My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 185 What a big appetite!

Chapter 185 What a big appetite!
Wen County,

on the fortress,
"Tuba Road is actually planning to attack the city."

Holding up the binoculars, looking at the Tuba Road swarming from three sides in the distance, the captain of the ghost brigade in charge of stationing Wenxian widened his eyes for a moment, and was stunned.


"court death!"

But soon, he put down the binoculars with a disdainful tone.

In September last year, since the so-called Hundred Regiments War, there have been dozens of Tuba Road siege battles, and most of the battles ended with the city wall being broken and the locust army failing.

But the cities captured by the Tuba Road were all located in mountainous areas, unimportant cities. The locust army stationed in the city was a lone army with no reinforcements around. Finally, after several days of fighting, the Tuba Road took down the county seat.

And Wen County, where his brigade is stationed...

It is located in the west of the Jinzhong Basin, guarding the access to the basin from the mountainous area, and the straight-line distance from Taiyuan is only [-] kilometers. Even if the reinforcements depart from Taiyuan, plus the preparation time, they can arrive within half a day.

Unless Tuba Road can take Wenxian within a few hours.

"Report to Wing HQ..."

Although he has confidence in his heart, the devil's captain also knows that there are at least 3000 people on the Tuba Road in front of him, and weapons such as flamethrowers are enough to pose a threat to the fortifications. The Wen County Brigade alone can hold on for a few days at most .

If you want to defeat this group of attacking troops, you must rely on reinforcements.

"What do they want?"

After reporting the news to his superiors, the captain of the devil group fell into deep thought.

Tubalu are not idiots, they are scheming, cunning and resourceful, with so many troops coming to besiege Wen County, there must be a conspiracy.

However, he quickly forgot about it.

As a captain, it's none of his business.


He has no time, no energy to think about this doubt.


One after another, 82-pressure high-explosive bombs fell near the outer fortifications of Wenxian County, splashing a cloud of soil debris, and the smoke almost obscured the vision of all the devils in the fortifications.

"Continue the bombardment."

Looking at the devil's position caught in artillery fire in the distance, the officer in charge ordered the artillery battalion's eighteen 82 mortars to continue shelling.

The independent regiment left enough shells, especially the 82 shells, the headquarters ordered that they can open fire this time.

Be sure to take Wen County with minimal casualties.

Of course, speed must also be ensured, and Wenxian County should be taken as soon as possible.

boom boom boom

The artillery shells are still falling continuously, although the [-] mortar shells are not powerful enough to cause damage to the fortifications
However, due to the lack of materials, the devil's fortifications were not solidly built.The traffic trenches, barbed wire fences, and machine gun bunkers on the periphery were all destroyed by the continuous falling shells.


After the bombardment, it was the elite assault group carrying flamethrowers to attack the devils' outer fortifications.

At the same time, several soldiers launched a Type [-] infantry gun from the trench.

"smoke bomb!"

At the same time, more than a dozen smoke bombs covered the surrounding area of ​​the devil's fortification, completely blocking the devil's sight.

The smoke bombs covered the area of ​​firepower of the devils, and the shelling destroyed the surrounding individual fortifications. Although they could not be destroyed, they also severely limited the effect of the fortifications. Facing the attack of the elite commando carrying flamethrowers and under the cover of superior firepower, they could not In an hour and a half, the fortification was easily taken down.

If it weren't for the support of the Guizi Mountain Cannon,

the other side.

The east side of the county seat.

Due to historical reasons, Wen County is different from other counties in that there is no enclosed city wall, and the east side is an open land. There are many houses here and the terrain is relatively complicated. The devils have to adapt to local conditions.

And forcibly opened up an open area for easy control.

Relying on firepower and superior forces, the attacking troops took down most of the houses in just one and a half hours. At this time, a full regiment of troops gathered in front of the devil's east position.

On the opposite side is the position controlled by the devils.

With such a terrain, even if the artillery fire destroyed these houses, the devils could still rely on the wreckage to hold on, making it difficult to conquer.

And the streets and alleys in front of you are full of machine gun fortresses...
In the officer training class organized by the headquarters, the thick military textbooks from Li Yunlong's friends, with countless actual battle examples and deduction, proved how difficult it is to fight in the street.

