Chapter 139 Infiltrate
At the edge of the forest, Jiang Bei, Wu Liuyi, Xu Yonggui, and Han Cheng, who were all filthy, finally cut a path through which they could struggle, and slowly walked out from the hopeless forest.

Wu Liuyi touched the blade that had already been chopped hot, and flinched from the heat, complaining: "This forest is too dense, the knife is almost cut down."

Then Wu Liuyi put the knife back into its sheath, looked at Jiang Bei who was observing the surroundings, and continued to ask, "Where are we now? I don't know what happened to Sanduo and the others, the communication has been interrupted."

Jiang Bei looked around, confirmed the surrounding environment, and signaled Xu Yonggui and Han Cheng to be alert. He took out the communication equipment and map from his bag, laid them out, and thought carefully: "We are less than two kilometers ahead of the lake. , the next task is to destroy the position communication command center established by the red side by the lake, as for the captain and the others, when we get there, we will be able to know what is going on with them."

The three nodded.

Pointing to point D on the map, Jiang Bei said with piercing eyes: "According to the intelligence support of the information squadron, the command center of the red team is at point D, which is the area around the lake in front. It is still moving, so where is it in this area?" , we need to investigate further.”

Xu Yonggui asked suspiciously, "Moving? What do you mean?"

Before Jiang Bei could speak, Han Cheng explained with a smile, "It's normal. If you think about it, our captain can fly around in the sky with the headquarters. Why can't they be mobile? It's not like it used to be. Without informatization reform, we can only take root on the ground!"

"Yes, Han Cheng is right. The Information Squadron has already made it very clear. The specific signal is in this area and it is mobile. We can rule out that the other party is stationed permanently, but the helicopter is impossible, because if the helicopter does not It is too obvious that it may have been flying within a range of one or two kilometers, so we can find a vehicle that can move and can install the command center when we get to the lake."

Han Cheng explained a little bit. Jiang Bei saw that Xu Yonggui still didn't understand, so he smiled and explained to him the details of his analysis.

"Understood, it's either a car or a boat? After seeing my head, I didn't expect it." Xu Yonggui suddenly realized, patted his head, and complained to himself.

"Normal, normal. Everyone knows the style of our teacher T before. We grassroots are used to it, so naturally we don't think so much."

Wu Liuyi comforted him.

Xu Yonggui nodded. Indeed, although he went to a military academy, it was already a few years ago, and he stayed in the T division since then, so he didn't have much contact with more command methods.

"Let's go, let's go, everyone keep the radio silent, avoid the enemy's detection, and don't be reflected by the dark whistle, observe the surroundings, pay attention to the dark whistle."

Seeing that everyone had almost rested, Jiang Bei took the lead to leave the forest and moved towards the lake.


On the edge of the city, Wu Zhe and Yuan Lang were vigilantly searching the open space and the jungle, stepping through the rustling leaves, approaching the small pond in the open space.

"Wait a minute, there are traces here, Sanduo is injured"

Wu Zhe paused, he saw some traces on the accumulated leaves, Yuan Lang and Chengcai also looked over, and soon they found more traces, Xu Sanduo had passed by here at least four hours ago.Based on the traces, they can conclude that Xu Sanduo's left leg has been injured, because the foot was barely exerted, and the strength of the left and right feet is completely different.

Chengcai stared at the traces of Xu Sanduo's lying down by the pond and the traces of being scratched by his hands on the mud floor, and said in a low voice: "He said he lay here for a while, he must have been in pain before lying down." Yes, but why doesn't he take medicine..."

Yuan Lang with a livid face walked past Cheng Cai, and said to Cheng Cai: "Because the painkillers we carry contain strong anesthetics, he is afraid that his nerves will be blunted in this environment."

After speaking, Yuan Lang stopped by the pond for a while, and suddenly saw something on the surface of the mud pond. He reached out to fish in the mud pond, and picked up a signal flare with mud.

"He also threw away the flare, and he didn't intend to ask for help at all." Wu Zhe looked at the flare in Yuan Lang's hand, stunned.

Then Chengcai found a road sign!
The road sign was freshly cut out of the tree with a knife, and beside it were several messages that outsiders could not read at all, but Chengcai could tell at a glance that it was left by Xu Sanduo.

But they found that the road sign was in the wrong direction, and Wu Zhe quickly took out the map: "San Duo went wrong, he took a long detour, and he had to walk a little longer, it's not the shortest road""

Yuan Lang quickly took the map, glanced at the road signs, raised his watch and looked at the time, frowned and said: "Damn, we don't have enough time. We have to walk more than three times, and it's too late."

"Wait, it seems that the road of Sanduo can meet Group B, and the route of Group B is this one."

Wu Zhe suddenly thought of Jiangbei and the others, and said.

"Okay, let me contact... Damn, we are in the range of signal interference here, we can't contact, and there is no time. Since Sanduo can still go, it means that nothing will happen in a short time. Let's complete the task first and kill Gou Ri. Red Fang Communication Center, come back to find Sanduo on the same road!" Yuan Lang said angrily.


"Someone, pay attention to concealment!"

Wu Liuyi, who was leading the way, squatted down suddenly, and the three of Jiangbei quickly found a place to hide.

