My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 151 Yang Village Storm

Chapter 151

"Lieutenant General Asakawa Ichie, Major General Asano Takeshi, Major General Ashzuka Chozo!"

a few days later.

In Shancheng, in the military command office, Director Dai looked at the familiar secret letter in his hand, shook his head, and couldn't help but sigh:
"Another three devil generals were killed on the same day."

"It was quietly placed on the desk of the editor of Ta Kung Pao again."


The mysterious forces killed the devil's officers again and again, and attacked the devil's important military facilities, just like slaughtering pigs, once a month, and regarded the devil's warning system as nothing.

The other party was still under his nose, and put a secret letter in the Ta Kung Pao newspaper office. He dug three feet and found clues.

Every other line is like a mountain, and a colleague is an enemy.

As the leader of the military command and the leader of Guoguo's intelligence, Director Dai is very clear that this mysterious force, with its intelligence strength, basically crushes Guoguo and devils.

It's like the difference between a veteran soldier and a three-year-old child.

Intelligence strength is essentially an extension of power economy, technology, military, and political strength.

"Who are they?"

Director Dai fell into deep thought.

In the world, is there such a powerful force?
In terms of intelligence, they can ride on the Japanese heads!

Director Dai's first suspicious target was the powerful United States on the opposite shore. This is a country that has a direct conflict of interest with Japan, and both sides are interested in the Pacific Ocean.

The United States has enough motives to harass the Japanese.

Or the bear in the north?
This man also has a direct conflict of interest with the Japanese, and the two sides even fought against each other not long ago.

But he lacks evidence.

The attack on Japanese officers in North China and the bombing of the local military port, and the publicity of these news in the Ta Kung Pao lacked sufficient purpose orientation, and Director Dai could only make wild guesses.

Those two, really have this strength?
On the newspaper, ride the Japanese on the head.

Director Dai was highly suspicious.

Thinking of this, Director Dai took out a foreign newspaper.

The intelligence force of the military command abroad is blind, but through foreign and international newspapers, Director Dai still sees a lot of things-the British Empire has been miserable recently, a large number of factories and military facilities in the country have been bombed, causing heavy losses, and morale in the country is low.

This would have been normal.

The air power of the Germans is much stronger than that of the devils, and the two sides are not at the same level at all.

The British Empire was miserable.

Director Dai was also happy to watch the play.

The British guy is not a good guy. The preserved fruit has been scammed many times. He still remembers the account of the Sixing Warehouse. If there is a chance to cheat the British Empire, Director Dai will never miss it.

But not long ago, the intelligence forces of the British Empire suddenly contacted him and asked him to provide information on mysterious forces operating in North China. This move made Director Dai feel that something was wrong.

Afterwards, he carefully analyzed the intelligence collected on the European battlefield. As the absolute center of world influence, there are many reports on the European war situation.

The bombing efficiency of the Germans was too high.

It was as if the Germans knew the location of all the factories and military installations in the British Empire, and even the positioning methods, and then carried out very precise bombing.

Combined with the abnormal behavior of the British Empire not long ago, a possibility appeared in Director Dai's mind...

Could it be that the Germans obtained the confidential information of the British Empire through that mysterious force, and then carried out precision bombing?That's why it can cause so much damage.

And this force is the group that recently attacked the devil's officers many times, and even blew up the King Kong in the devil's homeland?

Although this guess is too absurd and has too many loopholes, it always resurfaces in Director Dai's heart from time to time, lingering.

This speculation, as well as the powerful intelligence capabilities displayed by the mysterious forces, made Director Dai unable to figure it out.

However, no matter who attacked the Japanese recently, Director Dai understood one thing, they are very strong, try not to provoke them, otherwise, maybe he will die tomorrow.


Director Dai then sighed deeply.

Although there is no evidence, there is a high probability that the group who attacked the Japanese, provided weapons and equipment to the guerrillas, and supported the medical system were the same group.

His big boss also guessed.

So let him further intensify the investigation, find out this group of people, and then, probably organize the other party to continue to provide weapons, equipment and supplies to the guerrillas?
But to deal with this group of mysterious people?

To be honest, Director Dai was a little flustered.

From time after time, under the surveillance of more than a hundred of his subordinates, the secret letters that quietly appeared in the Ta Kung Pao newspaper office, Director Dai could imagine that the other party wanted his life as easy as crushing an ant.

"Director, this letter..."

The subordinate looked at the obviously worried boss, and asked cautiously.

"Old rules."

Director Dai shook his head:


The subordinates hurried to make arrangements.


Looking at the subordinates who left, Director Dai rubbed his forehead with a headache.

He persuaded his big boss.

Now that we know that the guerrillas are provided with weapons, equipment and ammunition by a mysterious force that has repeatedly attacked the devils, we should stop publishing the other party's battle reports.

But the big boss is reluctant to part with the boost in morale brought about by this news, and——


After the Ta Kung Pao began to publish these battle reports, it not only brought about an increase in the morale of the fruit-preserved troops and further stability in the mountain city, but also made the big boss happy——

Remittances from overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese.

Massive amounts of funds have been continuously poured into preserved fruit.

Every time a message is published, it is a remittance climax.

Especially in the week after the King Kong was blown up, it reached a peak, reaching the sum of the previous remittances.

These funds have greatly helped the treasury, which has already been drained of dried fruit.

The big boss is reluctant to bear these things.