The commander in charge is naturally very clear.

Before being able to quickly take down most of the houses on the east side, it was because the devils were short of troops and shrunk their defense.

In front of you is the key defense position of the devils. There are heavy troops assembled, the fortifications are complete and strong, and there are even underground tunnels. If you attack rashly, it may be difficult to take it down, let alone a few hours, or a few days.

Even if their strength and firepower are superior.

So, he decided to change his style of play.

"Armor-piercing rounds."

Looking at the group of houses occupied by the devils in front of him, the commander in charge of directing the attack excitedly ordered that even he himself came to a new type of heavy machine gun and planned to do it himself.

Although it's only been a day since they got the new heavy machine gun, their previous cooperative battle with the independent regiment allowed them to clearly see the power of this machine gun.

The new machine gun is extremely powerful. If you use tungsten alloy armor-piercing bullets, you can easily penetrate three layers of sandbag bunkers at a distance of 300 meters, and then kill the Japanese soldiers hiding behind.

Even so, as long as it hits, the devil will either have his hands and feet completely disabled, or he will die on the spot. There is no second possibility.

Dozens of heavy machine guns were assembled and replaced with tungsten alloy armor-piercing bullets.

boom boom boom

The muzzle fireworks of the heavy guns arranged in a staggered manner bloomed, and bullets pierced through the fortifications made of civil engineering and the house, leaving holes in the fortifications carefully arranged by the devils relying on the houses.
This is Jindi. Although it is a relatively prosperous Jinzhong Basin, compared to Europe, it is still barren. Houses are generally made of earth bricks and blue bricks, and there is almost no concrete deconstruction.

The devil's fortifications can only rely on green bricks, sandbags, etc. to build.

This multi-layered masonry and sandy soil structure can block direct shots from Maxim machine guns and even Type [-] infantry guns, but it has no effect on high-speed tungsten alloy armor-piercing projectiles.

Especially high-density firepower.

After the bullet penetrated the wall, it still killed the devil infantry hiding behind the bunker and preparing to counterattack.

"Ha ha···"

"Keep shooting!"

Putting his hand on the trigger, the commander in charge gave the order in a carefree tone.

The shooting continues,
In the array composed of dozens of machine guns, a dense rain of bullets erupted, and the high-speed tungsten alloy armor-piercing bullets easily penetrated the multi-layered masonry sandbag bunkers, killing the devils hiding behind the bunkers unabated.

It's not that the devil didn't resist.

But in the face of the superior firepower of the attacker, grenades, crooked handles, Type [-] heavy machine guns, and even Type [-] infantry guns are useless.

As for the two [-]-type mountain cannons belonging to the brigade, they were simply too busy.

In the attack on Wen County this time, the troops attacked on three sides at the same time, and each side was attacked by a main regiment.

You must know that the main force regiment, except for the body guns, far surpasses the devil brigade in terms of strength and firepower. It can be said that the attack on Wen County at this time is to strengthen the regiment-level forces.

In such a battlefield, just two mountain cannons can't make waves at all.

Not to mention, these two mountain guns have to face the harassment of small units carrying new 60 mortars that may appear at any time, so they cannot provide effective fire support at all.


Machine gun bunkers, bunkers, and shooting points were all destroyed by large-caliber heavy machine guns using tungsten alloy armor-piercing bullets. The regimental commander who directed the attack on the east side of Wen County ordered the troops to launch an attack.

With the input of infantry, the east side of Wen County was declared to be lost.

"General, call the county urgently."

At the same time, in Taiyuan, a staff officer rushed into the Wen County headquarters in a hurry.

"Jiao County..."

Shinozuka Yoshio's heart flashed a little haze.

Jiao County is also an important county located on the left side of the Jinzhong Basin. Although there is no important railway passing through, it guards the entrance of the mountain passage and is an important city under the jurisdiction of the First Army.

Then he looked down at the three telegrams on the table.

Telegram for help from Ling County, south of the Jinzhong Basin,
Wen County to the west sent a telegram for help.

The telegram for help from Ping County on the east side,
The three counties were all attacked by the main force of the Tuba Road, which was more than a full-staffed infantry regiment.


He took a deep breath.

