My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 172 Surrounded!

Chapter 172 Surrounded!

1.7 mortar shells weighing 60 kilograms soared into the sky, crossed long arcs, and finally landed on Lao Niu Mao and Niutou Mountain three kilometers away.

The artillery crew responsible for concealing and ambushing in the devil's position is the most elite group of the independent regiment, plus the pre-calibrated shooting elements, as well as the well-made and well-designed American M80 mortars that were only in service in the 244s.

That's what caused the current situation.

At a distance close to the maximum range, use the mortar, skip the calibration, and directly hit the first shot.

boom boom boom

Blossoming fireballs exploded in Niutoushan and Lao Niu Mao.

"Rapid shot."

Hearing the news from the artillery observation team hidden on the front line, the company commander of the independent regiment in charge of directing the artillery fire immediately ordered to open fire at full speed.

Even if the accuracy is maintained, thanks to the stable gun positions prepared in advance, thirty 60 mortars are also delivering shells to the distant Devils artillery positions at a rate of fire of 25 rounds per minute.

now that,
A total of 750 shells per minute fell on the position of the Devil Artillery Wing.

As for shells, Commander Li stored more than 10 shells in the underground ammunition depot, enough to keep thirty mortars firing at full speed for three to ten minutes.

60 mortar shells are not very powerful.

Equivalent to the power of two and a half German M24 grenades, the fragmentation range is a circle with a maximum radius of 15 meters. The actual situation varies slightly according to the geology of the shells.

But for the devil's artillery positions with open temporary bunkers and only some small trenches and sandbag fortifications, it is still deadly enough.

As long as it hits, it can directly destroy the weak [-]-type mountain cannon. If you are lucky, you need major repairs. If you are almost unlucky, you will be reimbursed directly.

Shock waves and fragments can kill devil artillery.

If it hits the ammunition piled up next to the running position, it can cause a huge explosion.

Yes, because of hasty preparations, the peculiar terrain of Lao Niu Mao and Niu Toushan, and the huge demand for artillery support on the front line, the devils had to violate artillery regulations and stack some shells next to the gun positions.

Faced with seven hundred rounds of [-] mortar shells falling precisely every minute,

Only five seconds later, the Devils Artillery Wing suffered serious losses.

A cannonball accurately hit and detonated dozens of cannonballs piled up next to the gun position. The huge explosion accompanied the shock wave, and the two nearby [-]-type mountain cannons shattered into fragments and scattered in all directions.

The devil artillery in the surrounding area also broke down.

Afterwards, the continuous falling shells continued to destroy the mountain cannons arranged on the artillery positions, killed the devil artillery on the position, and detonated the ammunition piled directly next to the artillery positions.

The entire Guizishan artillery unit fell into a sea of ​​​​explosions.

Although the captain of the artillery regiment immediately organized a retreat to rescue the artillery, the Devil Artillery also showed the amazing willpower brought by Bushido, and rescued the artillery against the sky full of artillery fire.

In just 15 minutes, the withdrawal from the position was completed.

This speed, even in normal training, is also a good result.

However, 60 rounds per minute, guided by the forward artillery observation post, accurately landed [-] mortar shells in the regiment's artillery position, still causing more than half of the Devil's artillery regiment to lose.

Thirteen [-]-type mountain cannons were destroyed on the spot, and several others were injured and could not be used. They needed major repairs, and more than half of the artillery crews of the regiment suffered casualties.

1 minute before the ambushed independent regiment artillery opened fire.

Hattori brigade headquarters.


"Tuba Road is equipped with a large number of anti-tank guns?"

"All tanks and armored vehicles of the Armored Brigade were destroyed!"

Hearing the news reported from the front line, Naotomi Hattori stood up abruptly, staring at the staff with wide eyes.

During the whole day of attack yesterday, the armored brigade descended like a tiger, broke through the second line of defense of the independent regiment, and destroyed more than five [-]-type infantry artillery.

Tubalu did not demonstrate any long-range anti-armor capabilities at all.

Only one tank, one armored vehicle was destroyed by an anti-tank mine.


The staff officer who reported was dripping with cold sweat, but continued to report:

"According to the telegram from the front line, three Type [-] tanks and five armored vehicles of the Armored Brigade were ambushed by Tuba Road's flanks. The enemy used new anti-tank guns, and all of them were destroyed."

"All destroyed!"

After listening to the retelling by the staff officer and taking a deep breath, Naotomi Hattori accepted the reality.

