My Bright Sword Logistics Career

Chapter 95 The miracle brought by intelligence!

Chapter 95 The miracle brought by intelligence!
July [-]th.


In the middle of the city, in a somewhat luxurious building, a lieutenant captain said seriously to a squadron leader under his command;
"There is a Lieutenant General of the Empire and a Major General of the Empire living here. Your squadron is in charge of security. You must be extremely careful. The matter of General Dajiao is absolutely not allowed to happen a second time."


The squadron leader who was being lectured had a serious tone, but he didn't pay much attention to it in his heart.

Baoding Military Academy, the capital of Hebei Province, and an important town along the Ping-Han Railway...Under the heavy halo, the importance of Baoding is self-evident.

For this reason, the locust army stationed a full regiment of troops here.

With a total strength of only 10,000+ in North China, stationing a regiment in Baoding is already the limit. After all, although it is known as the locust army, its strength is really not rich.

It is enough to see how much the devil attaches importance to this city.

Fortunately, with the addition of a large number of second devils and the Imperial Association Army, at its peak, there were a total of [-] 'devils' in Baoding.

However, with the development of the prison cage project, the problem of the shortage of troops in the North China Front became more and more serious. Not long ago, Jun Tada transferred a brigade from Baoding twice in a row.One of them went to implement the prison cage plan, and was transferred to Zhengding County Airport to be responsible for airport security, so there are only more than 500 devils and puppet troops in Baoding.

There are only more than 800 real devils.

But it can still be called a heavy military presence.

And this building where senior military officers live is a specially chosen address.

It is only more than 700 meters away from the barracks of their brigade. There are three steps, one post, five posts and one sentry. There are also military dog ​​guards patrolling day and night. It is absolutely impossible for the enemy to approach quietly.

In the building, an elite squad was kept on guard day and night.

It can ensure that the generals are foolproof.

Apparently, the lieutenant captain also thought so, and left directly after only a reminder.

Just as the captain of the devil Zhongzuo was leaving, he was outside Baoding City.

"This is Baoding."

Zhang Dabiao led a special warfare company of 30 people along the mountain road to the outside of Baoding City. At this time, a team member holding a map pointed to Baoding City in the distance and said.

I looked at my watch, it was 03:30 in the afternoon.

"Rest for eight hours, we will act at night." Zhang Dabiao ordered.

Even with the information provided by Boss Mo, they would not be able to get close to the residence where Xiangyue Qingsi lived during the day.

Only at night is there a chance.


Although the special warfare company has only been training for a few months, under the training of Commander Li, the current special warfare company has gradually begun to become an elite squad capable of independent operations.

At this time, without anyone commanding, three soldiers in the 30-member special warfare company walked out automatically, divided into triangles to guard, and then the rest of the soldiers hid and rested one after another.

The warm wind of July blows, and the whole hillside looks quiet.

Seven regiments stationed.

horse village.

After beating up the friction elements of Zhu Kuai's military department more than a month ago, the 57th regiment has been stationed in place, alerting and deterring the Central Army on the other side, so as to prevent the opponent from further friction and eroding the base.

On the opposite side, the 217th Regiment of the Central Army also stationed opposite Macun, confronting each other with the 57th Regiment.

"Hmph, these bastards are really dishonest."

Looking at the 217th regiment not far away, a soldier of the 57th regiment in charge of security curled his lips in disdain.

"Oh, these guys were very arrogant before?"

asked the soldiers who were on guard together.

After the 57th regiment was stationed in Macun, an independent militia company originally stationed in Macun was also merged into the 57th regiment.

The first soldier to speak turned out to be from this militia company.

Although it is a militia company, in fact, the combat experience and training level of this company are no different from that of a regular regiment, except that the equipment is a bit poor. Strictly speaking, it should be called a backbone company.

"It's not just arrogance?" The first soldier said fiercely: "We were also confronting Zhu Kuaibing's troops before, and this group of people would shoot off from time to time, and they still shot at our people."

"Oh, sometimes even grenades go off, mortars go off."

"Back then we could only be ninjas."

"These bastards." The second soldier also cursed.

