Chapter 107 Conflict (4600 words)
"Very well, you are beyond my expectation, none of you gave up."

Yuan Lang stood on the hillside, looked at the training team members who were already too tired to lie down, and nodded in satisfaction.

Then Yuan Lang looked at his watch, pointed to the ten military vehicles parked beside him, and said with a meaningful smile: "Look, everyone, there are no vehicles there. You can go back by sitting."

The team members were overjoyed, but they were afraid that Yuan Lang, a villain, would trick him, so they remained unmoved.

"Don't sit down, right? If you don't sit down, you run back. Whoever didn't go back before the meal will be eliminated and left."

Yuan Lang said angrily, and got into the car directly after speaking.

"Evil man, he will still show kindness, no way."

When Tuo Yong saw Yuan Lang leaving directly, he said in disbelief.

"Ghost knows how this villain can torture us." Jiang Bei stood holding the log and said uncertainly. In the past few days, he can be considered to know Yuan Lang's ability to manipulate everyone's mentality. Even if he knows a little about the situation, Sometimes Yuan Lang almost broke his mind.

Give you hope, and then break your hope; when you think he won't be digging a hole, in the next step, you make a normal action, he will rush to mess with you, and stimulate you with various languages.

"It's his uncle, I don't care if he shows kindness or not, I'll just sit in the car, the soldiers will block it, the water will come and the earth will cover it, let's go, get in the car."

Zhou Wen stood up with his waist supported, and got into the car regardless.

"Let's go, get in the car, what's there, brothers, carry it together, 39, are you okay?"

Jiang Bei shook his head and asked Wu Zhe.

"It's okay, let's go."

Wu Zhe waved his hand weakly, and with the help of Xu Sanduo and Chengcai, he carried the logs and walked to the car.

Some people took the lead, and others followed in the car. No one wants to walk when they can ride. Now they can seize the opportunity to rest for a while, just take a rest for a while.

An hour later, on the flat ground one kilometer away from the base, Qi Huan put down the binoculars, walked to the window of the car, and reported to Yuan Lang who was squinting in the car: "Captain, the pumpkins are here."

Yuan Lang moved his ears, reached out to take off the hat covering his face, and rubbed his face. As training instructors, they had to wake up earlier than the team members and go to bed late, so they didn't have time to catch up on sleep. for a while.

"Proceed as originally planned."

"Yes, Captain"

Qi Huan immediately stopped the convoy, drove the training team members out of the car, and shouted with a horn.

"Attention all team members, the convoy was attacked by bombs, the vehicle was damaged and could not be started, and you are now ordered to push the vehicle back to the base."

After the words fell, the team members looked hopeless. Just after getting into the car, they were wondering if there would be any traps, but nothing happened along the way.

Everyone's hanging hearts relaxed, and their body muscles also took the opportunity to rest.

It's good now, looking at the long road in front of me, the military vehicle weighing several tons, pushing the vehicle back, it will kill everyone.

Everyone who has exercised knows that during strenuous exercise, discomfort is uncomfortable, but the body muscles adapt accordingly, but after rest, the soreness from excessive exercise will come.

"Hurry up, I'll give you half an hour. If you don't arrive, you will be deducted two points. Now, immediately, immediately!"

Seeing that the team members were still dawdling, Qi Huan frowned and shouted loudly.

Everyone separated one after another and came to the back of the car they were sitting in, shouting slogans and pushing the car forward.

At this time, a fire engine drove over, Yuan Lang rushed up to remove the fire hose, opened the valve, and shouted loudly: "It's too hot now, come here, let's cool you off."

The water rushed on the team members immediately, which was heartbreaking.

"Are you happy?"


The team members roared in unison, venting their anger towards Yuan Lang on them.

"It's cool, then give me a hard push, like a pussy."

"One two three, push"

Although no one had much strength, the ground was relatively flat and it was still a concrete road. The team members pushed the car to the gate of the base within half an hour.

Especially Jiangbei's car, although Wu Zhe was holding it back, but Jiangbei, Wu Liuyi, Xu Sanduo, and Chengcai were not vegetarians. Driven by them, they pushed it back first.



The training team members sat in the cafeteria soaking wet, swallowing the food placed on the table in front of them.

The food is very rich, vegetables and fruits, all kinds of meat dishes, everything that one expects to find.

"The big villain finally showed some kindness, it's not easy." Wu Zhe swallowed his saliva and muttered in a low voice.

"After training us for such a long time, it's a big weekend, no matter what we have to arrange for us to supplement our nutrition."

Second Lieutenant Zhao Le said with a tired face.

Jiang Bei didn't speak, but stared at the food and swallowed. The training during this period had exhausted them.

I didn't sleep enough, I didn't eat well, and the intensity was getting stronger day by day.

If it weren't for his special physique, he would have been the same as everyone else.

Looking at Wu Liuyi and the three people next to him, he knew that his lips were split and his eyes were dark circles. Especially Wu Liuyi, Jiang Bei felt that he had lost a lot of weight.

"All rise."

Seeing Yuan Lang coming in, Qi Huan immediately shouted.

