My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 222 Target: Hiei!

Chapter 222 Target: Hiei!

"The two reconnaissance planes didn't come back?"

North Review, Ningji Gangmura suddenly raised his head.


The staff officer who reported looked down at the telegram to try to control his tone as calmly as possible:

"The aviation wing just reported that according to the plan, the two Tachikawa Type 98 reconnaissance planes should return to the team an hour and a half ago, but there has been no movement so far."

"The responding plane that was sent out didn't find anything either."

"The captain of the aviation wing speculated that the two reconnaissance planes were shot down by the enemy, and the two reconnaissance planes failed at the same time and lost contact. The possibility is very low."

"Shooted down..."

Ningji Gangmura rubbed the corner of his forehead, frowning deeply.

Could it be that the enemy has new means of air defense?

Or a fighter jet?

Although I had a hunch that it would not be easy to be the commander of the North China Front Army, but the trouble came too soon.

The air attack plan in preparation, the flight wing has not yet been assembled, and most of the fighter planes are still in transition, and the reconnaissance plane was shot down.

"Report from the Air Wing Commander."

The staff officer continued:

"The pilots who fly the reconnaissance plane are all elite pilots with rich flying experience. They have driven more than [-] hours. They have participated in many air battles and have rich experience in handling machine guns."


"He speculated that the enemy should also be equipped with fighter jets."

"The Tachikawa Type 98 reconnaissance aircraft dispatched this time has good reconnaissance vision, but its performance is relatively backward, its speed is slow, its maneuverability is poor, and it lacks self-defense weapons. It is difficult to escape when encountering fighter jets."

"A fighter jet?"

Okamura Ningji breathed a sigh of relief.

What worries him most is that the Eighth Route Army is equipped with a large number of small and medium-caliber machine guns, relying on the number of gun barrels piled up to fire a rain of bullets to defend the sky.

This kind of air defense method does not have high requirements for operators, and ordinary machine gun shooters can do it. It is nothing more than a little less efficient, but as long as the number increases, the effect is excellent.

Even if a large number of locust bombers cannot be shot down, it can greatly affect the bombing effect.

If it's a fighter jet, he's not too worried...

According to the situation of the guerrillas, it is impossible to equip fighter jets on a large scale.

Airplanes require a lot more talents than anti-aircraft artillery, and it is impossible to get them all together.

However, it needs to be verified.

"Go and call the intelligence department..."

Neiji Okamura said to a guard.

Although the attack on Yangcun was blocked, the intelligence department of the North China Army of the Devils had already deployed a large number of latent intelligence personnel around Yangcun, so they could keep abreast of the situation around Yangcun.

It is very simple to confirm whether there is an air battle taking place.


"The second ship of the King Kong class."

"Originally belonged to the battlecruisers."

"In 37, after the devil withdrew from the naval treaty, it immediately began modernization, mainly to strengthen power equipment, protection capabilities, improve battery life, and air defense capabilities. It was completed in early 40."

"The current Hiei is a fast battleship with a displacement of 32520 tons."

In the independent regiment, in the combat meeting room, Zhang Dabiao is holding a special warfare company combat meeting, planning the goals for March——

"Our target this time is the Hiei."

After Zhang Dabiao finished speaking, the team members were breathing heavily.

Because Boss Mo will provide target information, weapons, and even action plans, they only need to execute them. Therefore, the success rate of the mission is as high as [-]%, and the danger is very low.

For them, the stronger the goal, the more excited they are.

Ghost King Kong-class battleship...
It belongs to the group of high-quality targets.

It is second only to the devil's locust, battleship Yamato, battleship Nagato, etc.!

Comparable to the devil's prime minister.

Killing such a battleship should make the devil feel distressed for a long time, and it will also make the devil's so-called United Fleet, the world's third navy, feel pain and fear.

Horse dung and red deer should share joys and sorrows.

"Using the Scud?"


A player asked.

Unless Boss Mo provides new weapons, the only one in the current operation team that can pose a threat to the Devil battleship is the Scud.


Zhang Dabiao nodded:
"This time we use the Scud to attack the Hiei."

"This is the course of action and target information."

