My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 236 It's Over Before It Begins!

Chapter 236 It's Over Before It Begins!

18 It's over before it even starts!

"Only six?"

At Yangcun Airport, all the pilots frowned when they heard the enemy's situation.

Although due to insufficient logistics personnel, only twenty aircraft can take off at a time, and the maximum number of dispatches per day is only fifty.

But how to divide the six devil planes?
"Old rules."

Huzi, the captain of the aviation brigade, said:

"One team starts to intercept, and the other two teams serve as reserves."


Although very unwilling, but in the face of their captain, the undisputed No.1 skill in the training camp, everyone can only obey orders honestly.

"Hey, can't the little devil send more planes over?"

Looking at the departing captain and his wingman, the pilots gritted their teeth.

Just at this time··

"Report, found a second wave of devil planes, four in number, heading southeast."

"Report, found the third wave of devil planes, two in number, heading northwest."

"Report, found the fourth wave of devil planes, one in number, heading northeast."

In three directions in a row, the Devil's plane was discovered at the same time.

"The little devil is testing the number of available combat aircraft."

Huzi narrowed his eyes when he heard this series of news.

However, he didn't stop, but continued to move forward, walking all the way to the airport.

Although I don't know the specific reason, it has only been ten months here, but 50 of them have received six years of training in that mysterious training camp.

In six years, they have not only become aviation experts per capita, but also accumulated rich practical experience.

Even if he doesn't command, the aviation brigade can easily deal with it.

The little devils think too highly of their own planes.

After about 10 minutes.

"According to the time, the first attack wave should be about [-] kilometers away from Yangcun."

Bei Ping, the aviation wing captain of the North China Front Army, who was also the commander in charge of the bombing of Yangcun, reported to a group of devil generals, including Gangcun Ningci.

The devils have no long-range three-coordinate radar, no relay base station, and no relay aircraft to provide long-distance communication relay. The situation of the frontline battle can only be guessed.

Or, a forward observation post.

But now in the base area, devils and even spies have to be careful, so it is naturally impossible to set up an observation post with real-time communication.

"Currently, we do not know the number of enemy aircraft."

"But according to estimates, the number of enemy aircraft will not be too many."

"They lack pilots."

The captain of Devil Aviation continued:
"First, second, third, fourth, for estimating the number of enemy aircraft."

"The number of planes in each wave is different. According to the number of enemy planes sent to deal with it, the number of enemy planes can be roughly estimated."

"If the number of enemy planes is really small, then the fifth wave is to bomb the enemy's airports and hangars, destroying their planes and fuel."

"Yo Xi."

Listening to the complete battle plan in front of them, the top leaders of the North China Front Army were very satisfied.

at the same time.

"Do it."

On the other side, the staff of the Independent Regiment, an order was issued from here.


The team members who were monitoring the ghost spies in various parts of Yangcun also rang out this voice from their walkie-talkies.


More than 30 members of the anti-rape team, or armed with shell guns or submachine guns, arrested all of them with lightning speed before the devil spies could react.

In the case of preparations in advance, none of the three groups of ghost spies distributed around the airport escaped, three of them were captured alive, and six of them committed suicide or were shot dead.

For fear that the troops would have radio monitoring, this technology is not difficult, so the devils have always kept the latent radio stations silent, only accepting and not sending out telegrams.

Therefore, after the three groups of latent observation points were pulled out, the devils did not know the situation immediately.

at the same time.

Huzi was driving a 'Yi' fighter plane, and under the guidance of the radar station, he had already arrived at the sky above the six Devil planes.

At this time, he and his wingman were flying at an altitude of [-] meters.

The Devil's plane is still at an altitude of 6000 meters.

With an altitude difference of 4000 meters and no radar, in the noisy cockpit, the Jazi plane, which could only rely on sight, didn't know it, and continued to fly straight forward.

Huzi and the others, with the help of the 'Yi' fighter jet's airborne radar, were able to grasp the movement of the Devil's plane in real time.


When he was still a few kilometers away from the Devils fleet, Huzi pushed the joystick violently and drove the fighter jet to dive violently towards the Devils.

Because of the distance of several kilometers, Huzi's dive angle at this time is not vertical, and the angle is not even large, only about [-] degrees.

This is what he did on purpose.

Because at this time the devil's plane was at an altitude of 6000 meters.

And the speed of the 'Yi' supersonic fighter he is driving is Mach 6000. This speed will decrease a little at [-] meters, but not too much.

an altitude of 6000 meters,

Several times the speed of the enemy plane,

He can completely approach and launch an attack from the tail of the enemy plane at high speed, and then continue to break away at high speed. With his speed, he can launch multiple attacks before the devil's plane descends.

Solve the six planes in front of you as quickly as possible.

