My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 181 Comrade, do you need a car?

Chapter 181 Comrade, do you need a car?

"Large-caliber heavy machine guns, paired with tungsten alloy armor-piercing bullets, are really powerful against infantry."

The head of the New Ninth Regiment was excited, and the head of the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment was equally excited.

Although I have practiced in actual combat before, I know that the new heavy machine gun is equipped with tungsten alloy armor-piercing projectiles, not to mention the Devils artillery towers, simple civil sandbag bunkers, and even the steel plates of Devils armored vehicles can easily penetrate hundreds of meters away.

But drills are drills after all.

Even if it is an exercise that is closer to actual combat, it is not actual combat after all.

The main thing is that there are no devils.

The feeling of a bullet piercing a straw dummy, where is the excitement of smashing a devil?

"In the future, for this kind of mission, you should bring more armor-piercing bullets."

The battalion commander of the fifth battalion was thinking in his heart.

In fact, tungsten alloy armor-piercing projectiles are actually the same as ordinary steel-core projectiles. If they hit devils, they will either be crippled or dead, while the ability of the former to penetrate fortifications is obviously much stronger, and its ballistic stability is similar.

It's just that the armor-piercing bullet is heavier,
Anyway, the group leader and friends can be reimbursed.

With a jeep, the carrying capacity is sufficient. A car can tow a ton, and it doesn't care about the weight.


After communicating directly with the brigade headquarters through the walkie-talkie,

Although the technical level of the walkie-talkie is similar to that produced by Motorola in the United States during World War II, it is at the same technical level, and there is no generation difference like the mortar, but the communication distance has been significantly improved, and the signal stability is also strong. The pure electromagnetic environment allows the New Fifth Regiment to communicate smoothly with the brigade headquarters tens of kilometers away in the highlands.

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed."

The head of the New Ninth Regiment immediately began to arrange:
"Clean up the battlefield and build positions along the devil's stronghold and roads."

Even if there was no news from the brigade headquarters, he knew that the devils would definitely launch a counterattack, and the troops could not be allowed to occupy Daxia Village.

Once the troops occupy here, it means that the defense line woven by the devils around the Tongpu line will be torn open. The troops can pass through this opening to gradually expand the occupied area, or attack the Tongpu line.

"The Daxia Village stronghold fell?"

"A new type of large-caliber heavy machine gun appeared on the eighth road? Can it penetrate the walls of the gun tower and stronghold from a distance of several hundred meters?"

"Also equipped with a large number of small cars?"

The news of the loss of Daxia Village was passed all the way, because the strength of the enemy was too strong, and Daxia Village was too important, and the final news soon appeared on Shinozuka Yoshio's headquarters.

"Daxia Village?"

Kazuki Yamamoto, who hadn't played for a long time, was the Chief of Staff of the First Army at this time.

Yamamoto still has a brain, knowing that with the improvement of the strength of the Eighth Route Army, his special agent team of dozens of people, let alone a main force group, even a battalion, will suffer a lot.

Now, there is almost no soil for special warfare in North China, so he can be the chief of staff safely and securely. As for the promotion of special warfare, he is deeply buried in his heart.

"General, we must take back Daxia Village."

Even Yamamoto, who has devoted himself to special operations, knows the importance of Daxia Village:
"Once this place is lost, the enemy can easily threaten the Tongpu line."

Although the road passing by Daxia Village is an important traffic line connecting the Jinzhong Basin and the Yuncheng Basin, the mountainous area between the two basins is within the control of the Tuba Road. This traffic line actually exists in name only and cannot transport supplies at all.

What really connects the two basins, as well as between Taiyuan and Linfen Yuncheng, is the Tongpu Line.

Compared with the transportation capacity of the railway, the transportation capacity of the road is negligible.

"I know."

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded solemnly.

Daxia Village is only [-] kilometers away from the Tongpu Line.

And more importantly, the surrounding areas are relatively complex mountainous areas. This is the home field of Tuba Road. Unless all the garrisons of his first army stationed in Taiyuan and Jinzhong Basin are dispatched, it is impossible to drive Tuba Road away from this mountainous area.

However, the dispatch of all these troops of the First Army will give the Tuba Road an opportunity to attack the Jinzhong Basin and even Taiyuan.

If Tuba Road occupied Daxia Village, he would be able to pass through here and continuously harass the Tongpu Line. Even if he deploys heavy troops around the Tongpu Line and lays layers of fortresses along the railway line, he will not be able to prevent the attack with a range of three kilometers. The soil eight-way attack of the artillery.

One 60 shell was able to destroy the railway.