"The location is the Sea of ​​Japan."

With that said, Zhang Dabiao took out a document.

After reading the information, all the team members began to discuss.

"The devil battleship must be escorted by destroyers. The speedboat is close to five kilometers. It is very dangerous and will definitely be discovered."

"Although the laser guidance distance is five kilometers, with the maneuverability of the warship, it is difficult to guide accurately at a distance of five kilometers, and errors are prone to occur. Especially when there are waves on the sea surface, it is best to guide at a distance of three kilometers."

"But the problem is, with a distance of three kilometers, as long as the devil is not blind, he will definitely find it."

Some team members frowned.

Although they are all first-class elites, the Devils Navy is not bad either.

Especially the watchman of the battleship.

In good weather, the maximum distance of laser irradiation is a little more than five kilometers, but during the irradiation period, it is not possible to maneuver in a large area. On the endless flat sea, at a distance of five kilometers, it is possible for the Devil Navy watchman to spot the small boat.

What's more, there must be destroyers around the battleship.

Speedboats are hard to hide.

The watchmen on the Devils warship can see the vent holes and periscopes of the submarine several kilometers away. The possibility of the speedboat trying to hide is very low.

If it is bad weather, although the concealment is improved, the irradiation distance will also be reduced sharply, and the situation is similar.

"We can do it when the Ghost Hiei approaches the island and guide it on the island, which can not only avoid wave interference, but also conceal the observation of the watchman."

A team member suggested.


A team member retorted:
"Devil warships, especially battleships, generally don't easily approach the coastline within five kilometers. In this devil's route plan, there is almost no one that is within five kilometers of the island."


The team members immediately had a lively discussion.

Zhang Dabiao waited for a while before suddenly saying:
"We will do it tonight!"


Some team members were surprised.

According to the intelligence data, this time the devils are training for actual combat. At night, the devils warships will hide the lights and only turn on the anti-collision lights.

But at the time of hands-on, the Sea of ​​Japan was moonless, with only faint starlight, and the sea was pitch black.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to confirm the target at night, unless it is very close, but even at night, it is very dangerous to get too close to the Devil's warship.

After all, there is a destroyer accompanying the Hiei escort, and if you get too close, you will get close to the destroyer.

"Have you got new equipment?"

Some team members figured out the taste.

At night, it is theoretically impossible to use the ground-facing scud to attack the Hiei.


Zhang Dabiao smiled and said:

"This time, Boss Mo provided us with a low-light night vision device. After wearing it, even with only weak starlight, we can clearly see warships a few kilometers away."

"Night Vision!"

The team members naturally know this stuff.

It's on the Blackhawk.

"Could it be that··"

Some team members have already understood.

"Ha ha···"

Zhang Dabiao suddenly laughed:
"Yes, this time we can use the Black Hawk to participate in the battle."

"That's easy."

The team members immediately felt relieved.

At night, relying on the Black Hawk to track and illuminate the Hiei, and then the missile speedboat loaded with Scud launched from a distance of tens of kilometers, easily sinking the Devil Hiei.

Looking at the happy players, Zhang Dabiao thought more.

Blackhawk unlocked.

Not only as a vehicle for the action team, but also can be directly put into battle.

Boss Mo gave them three hundred in the first batch, including transport models, reconnaissance models, and armed models.

After the pilot training is over, this kind of super epoch-making aircraft that can take off and land vertically on almost most terrains, can transport four tons of supplies, or carry a 105 howitzer squad plus two base shells, or carry two 120 mortars and four base shells to a distance of more than 100 kilometers, or load several large-caliber heavy machine guns to straf the ground, will definitely shine on the battlefield.

Give the devil a big shock.

The only thing to worry about is,
Can the devil hold it?

Especially if the flank is equipped with a 12.7mm large-caliber heavy machine gun to shoot at the ground, relying on the range and height to bully the devils who lack anti-aircraft weapons, it is a massacre.

Zhang Dabiao feels that if this continues, the little devil will be driven into the sea in less than a year.

It's not that he doesn't want to drive the devils out as soon as possible,


It's too cheap, kid.