"Sit, you all sit, everyone has worked hard during this time."

Yuan Lang walked in, sat next to Qi Huan, and motioned to the standing team members
"Today, I am very satisfied with all of you, and none of you have voluntarily quit. Physical training, our master said it well before, there is a limit to human physical fitness, so today, I will give you good nutrition and rich dishes. Bar."

Yuan Lang smiled slyly, and said what Wu Zhe refuted him this morning.

"Let's start, eat and drink well, and continue training."

After speaking, Yuan Lang ate with Qi Huan.

Everyone looked at each other, and immediately began to vomit.

After a while, Yuan Lang, who had already eaten, looked at the time and thought it was almost time, so he said to the team members: "Everyone is full."

The crowd nodded.

"Is the food delicious?"

"good to eat."

"Do you want to give you another big meal?" Yuan Lang looked strange.

Seeing Yuan Lang's expression, Jiang Bei's heart sank. Every time this guy showed this expression, he must be digging a hole again.

Sure enough, as Jiang Bei expected, Yuan Lang didn't care whether everyone agreed or not, and said to Qi Huan: "Qi Huan, bring us a big meal."


Qi Huan immediately clapped his hands, and saw several old As coming in with several cages containing mice.

Everyone's face changed drastically, and Wu Zhe asked tentatively: "Didn't it mean a big meal, why is it a mouse?"

"Yes, this is a big meal, to be precise, it is an edible field mouse." Yuan Lang stood up, took the mouse cage, and continued: "This belongs to more than ten of us, and it took two nights to catch it." Vole, today is a good day for you."

"Qi Huan, tell them the rules."


Qi Huan responded, took out the dagger, grabbed a mouse, and killed the mouse in front of the well-fed training team members, peeled off the skin and internal organs, and then cut the mouse meat into pieces. into small pieces.

Seeing this action, most of the training team members frowned, some couldn't stand it, and felt sick in their hearts.

"Today, your last training session, skinned alive, raw rat meat, whoever comes first!" Qi Huan glanced at Jiangbei Wu Zhe and the others.

In the team, Wu Zhe couldn't bear it and wanted to protest again. Jiang Bei quickly grabbed him, but a lieutenant stood up.


Yuan Lang swept towards him: "Say"

"Why don't you eat it?" The lieutenant asked angrily.

"Qi Huan, he doesn't believe you?" Yuan Lang said to Qi Huan with a smile.

"Report, I mean why don't you eat it, instructor." The lieutenant retorted, he was already upset at Yuan Lang's defiant look.

Hearing this, Yuan Lang put away his smile, took the dagger in Qi Huan's hand, wiped the dagger with his clothes, picked up a piece of bloody meat, put it in his mouth, chewed and swallowed it. He vomited aside.

The lieutenant froze and said nothing.

Yuan Lang wiped the blood from his mouth, and said to Qi Huan, "Fifty points will be deducted for contradicting the instructor. If you don't accept it, you can choose to quit."

As soon as the lieutenant's face turned dark, he only had 70 points. After deducting 20 points, there were only [-] points left. It was still early before the end of the training. He wanted to give up, but looking at Yuan Lang who seemed to look down on him, he held back , he can't make this guy proud.

Seeing that the lieutenant hadn't spoken, Yuan Lang looked at the others: "If you don't want to eat, just eliminate them. Team A doesn't want trash."

Jiang Bei and Wu Liuyi looked at each other, and the four of them walked over first, peeled the skin of the mouse, and ate the meat with disgust.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the others also walked over bravely.

Half an hour later, the team members who vomited back from the bathroom looked at the four in Jiangbei with shocked faces.

Zhou Wen asked cursingly: "The old dog A is really not a human being, and the food is different from other units. I really don't know why we came here to suffer."

Then he asked the four people in Jiangbei: "You four guys, why didn't you vomit? This is a mouse. It almost vomited out my stomach."

Jiang Bei shook his head: "I'm just holding back, try not to think about it, so I won't vomit."

Several people were speechless, Wu Zhe asked Xu Sanduo and the other three, "What about you three?"

Chengcai frowned, and said proudly: "When we were selected, there was no food in the wild. The three of us passed the selection by eating voles to replenish our strength."

Tuo Yonggang, who came back after vomiting, heard the words and cursed: "You really have a problem with your brains. You paid such a high price to come to this kind of shit place, where people train you like dogs. You can't eat enough, and you can't sleep well. Didn't sleep well."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three Chengcai people changed, especially Wu Liuyi, this was his dream place. Although Yuan Lang and the others trained like this, he never ruthless Yuan Lang and others.

Jiang Bei frowned, and looked at Tuo Yonggang: "Then you can withdraw, saying that others are you, and no one is stopping you. If you want to be a counselor, you still have to drag others along?"

He has been upset with Tuo Yonggang for a long time. He puts on airs in front of Wu Liuyi and the others every day, drags others down during training, and complains about this and that. Today's words can be regarded as angering him.

"44 is right, if you don't want to be here, you can leave and complain every day, it sounds annoying."

