Chapter 104 Qi Huan Changes His Face
In the temperate forest landform, Old A is located deep in the mountains. If it wasn't brought here by helicopter, Jiangbei probably would not have thought that there is a military base in the dense forest.

The four of them carried their luggage and followed Yuan Lang to the depths of the base. There were more and more people, all of whom were officers above the rank of lieutenant. Stop, the hand never let go.

Yuan Lang looked at the three people who kept saluting, and said with a smile: "The soldiers here are professional, and all of them are officers above the rank of lieutenant."

Cheng Cai asked, "Are there no soldiers here?"

"Yes, it is the one who is constantly saluting." Yuan Lang smiled humorously.

Seeing the three of them, Jiang Bei was very surprised, and said to them, "Don't worry, I guess there will be more professional soldiers in the army in the future, and Lao A is no exception, otherwise why would you be recruited."

Yuan Lang nodded in agreement with Jiangbei's statement: "Jiangbei is right. As the army has more and more technological equipment, there will be more professional non-commissioned officers. One reason for the introduction of three of their non-commissioned officers this time is that Brigade A is going to be upgraded. To become a special warfare brigade, another is to try to explore the professionalization of non-commissioned officers."

As soon as the words fell, a car carrying soldiers drove over. The soldiers in the car were fully armed, with new equipment that the Seventh Steel Company had never seen before, combat uniforms exclusive to special forces, and nylon caps. These soldiers directly attracted The eyes of several people.

When he came to a dormitory building, Yuan Lang stopped and said to several people: "This is your temporary dormitory, and the opposite is my dormitory. I hope you can move there as soon as possible."

"Yes, we must move there as soon as possible." Wu Liuyi and Chengcai replied in unison. What they both lack most is self-confidence.

Yuan Lang nodded. Although he didn't like Chengcai a bit and thought he was a bit fake, he still recognized his ability and self-confidence. As for Wu Liuyi, he saw in him the spirit that a soldier should have.

"Qi Huan..." Yuan Lang smiled and shouted upstairs.


Soon, Qi Huan, who had changed from a lieutenant to a captain, rushed down with a document.

"Have you got all the bad pumpkins?"

"Report, 43, it has reached 39." Qi Huan replied loudly with no expression on his face.

"The last four are taken away, and I've handed them over." Yuan Lang pointed at the four of them and said, giving the four of Jiangbei the feeling that they were dealing with goods.

"Report, there is no place to put it aside." Qi Huan said in a contemptuous tone, which directly changed Xu Sanduo and the three of them, especially Cheng Cai and Wu Liuyi. They had never seen an officer describe soldiers like this before. of.

"Just four, just find a place to stuff them in." Yuan Lang said unhappily, and left without caring about the four of them.

"Yes, I can put it aside."

Seeing this scene from the side, Jiang Bei almost laughed, the actor's strength is still not enough, he didn't get immersed in it.

Qi Huan turned his head away, took a breath, walked up to the four of them from holding the roster, and said with a cold face: "Name, unit."

"C Group Army T Division Staff Office, Captain, Jiangbei"

With the captain Jiangbei around, he naturally took the lead in answering.

The three then reported their unit, military rank, and name.

"Is a master so great? Does he need to be so loud?" Qi Huan closed the roster, walked in front of Jiangbei, and roared aggressively.

Jiang Bei felt the saliva sprayed on his face, gave Qi Huan a blank look, but said nothing.

Seeing that Jiang Bei didn't speak, but only moved his eyes, Qi Huan knew that he didn't suppress Jiang Bei's momentum.

"Why, the captain is amazing. It doesn't matter whether you are a dragon or a tiger in other troops, you have to climb for me." Qi Huan kicked the luggage bags of the three of Jiangbei.

"Why didn't you move your house here?"

Speaking of which, Qi Huan looked at Jiangbei again, seeing that he still didn't care, he sighed in his heart, it was difficult, and he met a ruthless person.

Chengcai on the side rolled his eyes at Jiangbei, seeing that he didn't speak, he could only suppress his unhappiness.

"Four eggs, keep up."

Under the leadership of Qi Huan, the four of them put their luggage on the exclusive cabinet, and began to pay attention to the rules during the training period. Qi Huan was still cursing and provoking the four of them with words, but because Jiang Bei didn't speak, The three of them couldn't say anything, so they could only remain silent.

"You 41, you 42, you 43, and you 44, remember your code names, there are only code names here, no ranks, no names."

Qi Huan curled his lips when he saw that there was no movement from the few people. He was very depressed. He always felt that Jiang Bei was there. What he said was like hitting cotton with his fist. He could only assign code names to the four people, and the dormitory .

Not surprisingly, the code names of Xu Sanduo and Chengcai remained the same, as did the dormitory, Wu Liuyi and Jiang Bei were in the same dormitory, Wu Liuyi was 43, Jiangbei was 44.

A captain secretly showed his head and looked towards the aisle, but Qi Huan caught him and scolded him.

Seeing another captain being scolded, the three of them felt a little more relaxed. It turned out that it wasn't aimed at them, but everyone was like this. The three of them felt better.

Xu Sanduo and Chengcai's dormitory remained unchanged. Standing outside, Jiang Bei took a glance and saw two officers in navy uniforms, a major and a lieutenant.

After Qi Huan arranged for Xu Sanduo and the two of them, he took Jiang Bei and Wu Liuyi to the dormitory at the end of the corridor, which was the dormitory where the scolded captain was.

"Newcomer, Comrade Captain, hey, why are there still non-commissioned officers? Don't you mean all the officers in old A?"

There was a captain and a second lieutenant in the dormitory. They were not curious about a captain who came in, but they were still surprised when Wu Liuyi, a non-commissioned officer, appeared.

Jiang Bei introduced himself with a smile: "Jiang Bei is from the T Division of the C Group Army. He Wu Liuyi is in the same division as me. He used to be a soldier under me. As for the non-commissioned officers, it must be useful for old A to let them come."

The captain quickly said: "Hahaha, comrade is right, we are all comrades in arms, no matter what non-commissioned officer or officer, let me introduce myself, Zhou Wen, from the Second Artillery."

Then the second lieutenant introduced: "Zhao Le, from the Tank Division of Army Group A, we just arrived, and we were scolded badly by the grandson outside."

The two have good tempers, and they are more polite to Wu Liuyi. Of course, it is also possible that Jiang Bei is here.

After introducing each other, the four of them also started chatting. They didn't talk about the old army, but discussed what would happen in the next training camp.

Captain Zhou Wen shook his head: "Actually, it's okay if you have a lower rank. They didn't target you very much. At most, they just provoked you with words, but we captains, Jiang Bei, do you feel that they are oppressing us? We are afraid that those with high ranks will not accept their arrangement, especially the lieutenant commander of the navy opposite, who will be scolded bloody."

Jiang Bei naturally understood what the captain said, and knew that he had to bow his head if he wanted to say that this was under the eaves of others.

"It's normal. For the training camp, if we don't suppress our momentum, how can we let us go to the training willingly. Besides, this is still an elimination system. It always makes people feel uncomfortable and choose to quit."

Jiang Bei nodded in agreement with Zhou Wen's opinion and echoed his words.

(End of this chapter)

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