"In the final analysis, we still need to be strong ourselves, otherwise no one would dare to bully us." The first soldier said with emotion.

Looking back at the beginning, the 217th regiment was so arrogant and the guns went off. Although the frequency was a bit high and the accuracy was a bit hard to understand, it was still reasonable, at least it was a fig leaf, but the grenades went off and the mortars went off. They were really bullying people.

And now,
After beating the 217 regiment severely, and then teaching them a few times, after showing the strength and tough attitude of the 57 regiment, how honest?Let alone grenades, mortars go off, not even rifles go off.

It is said that the guns in the hands of the soldiers patrolling the front line of the 217th Regiment did not dare to be equipped with bullets at all, for fear of causing misunderstanding if they accidentally fired.

In the last half month, the two sides have also carried out friendly and harmonious exchanges. The troops often communicate with each other, and the patrolling and security troops often walk around each other, becoming real friendly troops.


At this time, a regiment officer came over and asked all the guard soldiers to gather.


The two patrolling soldiers looked curiously at the regimental officer who came over, the brigade staff officer behind the regimental officer, and the mules carrying supplies.

Although puzzled in their hearts, the soldiers gathered one after another.

"What are they doing there?"

Opposite Ma Village, at the forward position of the 217th Regiment of the Central Army, looking at the bustling position of the 57th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army not far away, several soldiers of the Central Army who were patrolling and guarding were a little curious.

"Look, it seems to be a senior officer, probably from the brigade or division headquarters."

The distance is not far, and it can be seen clearly just by sight. Several soldiers of the Central Army saw the staff officer from the brigade headquarters and were considered to be officers.

"Senior officer of the division and brigade department..."

A soldier pouted.

The rest of the patrolling soldiers of the Central Army also curled their lips in disgust.

Every time the superior officer came, he would not do the business, would not pay the embezzled military salary, would not give the lack of supplies, and would not solve the problems of the rest of the troops, and would leave after talking big.

They didn't have a good impression of the senior officers.

"They seem to be taking pictures..."

Someone quickly brought the topic back.

Although they are the central army with the best treatment in the legend, they are not direct descendants. Moreover, they are only the lowest chief soldiers, and their treatment is not much better than that of miscellaneous soldiers.


A group of central army gathered in front of the position, and the soldiers all looked over.

In the distance, those Eighth Route Army soldiers gathered behind the position, all wearing brand new military uniforms, and an officer was taking pictures of the soldiers with a camera.

Every soldier wore the new military uniform, new military shoes, new hats, weapons and ammunition, and took a trick photo.

"I didn't expect Balu to do that too."

Seeing this, the group of Central Army all shook their heads.

They have also encountered this matter.

The superior came to accompany the army reporter to the front line to take a few photos, saying that it was a documentary of the life of the front line soldiers.

It is said to be a documentary, but in fact, it is all acting. Before the reporters come, the officers will let them wear new military uniforms, hold new weapons, renovate the fortifications, serve delicious meals, and take a few photos with a forced smile.

After the reporters left, the officers would take away the new uniforms and the good food, leaving behind the soldiers who had been busy all day.

"It seems to be different from ours." Among the soldiers of the 217th regiment, someone muttered: "Everyone of them took pictures, and the film is not cheap."

Everyone looked at it and felt strange.

In the past, when military reporters came to take pictures, they only took a few photos and then left. But at this time, the security troops of the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side were assembled, and nearly a hundred people all took a photo.

"It seems really different..."

After watching quietly for a while, more and more soldiers of the 217th regiment gradually felt the difference.

The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who took pictures seemed to be very happy. The people being photographed were laughing, the people around were laughing, and some were fighting with each other. Everyone was laughing happily.

The senior officer holding the camera was also laughing and laughing with the soldiers.

It's as if, whether it's an officer or a soldier, everyone is really a brother.

"Hey..." A squad leader sighed deeply: "The Eighth Route Army is really different."

"Will their new uniforms be taken away?" Someone muttered.

"Of course." A squad leader holding a dilapidated binoculars replied: "The material of this military uniform is comparable to the imported woolen coat of our regiment leader, and the military boots are definitely imported, let alone a few dozen." Ocean."

