My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 204 Discovery of Devil's Heavy Artillery Position!

Chapter 204 Discovery of Devil's Heavy Artillery Position!

Behind Wen County.

mountain road.

Under the night, one after another custom-made three-axle six-wheeled jeep with a rainproof roof drove to the rear. Inside the roof, there were not supplies, but stretchers, and wounded people lying on the stretchers.

In the Battle of Wen County, although the devils suffered heavy casualties, the defending troops were also far from happy.

The power of the devil's heavy artillery unit should not be underestimated.

Even the artillery brigade stationed in the North China Front Army, because they have no combat missions, are actually severely underequipped, and their scale has been greatly reduced. Most of the large-caliber artillery are old-fashioned artillery.

But heavy artillery is heavy artillery.

150 caliber is 150 caliber.

Whether it is the 150-type 150 heavy artillery or the four-year-type [-] heavy artillery, although they are all old goods with outdated technology, the shells of nearly [-] kilograms are far from what mere civil engineering can resist.

Even carefully constructed multi-layer earthworks can be destroyed.

What's more, there are more powerful aerial bombs.

Even though the headquarters had been prepared for this situation, and built a complex multi-layered position against the mountainous area, and spread the battlefield as much as possible, facing such ferocious firepower, it still suffered heavy casualties.

Yesterday, when the battle was the most intense, nearly 300 soldiers died, more than [-] were seriously injured, and as many as [-] were lightly injured.

Total casualties exceeded two thousand.

Most of them fell when the Stone Village position was lost.

Of course, most of the soldiers who participated in the Wenxian Battle were severely lacking in combat experience, which is also a factor that cannot be ignored for the high casualties of the troops.

But compared to the more than three thousand casualties of the devils, it is still much better.

The casualties of the devils are two to three.

In the case of using troops with a large number of recruits, lack of solid concrete fortifications, and the strength of the troops does not have much advantage, the ability to achieve this battle loss ratio relies on the ferocious 82 long-range mortars with sufficient firepower.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Logistics, as many as 82 13 mortar shells were consumed just yesterday.

To calculate the weight, just count the warheads. The army dropped more than 600 tons of shells on the devils yesterday. If you count the propellant, packing boxes, and other ammunition, light and heavy bullets, grenades, grenades, and 60 mortars .

The total ammunition consumption exceeded eight hundred tons.

It is no wonder that Naozaburo Okabe firmly believes that it is impossible for the troops to spare their strength to attack the remaining lines of communication and railway lines.

For [-] tons of ammunition, calculated on the basis of the devil's [-]-ton small bean truck, even if it is overloaded, it will take [-] trips.

In the back of Wen County, there is only a narrow mountainous road that can only be regarded as a two-lane road for jeeps.

An army not only consumes ammunition, but most importantly, there are people who eat horse chews.

This is also the bulk of consumption.

Nearly one devil has the strength of a full-scale division. Even if each person only consumes four kilograms of supplies per day, that is more than 100 tons. If it is purely transported by trucks, it will take [-] trucks to transport.

Such a road, under the bombardment of the Devils Air Force, does not mean that it cannot maintain a daily transportation volume of hundreds of tons, but the manpower required to mobilize is not a small amount.

After all, in the devil's mind, these supplies had to be transported from Shitouwan in Yangcun.

But Naozaburo Okabe never dreamed that someone built a warehouse only a few tens of kilometers away from the battlefield.


In this warehouse, he still has no upper limit on reserves.

At the same time that improved models of medical vehicles based on jeeps entered the battlefield.

On the road behind Wen County,

Two-axle four-wheel jeeps also began to drive into the battlefield, and behind these jeeps, a two-wheel trailer covered with camouflage cloth was towed.

The wheels of these trailers are bigger than jeeps. Although they are covered with camouflaged rainproof cloth, they are obviously not like transport trailers. If you look closely, they look like cannons?
Thanks to the secrecy policy, no one has seen the trailers at this time.

under the night,
36 trailers, pulling 36 cannons, entered the rear position of Wen County.

After 36 artillery pieces entered Wen County, another three-axle six-wheel jeep with enhanced transportation capacity entered the position with a container full of shells.

Although the Devils had planes, and all members of the First Army Aviation Wing were in charge of combat support in Wen County, due to navigation problems, the bombing effect was low, and the nighttime was a vacuum for the Devils' air strikes.


An hour later, the Wenxian Command Headquarters, the commander-in-chief of the Wenxian Campaign, was lying in front of the map, studying the battle situation.A brigade staff officer ran in and reported to him:

"The First Battalion of Artillery of the Independent Regiment has entered the position."

"it is good!"

The commander from the brigade headquarters was overjoyed.

"36 howitzers."

The chief of staff next to him also showed an expectant smile:

"Enough for the little devil to drink a pot!"

"Order the Reconnaissance Company..."

An order was passed from the headquarters, directly under the Wen County headquarters, most of the members have been trained by Yang Village for more than three months, and at least there is a reconnaissance company that has been in the army for more than one and a half years.

the next day.

The devils attacked as usual.

Facing Wen County, which has complete fortifications and a circular in-depth defense system, even after winning two important positions, the devils can only attack step by step.

classic old fashioned,
After the artillery bombarded the infantry, they charged, and the infantry rushed after the artillery bombarded them.

If you want to say that the locust army only has this set, then you really underestimate the locust army.

During World War II, the devil's light infantry interspersed tactics can be described as good at it,

The old Lord of the British Empire, who was beaten by the Malay Tiger, cried for his father and mother.In the Pacific Islands battlefield, in the case of a serious shortage of supplies, the Americans still almost lost their steel teeth.