The fact that the armored brigade was ambushed by Tuba Road and wiped out.

While armored groups are important, they are not required.

Even without an armored brigade, his Hattori brigade could break through the second line of defense arranged by the Tuba Road, but the casualties were greater and slower.

The outcome of the war lies in the powerful artillery fire of the locust army.

But this accident still put Naotomi Hattori under tremendous psychological pressure.

He came to the map and frowned.

If Tuba Road took out the anti-tank gun yesterday, the second position would not be so easy to break through. The core of the successful breakthrough of the second line of defense laid by the independent regiment yesterday was the armored brigade assigned to him by the front army.

Tubalu must have felt this too.

So why did they hide it until today?

It's because it was equipped today,

Or, is there some hidden plan?

Could it be that···

The sudden accident caused Naoto Hattori to worry about the outcome of the war.

Just at this time,

Suddenly there was a violent explosion sound in the distance, the sound even far surpassed the explosion of the 105 long-range cannon, which immediately attracted Naotomi Hattori's attention.

He subconsciously picked up the binoculars, ready to check.


Before leaving the headquarters, a staff officer ran in:

"The artillery wing position suffered long-range massive shelling."

"Large scale!"

At this moment, Naotomi Hattori felt that his heart stopped beating for a few seconds.

The Tuba Road commanded by Li Yunlong really attacked his artillery unit. He had expected and prepared for it.

But, large-scale long-range bombardment?
How can it be!

Although he couldn't believe it, as a battle-hardened front-line commander, he didn't repeatedly confirm with the staff. Instead, he stepped out of the headquarters, stood on the high platform and looked at the artillery position in the distance. Telescope in hand.

He directly confirmed it himself.

In the field of vision of the telescope, a few kilometers away from the command post, on the positions of the Hattori Brigade Artillery Wing, which is located on the high ground on both wings of the entrance of the highway, there are bursts of gunpowder and thick smoke billowing.

One after another, exploding fireballs kept rising in the formation.

Even a few kilometers away, Naotomi Hattori could see one of his cannons being blown up, and one by one artillerymen were swept away by the explosion and fragments, and died on the spot.

The previous violent explosion was caused by the ammunition being martyred.

"This is impossible!"

"how can that be!"

"Where did the shells come from?"

After being stunned for a while, Naotomi Hattori suddenly shouted hysterically.

A few kilometers away, relying on observation, he could know that the artillery regiment's position in the distance was 60 mortars from Tuba Road, and the number was between thirty and forty.

It is equivalent to the size of a super-organized artillery brigade.

But the range of the 60 mortar is only a little more than one kilometer, and he has deployed a dense guard force within two kilometers around the artillery position. How did so many enemy artillery units infiltrate?

Even though the explosion was right in front of his eyes, Naotomi Hattori still couldn't believe it.

But no matter how unacceptable Hattori Naotomi is, it can't change the fact that his artillery wing is not badly damaged.


Behind him, a staff officer ran over again:
"The enemy is attacking from both wings."

"The enemy's offensive is very fierce, and the artillery fire is very strong. The captains ask for tactical guidance."

At the same time, two more staff voices sounded:
"General, the enemy has launched a counterattack from the front. The Tuba Road light artillery fire is very strong. The captains of the water source and Yan Jiulang are asking for tactical guidance."

The continuous calls for help finally made Naotomi Hattori accept the reality again.

His artillery wing, the only pillar of his victory in this battle, the artillery wing directly under the brigade was hit hard by the sudden long-range shelling, no, it can even be said to be destroyed and annihilated.

In the face of such fierce artillery fire, most of the 24 mountain cannons must have been destroyed, and a large number of elite artillery pieces were broken. Let alone continue to participate in the war, even if they return to the station for repairs, there is a high probability that the establishment will be cancelled.

Cannons are hard to replenish,
Excellent and qualified artillery is also difficult to replenish.

Although it is not clear how the opponent moved a large number of mortar troops to his artillery position, but now, even if the artillery position that the enemy infiltrated is eliminated, it will not help.

His artillery regiment was gone.

He lost.

Completely lost.

He was defeated by the man named Li Yunlong.


Naotomi Hattori took a deep breath, suppressed his trembling hands, and gave the order to retreat word by word:
"All ministries immediately retreat alternately."

"Be sure to withdraw from the mountain as quickly as possible."

"Let Muto United defend the road exit."

