My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 169 Unemployed Jinsui Army.

Chapter 169 Unemployed Jinsui Army.

"Tuan Zuo, this is the latest Ta Kung Pao."

The [-]th regiment is stationed.

At the regiment headquarters, Fang Ligong handed the latest Dagongpao to Chu Yunfei.

"It's another three devil generals."


Chu Yunfei took the newspaper and read it. After being silent for a while, he suddenly sighed deeply.


Fang Ligong's tone also carried a sigh:

"This group of mysterious forces kill devils and generals once a month, and they are never absent. This is simply pushing devils to the ground and beating them."

"I don't know which country I belong to..."

At this point in the topic, Chu Yunfei didn't reply, and Fang Ligong didn't continue talking.

With the development of the situation to the present, although there is no actual evidence, it is basically certain that the mysterious person who continuously attacked the devils is the force that aided Li Yunlong and the others.

But where does this mysterious force belong to?

Not to mention them, even the devils have not been investigated, so they can only send a brigade of devils to attack Yangcun, where mysterious people haunt, in order to investigate this matter and cut off Li Yunlong's source of supplies.

"How is the situation at Li Yunlong's side?"

After a long silence, Chu Yunfei suddenly asked.

Chu Yunfei knew about the battle in Yangcun.

But on the battlefield, stray bullets flew everywhere, the security was blocked, and the movement of people was isolated. He didn't know the latest situation over there, but the senior officials of the Jinsui Army were inquiring every day.

Although the Jinsui Army and that Li Yunlong are allies, sooner or later one day...

The channels for high-level officials to obtain information must be much better than his regiment leader.

Fang Ligong just came back from a meeting above...

"According to the latest news, it is said that devils have entered the road entrance."

Speaking of this, Fang Ligong's tone was a little excited.

Fang Ligong is very clear that although the two sides are allies, they are only temporary, and they will inevitably be enemies in the future. In the current situation, Fang Ligong very much hopes that the other party will suffer a lot...

Chu Yunfei immediately came to the map, looked at the terrain around Yangcun, and fell into deep thought.

"The devil's attack direction is here. They have taken the commanding heights on the two wings at the entrance of the road, and followed the road deep into the independent regiment's defense area, but the specific battle line is still unclear."

Fang Ligong pointed to Lao Niu Mao and Niutoushan and said.

At this time, there was a trace of worry in his tone.

Although he hoped that Li Yunlong's group would suffer, and it would be a big loss, he hoped that they would fail.

After all, once the devils free their hands, they will be the ones who will be unlucky.

"Is there no more detailed information?"

Chu Yunfei asked:
"No information was exchanged?"

As allies, even in name only, they are actually very defensive against each other, but after all, both sides have a common enemy, the devil, so the status of allies is fairly stable, and the high-level officials often exchange information and situations with each other.

Even, occasionally, they arrange for each other's officer observation teams to enter the opposing army.

"They declined..."

Fang Ligong hesitated for a moment before continuing:
"They asked us to launch a military operation to relieve their pressure, but Chief Yan refused due to lack of preparation, and the Central Army also refused, so..."


The corner of Chu Yunfei's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to curse, but he held back.

Lack of preparation?

Poorly prepared shit.

They have been fighting the devils for more than three years. The two sides have fought countless times. They have dispatched troops to restrain the devils and attract their attention. What kind of preparations are needed for such a conventional military operation?
The [-]th Regiment can be dispatched anytime, anywhere.

Chu Yunfei didn't know about the other troops, but all regiments must have similar plans, and at most one day's preparation time.

It's just to watch the show and take the opportunity to weaken the opponent.

"A bunch of trash."

But it was unbearable, and there was no need to bear it any longer, Chu Yunfei finally cursed out loud.

"Team seat..."

Fang Ligong reminded immediately.

You can't talk nonsense, it's a decision made by the officers not to go out, even though this is the headquarters of the [-]th Regiment, there are quite a few people, after all, no one knows what the other party is thinking.


Although Chu Yunfei snorted again, he changed the topic. He looked at the adjutant beside him and said:
"How are the brothers in the regiment doing?"

Recently, some situations have appeared in the [-]th regiment.

Very bad condition.

Some soldiers, mainly grassroots soldiers, and a very small number of squad and platoon officers wanted to leave the team, and the number was not small. Although no one had really left yet, Chu Yunfei was still very vigilant.

Chu Yunfei couldn't be more clear about the situation of his own army.

In the Jinsui Army, the treatment of the soldiers of his [-]th Regiment was the best, none of them, and the relationship between grassroots soldiers and officers was also the best, likewise none of them.

But there are still many people who want to leave, and other troops can be imagined.

"A few people wanted to leave, but after persuasion, they all stayed."

Adjutant Sun Ming replied.

Sun Ming's tone was a little dissatisfied at this time.

In times of war, the enemy is at hand.

At this moment, those soldiers who dare to apply to leave the combat troops are committing a heinous crime, and they should act in accordance with military law. Only in this way can the morale of the army be stabilized.

"We must do ideological work well."

Chu Yunfei saw Sun Ming's dissatisfaction, but he didn't explain too much.

Want to leave the soldier's military law engaged?
It does.

This is a time of war, which makes sense.

But once this hole is opened, I am afraid that his [-]th regiment will really lose the morale of the army and its combat effectiveness will plummet.

