Chapter 225 Hysteria!

07 Hysteria!

"Keep bombing."

"do not stop!"

"Destroy every military installation on the report."

"Blow Britain back to the Stone Age."

In Wolf Castle, in the cadenced and hysterical voice, the unwilling Fatty Ge lowered his head:
"Yes, my Führer."

In the past six months, his air force has made great contributions to Germany. Single-handedly, it destroyed the air force and air defense system of the British Empire, and even greatly reduced its war potential.

But this failed to make the head of state pay more attention to the air force, but became more and more indifferent.

Because of this monstrous contribution, the Air Force is just an executor, he is just a tool man, anyone can do it.

The real reason lies in the information that mysteriously appeared twice in a row.

"in addition··"

Suddenly, the voice became calm:

"Find the person who left the information."


The other once ran a chicken farm, and now this one of the top figures in the Third Reich also bowed his head and spoke respectfully.

"Pay attention to your attitude."

"Pay attention to the means!"

Mustache exhorted calmly:
"They are our friends for the time being."

The two words for the time being, mustache bites very clearly.

Can control the Third Reich, mustache is not an idiot, under hysteria, it is a sharp thinking beyond ordinary people.

"Yes, my head!"

Himmler continued to lower his head, but there was a smile on his face.

Because of those two mysterious information,
The Führer has strengthened the strength of the Reich's intelligence services.

And he is the direct beneficiary.

"Find the target."

"The distance is 97 kilometers, heading southeast, and the speed is 23 knots."

In the sea of ​​Japan, under the darkness of night, two Black Hawks passed by at low altitude, and the voice of the radar operator sounded in the encrypted communication channel.

"Track target."

"Target has been tracked."

"Calculate launch time..."

The Scud produced by Mr. System is a later model with a maximum range of 300 kilometers. Thanks to the precise map coordinates and high manufacturing quality, the terminal inertial navigation accuracy is [-] meters.

But in the vast ocean, taking off from land, ballistic missiles strike mobile warships...

90s eagle sauce is really impossible.

But if you know the enemy ship's route and even the specific timetable in advance, it will be very easy.

Mao Ge in the 70s can give it a try.

Although the Scud does not have a guidance radar, it can be launched hundreds of kilometers and hit accurately through the laser guidance at the end. However, considering the hidden hand, the devils should not let the devil know the range of hundreds of kilometers too early.

Nor should the devils know that Boss Mo has the ability to drop transport ships by air.

Zhang Dabiao gave up the speedboat transport and launch, and finally decided to land-based launch on the nearest island.

It is best to narrow it down to a range of about [-] kilometers.

Start by shocking the devil little by little, and then a big one at the end.

After confirming the launch location and submitting the combat plan, Scud was deployed by Boss Mo. The helicopters they drove only needed to transport the operators to the scheduled launch island and prepare for the launch.

"According to the target heading and time, the launch time has been calculated, and the launch will take place in 27 minutes and 19 seconds..."

"Determine the launch time."

Following the conversation in the high-frequency encrypted communication channel, on a desolate small island, members of the independent team started the launch program of the five Scuds and began to input coordinates.

Twenty minutes later.

On the Hiei observation tower.

The watchman, Yanpan Wenyi Juncao held up his binoculars, looked at the dark sea in the distance, and shook his ears lightly.


Continue to look up to the sky.

The night is dark, there is no moon tonight, and there is only a little bit of starlight. In this weather, even the watchman of the Devils United Fleet who takes fish oil every day cannot look directly at the helicopter that is five kilometers away.

At this time, the sea was calm and the ambient noise was very low, but the Hiei was maneuvering at high speed and the noise was huge. Even a lookout who was used to the noise of the ship could not feel the sound of the propeller five kilometers away.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Yanpan Wenyi discovered that there seemed to be a shooting star in the sky.


"There are meteors!"

he shouted.

According to the military order, during the sailing of the warship, the watchman must keep silent and observe the surroundings at any time to ensure the safety of the ship.

But here is the Sea of ​​Japan.

After the Battle of Tsushima Sea, this place has become the inland sea of ​​the empire, the racetrack of the combined empire fleet, and the straits on both sides have been completely sealed off, and no armed ships can escape the empire's warning to enter here.

For the United Fleet, this is the safest sea area in the world.

Unless the Yukikaze next to them attacked them, the Hiei would be absolutely safe.

The devils naturally relaxed, and the discipline became less strict.


Surrounding them, all the Devil Marines looked at the sky together.

"There are several shooting stars..."

The devils found that there seemed to be more than one meteor.

"Make a wish!"

A devil shouted loudly.

In ancient China, whether it was a royal family or a commoner, if they saw shooting stars, they were generally regarded as ominous, so shooting stars were called broom stars and thief stars.

In literary stories, Chinese people also think that it means that a person's soul returns to the underworld.

Wishing is a custom in the Western world.

After the Meiji Restoration, devils introduced Western culture, and the United Fleet learned from the British Empire, and this custom was also introduced.

