Chapter 120 The Pilot Begins

brigade office

The railway stared at Jiangbei and said: "Jiangbei, the leader will come to inspect our eight-kilometer comprehensive training pilot in the afternoon. Are all the preparations ready? Don't make mistakes for me."

Yuan Lang on the side heard the words and said, "Don't worry, captain, Jiang Bei has been focusing on this matter during this time, and there will definitely be no accidents."

"Let Jiangbei decide what you want to join in the fun." The railway stared at Yuan Lang angrily.

"Captain, we have perfected the hardware facilities and checked them again and again. As for the training, the combat squadron has been training for a while. The data recorded by me and the comrades in the training department show that the eight-kilometer comprehensive training is reasonable. Yes, logistical support is also in place."

Jiang Bei said seriously that since Team A reported the eight-kilometer pilot plan to the headquarters and got the approval, he spent most of his time on it except for daily training, and even the plan for the training management system. I asked Wu Zhe to do it.

The railway nodded and continued: "Okay, you can confirm later, you have been busy for so long, today is the day of inspection, as long as you pass, I will mention your training management system in front of the leader. "

"Yes, we must give the captain a satisfactory result."

Yuan Lang and Jiang Bei glanced at each other, and quickly saluted the railway.

"What gave me satisfactory results? If this thing is passed, it will probably be promoted to the whole army. You must do the pilot work in a serious, rigorous and responsible manner."

The railway said dissatisfied.


The two agreed again.

"Okay, Yuan Lang stays here, and I will pick up the leader later, Jiangbei will go out."

The railway looked at the two, waved his hand, and signaled Jiangbei to get out.

Coming out of the captain's office, Jiang Bei laughed cheerfully.

Today will be the day when his first project involved in army building will produce results, which deserves his joy.

Although this is only the preliminary preparation, it needs to be tested by the leaders before they can officially enter the training plan.

But he is not worried at all. Over the past month, he has led the comrades in the training department to continuously collect data and determine the most scientific and reasonable training program setting standards. As long as the leader wants to make the training close to actual combat, won't pass.

He was in the 702 regiment before, although he always wanted to make some reforms, but because at that time he changed from a soldier to an officer, although the leaders also valued him very much, but when it comes to reforms, he is still relatively soft-spoken.

The leaders certainly valued his opinion and allowed him to do some research, but because the plans he put forward required strong logistical support, it was impossible to launch them in a short time. The plan never materialized.

Now it’s different in Old A, not to mention informatization, Old A has always been a pioneer, and its equipment and talents can keep up; in terms of training, Old A is a quick-response force, and there are actual combats from time to time. The requirements for actual combat training have always been high, and logistics The security is also adequately supplied. With these, it is the reason why his plan can be implemented.

When he came to the training ground, Jiang Bei climbed up to the high platform and looked at the new training facility hundreds of meters away. This is an eight-kilometer comprehensive training site, with live ammunition shooting points, a one-kilometer obstacle zone and other training facilities.

The eight-kilometer comprehensive training, to put it bluntly, is to change the traditional five-kilometer armed cross-country, and combine the subjects that are usually trained separately for comprehensive training.

On the basis of the five-kilometer cross-country field, live ammunition shooting, offensive combat drills, passing through the one-kilometer obstacle zone, and more than 10 combat skills subjects are added to better simulate the real situation on the battlefield. After all, on the battlefield, it is not just a matter of running and running .

"No charge at night, I've heard that, the leader who came to inspect this time, I heard it's a star."

Jiang Bei was thinking about this, when Wu Zhe rushed behind him and said quietly.

"How do you know?" Jiang Bei asked. The captain didn't tell him what level the leader was, only that he was the leader of the headquarters.

"Hey, you don't know that. Think about it, our captain is a cadre at the deputy division level, and the leader in charge of us in the military region is at the division level. It's not like we haven't seen it before, so we can get rid of It must be the * army who made such a battle."

Wu Zhe explained with a smile that he is from a military family, and he is very familiar with these things. He can tell what level he is here just by looking at the reception.

"As far as you are smart, did I check the training management system materials you prepared yesterday?"

Jiang Bei glared at him angrily. He was so busy these days that he didn't have time to pay attention to these things.

"Don't worry, with my ability, it's not easy to organize these things. It's a pity that I have no skills and no good ideas. Sometimes I really want to move your mind and take a look. God is in your hands. What is in your mind, you do these things, just the same thing, if you put it on others, it is a big deal, but you have so many ideas."

Wu Zhe patted his chest to reassure, and then he looked at Jiangbei in admiration and complained.

Wu Zhe knew it himself. Although he said it was easy to do, it was still troublesome to actually do it. In many aspects, it was Jiang Bei who figured out the direction and saved him from detours. Otherwise, he would be fine technically. But there are some points that he couldn't think of at all.

So he admires Jiangbei for being able to do so many things.