Chu Yunfei knew very well that some people in the [-]th Regiment wanted to leave, not because the soldiers wanted to escape or avoid the war, but partly because of their treatment, and partly because of the recent weird situation.

Since August, when Li Yunlong and his gang launched the Hundred Regiments War, the [-]th Regiment has been in a strange situation.

There are many gains.

Occupying a county seat is not too small, and regaining a lot of land, the control area is nearly double the size of before, which can be said to be a great contribution.

But it was also since August, but he hadn't fought a devil once.

Yes, although the [-]th Regiment occupied a county that was originally controlled by the devils and doubled the territory they controlled, they did not fight the devils once.

Even if you shoot a bullet at the devil.

The reason is simple.

The attack by Li Yunlong and his gang on the railway line and highway line attracted all the attention of the devils. The devils in Jindi were fully prepared to deal with the attack launched by the Tuba Road, and had no time to manage the [-]th Regiment and the Jinsui Army.

That county town was basically given up by the devils on their own initiative.

The territory was also withdrawn by the devils on their own initiative.

Moreover, it was voluntarily handed over to the [-]th Regiment, and it was a conspiracy to lure the [-]th Regiment into conflict with Li Yunlong and the others.

In addition, in the face of the friendly army's request for support, the high-level officials were unmoved, and even used the possibility of an ambush as an excuse to prohibit the troops from chasing the retreating devils. As a result, the [-]th regiment could only watch the devils retreat.

What's more, there have been cases where people were asked to take the initiative to make way for the devils.

But Li Yunlong and his group were fighting the devils head-on.

Under such circumstances, those in the regiment who sincerely wanted to beat the devils didn't want to leave.

He, Chu Yunfei, is not so stupid to deal with this group of people who are sincerely beating devils, who are also the most powerful group in the [-]th Regiment.

Of course, there is another reason...

The French currency depreciated repeatedly, prices soared, and the soldiers' salaries remained unchanged, and even decreased year by year, even his [-] regiment was like this, other troops can imagine.

However, the base area of ​​Tuba Road has gotten better recently...
Even, the so-called base areas of the other party are recruiting workers wantonly, and the other party is organizing more workers than the number of workers who built the Burma Road to build mountain roads.

The key is,
The other party gave real wages.

As long as you are willing to work, you can pay six to ten yuan a month, and you will not be in arrears.

The ticket for the new border area was issued.

The purchasing power of this new frontier ticket is very strong, and the purchasing power in the opponent's base area is equivalent to six to ten oceans at the beginning of the War of Resistance.That is, one border ticket is equivalent to one ocean.

And you can buy food and other necessities in the opponent's base area.

On the side of the Jinsui Army, the second-class soldier is stipulated to be seven yuan a month.

At the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, this amount of money was equivalent to about seven oceans, but now, the French currency has depreciated six times, which is equivalent to about one ocean.

In this way, the payment is not complete, either in arrears or withholding.

No wonder you don't want to leave.

"These horse-drawn carts and wheelbarrows transport food..."

"According to the analysis of aerial photos, the amount of food flowing out every day is more than [-] tons."

North China Review, the head of intelligence of the North China Front looked at the aerial photos of Yangcun on the table and analyzed.

"More than five thousand tons."

Okabe Naozaburo frowned.

There is a net outflow of [-] tons of grain every day, which is quite a huge amount.

The 10,000+ locust army of the North China Front Army only consumes more than [-] tons of food every day. This is because the food supply of the combat troops has increased a lot during the battle.

During the stay, the actual food consumption was less than [-] tons.

Five thousand tons per day is enough to provide a stable food supply for 150 million people.

Such a huge amount of food is enough for the Tuba Road to form a large number of troops, or mobilize a large amount of manpower, as well as stably control the so-called base areas, and anchor the so-called border area votes.

This is bad news for the locust army.

"Can you bomb these convoys?"

Naozaburo Kobebe looked at the aviation commander beside him.

a major general.

"It didn't work very well."

The devil major general replied:

"There are mountains over there, and the transport troops of the other side are equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns, and there are also anti-aircraft units at key bridges and other places. At present, the transport can only be delayed, but it cannot be blocked."

"And the other party mainly transports at night."

During World War II, the little devil basically had no night bombing capabilities.

"Keep bombing."

Naozaburo Okabe ordered.

Although the base camp did not give him any reinforcements, it was very generous in supplies, and the aviation unit had sufficient fuel and ammunition.


The aviation major general nodded yes.

"Telegram Hattori brigade commander."

Taking a deep breath, Okabe Naozaburo said to a staff officer:
"Take Stone Bay as soon as possible, at all costs!"


The staff immediately sent a telegram.

"Contact me the domestic weapons headquarters."

In the end, Naozaburo Okabe took out a new, unremarkable frontier area ticket printed by the master of the system, looked at it, and then said to his chief of staff:
"Let them print this kind of bill."

All the system of the devils serving the war made Naozaburo Okabe, as the top leader of the devils in North China, basically gather all the powers in one body.Commercial organizations operating in North China, such as the North China Transportation Association, have also been directly controlled by it.

Therefore, in terms of economy, it is almost monopolized.


The corner of the chief of staff's mouth curled into a sinister smile.

Why is the legal currency depreciating so quickly?

This is due to the locust army!

(End of this chapter)

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