Although he still has twelve [-]-type mountain cannons from three infantry regiments, four [-]-type long-range cannons, and two [-]-type mountain cannons, the artillery fire is still very strong.

But only half of what it was before.

In the complex mountainous area, facing the Eighth Route Army, which has an absolute advantage in light firepower and absolute strength, it has no chance of winning if it continues to attack.

What he has to do now is retreat.

Retreat immediately.

In order to prevent the two attacking wings from falling into the encirclement of the independent regiment.

After the order was finished, Naotomi Hattori sighed deeply.

This failure meant that he had completely failed, and he must be responsible for the failure of this attack, not to mention the commander of the lieutenant general, even the commander of the brigade would be dismissed.

"Find where their artillery is!"

Sighing again, Naotomi Hattori glanced at the artillery formation that was still exploding violently in the distance, and said suddenly.

As the artillery wing suffered heavy losses, failure was inevitable, but Hattori really wanted to know how Tubalu moved the 60 mortars and shells to the vicinity of the artillery wing.

The reason can be to figure out the enemy's moves so that we can take precautions next time.

But in fact, more, just unwilling and unbelievable.


The devil's staff immediately went to make arrangements.

From [-] to [-] was the peak period for devils in the country.

At this time, most of the devils were senior troops. Even in the second-class divisions, the grassroots soldiers had been trained for half a year to a year and had rich combat experience.

To put it simply, the Bushido brainwashing level is very high.

All are elite.

Even if it was a retreat, even if some devils saw their artillery positions being blown upside down, the Hattori brigade still retreated in an orderly manner.

No panic at all.

At least, that was the case at first.

Devils are elite,
That's right.

But at this time in Yangcun, whether it was the battalions of the original independent regiment, or the dozens of battalions that were reinforced by the superiors and incorporated into the independent regiment, or the new regiment.

Who is not an elite?
The New Second Regiment was not far behind, but it was not far behind the independent regiment to receive rich-style training and high-intensity and high-intensity actual combat.

Everyone is elite.

You little devil has undergone systematic training and been brainwashed by Bushido. You are not afraid of death, and you have rich combat experience.

But the soldiers in Yangcun of our Eighth Route Army at this time, the worst is that they have received three months of "exceeding the standard" training in the independent regiment's new barracks, and have fought fiercely with devils for several weeks, accumulating a wealth of combat experience.

As for the other fighters, they are all senior fighters who have been in the army for about a year, and they have also experienced 'exceeding the standard training'.

Whether it is a recruit or a veteran, they all have the belief of defending their home and country, and are willing to devote their blood to defending enough.

Since everyone is an elite, they are not afraid of death.

Labor and capital also have the advantage of light firepower. Submachine guns, machine guns, grenade grenades, and mortars can be greeted vigorously. In addition, the ammunition warehouse is backed by it, which is convenient for resupply. The light firepower is more than ten times that of yours.

There is also a 60mm mortar with a range of three kilometers and a mobile new comparable to a light machine gun.

Can you still retreat in an orderly manner?


The troops surrounded by the two wings, even in the face of the devil's remaining artillery support, broke through the devil's interception in just half an hour, continued to attack the entrance of the road, and gradually retracted into the encirclement.

Although the devil still has more than 20 long-range artillery pieces,

But in the face of an army of nearly [-], in the mountainous terrain, surrounded by flowers on three sides, only twenty gates are too few.

The frontal situation is equally devastating.

The devils retreated, and the independent regiment pursued them, but faced with the continuous delay and harassment of 60 mortars with a range of three kilometers, the devils naturally slowed down a lot, and they were easily overtaken by the independent regiment, and the two sides fought together.

The level is about the same, and the devils have an absolute disadvantage in light firepower, so they are naturally eaten by the independent group.

After completing the partial annihilation, it is not greedy to intersperse the battalions first. Under the deployment and command of the independent regiment headquarters, some of them seize the commanding heights and build positions on the spot to block the devils' retreat channels.

A good interlude is a good interlude with good communication capabilities and unified command.

When the [-]st Battalion of the Independent Regiment, which was in charge of the frontal penetration, straddled the chaotic two regiments and retreated the devils, and arrived at the forward artillery company position first, the troops on both wings also completed the encirclement at Niutoushan simultaneously.

Subsequently, the three parties began to launch a strong attack on the entrance of the highway, preparing to completely close the escape channel of the devils.

(End of this chapter)

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