An 82 mortar can even directly destroy the train.

As for Tuba Road, there are many shells.

Once the Tongpu line is lost, the strategy of the imperial locust army breaking through Tongguan and entering the Guanzhong Plain will be fatally affected.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

"Order the No. 30 Seventh Brigade, No. 30 Seventh and 38th Independent Infantry Battalions, the Seventh Cavalry Wing, and the Independent Third Artillery Battalion to retake Daxia Village immediately."

In order to ensure the recapture of Daxia Village, Shinozuka Yoshio dispatched an infantry regiment plus two infantry brigades, an artillery brigade, and a full force of six thousand locust troops.

In the past, this was a large-scale sweep of troops, and it took more than half a month to mobilize and prepare.

But now, only the first army garrison in the Jinzhong Basin can be deployed at any time.

Belongs to mobile forces.

Even after mobilizing these 6000 devils, Shinozuka Yoshio still had a fully staffed Yoshino United mobile force stationed in Taiyuan as a reserve team, ready to go into battle at any time.

After shrinking the defense, the devil's troops gradually increased, especially near the railway line, there were a large number of mobile troops.

Of course, it was mainly because the enemy showed great strength during the battle in Daxia Village, and there was a high possibility of reinforcements in the future.An infantry regiment certainly can't handle it.


"The aviation unit took off immediately and bombed the defenders of Daxia Bay."

Subsequently, Shinozuka Yoshio dispatched his air force.

After the Battle of Yangcun ended and the Hattori brigade suffered a disastrous defeat, the command of the Aviation Wing directly under the First Army returned to Yoshio Shinozuka.

"Lots of cars."

"A new heavy machine gun."

"The strength of Tuba Road has improved a lot."

After the order was issued, Yoshio Shinozuka looked at the huge map of Shanxi and fell into deep thought:
"What do you guys want?"

According to reports from the front line, there were more than a hundred vehicles that appeared in Daxia Village this time.
From this point of view, this must be the elite main force of the Tuba Road, the size of several main regiments, otherwise it would be impossible to equip so many cars.

But such a huge army gathered in Daxia Village, what did they want to do?

It was a big attack on the Tongpu line,

Or, stay in Daxia Village and completely cut off the Tongpu line?

"Give us?"

In Daxia Village, the head of the New Ninth Regiment looked at the eight heavy machine guns lined up and hundreds of boxes of bullets, and couldn't help swallowing.

According to the order of the brigade, the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment is the support force of the New Ninth Regiment, and he is in command of the defense of Daxia Village.

However, as a veteran battalion commander and newly promoted infantry regiment commander, he knew very well that those who could go to the independent regiment to serve as battalion commanders, at worst, were no worse than him.

Before, he was not elected as the commander of the [-]th Battalion of the Independent Regiment.

That's an independent group!

Independent regiments free of bullets grenade shells.

Those who want to serve as battalion commanders in the independent regiment, there are a lot of them at the headquarters, and the requirements for registration are very high.

Looking at it now, I should have been working hard at that time to command such a battalion, let alone a regiment, even a brigade, it is not as good as it!

And maybe there will be any good weapons in the future!

Therefore, he asked the fifth battalion commander to discuss the deployment of the position, and the two joined forces to build a defensive position.

With the cooperation of the two, a multi-layer defensive position was completed based on the construction of a remote position based on the devil's stronghold.

When arranging firepower, the head of the New Ninth Regiment expressed his envy for the new machine guns, but what he didn't expect was that, backhanded, the head of the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment gave him eight new heavy machine guns.

And, [-] rounds of ammunition.

It was true that the head of the New Ninth Regiment was taken aback.

This thing is a new and good equipment, which is not equipped by the main force.

"Yes, for you."

The fifth battalion commander's tone was affirmative.


The head of the New Ninth Regiment swallowed again.

He has already seen how powerful this gun is. With armor-piercing bullets, it can penetrate the devil's artillery stronghold at a distance of several hundred meters.

Really good stuff.

Not to mention eight, even one can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of troops.

He wants it.

Can't wait to accept it immediately.

But for combat troops, is it really okay to distribute equipment to other troops casually?

"is that OK?"

The head of the New Ninth Regiment couldn't help asking.

"no problem."

The commander of the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment grinned:

"This time, I brought a hundred heavy machine guns, and it's no problem to distribute a few to you."

"One hundred!"

The corner of the head of the New Ninth Regiment twitched.

The total number of the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment is only 800 people.

In other words, on average, there is one 12.7mm heavy machine gun for every eight people? !

Damn it, but it's too rich!


Afterwards, the Fifth Battalion Commander shook his head.

