. There is a brigade of more than 500 devils stationed there.

Half a month ago, the New Fifth Regiment also attacked the Baiyu Highway, but at that time it attacked the northern section of the highway and did not touch the Black Cliff stronghold.

The troops also have no plans to attack the Black Cliff stronghold.

As a stronghold with permanent concrete and permanent fortifications, responsible for the control of important roads, even if the devils were seriously short of troops, they only dispatched a reinforced squadron, and more than 200 devils left.

There are still nearly [-] devils stationed there.

Devil's intention is very clear.

No matter how much the surrounding Tuba Road makes noise when the locust army is short of troops, as long as the Black Cliff stronghold is here, the area around the Baiyu Highway will still be the territory of the locust army.

The superiors are also clear.

Even if the strength of the Black Cliff Stronghold has been reduced, unless there are large-caliber assault rifles, or tanks and other offensive weapons, if you want to win the Black Cliff Stronghold, you will have to pay at least three regiments.

Even if the devils support in time, they may not be able to win.

The fortifications of the Black Cliff stronghold are all reinforced concrete structures, which are not at the same level as other areas.

At this time, according to the exact information obtained by the troops, the devils in the Black Cliff stronghold had recovered to a small brigade of about 530 people. They were organizing repairs to the bridges that had been destroyed by the New Fifth Regiment, and chasing down local guerrillas.

After the second battalion commander of the independent regiment came here, he saw the fighter plane.

This is not an opportunity to win the Black Cliff Stronghold,
As a concrete permanent fortification, the Black Cliff stronghold is not something that the current independent regiment can deal with. If the whole regiment comes together, it is estimated that it can be taken, but it will also pay a huge price, which is unnecessary.

What the Second Battalion Commander saw was an opportunity to kill the devils.
The core mission of the Second Battalion this time is to kill devils.

Early morning of September [-]th.

Black Cliff stronghold.

"According to intelligence, the guerrillas in the surrounding villages are uniting to attack the food transport team from Baijiazhuang Village to my stronghold in Niugougou this evening."

A ghost brigade, the captain of the aviation ghost brigade, is holding a combat meeting.

The guerrillas in the devil-occupied area, due to the lack of a large population base and a serious lack of weapons and ammunition, have weak combat effectiveness and insufficient destructiveness, but the harassment from time to time still makes the devils tiresome.

The locust army snatches food, the guerrillas hide, the locust army handles affairs, the guerrillas interfere, and even oppress the good people who have taken refuge in the locust army.

It's the little devil's hatred in his heart, and he wants to get rid of it quickly!
As he said that, the captain of the devil group cast his eyes on a traitor who had suffered a stroke.

"That's what my people in the guerrillas said, and it's absolutely true."

"They also invited regular troops from the Tuba Road. A platoon from the new fifth regiment came to support them with three machine guns. This platoon has already arrived at Xiaoluogou near Baijiazhuang."

The traitor said quickly.

The devil captain nodded in satisfaction, and continued:

"This time, our combat mission is to completely annihilate this group of guerrillas entrenched near the Baiyu Highway."

"I order,"

"The first squadron of infantry, the second squadron of the machine gun squadron, and the artillery squadron are stationed at the stronghold."

"The [-]rd Infantry Squadron continues to monitor the progress of bridge repairs."

"The Second Squadron of the Infantry and the First Squadron of the Machine Gun Squadron went to Niugougou to wipe out the guerrillas around the Baiyu Highway and the reinforcements of the so-called new fifth regiment."

Although the high-level orders forbade the troops below the brigade to act at will, with the clearance of the Zhengtai Line by the service department detachment, the Baiyu Highway is currently the core control area of ​​the Locust Army, and it is the locust army's own territory. Naturally, it can operate on a squadron scale.


The three captains of the devil team nodded in unison.

"Taijun, what about me?"

The middle split traitor said hastily.

He spent money and effort to obtain this information, not for the sake of fighting against Tubalu, but for the good money.

"You follow the food delivery team."

The captain of the ghost team at the Black Cliff stronghold said:

"If it is confirmed that the information you provided is accurate, then I will apply to the joint captain to let you be the captain of the newly formed Black Cliff Security Brigade."

"Follow the grain transport team!"

The traitor looked a little pale.

The guerrillas and Tubalu are going to ambush the grain transport team!He followed the grain transportation team, didn't he put his head on his waist?

"rest assured."

"The locust army will not treat you badly."

The captain of the ghost team in the Black Cliff stronghold smiled:

"I will send a small team to pretend to follow the food delivery team."

