Chapter 267

"The [-]th Heavy Artillery Battalion was attacked by air and suffered heavy losses."


"Heavy Artillery No.12 Battalion was attacked by air and suffered heavy losses."


"The mechanical transport brigade was attacked by air, and all tracked transport vehicles were severely damaged."



"The highway bridge on the left side of Jingxing was captured by the enemy. The enemy has built a pontoon bridge. At present, a large number of vehicles are driving in the direction of Shimen through the pontoon bridge."


"The enemy tank unit has broken through the third position, and is only ten kilometers away from the canyon between Jingxing and Shimen."

In Shimen, in the headquarters, one after another urgent calls were delivered to Gangcun one after another.

The successive bad news made Gangcun's back dripping with cold sweat, and his complexion gradually turned pale.

As the last piece of news came, that the Eighth Route Army tanks had broken through the third line of defense, he stood up suddenly, took a deep breath, and seemed to be ready to say something,
He knew that at this time he should do something, issue some orders, to save the current corrupt situation,
But after standing up, he didn't say anything for a long time.

Before starting the war, he expected,
The enemy will be very strong, there will be long-range cannons with performance far superior to the locust army, there will be powerful air power, and the strength will be stronger than when the Jinzhong Basin was engaged in battle. They even have the idea of ​​​​giving up all heavy weapons when necessary to preserve their vitality.

At this moment, the strength shown by the enemy is still far, far beyond his expectations.

His army of [-] has just begun to attack,
The enemy immediately launched a counterattack,

Dozens of tanks, more than 100 vehicles, and less than 2000 troops combined easily broke through his [-]-strong army, and broke through from the front.
The locust army was beaten through, and it was planned to penetrate to the rear and surround the entire force of the locust army.

This is not a roundabout outflank, but a direct division and encirclement.

Because the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

The most elite and most powerful decisive weapon of the Great Japanese Locust Army, the Independent Heavy Artillery Brigade, had just demonstrated its powerful firepower for less than half an hour, and was first suppressed by the enemy's artillery with a longer range and higher accuracy.

Then, in the dark night, they were almost completely wiped out by a mysterious plane coming from the sky.

There are nearly [-] heavy artillery pieces, and there are less than [-] pieces left.

A large number of auxiliary motor vehicles were also destroyed.

The enemy attack continues,

The troops pierced by the two wings also completed the encirclement at an incredible speed.

The troops were interspersed from the front, and in just one and a half hours, they broke through [-] kilometers from the front, and continued to advance at a high speed.

The staff department organized three lines of defense arranged by tens of thousands of locust troops, which were almost meaningless, and none of the lines of defense blocked the enemy for more than 10 minutes. The only thing to be thankful for, probably, was that the enemy was eager to break through, and the casualties of the defending troops were not large.

However, at this time, those dozens of tanks were less than ten kilometers away from the canyon from Jingxing to Shimen.

The encirclement has been formed visible to the naked eye.

The speed was so fast that even the staff had no time to change the coordinates.

Having been in the army for more than 20 years and commanding the troops for more than ten years, Gangcun Ningci first felt that he didn't know what to do.

The enemy is too strong!
The kind of mysterious aircraft that can accurately attack heavy artillery brigade artillery and motor vehicles at night,
There is also a tank equipped with 105mm artillery and thick armor, which can even exceed the speed of imperial motorcycles on flat ground.

He didn't even have a way to deal with it.


After pacing back and forth for a long time, Gangcun Ningci gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and finally gave the order:

"Blow up all road bridges on both wings."

"Except for the 27th and the mixed brigade, all other troops should retreat immediately, abandon all heavy equipment, and withdraw to Shimen."

"The No.70 Fourth Regiment in Shimen planted anti-tank mines at the exit of the Zhengtai Line."

"No.20 Seventh Mixed Brigade, set off immediately, stop the enemy tank troops, and hold the commanding heights around the canyon."

After daybreak, the Eighth Route Army will definitely gather heavy troops, attack from the front, and completely eat up the encircled locust army.

At this time, there were still six hours before dawn.

The encirclement has not yet formed.

He still has a chance.

How much can you run?
The staff immediately began to transmit orders.

Tens of thousands of Japs mobilized to set up a defense line based on Jingxing, and a large number of troops gathered in the canyon between Jingxing and Shimen.

The Shimen garrison also dispatched, marched toward the exit of the Zhengtai Line, destroyed railways, bridges, and laid anti-tank mines.

Last month, Gangcun applied for anti-tank weapons in China. However, the devil's anti-tank technology tree has always been very slow, not to mention the poor quantity. Now the main anti-tank artillery is still 37 caliber.

Because of shell and craft problems, the power is not as good as that of foreign countries with the same caliber.

Not to mention the front of the t72, even the tail... can't be chewed.

The local government has given two plans:

One was to temporarily use the Type [-] field gun as a combat defense gun. This plan was directly abandoned by Gangcun.

The Yangquan battle proved that the Type 75 50 field gun cannot penetrate enemy tanks even at [-] meters.The second is the anti-tank mine that was urgently designed and produced.

