Chapter 265

Following the order of Neiji Gangmura, a full-staffed devil infantry regiment, consisting of more than 3000 devils, was divided into three teams and launched an attack on Nanzhen.

behind the devil,

Dozens of 75mm mountain guns opened fire to provide fire cover for the attacking Japanese infantry regiment.

As soon as the devil made a move, it was a group charge of an infantry regiment, and a mountain artillery regiment provided fire support.


"Just this bit of artillery fire?"

Seeing the Japanese attacking, an Eighth Route Army commander put out the cigarette butt in his hand and sneered disdainfully at the front line.

If it was a year ago, he would have been so anxious that he couldn't even hold a cigarette steady when he saw such artillery fire.

36 mountain cannons, this is the number of a Devils artillery regiment, and at that time, let alone their main regiment, even the brigade headquarters could hardly have a few body cannons.

Even if there were, there would be no shells.

but now··

I am used to seeing the ferocious artillery frenzy at home, the devil's artillery, there are only more than 30 75 mountain artillery pieces, not even as good as fireworks.

This firepower density is not as good as an artillery company equipped with 82 mortars.

"The 75mm artillery is indeed no longer suitable for large-scale battlefields."

Beside him, another group leader said with emotion.


The first leader nodded in agreement.

The shell grenade of the 75 mountain gun is only about six kilograms, but because of the high barrel pressure, less charge, and low velocity of the terminal shell, the power is actually similar to that of the 4.5 mortar grenade, which is only 82 kg.

Slightly stronger earthworks can block it, and if you are a veteran, you can even sleep in the bomb defense hole.

Only the 105 artillery is a suitable long-range suppression artillery.

It is powerful, three times as powerful as the 75 Mountain Cannon, has a long range, and its maneuverability is not much worse than the 75 Mountain Cannon.

As for the mountains, where the 75 mountain artillery can go up, the 120 heavy mortar can also go up. The power of the two sides is not at the same level at all.

Under the leisurely eyes of the battalion commanders of several frontline regiments, nearly a hundred 82 mortars behind Nanzhen opened fire, and the shells, which were far denser than the devils, fell on the charging devil formation, blowing up the devils one by one.

Even though the little devil had reached the maximum level and even pulled out the skirmish line beyond the specification, he still suffered heavy casualties in the face of unreasonable shelling.


The regiment's 105 howitzers in the rear also began to counterattack the 75 mountain artillery that suppressed the devils.

Although the battle has just begun, and the front artillery observation point has not been able to find the precise position of the enemy's artillery, it is not difficult to guess the approximate position of the enemy's artillery through the impact of the enemy's shells.

Next, it's up to the shell density.

After all, the maximum range of the Devil 75 artillery is generally about six kilometers.

The 105 artillery has a range of ten kilometers, and the absolute advantage in range makes the devil's mountain cannon only passively beaten.

Facing the overwhelming artillery suppression, the devils lost their temper at the beginning of the attack, and the infantry retreated. The artillery also found the enemy's artillery position because of the artillery observation post. After providing guidance for the artillery, it fell into a disadvantage. After losing a few artillery , can only be forced to shift positions.

The Heavy Artillery Brigade was still waiting dryly for the coordinates of the frontline artillery observation team.

"Almost [-] rounds of artillery shells..."

In the devil's rear position, the military attaches from Eagle and Bear were full of shock.

They heard from the Japanese that the artillery fire of this group of local guerrillas was fierce, unprecedentedly fierce.
At that time, the two didn't care much.

Even laughed out loud.

The strength of the Japanese army is well known.

An entire reinforced infantry battalion, the so-called brigade, is equipped with only two artillery pieces, which are pitiful and weak 70-caliber low-pressure infantry artillery. Even the most elite infantry support artillery and mortar invented in the last European war Ken equipped.

The artillery of brigades and divisions, even those of Category A divisions, was nowhere near the density of artillery fire of their infantry.

Such an army, with fierce artillery fire in its eyes, where can it go?
No, the so-called grenade, a weapon with the same power as a grenade or a grenade, is also counted as an artillery, right?

That was violent indeed!
It's just not very powerful.

But right now, we don't count the battle between the two sides' barrel guns.

Nearly a hundred long-range 82 mortars fired continuously, with a fire density of more than a thousand rounds per minute, the shelling time lasted for half an hour, and the shell rain of more than 3 shells, even the eagle and bear military officer who is used to seeing big scenes , I couldn't help feeling horrified.

However, the scale of a regiment's positional defense, there is such a dense firepower...

Unprecedented indeed.

Which regiment fired more than [-] rounds of [-] mortar shells in a defensive battle of just half an hour?
"The Japanese are quite powerful."

The military attache from the United States couldn't help but say this.

There are more than 3000 people in the area, and they are attacking under the artillery fire of [-] rounds per minute. Even if it is a complex mountainous terrain, it is unimaginable.

Anyway, if it was the American Army, it would have retreated long ago.

Whose infantry regiment is charging at full speed with a super-organized artillery regiment?

and also,

Whose artillery regiment kept shelling at full speed for half an hour?
Several officers from Eagle put away their contempt one after another.

"I remember the Japanese saying..."

Military attache Yingjiang recalled a sentence that the devil who received him said that the artillery fire of the guerrillas is continuous, that is, the density of artillery fire is the same from the beginning to the end of the battlefield, and it will hardly decrease.

And it's all battlefields.

The group of people who came over from Yingjiang looked at each other.

If it was a regiment-level battlefield, although this situation shocked them, it was nothing more than that.

