My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 227 Silver Dollars

Chapter 227 Silver Dollars
09 silver dollars
"Old Shen..."

Base development of the Construction Bank.

A middle-aged man with eyes called out to a middle-aged man in a long gown holding a stack of documents in his hand.

With the construction of the base area, the rapid extension of roads, factories sprang up one after another, and farms spread out one after another, the finance of the base area also began to develop rapidly at the same time.

However, at present, ordinary people lack financial concepts, and few people pay attention to this point.

Only when farmers lack funds, will they remember what the director has advertised, that they can go to the base area to develop the Construction Bank and apply for low-interest or even interest-free one-year agricultural loans.

But the financial system is an indispensable system for a country, and the bases will naturally not be left behind.

On the basis of the original bank in the base area, improvements were made, referring to foreign experience and systems, combined with the conditions of the base area, and under the guidance of those experts, Li Yunlong established his own financial system.

A system that serves the development of the base areas and guarantees the financial security of the base areas.


With the participation of millions of people, the two-lane road stretches at a speed of tens of kilometers per day, the establishment of small factories and farms, and the comprehensive promotion of advanced planting technology and advanced seeds. This financial system has also made great contributions.

"Old Luo."

After the two greeted each other, the topic immediately turned to work:
"Did the statistics of last month come out?"

"It came out, but the situation is not optimistic!"

"what happened?"

"Last month, we put a total of about 5000 million silver dollars into the market."

"This... why is it only 5000 million!"

The middle-aged man named Lao Luo circled his forehead with an annoyed tone:

"Last month's mission goal was [-] million, right?"

"Yes, one hundred million."

"Hey, in fact, the goal set at the beginning was 5000 million, but the economic experts over there thought that this number was too high, so they reduced it by [-] million."

"No way, our border currency has a higher market recognition than we thought."

"What's so strange about that."

"Although the common people don't understand finance, they support us very much and trust the border area currency very much. Few people convert it into silver dollars. If we hadn't figured out other ways to pay the soldiers with preserved fruits and so on, I'm afraid that 3000 million yuan would not be completed. "

"How much is the task for this month?"

Lao Luo suddenly asked.

"[-] million!"

"I have to make up for the vacancy last month."

After listening, Lao Luo shivered and gritted his teeth:

"That is to say, we have to spend [-] million silver dollars this month?"

"Yes! It is said that there will be more next month."

"This, is it finished?"

"Don't think about it, it will definitely take forever!"


"I have an idea"

"Tell me."

"Nowadays the population in the base area is growing rapidly, and the common people have some money and consumption capacity. Although Li Yunlong can provide a full and sufficient supply of basic necessities, we are doing our best to build factories to produce other common commodities, but there are still serious problems. Demand exceeds supply."

"I suggest, purchase goods from outside."

Now there are many jobs in the base area, and the wages are also very good.

When people have money, they have consumption demand.

For food and clothing, Li Yunlong can meet the needs of the base area, and even has a lot of surplus.

He is clear that in the preparation plan in charge of the General Logistics Department, there are 700 million tons of staple grains such as wheat and rice suitable for long-term storage provided by Boss Mo Mo in the warehouse.

And [-] tons of cotton.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of various fuel oils.

This is stored by the base itself, and it is not counted as "in the hands of Li Yunlong".

That's the big head.

But the needs of tens of millions of people in the base area are not only food and clothing. Although the word "housing" is only one word, their needs are extremely diverse, ranging from matches and needlework, chopsticks, bowls, pots and spoons, bottles and cans to furniture and livestock.

In the base of the basic construction and education system, there is not much power to build factories, so don't look at the factories rising one after another, but the actual production capacity is very low.

In the current base area, apart from what the army itself can provide, other commodities are seriously in short supply.

For example, soap, this kind of daily necessities, even though many new soap factories have been built in the base area, the supply is still seriously in short supply. There is already a trend of rising prices, but because of the short time, it has not exploded yet.

Not to mention other merchandise.


Lao Luo thought for a moment and said:

"In the current situation, we are surrounded by devils or preserved fruits. If we purchase from outside, the cost will be very high."

As long as the benefits are sufficient, merchants can transport goods in.

Even if it is imported from abroad through the Burma Road in the south, and then transported to the base area of ​​Jinzhong Basin, as long as the benefits are sufficient, there will be a lot of people to do it, and even devil merchants will transport goods in from the coast.

However, the base area is located deep in the mountains, and the transportation cost is high. In addition to the current situation, under the blockade layer by layer, the cost of transporting goods in is likely to be very high.

It's not that they are worried that the base area will not be able to afford it.

The task given by the superiors was to spend the silver dollars. They knew the core reason and how much silver dollars Chief Li had brought in, so there was no need to worry about not having enough silver dollars.