The production difficulty of anti-tank mines is very low,
After obtaining the materials and equipment from the United States, the production capacity of the Devils, which was already completely tense, has also been slightly improved, and it is not difficult to squeeze out a few anti-tank mines.

But not many.

And it has just been transported to Shimen.

It was too late to block the [-]st Battalion and the [-]th Battalion of the Independent Regiment Tanks.

However, it is no problem to lay it at the end of the Zhengtai line to block the continued attack of the eight routes.

"What a powerful eight road."

After giving the arrangement order, Okamura Ningji slumped on the seat all of a sudden, gasping for breath.

Abandon all the supplies, trucks, artillery, and even heavy machine guns, Type [-] infantry guns, carts, carriages, and wounded of the [-]-strong army, and the entire army retreats lightly.

Even now, the empire, which has received help from American resources, has suffered heavy losses.

Not to mention, it is impossible for all [-] troops to retreat, at least, [-] locusts will be left behind.

The locust army is not eight-way, there are not enough cars, and they can only march on foot.

Even if there are enough trucks, in the face of that kind of incredible air attack, it can only improve the killing efficiency of the eight roads.

After blowing up bridges and laying anti-tank mines, Tuba Road could no longer take Shimen further.


Although the power displayed by Tuba Road this time was far beyond his expectations, he had to give up all his weapons and equipment and retreat.

But it is bound to shock the two world powers.

One of the core tasks assigned to him by the base camp has been completed.

But, can these two great powers defeat the Tubal Road in the future?

Gangcun still has doubts in his heart.

But it has nothing to do with him.

After issuing this order, no matter what the result is, he will be dismissed, and then he will return to his homeland and spend his life in the reserve service, or will he be killed by a rocket falling from the sky?

Gangcun finally issued an order:
"Let the troops on the Tongpu line also withdraw."


"All retreat?"

"Abandon all heavy equipment and retreat from the trails and roads on both wings?"

"And blow up all the road bridges!"

"This Okamura Ningji is amazing!"

"This time we estimate that we can only eliminate more than 1 devils."

Yangquan, the brigade headquarters, and the air gunboat at high altitude, immediately sent back the movement of the devils.

A series of countermeasures by Gangcun Ningci brought the plan of encirclement and annihilation to naught.

Surrounding can still surround.

The 17st Tank Company of the Independent Regiment, and the No.[-] Battalion, with the support of five aerial gunboats, cut off the railway line from Jingxing to Shimen, and blocked the canyon without any problem.

There is no problem holding on.

There are five aerial gunboats and more than 20 tanks, let alone 9 devils, even if all the more than [-] devils in this attack come together, it is impossible to break through in just six hours.

In the daytime, it is even more impossible for the flight regiment to support.


The fifteen main regiments that are gathering in Yangquan will launch a frontal attack under the cover of aircraft, tanks, and heavy artillery groups to completely wipe out the [-] devil troops.

But Ningji Gangcun didn't even fight much, so he gave up his heavy equipment and ran away with the whole army.

All road bridges on both wings were also blown up.

Although the troops can also build pontoon bridges, because they are not proficient, the marching speed will be very slow, and the blockade of the two wings will not be completed on time.

However, the devil troops who have given up all their heavy equipment do not need to evacuate from the Zhengtai line, and can completely retreat from the small roads and narrow roads on both wings.

Gangcun even sent a mixed brigade to contain the tank company.

In this way, this time, using 130 long-range cannons and the air gunboats' assault encirclement, at most they could only encircle and annihilate more than 1 devils, and more than 3 devils escaped.

Exactly the opposite of what was expected.

At the beginning of the plan, it was expected that more than 3 devils could be wiped out this time, and at most only 1 devils could escape.

"Then eat more than 1 of him first!"

"The rest will be eaten later."

The brigade commander snorted coldly:
"Anyway, there is still a First Army!"


The Chief of Staff agreed:
"There are still more than 7 troops in the First Army!"


Under the special arrangement of Gangcun, the military attaches of the two countries followed the first batch of troops to withdraw quickly.

Get ahead of the tank blockade.

At this time, in the sky, the five air gunboats were fully fired.

Although in terms of firepower alone, the five air gunboats are no more than five 105mm howitzers and five six-barreled 30mm rapid-fire guns.

The ammunition delivered at one time is only 105 rounds of 30 grenades and 30 rounds of [-]mm fragmentation grenades. Even if aluminum shells are used, the load capacity of [-] tons and the space constraints on the aircraft , still makes each air gunboat can only load nine thousand rounds of [-]mm shells.

This amount of ammunition, including the shells, adds up to only 75 tons.

But the most terrifying thing about air gunships is not the amount of firepower projected, but the accuracy.

The condescending position, the stable shooting platform, and the fire control system built in the late 90s, the devils don't know much about low-light night vision devices and infrared night vision devices.

Even in the middle of the night, almost every shell of the air gunboat can accurately hit the devil.

Along the way, the two military officers who followed the retreat witnessed the precise and terrifying massacre.

I also felt the 50-year technological gap in the air gunboat.

(End of this chapter)

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