But Director Dai knew very well that if it really had something to do with the guerrillas, once it broke out one day, then as much as the preserved fruit received now, it would have to pay a heavy price.

In fact, the big boss also knows.

But these interests, the boss can't let go, or in other words, there is no way to let go.

Sighing again, Director Dai put away the foreign newspapers on the table. Suddenly, a medical section, a report attracted his attention.

"A Revolutionary Breakthrough in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertension - Taihang Medical College"

Director Dai frowned again.

The group of Tuhaha who got into the mountains have the ability to make a breakthrough in the world's most advanced medical treatment?And is it a double breakthrough in diagnosis and treatment?Even thinking about it is impossible.

There must be someone to help.

And the emergence of a world-class medical technology, although there is no direct benefit, but it can increase the popularity and attract talents.

This is also the reason why the big boss is not willing to give up publishing the battle reports-it can attract Chinese and overseas Chinese from all over the world to come to the mountain city.


Director Dai sighed again.

"But why..."

Director Dai always has a doubt in his mind:
"Why do you want to help those people?"

He couldn't figure this out.

There is no unreasonable assistance in the world, and any assistance has a purpose.

That batch of weapons and ammunition, Pelton horses, hospitals, and medical technology are worth hundreds of millions of dollars.No matter how you look at it, those people are not the ones who can come up with the corresponding price.

In order to deal with the devils and help those people, no matter how you look at it, it is not the best choice!
"To learn how to grow potatoes?"

"Learning to grow wheat?"

Luojia Bay.

The Sun Cang family who moved to the base area has initially gained a firm foothold.

Although Sun Cang's mother is unable to work because of her weak physical strength, there are two strong laborers in the family. The youngest is 16 years old, and the oldest, fifth sister, is 15 years old this year.

They are all good at work.

Three people, together with the help of the staff in the base area, built an adobe brick house in a week and got a stable place to live.

They were also allocated [-] mu of land and joined the cooperative.

And received some two-year interest-free loans from banks in the base area, which can be used to buy seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and farm tools, or rent large horses belonging to army farms to cultivate land.

It's not legal currency, but the border currency issued by the base here.

From [-] to the present, the base area has developed to the present. Although the power is weak, the sparrow is small and complete, and the financial system has also established a prototype.

In particular, the rear base of Yangcun, which has been very safe for the past year, has almost completed control of the grassroots.

Sun Cang's family already had a plan in mind.

It is now October, and half of the ten acres of land they have allocated is used to grow potatoes and the other half is used to grow winter wheat.

Seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides can all be purchased at the supply and marketing supermarkets in the base area.

As out-and-out farmers, they have naturally heard of the good thing of chemical fertilizers, which can increase production by [-] to [-]%.There are also good seeds, which are the key to determining the yield of a kind of food.Pesticides can also prevent pests and diseases.

Water conservancy facilities are still being built in the base area, and river water and water storage should be used to irrigate farmland.

Good seeds, use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, no shortage of water... Maybe they can produce [-] to [-] catties per mu?
Even 250 to [-] catties?
The land in Shanxi is barren, relying on farmyard manure and self-retained seeds. In the 40s, the average yield per mu could only reach more than 100 catties. Therefore, in the hearts of Sun Cang’s family, even with the use of chemical fertilizers, there is no shortage of water, plus pesticides and good seeds. It is my biggest wish to produce more than 200 catties.

Ten acres of land can add up to 15.00 catties, excluding the [-]% agricultural tax, and paying off the loan to buy seeds and fertilizers-after all, it is a no-cost business, and the base areas are very cheap.

There can still be at least [-] catties left, and then find gaps, when the land is free, start a vegetable garden and grow some vegetables.

In the coming year, the whole family will not only be hungry, but also have a full meal.

You can even save some food and buy some new clothes. In a few years, you can arrange the life-long affairs of the second and third children, and you can also find a good wife for the fifth sister.


The staff of the agricultural cooperative who came to inform said:

"Go to the army farm to learn planting techniques."

"We will do this."

The third son of Sun Cang's family said quickly.

Although there was no land in the family before, they were rented and belonged to tenant farmers, but they still know how to farm. They are very familiar with grains such as potatoes and wheat.

"Go if you want."

"You bastard."

"Do you know how to use chemical fertilizers? Do you know how to use pesticides?"

The mother of the third child in Sun Cang's family cursed a few words, then immediately lowered her head.

Although they have heard of it, they have never seen such good things as chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Although the landlords also rely on the fields for food and master the means of production in the era of small-scale peasant economy, few people focus on increasing the yield per mu, but only focus on increasing the land area.

When the third and fourth sons of Sun Cang's family went out to learn agricultural technology, they saw that most of the villagers in the surrounding villages had gone to the army farm.

at the same time.

Yang Village.

Over Stone Bay.

Accompanied by the roar of the planes, five Devil planes that took off from Taiyuan Airport slowly flew here.

After circling for a while and confirming the position, the five planes shook their wings, and one of them began to descend and dive towards Stone Bay. Under the wings, a huge bomb could be seen with the naked eye.


Looking at the devil's plane, under Shitouwan, Luo Youzhi, the commander of the machine gun company of the Independence Regiment, rolled his eyes.

Beside him, more than 100 latest general-purpose machine guns are set up on anti-aircraft tripods, with their muzzles facing the sky.

 There is, but it will be later...

(End of this chapter)

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