Chapter 269 Arrest!


"There is no road here, why are they still so fierce..."

Before Yoshino died, he still didn't quite understand.

This time, the First Army broke through and chose the northeast direction.

To the northeast, the road construction plan of Tubal Road has just extended here, and the roads are few and intermittent.

While the main force of Tubal Road was to block the attack of nearly [-] locust troops on the Tongpu and Zhengtai lines, it was difficult for the remaining troops to form a complete encirclement. He could always escape some of his thousands of locust troops by burrowing into the mountains and forests.

This is also one of the purposes of the hurried breakout.

Once the Tubal troops are withdrawn, no one from the First Army will be able to escape.

As for sticking to it...
Taking 10,000+ people hostage in Taiyuan City forced the Eighth Route Army to be unable to use its heavy firepower. It was indeed able to hold on for a long time and even caused considerable casualties to the Eighth Route Army.

But what's the point?
The lives of more than 5 elite locust troops were exchanged for 10,000+ people and [-] to [-] Tubal Road casualties?

With the manpower and material resources of the Republic of China, it won't be long before these casualties come back.

a month?

Or two months?
But how long will it take for the empire to replenish the [-] elite locust army?
a year?
Or two years?

The gap in human resources between the Empire of Japan and the Republic of China was not 01:30. Otherwise, why would the war have dragged on until now, dragging it into a stalemate, and finally being intervened by external forces, leading to the empire's disastrous defeat.

Of course, these are not things Yoshino needs to consider.

What he doesn't understand is.

In complex mountainous areas with inconvenient transportation and only narrow paths.

When the main force and logistics force of the Eighth Route Army were dealing with the supporting troops,
How could the Eighth Route Army organize such intensive blocking artillery fire in such a short period of time?
The artillery shells flying all over the sky from several commanding heights in the surrounding area forced him to constantly change his retreat route after his attempt to attack by force failed. As a result, he took seventeen hours longer than planned.

It also caused him to be overtaken by the chasing troops behind and organized to surround him.

But Yoshino had no time to wonder.

A 120mm mortar shell from a commanding height five kilometers away fell next to him. More than three kilograms of Octogen explosives directly blew him up to a height of more than five meters. When he fell, he was already mutilated.

"Ping'an County!"

Ishihara smiled and read out the name of the place in front of him softly.

One is located in northwest Shanxi.

An ordinary county town.

After the Battle of Jinzhong Basin, in early February, the county seat was captured by the Eighth Route Army.

According to the intelligence he had, although there was a brigade of imperial troops stationed in Ping'an County, there was not much suspense in the battle against the Eighth Route Army, which had 105-mm howitzers that could shoot directly.
It didn't even last long.

In just one day, the locust army stationed in Ping'an County suffered heavy losses and had to break out from the mountainous area on the left.

It has been more than four months since the Eighth Route Army captured this county.

"Ping'an County!"

Taking a deep breath, Ishihara Wanji once again highlighted the name of this county.

This time, it was in Chinese,
And the words with a thick Jin accent.

As a China expert, Ishihara Kanji once visited China and worked as a street vendor, a coolie driver, and even disguised as a beggar, so he learned to speak pure and fluent Chinese.

Especially Jin.

The General Staff Headquarters even asked him to provide language training for infiltrated intelligence personnel, which shows that Ishihara Wanji's accent is pure and authentic.

It was precisely because of his own accent and, most importantly, the large influx of foreign personnel in the base area at this time that it was impossible to carefully scrutinize them one by one, that he dared to come in.


Even if he had the courage, he would not dare to come to the Eighth Route Army base area.

This group of people is much more difficult to deal with than the group of soldiers punishing the leader's territory.

He comes in,
Do you want to see with your own eyes why the Locust Army was able to block 10,000+ people in just over a year? This territory that even the brigade-level troops of the C-level division could penetrate alone was allowed to run wild more than a year ago. The Locust Army would have been completely wiped out if it hadn't been for General Gangcun's quick escape and retreat.

as well as,

Judge how the situation will develop in the future.

"This is···"


Before entering the city, Ishihara Wan'er's eyes suddenly widened.

He saw a railway being built.

The Eighth Route Army was building roads in the base area, and Ishihara Wan'er knew it very well.

But a road is still a road.

The transportation capacity is limited and the transportation efficiency is low. Whether it is military or civilian, it is far inferior to the railway.

What really has great development significance for a country or a force is railway or maritime transportation.

Although Tubal Road does not know how to provide incredible artillery shell transportation for the troops, in Ishihara Wanji's view, it belongs to others and is a castle in the air.

In essence, the gap between the Eighth Route Army and the Locust Army is still huge.

The empire has gone through the industrial revolution for nearly a century. Although it has gone through many hardships, it is now a world power. The Tuba Road and the Republic of China, even with external assistance, want to catch up with the empire's nearly one hundred years of struggle in just over a year?

