126 The Plan Has Changed

On the incomparably vast sea, waves of waves rushed towards the coast under the blowing of the wind.

Two transport helicopters appeared above the sea, flying close to the sea while the night was dim. Not long after, an island appeared in front of the helicopters.

"Comrade, the destination has been reached, please prepare for the rope drop."

The voice of the helicopter pilot sounded, and Jiang Bei, who was squinting his eyes, opened his eyes instantly, glanced at the island floating on the sea, picked up the communicator, and said to the pilot: "Got it, comrade, try not to place the cable drop in the On the beach, otherwise we will leave traces when we go ashore."

"Understood, sit still."

In the cockpit, the pilot responded, then turned on the onboard lights, lowered the height of the helicopter, flew around the island, and finally chose a flat ground not far from the beach of the island, and hovered.

"Everyone, pack your gear and prepare to rappel"

Seeing that the helicopter was hovering, Jiang Bei came to the hatch, pushed it open, threw the rope out, put the sniper rifle on his back, put on the night vision goggles, and then slid down with the help of the rope.

After standing still, Jiang Bei quickly stood up and looked around to prevent accidents.

After the others quickly slid down, the pilot immediately pulled up the helicopter and moved away from the island.

"Check equipment."

"no problem!"

"Where's the individual radio station?"

Jiang Bei looked at Qi Huan and saw that Fan Tianlei had appeared. He was afraid that he might not be able to contact the headquarters again.

"No problem! Don't worry."

Qi Huan said with a smile, he just checked.

Jiang Bei nodded, then looked at Xu Sanduo beside him and said, "It's over, are you okay?"

Xu Sanduo shook his head and said firmly, "No problem."

Jiang Bei saw that he was no longer as confused as before, so he stopped saying anything. He checked the island map with Qi Huan, chose a direction, and led the team to start towards the island jungle in the dark.

Everyone is very careful, although the intelligence shows that the mercenaries have not come to the island, and there is no one on the island, but what if?
Team A guarded each other and entered the jungle, came to a high ground, and sat around under a tree.

"It's too dark now, there's no way to confirm if anyone is there, and it's hard to find the hidden location now!"

Wu Zhe sat on the ground, exhaled heavily, and said to Jiangbei Qihuan.

"Let's do this tonight, wait until dawn, and immediately find a hiding place!"

Qi Huan said.

"You guys go to sleep, Qi Huan and the two of us are watching, wait a minute and you replace us!"

Jiang Bei looked around, turned off the flashlight, and said to Wu Zhewu Liuyi and others next to him, then picked up the gun and went to the periphery.

"Go to sleep now, I'm leaving too."

Qi Huan patted Wu Zhe, and quickly followed Jiang Bei. The two found a place and got up on their stomachs. After a while, Qi Huan saw that Jiang Bei was in a daze, and asked

"No charge at night, what are you thinking?"

"I was wondering, could this information be wrong?"

Jiang Bei picked up the night vision goggles and looked at the beach downhill and said.


Qi Huan was not surprised. Jiangbei has always given him a lot of suspicion, and he has doubts about anything of unknown origin.

"If it were you, would you come to this island? This is obviously a dead place. Once you land on the island, and the army surrounds the island, you don't know where to escape! Don't Scorpion worry about someone betraying him? If it were me, I wouldn't worry about such a big loophole, after all, I'm placing my fate on others!"

Jiang Bei whispered that he believed that any mercenary who had been active in the assassin world for a long time would definitely not trust anyone, otherwise he would have died without a place to bury him.

Hearing this, Qi Huan thought for a while and said, "It's nothing. If the other party doesn't come, at worst we'll just ambush for nothing, and treat it as a survival in the wild."

"Survival in the wild, who survived in the wild brought so much food."

Jiang Bei thought that when they came, they stuffed food for several days in their backpacks, and complained angrily.

"I'm not worried about this. I'm worried that the other party will land on the island early. After all, the Spike He brigade is right. They have more actual combat than our drills. If they land on the island early and search for traces of people on the island, it's not good. We will be exposed, this is what I just thought of when I saw the environment of the island from a helicopter."

Jiang Bei expressed his worries,

Qi Huan's face suddenly changed, he was silent for a moment, and said: "I will contact the headquarters and tell the captain what you think. If this is true, the lone wolf will not have time to prepare. We will encounter problems when the time comes, and if the support is insufficient, we will have problems. of."