"Jiao County was attacked by more than [-] people from eight routes. The enemy has a large number of troops, strong firepower, a large number of artillery, and a large number of vehicles. I led my troops to resist tenaciously, but... I asked for tactical guidance."

Ignoring Rory's long-winded telegram content, Shinozuka Yoshio accurately extracted the core content of the telegram.

More than 5000 troops,

Superior firepower, lots of artillery, lots of cars...
Call for tactical guidance!

"They are..."

Glancing again at the huge map of Shanxi on the table, looking at the besieged county town, Yoshio Shinozuka's pupils shrank suddenly:
"Planning to attack Jinzhong Basin?"

Even a brigade-level staff officer could tell from the four counties being attacked at the same time that the goal of the Tuba Road was the Jinzhong Basin, so Shinozuka Yoshio could naturally see it.


Kazuki Yamamoto, the Chief of Staff of the First Army, took a deep breath and couldn't believe it for a while.

Those Tuba Roads were able to mobilize a division-level force to simultaneously attack four counties that were heavily garrisoned by locust troops, even in an open terrain like the Jinzhong Basin.

Is this going to fight head-on with the locust army?
court death?

In Yangcun, although the locust army has suffered a great loss, if a large-scale field battle is carried out on flat terrain, even if all the independent regiments come out, or even all the Tuba road gathers, they will definitely not be able to defeat the locust army combined with open space and heavy artillery.

Even because of the containment of the occupied area of ​​​​the communication line, the North China Front Army can only dispatch a part of its troops.

The decisive field battle of the large corps cannot be compensated by mere advanced equipment.

Even if they were given heavy artillery from Tubalu tanks and planes, they would not be able to digest it in such a short period of time, and they would not be able to form combat effectiveness, not to mention that this group of people still lacked experience in combat command of large corps.

The top leaders of Tuba Road are definitely not so stupid.

If it wasn't for coveting the Jinzhong Basin, then what is the purpose of this naked offensive now?
Compared with Yamamoto's thinking, Shinozuka Yoshio didn't think so much at this time, because there was a more serious problem in front of him.

Now how to do?
All four counties needed support. After the Hundred Regiments War, although the First Army had a total strength of more than 7, most of them were distributed near the Zhengtai Line and Tongpu Line. The mobile corps he could dispatch was only more than 1 people.

Two infantry regiments, and some scattered troops.

Some of them suffered heavy losses in the battles of Daxia Village and Ling County not long ago, leaving only two infantry regiments.

One of them is the Yoshino Regiment of the Elite Infantry Regiment of his First Army.

As for the four counties, Tuba Road's combat effectiveness is very strong. An infantry regiment may not be able to handle it, no, it must not be able to handle it,

Therefore, he can only save one!
Let Tuba Road extend its control to the Jinzhong Basin.


Taking a deep breath, Shinozuka Yoshio couldn't help cursing angrily.


Still troops!

The total strength of the First Army is more than 7, and it has an independent heavy artillery wing, an armored brigade, and a flying wing, which are powerful.

At present, the troops of the Tuba Road attacking the four counties are only more than 2 people. Even if you count the surrounding troops, or even the other Tuba Roads that have not been dispatched, they are not the opponent of the First Army.

But most of his troops are scattered around the railways, important cities, and there are very few mobile troops.

So much so that the dignified First Army only has one-seventh mobile force, which is ridiculous.

Moreover, the strength of the Tuba Road has improved at this time, and he has no way to deploy troops from the garrisons in various cities and strongholds, otherwise the traffic lines will be destroyed, and the city's public security will also have problems.

"Command the Yoshino Regiment..."

After hesitating for a while, Shinozuka Yoshio sent his mobile unit to reinforce Jiao County, which is the closest to Taiyuan.

"Could it be that they really want to attack Jinzhong Basin?"

After mobilizing the mobile troops, Shinozuka Yoshio looked at the map on the table and fell into Cheng Si.

In theory, this is impossible.

Although the main force of the locust army is restrained by the lines of communication and important cities, even if the strength of the Tuba Road increases sharply in plain field battles, it is impossible to be the opponent of the main force of the North China Front Army.

Not to mention, because of the preparations for the big sweep, the current mobile strength of the North China Front Army is [-].

(End of this chapter)

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