On the night of the same day, Ningji Gangmura received a reply from the headquarters of the Beijing Review:
"According to the intelligence department, an air battle took place in Yangcun in the morning. An unknown type of plane shot down two imperial reconnaissance planes."

The air battle over Yangcun took place in full view, and many people saw it, including the devil's lurking intelligence personnel.

The devil's lurking personnel reported to Gangcun Ningci on the radio at the first time, and also reported the battle process in detail.


Ningji Gangmura frowned.

Although the maneuverability of the Type [-] reconnaissance plane is very poor, it is still unbelievable that only one plane shot down two reconnaissance planes.


The reporting intelligence officer continued:

"Moreover, the entire battle lasted less than a minute."

"Only lasted 1 minute?"

Gangcun Ningci's complexion became more serious.

In just one minute, a fighter jet shot down two reconnaissance planes piloted by the elite pilots of the Empire in a row. This shows that the performance of the enemy's aircraft is far more advanced than that of the Empire's reconnaissance planes.

"Go and call the captain of the aviation wing."

Neiji Gangmura called professionals.

"In one minute, two reconnaissance planes were shot down in succession."

After reading the relatively detailed battle report, the devil flying major general looked more dignified than Okamura Ningji:

"The speed of the enemy's plane is probably far beyond our imagination. It is estimated to be three times the highest speed of the Type [-] reconnaissance plane. Otherwise, it would be impossible to shoot down two reconnaissance planes so neatly."

As an excellent pilot, this old devil has very keen intuition.

Unfortunately, knowledge limited his imagination.

"three times?"

Neji Okamura looked at the leader of the Devils Flying Coalition with suspicion.

The maximum speed of the Type 350 reconnaissance aircraft is 1000 kilometers, three times the maximum speed, that is more than [-] per hour.

It's sonic!

"The enemy plane is using a high-altitude dive attack tactic, and it is a continuous dive attack. Each time it accurately shoots down a reconnaissance plane, it can end the battle in just one minute. The enemy plane may fly at a maximum speed of 1 kilometers per hour."

The captain of the Devils Flying Coalition spoke firmly.

"A fighter jet at [-] kilometers per hour..."

Even if he doesn't know much about the Air Force, Neiji Okamura can feel the huge gap.

This is much larger than the gap between a grenadier with a range of 700 meters and a mortar with a range of 3 kilometers.

The impact on the battlefield is also much greater.

Afterwards, he looked at the plan that was being planned to launch a large-scale bombing operation against an important target of the enemy's base area, and fell into a tangle.

Is the application to suspend the program?
Or keep pushing?

The rationality deduced from past experience, and the intuition based on decades of command experience, all told Okamura Ningji to stop advancing the big bombing around Yangcun.

The enemy is strong!

Must be treated with extreme caution.

But if aerial bombing stops, what's next?
And the base camp may not necessarily agree. This large-scale bombing was promoted by the military alone.

"Order the first army, the first stationed in Shimen..."

After thinking about it for a while, Okamura Ningji decided to send troops to test it first.

at the same time.

Yang Village.

Telecommunications investigation room.

With the attention of the devils, they began to deploy a large number of intelligence forces near Yangcun. Li Yunlong used this as an excuse to ask the master of the system for help, and then a telecommunications investigation room was established.

After more than a month of training, it was put into use at the end of February.

"Report, found an unknown radio signal, suspected to be an enemy radio station."

"Locate immediately."


"Determine the coordinates of the target station."

"Notify the guard company to arrest immediately..."

ten minutes later.

In a village about ten kilometers away from Yang Village.

More than 30 soldiers from the guard company of the Independent Regiment who drove over hurriedly surrounded a house, arrested two devils and spies from inside, and also found a radio station.

"This radio station is too big."

"The antenna is so long!"

Looking at the 'huge' radio station that was searched out, the squad leader of the security company in charge of leading the team pouted.

The newly equipped short-wave radio station of the guard company is said to use new technology. The transmission distance is not shortened, and the volume is much smaller. A suitcase can be picked up and carried, and there is no need for special antennas, and the transceiver can be sent and received freely.

Where does it look like a devil's radio station,

The antenna is tens of meters long, and the transfer is very troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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