"What a pity?"

The head of the New Ninth Regiment asked curiously.

The fifth battalion commander glanced at the head of the new ninth regiment, but did not speak.

What a pity?
It's a pity that there are too few people in the New Ninth Regiment.

Because it is a newly formed regiment, the New Ninth Regiment only has more than 500 people, and it is already the limit to be equipped with eight heavy machine guns, and there can be no more.

Otherwise, he could have scored a few more points.

Regiment means,
More will do.

When he came out this time, a battalion brought a hundred new heavy machine guns. Anyway, they can be loaded on the weapon rack in the back seat of the jeep, and they don’t take up space. For a 65-horsepower jeep, a heavy machine gun weighing tens of kilograms is completely worthless. No problem, it can still tow a trailer carrying a ton of cargo at high speed.

There is no problem with the new army for three hundred kilometers every day.

Although [-] guns clearly exceeded the needs of the fifth battalion,
When the troops go out to perform missions, if the transportation capacity is sufficient, they should carry more spare weapons.


When encountering a friendly army with relatively poor equipment, after applying for the approval of the regiment headquarters, from the spare weapons and ammunition carried more, support the friendly army with some good weapons and equipment, and cooperate in combat.


Since it is reasonable, Boss Mo will reimburse these weapons and ammunition.

Machine guns are easy to use and can be given at will, but the new 82 mortars and 60 mortars require training before they can be used, and are not suitable for direct equipment to troops.

"Hey, we are all brother troops, what's the matter, besides, the regiment headquarters have agreed."

The commander of the Fifth Battalion patted the head of the New Ninth Regiment on the shoulder, and continued:
"This time, do we have reinforcements?"

Even counting air defense, the Fifth Battalion only needed thirty heavy machine guns, and seventy of them could be distributed.


Although it felt unbelievable, the head of the New Ninth Regiment accurately grasped the meaning of the fifth battalion commander of the Independent Regiment.

I have a good gun here,

Come as soon as you want!

According to the combat deployment of the brigade headquarters, the New Ninth Regiment and the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment were stationed in Daxia Village to block the devil troops, arrange a retreat route, and wait for follow-up orders.

But well,
"Give me the travel department."

The head of the New Ninth Regiment hurriedly rushed to the communication squad, picked up the backpack walkie-talkie, and connected to the brigade headquarters.

There were no reinforcements in the plan.

But that's not the problem.

Isn't it easy to ask for reinforcements?
Although there are only five main brigades in their brigade, and the rest have combat missions, there are many basic brigades, more than a dozen, and you can draw a few at any time and anywhere.

"Okay, I'll send five regiments over right away."

Hearing that it was beneficial, it was still a great benefit, the brigade responded quickly and immediately organized five regiments to set off in a hurry.

After calling for reinforcements, the head of the New Ninth Regiment happily looked at the eight super heavy machine guns he had just acquired.

"There are only [-] rounds of ammunition. The higher-ups don't have this kind of ammunition for the time being. If they run out, you can just ask the unit of the Independent Regiment to ask for it."

The fifth battalion commander said.

The brother troops are short of ammunition, so it is of course reasonable to support them a little bit.

It's not that they don't want to bring more.

Each comes with [-] rounds of ammunition.

The 12.7 mm bullet has a large caliber and a heavy weight. The warhead of an ordinary steel core bullet weighs nearly 50 grams, and the warhead of an armor-piercing bullet weighs more than 100 grams.

Counting one ton as packaging and chains, there are only [-] rounds.

Three thousand rounds is half a ton.

Not a lot.

If there are too many, the troops will not be able to carry them, which seriously affects mobility and reduces combat effectiveness.

Other troops don't have jeeps.


Thinking of this, the Fifth Battalion Commander suddenly fell into deep thought.

As the commander of the fifth battalion of the independent regiment, apart from the old three battalions, he naturally knew something about the regiment headquarters of the first batch of independent regiments formed. . .

"Comrade, do you need a car?"

The Fifth Battalion Commander patted the head of the New Ninth Regiment on the shoulder.


The head of the New Ninth Regiment was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, a familiar noise appeared in the sky.

"The ghost plane is coming!"

"Prepare for air defense."

The Fifth Battalion Commander suddenly became excited again.

They are five battalions.

The veteran elite unit of the Independent Regiment.

The machine gunners of the Fifth Battalion had all undergone air defense training. They had even received actual combat during the Battle of Yangcun and had experience in dealing with Devil planes.

And now,
The new 12.7mm heavy machine gun has an altitude of 800 meters.

 Sorry, someone in the family is sick. .

(End of this chapter)

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