Jiangbei's roommate Zhou Wen chimed in, saying that he was also a little dissatisfied with 27. Their team members were deducted points because of this guy several times during their training camp. , In his opinion, this is to shake everyone's morale.

Tuo Yonggang saw that the two captains hated him, and knew that he was wronged, so he could only talk in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Wu Zhe quickly said: "43, 44, normal heart, 27 is just upset with the big villain, 41, 42, don't worry, this guy's mouth is like this, there is no malice in his heart, 27, you are too, everyone They are all comrades-in-arms, so don’t scold people at every turn.”

When Tuo Yong saw that Wu Zhe had set up a step for him, he quickly apologized to them and said, "41, 42, 43, don't worry about it, buddies, I'm just a bit mean, and I didn't mean to look down on you."

The three of them shook their heads and said it was nothing. There were some things they couldn't say. Jiangbei helped them and Tuo Yonggang apologized. Naturally, they wouldn't make Jiangbei feel bad.


The next day, at five o'clock in the morning, it was still dark, but there was light, but I couldn't see clearly.

The training team members stood not far from the shooting range, looking at Old A who was setting up the field.

Today, after a long time of physical training, they finally ushered in the long-lost shooting training, especially Tuo Yonggang. He was very happy when he knew that he would have shooting training last night, thinking that he would have to perform well today. Since the training, his results, to be honest, are not good, ranking in the middle and lower positions, and he himself knows it very well.

But he was honest about today's shooting training. He asked Xu Sanduo, and he knew that Xu Sanduo's unit had far less opportunities to shoot with live ammunition than his paratroopers.

And he, among the paratroopers, is omnipotent with firearms, proficient in eleven types of firearms, and he wants to show everyone that his physical fitness is average, but his shooting is not bad.

He still took Jiang Bei's words to heart yesterday. Although he is not the kind of stingy person, he also knows that there is something wrong with his attitude towards the three non-commissioned officers.

But he was still a little unhappy with Jiangbei, so what if he was the first in the military competition, he had never been afraid of anyone when he was shooting.

"Everyone is there, stand at attention, rest a moment"

Qi Huan began to introduce the rules: "Within 1 minute, finish all the bullets in the magazine, the first column, prepare, start."

After the words fell, the nine people in the first row quickly ran to the shooting position.

"Come on, the gun is disassembled."

This situation directly made most people secretly think that it was not good. They all thought that it would be enough to finish the bullet within 1 minute, and what old A wanted was accuracy.

Some fired a few shots, and some were not assembled yet.

When the time was up in one minute, Qi Huan, who had his watch on, told him to stop shooting. Most of the people stopped, but Chengcai fired two more shots before stopping.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Lang said to Qi Huan, "Two points deducted."

Then he walked up to the team members, glanced at the firearms, said nothing directly to the walkie-talkie: "Report the target"

After the sound of the target report from the walkie-talkie finished, Yuan Lang laughed and shouted mockingly: "Nine people, 22 shots hit the target, this shooting range has never had such a bad result, you soldiers kings, shame on you, all of you! Deduct five points."


"31 speeches"

"The firearm is completely disassembled, we only have time to assemble it."

Yuan Lang said: "Two points will be deducted for one-sided emphasis on objective reasons."


"Why are you again, 39, speaking"

Wu Zhe turned around and said, "These guns haven't been calibrated, and it takes time to calibrate."

"You won't be able to shoot if you take off the sight. Two points will be deducted."


"27 speaks."

"I request to quit."

Tuo Yonggang said angrily.

"Yes, everyone has the right to choose to give up." Yuan Lang heard the words, glanced at him, and said disappointedly.

"It's not giving up, it's quitting, it's protesting. No one can complete this kind of assessment. You let us do things that can't be done. You can't do it to show your sense of superiority." Tuo Yonggang roared.


Just as Yuan Lang was about to speak, Jiang Bei immediately stood up.

"44 Speech" Everyone looked at Jiangbei.

Jiang Bei looked at Tuo Yonggang and said, "27, I don't agree with your point of view. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it. If you don't believe me, I can show you a demonstration. It won't be too late to quit when the time comes."

After the words fell, Tuo Yonggang was stunned, and said: "Then you do it, if you do it, I take back my words, and I will accept any punishment."

Jiang Bei looked at Yuan Lang, and Yuan Lang said, "Qi Huan, change the bullet."

With permission, under Qi Huan's order, Jiang Bei rushed to his shooting position without any delay, and immediately began to assemble the firearms in the dark. Memory, quickly assembled, aimed at the target and started fighting.

"bang bang bang"

Within 1 minute, the shooting is done.

"Target." Yuan Lang said.

"Target No. [-], hit the target with ten shots."

The voice of the walkie-talkie sounded, and everyone shouted, Yuan Lang nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Tuo Yonggang: "27, are you convinced?"

"I accept, I take back what I just said, and I accept any punishment." Tuo Yonggang said with a flushed face.

"Qi Huan, for contradicting the instructor on 27, fifty points will be deducted."

Yuan Lang said with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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