"I think so. In terms of training, we look at actual combat. As for informatization, we have learned a lot from the experience of foreign troops."

Jiang Bei was full of nonsense. He was influenced by the army of later generations. Of course, when he did these things, some of the evidence was based on foreign troops.

Wu Zhe: "..."


in the afternoon
On the helipad of the base, a helicopter slowly landed on the ground, the hatch was pushed open, and a senior officer wearing a star got off the helicopter accompanied by Senior Colonel Liang Fei, the deputy director of the military operations department.

The chief officers of Brigade A, who had been waiting for a long time, went up to meet them under the leadership of the railway.

"Hello, chiefs, welcome to visit Team A."

Railway said with a smile on his face.

"Well, I can't believe what you said about the railway. I bet, if your team A hadn't conducted a training pilot and needed us to test it, I believe that your railway would definitely complain, and we're here to disturb the training of team A again, sir. Liang, don’t you think so?”

The young girl glanced at the railway, smiled and said to Liang Fei.

"That's right, this guy, whenever he needs something, he's a hard worker to go to my place, and when there's no need, he won't prepare any meals for me when he comes here." Liang Fei said in agreement.

"Old chief, don't blame me. Our A team welcomes the old chief to inspect. As for the deputy chief, he recently took away a bottle of good wine from me. Besides, he didn't leave any food. That's the deputy chief. I'm busy with business, come in a hurry, leave in a hurry, why is it that I don't have any food left?"

The railway quickly shouted grievances, he was not polite to the two, the young lady was his old superior, and Liang Fei was his comrade-in-arms who had lived and died together.

"Hahahaha, you bastard, this mouth is getting stronger and stronger, let's go, take me to see how the current A team is doing, but I haven't been here for a long time."

The young girl cursed with a smile, and signaled to the railway to lead the way.


Under the high stage, Qi Huan and Jiang Bei led all the members of Team A to stand under the stage in full armor. Next to them were parked off-road vehicles.

Jiang Bei looked at the chiefs walking towards the high platform with confidence.

During this period of time, team A tried every means to study how to run the eight-kilometer comprehensive training results well and quickly.

Everyone knows that after a long-distance run, the physical fitness will drop a lot, and there is a one-kilometer obstacle zone behind. Although the obstacles are not as dense as the 400-meter obstacles, it is not easy to pass. The eight-kilometer comprehensive training is several grades more difficult than the five-kilometer and ten-kilometer armed cross-country training.

Therefore, the allocation of each period of time is extremely important. In order to find out the situation as soon as possible, Jiangbei took the lead during this period of time.

Jiangbei is even a little fortunate that the members of Team A are physically stronger than the soldiers of the regular army. He doesn't need to worry about the gap between them. of.

"Hello, Chief, Team A has assembled, please give instructions."

Qi Huan stood up and reported to the young lady on the high platform.

"Comrades, as a quick-response force, you have actual combat experience. I am very satisfied with being able to innovate and come up with a training pilot that meets actual combat needs. So for this test, I hope you will show the spirit of being brave and tenacious in battle, and put your heart and soul into it." Go running, as long as you try your best, even if there are some problems in the middle, it’s okay, the pilot itself is a kind of exploration, if there are problems, just solve them.”

"So, let's not talk too much now, let's start."

The young boy looked at the players who were a little nervous, and smiled to relieve everyone's pressure. Although he came to test, he didn't want a single mistake to discourage the enterprising young people.

After the order was issued, the members of Team A quickly trotted to the starting point, and the observing officers boarded the off-road vehicles that had already been prepared.

In the eight-kilometer comprehensive training, if you want to observe carefully, you have to follow the players in a car and observe closely.

"Go ahead"

Jiang Bei carried the team flag, and after the starting gun fired, he led everyone out.

The first five kilometers, to be honest, is not a big problem for the old A who suffers ten kilometers every morning and evening. Needless to say, Wu Liuyi, even Wu Zhe, who is the weakest in physical fitness, quickly catches up with Jiangbei's Rhythm.

Three kilometers, four kilometers, five kilometers. It didn't take long for the members of Team A, who were fully armed, to run wildly, as if they were being chased on the battlefield, and quickly ran five kilometers.

On the convoy at the back, holding a telescope to see the railway, he asked Yuan Lang who was in charge of driving: "Aren't they studying how to save energy and use it on the obstacles behind? Why has it changed now?"

Yuan Lang shook his head and said: "At the beginning, we considered the training with the thinking of a regular army. After practicing later, we found that our usual training volume is quite large. To run this, the physical fitness is completely sufficient, and then the five kilometers Speed ​​up, after all, if you are really chasing or being chased on the battlefield, you must run with all your strength."

After hearing the words, the young girl agreed: "That's right. Since we want to be close to actual combat, of course we must simulate the most realistic situation. Soldiers have this ability, so they should use it. As for the regular army, it will be promoted at that time, and then adjusted."

(End of this chapter)

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