The only worry is that the flowers are not fast enough and hard enough.

The problem is that ordinary people who have just a little money will definitely not be able to afford commodities that are too expensive.

"It's fine if we don't subsidize it. Products bought at high prices will be sold at market prices."

"Anyway, our first task is to stabilize the value of border area currency. As long as we ensure the supply of food and other things, and ensure that there is no limit to the exchange of silver dollars, there will be no problem."

"It won't cost many silver dollars."

"A lot of silver dollars can buy goods at a premium, and then subsidize the people with the actual price of the base area, improve the living standard, and promote the economic development of the base area, and these outflowing silver dollars will not flow back to the base area."

"These commodities can also stabilize prices in the base area. After all, our own production capacity is seriously insufficient now."

"It can also attract outsiders to set up factories in our base areas. Although we don't lack funds, we lack talents and equipment."

"A good idea. It not only consumes the extra silver dollars, completes the task, but also attracts talents for the base area, and controls the price. It serves multiple purposes."

"Liang Xipi."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Shancheng, the bald head is very angry.

The frontline troops, no, it should be said that they were drawn from the frontline. The troops currently maintaining law and order in the rear have recently experienced a large-scale loss, and the loss is towards the 'thorn in the side'.

The loss has lasted for several months, and the total strength has reached dozens of regiments.

Such a serious problem, unexpectedly someone notified him now.

"We didn't expect things to develop so quickly. There were only a few people at the beginning. I thought it was just an accident, so I didn't pay much attention to it."

The reporting general tried his best to explain.

It's not that he wants to report, but recently, the rate of troop loss is getting faster and faster. The minimum is one regiment a day, and the maximum is more than three or five regiments. The matter can no longer be concealed.

If you don't report it, and wait for the higher-ups to find out, then you will be in big trouble.

"Lian Xipi..."

The bald chairman of the committee slammed his cane fiercely:
"Order them, bring these people back."

"They refused."

You still think it was a few years ago, when everyone was really friendly... The general who reported couldn't help but twitch his mouth.


The bald chairman was furious, waving his crutches:


The bald-headed man stopped abruptly at this point, and his crutch also stopped in mid-air.

At this time, the chairman finally remembered that the situation was not what it was a few years ago.

The current 'thorn in the eye' is so strong that he can defeat the devils head-on in the plains, and even encircle the devils' first army of 8 or [-] people. This is something he absolutely cannot do.

Not to mention that his main force is on the front line, in the south.

Even if he mobilized all the troops, it would be difficult to do this kind of thing.

Now his "thorn in the eye" is the terrifying artillery fire that even the devils fear. The artillery shells consumed in the Jinzhong Basin battle were several times more than all the shells he consumed in the previous three years of battle.

so much fire...
The bald chairman doesn't think his troops can hold up.

"Then enforce the ban on going out."

The bald head of the committee again hit the ground hard with his crutches.

In other places, the loss of personnel is very troublesome, but in the army, it is not easy to deal with it?
As long as it is forbidden to go out and strictly guarded, who can leave?
This is the army!
"It's useless."

The general who reported said with a wry smile:

"Our front line has already closed the barracks."

"However, they drove armored vehicles, armed with machine guns and cannons, and rushed directly into the barracks, saying that they would organize military training with their allies, cultivate friendship, and eliminate conflicts."

"For all the joint training troops, they still pay the actual amount of military salary, all of which are silver dollars."


The bald chairman first slammed his cane on the ground a few times, cursed a few words, and then he was dumbfounded for a long time when he heard that the silver dollar military salary was issued.

After a long silence, the chairman opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

The general who reported knew what his chairman was going to say.

I want the troops to retreat!

As long as the troops of both sides do not touch, there will be no loss of troops.

But once the garrison retreats, the opponent will definitely press up, and the opponent will advance as much as they retreat.

Not to mention losing the territory in vain, it has no effect.

Where can they retreat?

With the means of the opponent, even if they retreated to the city and stayed behind closed doors, it would not be able to stop the loss of troops.

The general opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

In fact, there is another way.

To improve the treatment of soldiers, as long as the soldiers are paid enough to eat and wear well, there will not be so many losses. Those people rely on this trick to attract their soldiers.

But he knew very well - it was impossible.

Because there is no money.

There is a serious shortage of silver dollars and preserved fruits, and they have to be exchanged for foreign currencies such as U.S. dollars internationally. As for the French currency... although the depreciation speed of this year has been controlled, it is compared to last year.

In fact, it is still falling at a rapid rate.

In a few months, two dollars can become one dollar. Unless the military pay is increased, ordinary soldiers will not be satisfied at all, but this will intensify the establishment of legal currency.


We must first solve the deduction problem.

(End of this chapter)

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