What's more, the foreign aid obviously has bad intentions.

If such huge material aid has no purpose, someone will definitely pay the price!
The Locust Army still has a chance.

But at this time,
He saw a railway extending from Ping'an County to Heyuan County.

From his perspective, the road construction workers are not skilled, they are obviously novices, their work efficiency is relatively low, and they often make mistakes, but all of them are enthusiastic and positive.

But apart from this small shortcoming, everything else made Ishihara Wanji jealous.

Large excavators, large cranes, large transport trucks, and, for the first time, ballast and rail joint laying vehicles, as well as reinforced concrete sleepers, are all rare to see in America.

as well as,

"What a deep foundation." Ishihara smiled with envy.

The front line is fighting, and the rear is actually engaged in railway construction.

And the quality is extremely high.

Such a solid foundation has many benefits, such as strong transportation capacity, easy later maintenance, and can withstand all kinds of bad weather. However, it also has disadvantages, such as long construction period and large investment.

All sleepers are concrete.

Concrete sleepers have many benefits, including high durability, strong load-bearing capacity, and low maintenance requirements.

But there are also disadvantages,
The cost is high.

He looked around and saw a long railway line extending through the complex and rugged mountainous area.

During this period, bridges and tunnels were under intensive construction. During the period, engineers were holding equipment and drawings, correcting surveying and mapping, and skilled workers were operating machinery and equipment. During the break, masters were teaching apprentices to operate mechanical equipment.

Beside the railway,
There is an obviously newly constructed concrete house, surrounded by a walled courtyard, or should it be said to be a playground?During this time, you can see a group of children neatly dressed in blue and white clothes playing happily.

this moment,
Ishihara smiled and felt a chill down his spine, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Don't move!"

In Dishui Village, in a mountain forest near Shimen, Sun Cang suddenly pointed the submachine gun in his hand at the haystacks not far away.

"come out."

"If you don't come out, I will shoot you!"

Seeing no movement, Sun Cang said sharply again.

He has been in the army for five years, worked in Guozhou for more than four years, and has been on the Eighth Route Army for almost a year now. He has been on more than a hundred battlefields, maybe seventy or eighty, and the lives of the Japanese in his hands are no less than thirty.

The haystack moved just now.

At this time, there was no wind.


After waiting for a while, Sun Cang frowned and pulled the trigger in his hand.

Da da da···

Three 7.62mm medium-power bullets were fired around the haystack.


A strange sound came from among the haystacks. Sun Cang couldn't understand it, but he knew that these were in English, so...


In confusion, several blond and blue-eyed foreigners came out.

Without Sun Cang's order, several soldiers rushed forward and searched several foreigners.

"How many Americans were caught?"

"Or an officer?"

Headquarters, a message was passed all the way.

"Yes, he is still a major general."

"The identity is that of a military attache of the United States. They also require us to provide treatment corresponding to our identity and ask us to be sent to the embassy."

Although the top management strictly ordered it to be kept secret, what is the identity of General Milligan and military attache?Before even asking, the American military attache disclosed his identity openly.

"Millennium Attaché?!"

The deputy general staff sneered and changed his tone:
“What about [-] experts?”

Last month, [-] experts came to Li Yunlong.

Among them, there are technical talents in education, mechanical engineers, construction engineers, railway construction, agriculture, etc.

They are the talents most needed in the base area.

It can greatly alleviate the current dilemma of insufficient talent in the base area.

Comprehensive promotion, education, construction, etc.

Rapidly promote the development of base areas.

But we must be wary of others. The influx of so many technical experts is a good thing, but it may also be a bad thing, especially the current situation in the base area.

Therefore, the army is currently controlling the scale of their designs for observation, and formulating relevant rules and regulations to facilitate management.

"No... any questions."

The staff officer's answer was full of disbelief:

"They strictly respect the rules and regulations we set, even..."

Having said this, the staff officer paused for a moment before continuing:
"They also took the initiative to help us fill the loopholes in the system rules."

"What are they plotting?"

The staff officer was puzzled.

After observing for so long, these experts can be said to be unparalleled good comrades. They devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the base area and the people, to the point of selflessness.

Such comrades are rare in our own army, but the same is true for more than 11 experts, including those who came before.

For the base area, we work hard and work hard.

He couldn't help but want to ask,
Picture what?
Compared with those weapons and equipment and various technologies that are decades advanced,
Weapons transfer station, one hundred pilots, just one year of training, but five years of training experience, which can better reflect the fear and power of Boss Mo.

Why should such a powerful force help them?
"Picture what?"

The deputy general staff smiled, then suddenly changed the topic again, with a stern tone:

"These American officers are all helping the devils and are enemies."

"It's a war criminal!"

"Catch him, put him on trial in public, and publish it in the newspapers!"

(End of this chapter)

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