My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 242 Like a cat playing with a mouse

Chapter 242 Like a cat playing with a mouse
"A range of 120 kilometers."


"At this distance, extremely high accuracy can still be guaranteed."

In the United States, the rocket information sent by the devils was immediately handed over to the rocket experts.

"Sure enough."

The rocket expert said proudly:

"I just said that this kind of rocket weapon will definitely have a range of more than 150 kilometers. It is estimated that the maximum range will be about [-] to [-] kilometers. It will be impossible if it is more."

"We can easily do that too."

Take the V2 produced by Mustache as an example, its launch weight is 12 tons, and its maximum range is about 360 kilometers, so the estimation of this American rocket expert is no problem.


The Scud given by the system master is a model developed by Mao Zi in the 80s. It has a launch weight of six tons and a maximum range of [-] kilometers.

This is obviously beyond the capabilities of this rocket expert.

"Can we do it, and still maintain extremely high accuracy after a distance of 120 kilometers?"

The officer who sent the information asked:

"Can it be done, can the final descending speed be above the speed of sound?"

His eyes were burning.

The range of more than 100 kilometers, in the eyes of the American military, is just that.

Even without relying on rockets, it is very simple to use fighter-bomber formations to drop bombs a hundred kilometers away.

And bigger and more efficient.

But the most terrifying thing about the rocket that appeared in the sky over Tokyo is not the range, but the super high speed at the end, and the incredible precision.

The terminal speed is more than twice the speed of sound, which means that even if this rocket is discovered in advance, there is no means of interception. Neither fighter jets nor anti-aircraft artillery can cope with such a fast aircraft.

It is the scariest thing to be able to accurately hit a parking station at a distance of 120 kilometers.

Although it's not clear how.

But with a range of more than [-] kilometers and incredible accuracy, this weapon can accurately strike rear field airports, command centers, ammunition warehouses, and key traffic arteries.

This is a super weapon that can determine the direction of a battlefield.

The United States must have this weapon, or find a way to deal with it.

"I can't do it..."

The rocket expert shook his head directly:

"With current technology, there is basically no possibility."

"Even if it is a manned aircraft, flying so far, it is easy to yaw, let alone an unmanned rocket that only relies on mechanical gyroscopes and other navigation."

"Then why..."

The military came to look at the information on the table.

"have no idea··"

The rocket expert shook his head:

"We don't even know the technology is far away."

"However, it can be speculated that either extremely advanced radar technology will be used, or manned driving combined with gyroscope inertial navigation, but even so, our current technology cannot do it."

"At least hundreds of millions of research expenses and a research cycle of several years."


The military frowned.

This is not good news.

"However, if this kind of rocket can be obtained, then maybe..."

The Rocketeers didn't cut their teeth.

Soon, the analysis report appeared on Luo Laizi's desk.

"Do we need to respond?"

Lame Luo looked at his military staff.

"Need not."

The staff general shook his head, speaking confidently:
"This kind of supersonic rocket is indeed technologically advanced, far exceeding our country's technical capabilities, and it can't even do defense."

"However, judging from the opponent's use frequency and scenarios, it is obvious that this weapon must have special restrictions, and the restrictions are very large."

"The high probability is that the quantity is insufficient."

"There are other issues as well."

"For example, the use environment is demanding, and it takes a long time to prepare, etc."

"And the target of the attack is either a fixed location or a large mobile warship. There is a high probability that the accuracy is achieved by placing some kind of equipment at the target location in advance."

"Otherwise, if the landing point this time is not the parking lot, but the Prime Minister's Office..."


Nodding his head, Lame Luo agreed with his military staff.


The tone of the military staff is dignified:

"For this weapon, we must be more vigilant and find ways to figure out its principles and weaknesses."

"Although there are obvious usage restrictions, it is still undeniable that this is a super weapon that can directly change the battlefield situation."

"Why, we don't target the devil's Prime Minister's Office?"

After returning to Yangcun, some team members asked Zhang Dabiao.

As soon as the topic came out, all the team members looked at Zhang Dabiao one after another.

This is also their common doubt.

If the scud from the day before yesterday was aimed at the devil's prime minister's mansion, then not only Yanagawa Hirasuke would be able to kill him, but even the devil's prime minister and a group of important ministers would be able to kill him by the way.

But it happened to set the landing point in the parking lot.


Zhang Dabiao explained:

"This operation was planned by Boss Mo."

"Weapons and equipment, intelligence information, etc., are all provided by Boss Mo."

"We just made some people out."

"He just wanted to kill Yanagawa Heisuke."

