Chapter 263
45 I'm going to swallow it in one gulp!
"Our chances are..."


Located in Shimen, which is the front-line headquarters of Shijiazhuang, Gangcun Ningci said calmly:

"The Eighth Route Army has a huge number of artillery, sufficient ammunition, and fierce artillery fire. Although the artillery brigade can suppress it, but..."

At this point, he paused, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled, and repeated several times before Gangcun continued.

Obviously, Gangcun has not yet accepted the fact that the Eighth Route Army has an extremely powerful ground-to-ground air force comparable to European and American powers, and its aircraft is extremely advanced. This is an unacceptable fact.

"They have planes."

"We lack anti-aircraft weapons."

"The heavy artillery brigade is very likely to suffer heavy losses in the face of the air force."

Gangcun paused again for a while.

In fact, there are still some things he didn't say.

It has been four months since the Battle of Jinzhong Basin.

During these four months, according to the known information, Tuba Road mobilized a large number of active troops to Yangcun for training, mainly automobile soldiers and artillery.


From this it can be inferred that

The mechanization of Tuba Road and artillery will inevitably be further enhanced.

There is a high probability that there will be long-range barrel artillery, and it will have a longer range, greater power, and higher accuracy than the artillery currently in service with the Locust Army, and the number will not be small.

Although there is no direct evidence,

However, the battle in Yangquan, the tanks that appeared, and the self-propelled large-caliber super artillery comparable to the 240 howitzer can be proved from the side.

Thinking of this,

Gangcun frowned quietly.

The Tuba Road Artillery has an absolute advantage in the general situation.

The air force also has an absolute advantage,

There is no need to talk about fighter jets. Supersonic jet fighters, not to mention the Imperial Army, even the United States, have no jets.

Even the aircraft that just appeared in Jingxing, with a single engine and capable of carrying three tons of aerial bombs, even the United States found it inconceivable, and asked him to shoot down one as much as possible, preferably capture one, or obtain one for research by other means.
He also tempted the locust army to do it by sharing technology.


The tanks that appeared in Yangquan, judging from the sporadic information, their performance is also extremely advanced,
It is a super tank equipped with 105mm long-barreled artillery, with a cross-country speed of more than 30 kilometers per hour, which can directly climb up steep highlands, and whose armor can block the attack of death squads.

That is,

Now, the Imperial Army has no advantage over the Eighth Route Army.

Infantry, artillery, and armor are all at a disadvantage.

They are also absolute disadvantages.

The same is true for communication. The Eight Routes have spread the radio to the platoon level, while the Imperial Army can only spread it to the brigade.

Not to mention the radio quality.

For a moment, Gangcun wanted to retreat now.



"Whether it is aircraft or artillery, at night, it will be severely restricted."

"While they had previously responded with flares on a large scale, in the mountains, flares were very poor and this was our opportunity."

"Just get close..."

"Victory is ours."

Gangcun Ningci's tone was firm.

It is true that Tubalu has absolute advantages in aircraft, artillery, tanks, and logistics, even light weapons.

But their biggest problem is that the expansion of troops is too fast, resulting in a serious shortage of soldiers' quality and low training level. As long as they implement night combat and close combat and limit their firepower, the locust army can easily defeat the Eighth Route Army.

Even if the opponent's light firepower has an absolute advantage.


All the ghost generals who participated in the meeting nodded in agreement.

"The devil will definitely launch a night attack."

In Yangquan, in the general headquarters in the direction of the Zhengtai line, the brigade commander in charge of this battle was smiling, with an expression as if everything was in his hands:
"It's simple."

"Facing us who have absolute superiority in firepower, air superiority, logistical superiority, and occupying a geographical advantage, the devils can only weaken our firepower through the night to have the only chance of winning."

"Although in terms of individual light firepower, we also have an absolute advantage."

"But come to think of it, the devils also know that the recent expansion of our troops is too fast, the soldiers are not trained enough, and the average military quality is really not as good as the devils. Once we fall into close combat and night combat, there is a high possibility of chaos."


Speaking of this, the brigade commander paused on purpose before continuing:
"I'm going to come and beat the dog once."


Pointing to the map around Nanzhen where Kong Jie was stationed, the brigade commander said:
"To the west of Nanzhen is Jingxing, which is [-] kilometers away from the Shimen controlled by the devils in a straight line."

"This distance exceeds the range of all the devil's artillery."

"If the devil wants to attack Nanzhen, the whole army must enter Jingxing, including the heavy artillery brigade, and [-] infantry will also deploy along Jingxing, along the direction of the Zhengtai line, and penetrate the two wings."

"The terrain of Jingxing is a basin surrounded by mountains, with only four exits."

"In the north-south direction, there are two roads and some valleys. The terrain is narrow, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is not suitable for large troops to pass through."

"So, the devil must either attack along the Zhengtai line, or retreat to Shimen along the Zhengtai line."

"My plan is..."

The Great Brigadier raised his tone:

"Yinan town attracts the devils to attack, and then sends two groups of troops to march from the two flanks of the mountains, cutting off the north and south valleys and other passages."