And the devil, facing the huge speed difference, will have no chance to resist.

It can even be separated from the wingman and hunt alone.

The battle situation was exactly as Huzi expected.

Facing the MiG-21 hypersonic fighter approaching from behind at Mach 300 with a very small visual cross-section, the Devil fighter, whose flying speed is only more than [-] kilometers, knew that the enemy was coming only after it was shot down.

But it's too late.

According to Boyd's energy air combat theory, there is a high-speed MiG-21, which has sufficient energy at this time, can quickly turn and maneuver to the attack position again, and then launch an attack.

The devil's plane has an extremely low energy level.

In less than a minute, as the last plane was blown up by Huzi at an altitude of more than 1 meters, the first wave of six Devil fighters was completely wiped out.

Among them, Huzi shot down four by himself, bringing the total number of shots down to six.

other waves,

The ghost plane also ended in the same way,

Was annihilated by the sudden appearance of hypersonic fighter jets like cutting melons and vegetables.

Of the thirteen Jap planes, none escaped.

After an hour and a half.

North Review,

Inside the headquarters, the atmosphere was terrifyingly quiet,
All the devils, including Neiji Gangmura, realized that something was wrong.

According to the scheduled plan, one and a half hours ago, four waves, a total of [-] fighter jets should all arrive at the predetermined position, and the enemy planes should also take off to intercept.

At the same time, the intelligence personnel lurking around the airport will report the number of enemy planes taking off from Yangcun Airport.

But an hour and a half passed without a single telegram.

The three telegrams that were moved to the side of the meeting room were also eerily quiet.

"Could it be that the Eighth Route Army saw our plan and didn't take off fighter jets to intercept it?"

A devil's staff officer broke the silence.

But no one responded to him.

According to the predetermined combat plan, if the enemy plane does not take off, the four waves of fighter jets will continue to explore and go deep, bombing surrounding villages, towns and warehouses at high altitude to attract enemy planes to dispatch.

If the enemy plane has not yet dispatched, it means that although the enemy plane is extremely fast, its range is very short, or there are other problems...

Similar to domestic and aviation experts who studied in Germany, this fighter uses a rocket engine. Although it is fast, its range is extremely short and it can only operate near the airport.

Return after the bombing is over.

But it's been an hour and a half.

Even if the enemy plane is not dispatched, it is time to return and land at Beiping Airport.

But the airport was very quiet, and the surrounding garrisons did not find any report from the plane.

"In the end what happened?"

The captain of the Devils Aviation Wing had a bad intuition in his heart.

But he didn't say it.

"Contact a potential intelligence officer."

In the end, it was Neiji Okamura who broke the silence.


The head of the intelligence department of the North China Front immediately ran to the telegraph room.

Another half hour passed.

Inside the headquarters, there was still silence.

On the forehead of the head of the intelligence department of the North China Front Army, drops of sweat the size of beans dripped down.

Half an hour passed, and the three groups of observers he arranged to lurk at Yangcun Airport did not reply to a single telegram.

Even if there is a temporary accident, unless they are all discovered and captured by the enemy, it is impossible to have three groups of observation points for up to half an hour without replying to a single telegram.



Neji Gangmura took a deep breath and looked at the person in charge of the intelligence department.


"Observation point, more than [-]% may be discovered."

The person in charge of the intelligence department gave a probabilistic answer.


Neiji Gangmura looked at the leader of the Devils Flying Coalition.

"None of the thirteen fighter jets returned, and the garrisons in various places did not report any signs of finding the plane, so..."

The captain of the Devils Flying Coalition took a deep breath, and said solemnly:
"Four waves, thirteen fighters, should have been shot down by the enemy."

Excluding all possibilities, the only answer that seems absolutely impossible is the truth!
Although the leader of the Devil's Flying Wing admitted that he had no reason to admit it, there was a [-]% probability that the thirteen fighters he sent were all shot down by the Eighth Route Army.

He didn't know how the enemy did it.

None of the thirteen fighters were spared.

But he knew one thing, this time the enemy was very strong, stronger than he imagined.

That kind of aircraft is also more advanced than he imagined, or the number is more than he expected.

"Suspend the bombing program."

After another silence for a while, Ningji Gangmura stood up and ordered:
"Order the special high-tech department, and the intelligence department will fully investigate the whereabouts of the thirteen planes."

If it is shot down, there will definitely be wreckage. Although the imperial army has almost no control over the Tuba Road base area, the special high-tech and intelligence forces are still active. It is not difficult to find the wreckage of the plane after investigation.


Many people from Torii, who are in charge of the special high-tech department in the North China region, and the heads of the intelligence department of the North China Front Army all bowed their heads.


The captain of the Devils Flying Coalition breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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