"But why?"

Some team members were puzzled.

With the power of the Scud, it is obvious that most of the high-level devils can be wiped out. If you add a few more, they can all be wiped out, leaving no one behind.But why kill only one?

Zhang Dabiao touched his chin and said:
"Probably similar to a cat catching a mouse? Enjoying the hunt?"

"I see···"

In the combat room, everyone bared their teeth together, and then showed cruel smiles.

Boss Mo's strength, to Shang Guizi, was indeed the difference between a cat and a mouse.

No, this comparison looks too much like a devil.

Should it be the gap between a super army and a rat?
They knew that Boss Mo's magical science and technology, for example, allowed them to learn how to operate, use and maintain missiles in just a few months.

And, the people in the flight group had [-] hours of real-world piloting experience in just ten months.

These miraculous methods are probably beyond the imagination of the devils.


Zhang Dabiao smiled:
"If Boss Mo kills all the high-level devils, what are we going to do?"

"Makes sense!"

All the players nodded in unison.

North review.

"This weapon should have some kind of restriction."

"The reason for its high accuracy is that there is either a driver inside, or it is guided by some kind of equipment placed in the target area in advance."

"And there won't be too many of them."

"Otherwise, this time the location is not the parking lot, but the Prime Minister's Office."

"Even Locust Palace..."

The meeting room of the North China Front Army, which was built after Tada Jun was killed, was located tens of meters underground. Several high-level officials were discussing it. Among them, Ishihara Waner was also called because he had a good relationship with Gang Village.

Although the mysterious forces have spoken, they will attack in the mainland from now on,

But can the enemy be trusted?
The high-level devils in North China are still like thieves. They must disguise themselves when they go out, and the guards choose immediately, and they must sleep in the basement for meetings.


Ishihara smiled and shook his head:

"I think."

"The enemy is not attacking the Locust Palace, but the Prime Minister's Office. There is a high probability that it is not a weapon restriction."

"It's like holding a cat playing with a mouse, playing with the empire. They want to watch the empire despair a little bit."

"Is that possible?"

Shi Yuan's words shocked several people in the conference room, but after careful consideration, they immediately felt that it was very possible.


During the attack on Hayao Tada, more than a dozen mysterious rockets were directly divided and thrown at the North China Front Army Command, and they all died.

Or, divide it a little more and throw it in the barracks.

That day, almost all the troops were in full battle, and a large number of soldiers assembled. Once one of these weapons fell,
"do not know."

Ishihara shook his head with a smile, and said:
"We have no way of knowing."

"We can only wait for the enemy's next move."


Ishihara paused for a moment before continuing:
"If the enemy is really enjoying the fun of hunting, then the next target should be ordinary local generals, but the scale of the explosion will be larger to cause panic among the local people."

"Then, the follow-up will continue to attack ordinary generals or ordinary targets, and gradually expand the scale, further expanding the panic of the people and making the high-level people feel the panic."


"In the end, the empire's economy collapsed and social order disappeared..."

Those who can be called by Gangcun to participate in the secret meeting are all smart people, and they will not be like Lieutenant Tojo, who will only be furious when they hear remarks that they disagree with.

If you can't solve the problem, solve the person who raised the problem.

Listening to Ishihara Wanji's speculation, everyone was silent.

"How likely is it?"

Gangcun asked suddenly.

"do not know."

Ishihara smiled and shook his head:

"But according to the abilities currently displayed by the mysterious forces, they definitely have this strength."

"The weapons equipped by the guerrillas in North China, even if you don't count the long-range mortars, just look at the captured rifles and machine guns. It's hard to catch a horse."

"Materials and industrial manufacturing capabilities are the foundation of a country's technological level."

"not to mention·····"

Ishihara Waner didn't continue talking.

But all the devils here know what's behind it.

These people have experienced most intuitively how the guerrillas in the North China region have become stronger step by step, and they can more intuitively understand the power of the mysterious helpers.

One of the most intuitive figures is the entire battlefield of the Jinzhong Basin Campaign, seven warring counties, thirteen logistics supply roads, and the length of the battle in one month.

The Eighth Route Army fired about 4000 million mortar shells of various calibers.Among them, Ping County, where the fighting was most intense, had nearly ten million shots.

Correspondingly, the Imperial Locust Army, even including grenades, fired less than 200 million rounds.

Such a powerful enemy would only attack and kill a few imperial generals?

Could it be that··

The enemy is really like Mao playing with a mouse, playing with the empire?
All the generals felt heavy.

Everyone knows that the possibility of this matter is not low.

(End of this chapter)

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