Hearing this, everyone did not speak, but looked at the brigade commander together.

It is very simple to march through the two wings and cut off the passage, and the difficulty is very low.

But in Nanzhen, plus the valleys on the two wings, and a few other passages, the pocket array only pierced in three directions, and how to cut off the east direction of the Zhengtai line, which is the direction the devils are attacking?
If you don't get in here, this pocket array is meaningless.

Although it is possible to use Black Hawk helicopters to bring infantry and artillery to directly land on the commanding heights around and cut off the passage, this requires a large number of Black Hawks.

The number of black hawks is sufficient, but the army does not have so many pilots. Second, the black hawks are not allowed to be used in this battle.

"As for the east..."

Speaking of this, the Brigadier suddenly smiled:
"The armored company of the First Battalion has been equipped with thirty No. 72 tanks that are ready for combat."

"I plan to send 25 tanks as an assault force, and then add a motorized infantry battalion to break through from the front with the advantages of speed and armor, forcefully reach Touquan, and seize the surrounding commanding heights."

Touquan, where the Zhengtai line passes, connects Jingxing and Shimen, the last corner of the pocket array.

"But how do you keep it?"

Finally, a staff officer couldn't help but ask:

"The devil will definitely launch a strong attack at night..."

Armored force, with the strength of the No. 72 tank, it is no problem to break through the devil's position head-on and occupy the commanding heights around Touquan.

Although infantry fighting vehicles are not yet equipped due to the shortage of technical non-commissioned officers, the surrounding terrain of Jingxing is flat, and the three-ton troop transport truck can keep up with the tanks and can also carry a sufficient amount of ammunition.

But there are more than one division of devils around Jingxing, and a heavy artillery brigade,
Stationed at the commanding heights around Touquan, responsible for cutting off the troops of the Jingxing Devils who retreated to Shimen. Although there were 25 No. 72 tanks and more than 100 three-ton trucks, there was only one reinforced battalion.

It is also impossible to establish a material transfer station anywhere.

This little force, without enough shells, and no time to build a strong position, can stop the devil's crazy breakout?
This is more than [-] devils.

Even if there is a frontal containment, the devils only send half of their troops to break through, and they are still a division of devils.

Thirty to one force.

Not to mention, there are thousands of devils in Shimen, and these devils will definitely reinforce and open up the passage.

No problem during the day, the aviation regiment can suppress the devil's heavy artillery, and can also intercept the devil's ground troops. Without the heavy artillery, the 72 tanks are used to defend instead of attack, and it is no problem to hold a few commanding heights, even with ease.

During the day, the long-range heavy artillery regiment can also provide fire support.

But not at night.

The flight group cannot take off at night,
Although the No. 72 tank has a night market mode, but in the night mode, the field of vision is limited, and the lack of infantry, the devils have the opportunity to get close to the No. 72 tank.

Tanks are not invincible.

The tracks, the rear engine, and the top are all weak areas that can be destroyed by explosives.

"Sky gunship!"

A staff officer suddenly realized.

Under the strong attack of nearly [-] times the force, relying on the tank company, the assault battalion can hold the commanding heights around Touquan and cut off the devil's escape route to Shimen for one night, which is completely unrealistic.

But if you add air gunships, it's different.

Fighting at night, there is no difference between the air gunboat and the daytime, and you can see any devils on the ground clearly, especially when it is sunny near Jingxing recently, there is moonlight, and the low-light night vision device is better.

Five air gunboats, the firepower projected is equivalent to five reinforced infantry battalions.

Moreover, the accuracy is higher and the combat efficiency is better.

With the support of air gunboats, the devils don't want to break through the pocket array.

As for the frontal attack force, relying on five No. 72 tanks, 240mm heavy mortars, and 105mm howitzers, it only takes one day to break through the frontal positions of the devils and completely divide and surround the devils.

Although there will still be some devils leaving through the detour, the large army will inevitably be swallowed.

That's more than 5 devils,

Even if 4 escaped, it would be more than [-], more than a devil with a full regiment.

Moreover, not a single piece of heavy equipment could escape. Thinking about it, the nearly seventy heavy artillery pieces were enough to make the devil feel distressed for a long time.


The Brigadier finally laughed out loud:

"Yes, we have air gunships!"

The reason why he dared to formulate such a bold plan to encircle the troops in a straight line, break through from the center of the enemy, and complete the encirclement was because of the super weapon of the air gunboat.

"Sun Tzu said it well."

"The soldiers are very fast!"

After a burst of rampant grinning, the Brigadier continued:

"I plan to start tonight!"




Inside the staff headquarters, Qi Qi was shocked.

It is ten o'clock in the morning.

A huge battle plan involving tens of thousands of troops was put forward on the same day and started to be implemented in less than twelve hours.
Is it ok?

But after careful consideration, the staff officers found that there was no problem.

The interspersed troops on the two wings have been prepared for a long time, and they can start at any time, take a car, follow the road, and with the support of 240 self-propelled mortars, there is no problem in capturing the valleys on the two wings.

The central piercing force is also no problem.

The tank company and the [-]th Battalion of the Independent Regiment can start at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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