Although the information this time was mainly reported by traitors, the devil himself also had information channels, and he knew that the martial arts teams in various villages had indeed taken various actions recently.

"Hi, thank you Majesty."

The middle split traitor quickly thanked him.

The devils acted very quickly, or they had already prepared. Ten minutes later, more than 300 devils filed out from the Black Cliff stronghold.

Some of them rushed to the road to supervise the repair of the road bridge, and some of them detoured the road first, pretending to supervise the repair of the road, and then turned back suddenly.
"The devils from the Black Cliff stronghold have been dispatched."

Near a remote village five kilometers away from Baiyu Highway, at the headquarters of the Second Battalion of the Independent Regiment, the leader of the communication squad put down his earphones and reported the news to the commander of the Second Battalion.

At this time, the second battalion commander of the independent regiment was still Shen Quan.

However, according to the plan of the independent regiment headquarters, in a few months, Shen Quan will be in charge of the formation of the new sixth and seventh battalions of the independent regiment, and the second battalion will be handed over to the current deputy battalion commander to command.

"A total of two squadrons."

"One squadron went to the bridge construction site, and the other went straight to Niugou after making a circle."

"There are also some ghosts who secretly went to Baijiazhuang along the path."

"There are indeed traitors in our guerrillas!"

The local guerrilla captain gritted his teeth.

"This is normal."

Shen Quan's tone was calm.

The so-called traitors are mostly opportunistic, profit-oriented people, everywhere, and there is no shortage of them. This kind of people lacks faith and lacks the bottom line of life, and there are many in the base area.

It's just that they don't dare to show their heads. When the devils have the upper hand, they will naturally pop out.

"According to the scheduled plan."

Shen Quan said:

"Our battalion ambushed the devils and went to the devil's squadron in Niugougou, and the local armed forces and the New Fifth Regiment went to ambush the devils' food delivery team."

With that said, Shen Quan looked at Xu Sheng, the head of the New Fifth Regiment who came with him.

"it is good."

Xu Sheng nodded and said:

"Those little devils who secretly went to Baijiazhuang must be the devils who secretly strengthened the defense of the grain transport team. It is estimated that the devils who escorted the grain transport team can reach a small group."

"Just right."

There are more than 50 devils in a small team, plus the devils and puppet troops who originally escorted the food delivery team, there are about 60 devils and more than 50 puppet troops, which are very suitable for the new fifth regiment.

After attacking Baiyu Highway half a month ago, the New Fifth Regiment gained some experience, accumulated some actual combat experience, and exposed some problems.
And that time, under his deliberate control, the whole regiment of 1000 people mobilized and pulled out more than a dozen small strongholds and gun towers, but only killed a dozen or so devils.

The whole group took a deep breath.

His targeted training for half a month has also improved the problem of troop exposure. Now his morale is booming and he is eager to fight. He is very suitable for dealing with devils and puppet troops of this size.

After speaking, Xu Sheng glanced at the radio station with envy in his eyes.

radio station

With this thing, it is possible to deliver news in time, grasp fleeting opportunities, and accurately fight for a chance of life.

However, according to the rules he summed up.

German-made hand grenades, 60-gun shell guns, Czech-style machine guns, and [-]-gun mortars.

Generally, good things that appear in the independent regiment will appear in the hands of other troops after a while.

"set off!"

Shen Quan waved his hand.

September NO.16.

The Baiyu Highway is sunny,

Wind and sunshine.

If you stand on the top of the mountain, produced by the master of the system, the battalion and company-level individual soldier carries an announcement machine that weighs only 12 kilograms. The communication distance reaches 37 kilometers, covering almost the entire Baiyu Highway.

Relying on the convenient communication brought by the radio and the arrogance that still exists in the devil's heart, the second battalion of the independent regiment, the newly formed fifth regiment, and the local armed forces successfully set the devil up.

On the Baiyu Highway, two battles broke out.

One happened in Niugou.

The main force of the new fifth regiment was more than 800 people, combined with 150 armed people including the local martial arts team, and ambushed the food transportation team departing from Baijiazhuang to the Black Cliff stronghold.

These two battles once again proved the importance of intelligence.

According to the intelligence of the devils, it was the two reinforced platoons of the New Fifth Regiment, more than 70 people, and 230 people from the martial arts teams of the local villages, a total of nearly 300 people, who were preparing to attack the grain transportation team.

With this force, against a food transport team with only fifty puppet troops and less than ten locust troops, it can indeed be easily taken down.