"Such a good thing, will you give us these big soldiers?"

At this time, the soldiers of the Central Army were only ten meters away from the position of the 57th Regiment where the photo was taken, because the 217th Regiment has been more honest recently, and because they did not carry weapons, the soldiers on guard around them did not care.

Everyone nodded in unison.

"But all of them issued a set." One soldier continued to mutter.

While speaking, all the soldiers on the ground had finished taking pictures, and the brigade staff officer left with the film, leaving behind a group of soldiers from the 57th Regiment wearing new military uniforms.

This scene made the soldiers of the Central Army who watched nearby widen their eyes.

"These military uniforms are given to you?"

Seeing the officer leave, several Central Army soldiers came up and asked.

"That's right." Feeling the new military uniform on his body, the new military uniform produced by Mr. System is of excellent quality, which made the soldiers of the 57th regiment beam with joy.

The surrounding soldiers of the Central Army immediately widened their eyes, envious.

In the evening, the positions were changed, and the 57th Regiment and the 217th Regiment patrolled and guarded soldiers during the day and went back to their respective camps for dinner.

"Although the Eighth Route Army is good."

The patrolling soldiers of the 217th Regiment of the Central Army who returned to their own army looked at the food in the bowl during the day, and one of the squad leaders said with emotion: "But at least we can have enough food here."

It is currently July 40, and the preserved fruit can barely hold on. The French currency has just begun to collapse, and it has only depreciated by less than ten times. At the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, one hundred French currency could buy two cows, and now it can buy two pigs.

During this period, because of the role of cultivated land, beef was much more expensive than pork.

As the central army, although the military salary is a joke, the food can still be guaranteed.

Although the grassroots soldiers did not eat very well, they were still full.

In this period of wild and chaotic times, to be able to eat enough,
"Yeah, these days, it's enough to have enough to eat."

A Central Army soldier shook his head.

"Where's Sunja?"

The monitor looked at his class and found that one person was missing.

"Go to the opposite side." After a while of silence, someone answered.

"It's him, let him go." The squad leader was silent for a while, and then said: "If the superior asks, tell the truth."

They bear the name of the Central Army, but in fact they are just a miscellaneous army. The supplementary soldiers are all strong men, who are not valued by others, and are beaten and scolded by their superiors at will. In such an army, if one of the main soldiers is missing, no one will care. Not even a record will be kept.


At 57 o'clock in the evening, at the headquarters of the [-]th Regiment of Macun, a company commander reported to Commander Wu: "A soldier from the Central Army has defected to us and said he wants to join our army."

"Why did you come to us?"

Head Wu blinked curiously.

Because of the Devil's Cage Project and the shortage of supplies for the troops, the current food and treatment of the 57th Regiment is actually relatively poor. Although they can still eat enough, there is still a gap compared to the Central Army on the opposite side.

After all, the opposite side is also a Central Army, even if it is not directly related.

So he was a little curious, why soldiers from the 217th regiment came to join the 57th regiment at this time.

"Being beaten and scolded by the officer, I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran to our side."

"Hmph! Beating and scolding soldiers?!"

With a cold snort, Captain Wu's eyes flashed sharply.

Those bastards who only know what to do in their dens!
You should have hit harder in the first place.

"Set off."

The night is getting darker.

At twelve o'clock that night, there was no moon or cloud in Baoding's sky tonight, only faint starlight shone down.

Zhang Dabiao led thirty soldiers of the special warfare company, dressed in special black casual clothes, fully armed, and with the help of a little bit of starlight, they all sneaked towards the house where Xiangyue Qingsi lived.

"Be careful, don't make any noise."

Zhang Dabiao took the lead, and behind him, thirty soldiers entered Baoding City quietly without even hearing their footsteps.

After the devils took over, Baoding City enforced a curfew.

It is forbidden to go out at night.

After Dajiao Censheng was shot dead, not only the patrols were stepped up, but also the curfew was stricter. Anyone who dared to go out at night could be shot at will, so Baoding City was also silent at this time.

There are only the footsteps of the occasional devil patrol, and the voice of the devil.

"Hey... these shoes."