All the devils and officers made a wish at the shooting stars.

"I wish the empire prosperity, the co-prosperity sphere will be realized as soon as possible, and the locusts will rule the world."


Most of the Devil Navy brainwashed by Bushido have the same wishes.


Yanpan Wenyi, who was planning to make a wish, suddenly felt something was wrong.

He has seen shooting stars,
It seems to be different from the present,

Moreover, this meteor seems to be falling towards the Hiei?

Just when Yanpan Wenyi realized something was wrong,

The Hiei made a sharp turn of the rudder, which was so large that he almost threw Yanban Wenyi out of the watchtower. Fortunately, he reacted in time and grabbed the handrail, so he didn't go down. However, he also hit the wall of the watchtower, making him dizzy dazzled.

The devils who were praying below were much more unlucky. The lucky ones were thrown on the deck one by one, their heads were bleeding, and even a few unlucky ones were thrown out of the splint and fell into the dark sea water.

Life and death do not know.

Compared with the grassroots sailors, the staff of the captain of the Hiei was keenly aware that something was wrong with the meteor, and quickly realized that it seemed to be an enemy attack, and responded immediately.

Steer sharply, full speed.

But in the face of the scud whose falling speed exceeds the speed of sound and relies on laser irradiation for terminal guidance, the Hiei, which has a top speed of only [-] knots, can't even count as a turtle speed, and it is meaningless to avoid it.

After a few seconds,
In the horrified eyes of Yan Panwen, one meteor after another accurately fell on the deck of the Hiei and drilled into it. Afterwards, he only vaguely saw a burst of violent explosion fireballs, and completely lost consciousness.

The crew of the destroyer Yukikaze, who was escorting by the side, fully saw the sinking of the Hiei.

In their field of vision,
One after another, meteors fell straight from the sky onto the plywood of Hiei, drilled into the plywood, and then exploded violently.

There were five meteors in total, each of which landed precisely on Hiei.

Five violent explosions, far exceeding the power of the Hiei's main gun, were like big hands, almost pushing the Hiei into the sea, and the fragments spread by the explosion almost injured the crew on the Yukikaze.

Just 5 minutes later, the Hiei sank in the depths of the Sea of ​​Japan.

Although the sea surface here is only more than 100 meters, although the Yukikaze rescued them with all their strength, no one survived.

"Hiei, was attacked and silenced?"

Ten minutes later, the haze of being awakened by the orderly officer from Yamamoto 56 of the United Fleet Command completely dissipated, replaced by a chill down the spine.

He knows.

The Hiei is training in the Sea of ​​Japan, doing preliminary training for a possible attack on the United States.

Where and how could it be attacked?
Who can attack the fast imperial battleships in the inner seas of the empire?

Is it a submarine?
"what happened?"

Yamamoto56 asked quickly.

"According to Yukikaze's report, the Hiei was attacked by a suspected meteor weapon that fell from the sky."

The service officer who also served as the secretary said, and sent the telegram from the Yukikaze to Yamamoto 56.

"A weapon that fell from the sky, suspected to be a meteor..."

Looking at the detailed telegram, Yamamoto 56 immediately thought of the mysterious weapon that appeared at the train station and ended the lives of Tada Hayao and more than 2000 locust soldiers.

He had studied the attack carefully.

I have also marveled at this terrifying supersonic attack, a suspected manned weapon.

It fell from the sky, powerful enough to destroy the Hiei, and the long tail flame could easily be seen as a meteor at night.

Only this kind of weapon is in line with Xuefeng's report.


Yamamoto cursed angrily and rushed to the headquarters, shouting at the same time:
"Let all warships in the Sea of ​​Japan return to Hong Kong."

"No, let all the warships close to the coastline of the Republic of China return to Hong Kong."

"Investigate after dawn."

After giving the retreat order, Yamamoto 56 looked at the huge sea chart, his back was still cold.

The group of forces that repeatedly attacked the officers of the Imperial Dispatch Army in the North China region began to attack the United Fleet again, and as soon as they attacked, they attacked the Hiei with a thunderous force.

The impact this time must be far greater than the last attack on the King Kong.

The King Kong can still be regarded as an accident and a mistake in the counter-espionage work, but this time the Hiei, the attackers proved that they could attack the capital ship of the Imperial United Fleet head-on and sink it.

"I hope this weapon doesn't have a long range."

Yamamoto56 sighed.

The fact that all five mysterious weapons were able to accurately hit the splint of the Hiei at night indicated that either the weapon was actually piloted, or that it had some kind of aiming technique that the empire didn't know about.

But whatever the reason, the enemy has ultra-accurate superweapons capable of threatening ground targets and capital ships.

And the Empire has no power to resist.

Any anti-aircraft artillery on a warship cannot defend against a super weapon whose speed exceeds the speed of sound.

Because I can't keep up.

Because it doesn't respond.

(End of this chapter)

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