As he said that, he took out the individual radio station and started to contact the headquarters.

"Hi, I'm Yuan Lang! Is something wrong?"

Yuan Lang answered the phone and asked suspiciously, he knew that Qi Huan would not easily contact him during the mission.

Qi Huan immediately told Yuan Lang about Jiang Bei's worries. On the phone, Yuan Lang was silent for a moment and said, "I see, you all pay attention to safety. I will coordinate with the Lone Wolf Commando to get ready now and set off as soon as something happens."

"Yes, captain," Qi Huan replied, and then put away the individual radio station.

"What did the captain say?" Jiang Bei asked.

"He coordinated immediately, and if there is something to do, he will come to support immediately." Qi Huan said Yuan Lang's answer.

Only then did Jiang Bei heave a sigh of relief. Although Yuan Lang was a villain in training, he was much more reliable than Fan Tianlei in such a big matter.

After the two finished speaking, they put away the topic and silently became vigilant.

When Jiangbei and the others flew over from the coast, it was already past two o'clock in the morning, so the two of Jiangbei didn't stare for long, and it was almost dawn.


Jiang Bei and Qi Huan heard the footsteps, quickly raised their guns, and moved towards the footsteps
"Liu Yi and I have changed shifts, so hurry up and squint."

Wu Zhe's voice came from the headset, and Jiangbei and Jiang Bei breathed a sigh of relief, but the guns were still on alert and did not put down until Wu Zhe and Wu Liuyi approached, and they were completely relaxed.

"Be careful, and call us directly if there is anything!"

Jiang Bei handed the night vision binoculars to Wu Zhe, bumped fists with the two, and returned to the place where Xu Sanduo and others slept with Qi Huan.

"No charge at night, Caidao, two speedboats are coming from the sea!"

Jiang Bei hugged the gun to his chest and just lay down with his backpack, when Wu Zhe's exclamation suddenly came from the headset.

Jiang Bei glanced at Qi Huan beside him, and saw that Qi Huan also looked over, as expected.

"Understood, come here immediately."

Jiangbei and the two quickly woke up a few people, and rushed towards the place where they had just stood guard.

"Where is it, let me see!"

Jiang Bei took the binoculars in Wu Zhe's hand and looked at the sea, and saw two speedboats coming towards the island. He adjusted the magnification and clearly saw eight or nine people on each speedboat, all fully armed of mercenaries.

"It's dangerous. Fortunately, we landed on the island before these guys. Otherwise, wouldn't we have become targets?"

Wu Zhe, who had already reacted, said with lingering fear.

"Let's retreat, get into the center of the island as soon as possible, don't get entangled with them, just leave two people in charge of observation."

Jiang Bei handed the telescope to Qi Huan, and calmly analyzed.

Now is not the time for head-to-head confrontation, they still have to wait for the support of the Lone Wolf Commando, and secondly, they have to wait and see who the Ma family sent to join them, and find a way to catch them.

"Okay, Lao Zhang and I will stay here. We won't accept you at night, and you will be in charge of commanding."

Qi Huan nodded, then glanced at everyone, and said to Jiang Bei.

"I have no reason not to rush forward. I am a sniper and observe the enemy's situation. This is my job. Besides, we can communicate at any time."

Jiang Bei shook his head!
"Night is not accepted, now is not the time to hesitate, your brain is better than mine, and you are good at directing."

Qi Huan said seriously.

"Cai Knife, we are a team. Everyone has different strengths. If you want to do a good job, you have to give full play to everyone's strengths. May I ask if you run faster than me? Or is your marksmanship better? As long as you say it? I will let for you!"

Jiang Bei smiled and analyzed for Qi Huan. He knew that Qi Huan stayed here because he was going to sacrifice himself to protect everyone, but with Jiang Bei around, he couldn't agree.

Qi Huan: "..."

"Hurry up, stay away, and contact the command immediately."

Seeing that Qi Huan was not talking, Jiang Bei signaled Wu Zhe to take Qi Huan away.

Wu Zhe nodded, and was about to drag Qi Huan away, but Qi Huan had no choice but to say: "Be careful!"

Jiang Bei and Lao Zhang smiled and said, "The one who wants to take us away hasn't been born yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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