But with the support of a locust infantry squad, it is impossible for Tubalu and the guerrillas to eat up the food transport team, and they can even hold back the ambush troops. The infantry squadron from the Black Cliff stronghold combined with the machine gun squad can easily annihilate them This group of guerrillas and Tubalu.

In fact,

It was the entire New Fifth Regiment and 150 members of the local armed forces team that ambushed the food delivery team.

Although the new Fifth Regiment is a new unit, it has been formed for almost two months, and its weapons and equipment are not as bad as those of the main regiment. Czech machine guns have been popularized to the squad, and it has gone through two actual combats. It is already a relatively mature combat unit. .

Faced with an absolute inferiority in strength and firepower, the devils and puppet troops escorting the food delivery team were wiped out in less than an hour.

Not one left.

The New Fifth Regiment and the local guerrillas only suffered more than 80 casualties, of which 25 died.

Calculated by the loss ratio, the New Five Regiments and the Devils are about [-] to [-].

As a battle of encirclement and quick annihilation, for a team that was newly formed less than two months ago and most of them were untrained recruits, this result was very good.

The rapid annihilation even gave the New Fifth Regiment enough time to clean up the battlefield.


Looking at the corpses of 65 devils lined up, the New Fifth Regiment went to cheer collectively.

"Ha ha··"

The team leader Xu Sheng also smiled very happily.

If it was a year ago, the annihilation of 65 devils could be said to be a big victory. However, with the improvement of army weapons and ammunition, 65 devils are no longer such a surprising result.

But for the new five regiments, it was a big victory.

After this battle, the combat effectiveness of the new five regiments was able to obtain another qualitative improvement.

the other side,
The Second Battalion of the Independent Regiment ambushed the Devil Squadron who had come to support the Black Cliff Stronghold.

About 550 devils faced the ambush of [-] troops from the elite Second Battalion of the Independent Regiment, and in just one hour, all but one of them saw the locust collectively.

In this battle, the Independent Regiment wiped out more than two hundred devils again.

"Two thousand seven hundred and thirty."

"Not bad."

"There are still 270 devils short of being reimbursed for bullets and grenades."

"Come on, come on!"

Yangcun, the Independent Regiment Headquarters.

Li Yunlong put away the communicator in his hand contentedly.

At present, the [-]st, [-]nd, and [-]rd Battalions of the Independent Regiment, the Heavy Machine Gun Company, and the Artillery Company are all outside to kill the devils. With the firepower of the Independent Regiment and the supply of ammunition, they can kill [-] devils in a maximum of half a month.

Then Ta raised his head and looked at the two former independent regiment commanders in front, who are now the commanders of the fourth and fifth battalions.

The Independence Regiment Boot Camp has been in place for four months.

The 1000 or [-] soldiers trained in the second batch also came out of the battalion and began to serve in the army. Li Yunlong also began to plan to form the fourth and fifth battalions of the independent regiment.

Based on the soldiers from the new barracks, some elites were drawn from the first, second, and third battalions, as well as some officers and cadres supported by superiors as the backbone of the fourth and fifth battalions.

Now the independent regiment has sufficient weapons and ammunition, and the weapons and equipment of the fourth and fifth battalions are equipped according to the standard configuration of the first battalion.

As for the battalion commanders of the fourth and fifth battalions, they were selected from the outstanding company commanders of the three veteran main battalions.

These veteran company commanders, together with the independent regiment, have experienced many battles and accumulated a wealth of experience. Coupled with the instructor training produced by the system uncle, there is no problem in being the battalion commander.

After a little training, and then pulled out to the battlefield to hone and hone, it will be a troop with screaming combat effectiveness, which can face the devil brigade head-on.

However, during this period, a small problem occurred.

The next day, the commander of the Fourth Battalion ran to Li Yunlong and said that the soldiers of the whole regiment had been asking him to change his name.

Li Yunlong was not used to it either, and directly cursed:
"Why don't you want to be the battalion commander?"


The Fourth Battalion Commander touched his head and said hastily:
"Head, the brothers in the whole battalion feel that the name Siying is a bit unlucky!"

"I want to change one."

With his eyes widened, Captain Li continued to scold:
"Still taboo about the name Siying?"

"What does it matter if it's called Siying?"

"If you have a four, you will die?"

"Why, the name Siying is more difficult to deal with than devils?"

"If your battalion is capable and capable, the ones who die will be devils. If you don't have the skills, it's useless to call you the Victory Camp."


After being scolded, the fourth battalion commander became more honest.


Li Yunlong waved his hand.


The fourth battalion commander immediately left with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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