But in the face of the Eighth Route Army with smooth communication, superior military strength, and fighting at home in the mountainous areas, the devil's tricks are not useless, but useless.

It's even counterproductive.

At this time, although the troops were not as mature as when they fought Yingjiang seven years later, they were still far from being able to hit the world-shocking on-foot interludes, not to mention that most of the troops here were recruits.

But it's already taking shape.

Playing with the predecessor of the later generations of the Volunteer Army, the upgraded and enhanced version of the Eighth Route Army, interspersed with light infantry?

Devils are reckless, but not stupid!
boom boom boom

Heavy artillery shells fell on the position, blowing up the position that the soldiers had been repairing overnight, to pieces. Then, the artillery fire began to extend backwards, and the devil infantry also began to charge.

As a veteran army, the Devils play very well with infantry and artillery.

And their own troops,
Not to mention other troops, even the most well-trained independent regiment,

It's not even close,

Infantry and artillery coordination, this is not something that can be achieved in a short period of training, even if it is closer to actual combat training, it is a one-to-one restoration of the battlefield, and completely live ammunition will not work.

This requires the unified command of the artillery as a whole, and has extremely high requirements for artillery, infantry, and command.

If you don't pay attention to this tactic, you will accidentally injure yourself. Even Li Yunlong did not dare to train casually until he had a large number of excellent artillery and artillery staff.

According to Li Datuan's words,

You can train to death, but you can't train to death!

When the devil infantry approached the first position, 82 mortar shells rose from four kilometers away, drew arcs in the sky, and finally landed in the devil's charge formation.

boom boom boom

Continuous explosions exploded in the devil's charge formation.

In the past ten days, the same situation has happened dozens of times, and the devil has obviously handled it skillfully.

In order to deal with the unprecedented artillery fire faced by the locust army, the formation of the devils' charge can be called the largest skirmish line in history, and the distance between individual devils has exceeded ten meters.

This is already the largest straggler line that the devil squad can achieve, and if it gets bigger, there will be a problem of disconnected command.

But obviously, the effect is not very big.

The shells fell one after another, like a rainstorm of stars, and the end speed of the mortar shells was so slow that, from the devil's perspective, as long as you looked up, the sky was full of falling mortar shells.

Dense, overwhelming.

Just looking at it filled my heart with fear.

The devils were thrown away by the explosion wave, like pieces of rags.

at the same time,

Behind the devils, in the artillery position, a dozen or so mountain cannons fired, and under the guidance of the floating artillery observation balloon, they began to suppress the 82 mortar groups of the troops in the distance.

The shells falling on the heads of the devil's frontline troops suddenly dropped sharply.

"Continue to charge."

The captain in charge of leading the team was overjoyed immediately, and quickly ordered the troops to continue charging.

"Pay attention to the line of skirmishers and keep a distance."

But at the same time, he did not forget to tell the troops to continue to expand the skirmish line.

The enemy's artillery fire is fierce, very fierce... This is the experience accumulated by tens of thousands of locust troops in the past ten days.

Not as expected by the devil captain.

Not long after the devils charged, another series of shells flew into the air at the rear of Wenxian County, the number was no less than the first round, or even more.

The cannonballs that fell like a meteor fell violently on the head of the devil's charge, blowing up the devil's back.

If it weren't for the large skirmisher line, just this round of shelling would have been enough to cut off the devil's attack of a full brigade.


The devil also reacted very quickly. The commander on the artillery position quickly let the observation balloon find the position of the enemy artillery position, and then commanded several mountain cannons to suppress the enemy artillery position.

At the same time, the devil infantry charged again.

And the plot turns again.

A new round of mortar groups fired from a new artillery position interrupted the devil infantry who had just started charging, and then the devils organized mountain artillery to suppress the mortar group of troops.

During the period, the heavy artillery of the devils continued to shell, sometimes suppressing the artillery of the troops, and sometimes covering the positions of the troops.

During the ferocious artillery battle...
A small-scale Eighth Route Army unit, dressed in homemade camouflage uniforms, avoided the artillery-fired front and penetrated into the devil's position from the side.

This small army is obviously elite, and a group of people entered the devil's position quietly, cleverly avoiding the sight of the devil, and finally climbed rocks. commanding heights.

"Search for the devil artillery position."

He personally led the team to the most dangerous, difficult, and best scheduled observation position, and the commander of the reconnaissance company issued a reconnaissance order.

Behind him, a soldier set up a high-power observation mirror, and a soldier began to deploy a radio station. At the same time, several soldiers also began to arrange camouflage, using snow camouflage clothing, white snow, and haystacks to hide the observation mirror and radio station.

On the front line, the artillery battle is still in full swing.

At this time, the old 82 mortars belonging to the battalions, and the new 60 mortars also joined the battle.

Although the ban on the new 82 mortars has been lifted, the Wen County troops still use the 82 mortars because the main force is given priority to be equipped and the new artillery requires a period of training and adaptation.

And the devils also pushed the Type [-] infantry artillery onto the battlefield,
With the addition of more cannons, even though the infantry on both sides hadn't started to make contact and a single bullet hadn't been fired, the battle had already entered the worst period.

The shells shot towards the enemy's position like raindrops, and the smoke from the explosion floated in the sky, gathered, drifted, and finally, gathered into a huge cloud.

In one bomb crater after another, there are one mutilated corpse after another.

"Found the devil's heavy artillery position."

At this moment, the commander of the reconnaissance company at a dangerous commanding height reported the reconnaissance information to the rear headquarters through the radio.

Found the devil's heavy artillery position!

(End of this chapter)

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