It is easy for the United States to concentrate its efforts.

But according to the Japanese, there were 10 guerrillas. During the defensive war, the density of artillery fire was so high?

Is this possible?

Amid the doubts of several military officers, Ningji Gangmura launched a second round of attack. This time, more than 5000 devils launched an attack all over the mountains and plains on a front that was more than ten kilometers long.

In the rear, the Devil's heavy artillery brigade positions also opened fire.

Apparently, although the equipment was far behind, the Devils front artillery reconnaissance team finally found the artillery position of the troops.

The little devil still has some ability.

Facing the heavy rain of artillery shells, the Japanese infantry's charge stopped quickly, and it took about half an hour. However, in this half hour, more than 3 82 mortar shells fell, which opened the eyes of the military attaches of the two countries again.

at this time,

The protagonist of the battlefield becomes artillery again,
The 130 long-range cannons of the independent long-range heavy artillery regiment also went into battle.

The shells streaked across the sky like meteors, beautiful and magnificent.

Although the quality of the Devils and the Heavy Artillery Brigade even surpassed that of the Class A Division, and they were well-trained, they gradually began to be at a disadvantage in the face of the independent long-range heavy artillery regiment with a little lack of experience and comprehensive equipment and weapons.

Half an hour after the battle, several 150 artillery pieces were destroyed.


In the rear headquarters.


"The Eighth Route Army has super long-range artillery."

"The quality of the soldiers has also improved a lot."

In the rear headquarters, Gangcun Ningci, who received the news, felt a big stone in his heart fall to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the Eighth Route Army has a large number of long-range artillery, and its performance far exceeds that of the Locust Army. During the battle in the Jinzhong Basin, the serious problem of insufficient quality of soldiers has also been obviously alleviated.

The small troops that penetrated through his wings were almost wiped out.


He sighed, ready to order the troops to retreat.

On the Zhengtai line, he could no longer see any hope of victory. Instead of continuing to attack, it is better to suspend the attack and shrink the defense. Otherwise, once the troops suffer heavy losses, the Tuba Road will definitely take the opportunity to press up, and maybe Shimen will also fall.

Anyway, one of the core purposes has been achieved.

Let the military attaches of the two countries see the strength of this group of guerrillas.

of course,

In the plan, there will be another attack during the day tomorrow.

At that time, he would dispatch planes to attract the jet fighters of the Eight Routes, and let the military attaches of the two countries take a look at the real strength of the Eight Routes in front of them.


At this time, a ghost staff officer came in and reported to Gangcun:

"A large number of Eighth Route Army troops were found on the Jingxing Two Wings Road..."

With that said, the staff officer drew the positions of the two wing troops on the map.

"Want to surround?"

Looking at the interspersed troops on both wings, Okamura Ningji sneered:
"Does this mean that I am as stupid as Naozaburo Okabe and will continue to attack?"

From the perspective of terrain, Jingxing County is a basin surrounded by mountains, with only four exits, which is very suitable for encirclement.

The eight-way two-wing interspersed troops have almost blocked three passages, the west side, and the two wings.

But at present, the locust army has the passage to retreat to Shimen, that is, the route from Zhengtai Line to Shimen.

Unless the troops piercing the two wings of the Tuba Road can break through the three blockade lines he has set up, seize seven commanding heights, and encircle the narrow railway opening between Jingxing and Shimen, his tens of thousands of troops can easily retreat.

He did not deny that Eighth Road had this strength.

He can surround him with an army of more than 5. Of course, there are only [-] left now. After two attacks, even if he retreated quickly, he lost a lot. He also lost a regiment in the previous bombing.

But no matter how fast it is, it will take two days.

But tomorrow day the offensive is over, and he will retreat.

With the current strength of the Tuba Road, he will continue to attack, not to mention the rescue of the First Army, it is estimated that all his more than 5 troops will go in.

but well...

"Notify the troops..."

Okamura Neiji was about to give an order. Suddenly, a staff officer rushed in and reported to Okamura Hui:

The staff officer was flustered:

"The heavy artillery brigade's long-range cannon position was attacked by air and suffered heavy losses."

"Air strike?"

"Long-range cannon position?"

"lost heavily?"

Okamura Ningji suddenly fought.

In the heavy artillery brigade, the long-range cannon is the absolute main force.

The performance is farther than ordinary grenades, and the accuracy is higher.

For example, with the same caliber of 105, the Type 105 105 cannon has a range of up to [-] kilometers, while the Type [-] [-] howitzer has a range of only about ten kilometers.

Although the former is a ton heavier than the latter and less maneuverable, the range is enough to make up for the lack of mobility, especially in the face of enemies who also have good artillery power. The increase of one ton in exchange for an eight-kilometer range is yes. Totally worth it.

At the same time, however, it will be much more difficult to manufacture and much more expensive.

Even though the empire currently has sufficient steel resources from the United States, and these resources are prohibited from being used by the navy, the difficulty in manufacturing long barrels and the weakness of the empire's precision manufacturing industry still make it difficult for the army to quickly replenish cannons.

Even though he had made a plan to give up all heavy weapons as a last resort, he still felt distressed when he heard that the long-range cannon had suffered heavy losses.

This is a real heavy artillery.

"It's night now?"

"Eight Routes can also launch air strikes?"

"Can you still accurately hit the artillery position?"

Compared with distressed, Gangcun was even more shocked in his heart, and couldn't even understand it.

At night, how to launch an air strike, and then accurately hit the heavy artillery brigade that maintains absolute light control?
(End of this chapter)

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