The moment he officially stepped into Baoding City, walking on the bluestone brick road, Zhang Dabiao subconsciously glanced at his feet.

What they were wearing at this time were military shoes specially customized for them by Boss Mo.

Different from the same style of military shoes worn by soldiers in the regiment, their shoes use puffed rubber technology, which is lighter and softer, and each pair is customized according to the shape of each person's feet, which is more comfortable and very suitable Long march.

Marching all the way to Baoding on foot, he really felt that these shoes were indeed more comfortable, and none of the soldiers in the special warfare company had their feet worn out.

"Sure enough, science and technology will be the hard power in the future..."

Withdrawing his thoughts, Zhang Dabiao led the team to drive further towards Baoding.

The 31 members of the special operations company, including Zhang Dabiao, have never been to Baoding, and the team does not have any guides.

It is still night.

But a group of people marched briskly along the complicated streets and alleys without any hesitation. Obviously, this could only be done if they were very familiar with the terrain.

the reason is simple.

The precise map from the master of the system, as well as on-site photos, made the special warfare company very familiar with the streets of Baoding.

Although the map reading ability and terrain memory ability of the independent regiment soldiers, and the short half-month preparation time are not enough to support them to understand Quanbaoding, it is still very easy to get familiar with the route to Xiangyue Qingsi's residence.

"Position No. [-], hidden."

After ten minutes of rapid maneuvering, the special warfare company came to an alley, looked around, and Zhang Dabiao issued a covert order.

Familiar with the road, in just five seconds after Zhang Dabiao gave the order, the 31 members of the special operations company skillfully found the concealed position and completed the concealment. They even took out a bottle of spray and sprayed it to conceal the smell.

The spray mixed with animal smell can perfectly disturb the breath and interfere with the search of military dogs.

More than a minute later, a five-member devil patrol team led by military dogs walked past the hidden position of the special warfare company. The distance between the two sides was only a dozen meters at the closest, but the devils did not find anything unusual from the beginning to the end.


After the devil patrol left, Zhang Dabiao continued to lead the team forward. Finally, half an hour later, the special warfare company arrived outside the house where Xiangyue Qingsi lived.

Looking at the luxurious building in front of him, Zhang Dabiao's mood at this moment is complicated.

Thanks to the information provided by Boss Mo.

Not only a detailed map of Baoding with photos, but also the location of the Baoding devil sentry, the name of the sentry, their hometown, weapons and equipment, etc., as well as the photos of the sentry site. They came all the way, did not get lost, quickly, and did not attract the attention of any devils.

Even Boss Mo's information included the number of devil patrols, patrol routes, and the list of Baoding devil patrols, shift time, and the timetable for each patrol to pass through each intersection for half a month.

As for the location and strength of the Baoding Devils' garrison, as well as the lives and weapons and equipment of commanders and grassroots soldiers, there are naturally some.

Relying on this information, the Independent Regiment's Staff Department formulated a perfect plan to behead Xiangyue Qingji, and easily planned a route close to the target and a retreat route.

Relying on this information, the special warfare company trained in advance and planned the hidden location in advance, so that it seemed easy to get close to the current house.

Without this information...
Not to mention the 31-member special warfare company, even if he was alone, he would never even think about approaching the house where the devil's senior officer lived at night.

Totally impossible.

But relying on Boss Mo's information, all 31 of them completed this almost impossible task.

At this moment, Zhang Dabiao felt fortunate to have this information, which made this task no less than ten times easier.

At the same time, also shocked and curious...

How did Boss Mo get this information?

He knows devils better than devils!

The mission information they obtained, not to mention other people, even the devil himself, would have to spend a lot of effort to collect it.

Moreover, he had met Boss Mo, and from Boss Mo's attitude, the other party didn't care about the information at all, and even directly stated that it didn't matter if it could be spread.

just feel...

Even if the devil knows, even if the devil is on guard, even if the devil strengthens the secrecy, Boss Mo can still easily obtain any information about the devil.

You deserve to be Boss Mo!

Shaking off the distracting thoughts in his heart, Zhang Dabiao took out the shell gun from his waist.

(End of this chapter)

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