"what's the situation!"

After a while, seeing Wu Liuyi's signal, Jiang Bei quietly touched it.

"At one o'clock, 400 meters away, there is a small civilian truck."

Wu Liuyi pointed to one o'clock and said, Jiang Bei raised his binoculars to look over, and saw an old man in crowd clothes standing in front of a pickup truck. The back door of the truck was still open, and it was full of pots and bowls There are also some snacks in the ladle.

Jiang Bei was overjoyed, and said to the three of them: "Congratulations, we are arriving at our destination soon. That car is a powerful military chariot, and the uncle is selling food! Tsk tsk tsk, I will still look for it, and we are the only ones in this wilderness." The army's powerful chariots will pull things to sell."

Speaking of which, Jiang Bei handed the binoculars to Wu Liuyi and the other three, and asked them to pass it on.

After the three of them saw it clearly, they were also happy. They understood why Jiang Bei said that, because the place where the strong army chariot appeared showed that there were troops hiding here around.

"I don't think that the reason why the red side is so thoroughly exposed is that the uncle's car is too obvious!"

Jiang Bei said jokingly in his tone.

"In this case, I will ask the uncle? Find out the hidden spots of the Red Army?" Xu Yonggui said.

"Don't, you go to find the uncle, if you are discovered by the secret sentry nearby, won't you be exposed?" Jiang Bei stopped.

"Then what should we do? We can already see the lake here, and there may be secret sentries everywhere in the past." Xu Yonggui asked again.

Jiang Bei said with a smile: "Wait, let's see how the uncle finds the soldiers from the red side. After all, he brought so many things, so he has to sell them anyway. Now it's almost time for dinner, and the uncle has to think about selling the things." go!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Bei slid down from the mound, took out compressed biscuits from his bag, and filled his stomach with water. Seeing that the three of them hadn't moved, he said, "Eat quickly, you won't have a chance later, if you're lucky Well, I guess we have to run out of the encirclement tomorrow to have time to eat, if we are unlucky and the mission fails, we should think about how to go back and face the captain!"

The three of them ate all over to observe the situation around the uncle.

Not long after, Jiangbei saw through the scope that the uncle was holding a bag of things from the car and touching the small slope opposite.

"The uncle moved, let's follow him!"

Jiang Bei quickly took the three of them and followed the uncle to touch it.

On the hillside, Jiang Bei saw the uncle stopped. Just as he was about to dodge, he saw the uncle walked into the grass and lay down. A sniper in the grass was startled.

"My lord's anti-hiding ability is too strong. He actually helped us find the secret whistle, otherwise we might not be caught!"

Xu Yonggui saw the uncle's movements clearly, and was secretly startled.

Jiang Bei didn't respond at all. The sniper that the uncle found was probably a rookie, and he didn't hide it very well. If he was more experienced or familiar with the surrounding environment, he would be easy to spot.

"Uncle left, and found another secret whistle, awesome"

Xu Yonggui said softly.

"Let's go, let's take a detour, we can't pass here. Avoid these guys."

With the help of the uncle's traces, Jiangbei found several hiding spots. After thinking about it, he decided to take a detour. They are not about to launch an attack immediately, but to sneak in as a small group. They can't kill the dark whistle to scare the snake away. After all, the dark whistle will definitely confirm it every once in a while. , They kill them, and after time, they will still be discovered.

Xu Yonggui nodded and followed Jiangbei's three people. He was not surprised by Jiangbei's choice. After all, he had already trained several ways to deal with secret whistle during training.

"That's it, go down from here."

The four of them escaped from the secret sentinels and came to a cliff. A few hundred meters below the cliff was a lake. What was on the lake could be seen clearly, but it was a bit difficult to get down to the lake.

But for the old A who often trains in the field, although it is a bit dangerous, it is not that difficult.

The four immediately took out the rope and tied it to the tree. In groups of two, with the help of the rope, they quickly fell down.

After getting off the cliff, the four of them reached out to the small woods by the lake with mutual vigilance. There was a road next to the woods, which led directly to the small port by the lake. communications command center.

"Ports, roads, buildings, it's weird, why this port is full of small boats, moving targets, these vehicles don't seem to be able to load communication and command terminals, and they don't move!"

Han Cheng also lay on the ground, looking at the port at the intersection of the lake and the road, and said doubtfully.

"Just look at the center of the lake!"

Jiang Bei pointed to the center of the lake and said.

Han Cheng quickly looked over and saw three ships floating in the center of the lake. He immediately said with admiration and laughed, "Vice Captain, you are still the best. I was busy observing the port, but you went directly to find the ship!"

"No, I just happened to see a boat in the middle of the lake!"

Jiang Bei said that he couldn't say that he knew the command center was on the ship before he came. Seeing that there were no big ships in the port, he focused his attention on the lake.

"They are floating on the lake, and we can't reach them, why don't we call for an air strike?"

Wu Liuyi, who had been silent all this time, spoke at this moment.

"It's difficult. It's getting dark now, and the plane may not be found. Even if we guide it manually, the ship has to stay still."

Jiang Bei shook his head. The fighter jets at this time were not as advanced as later generations, and many advanced positioning devices did not exist.

"Then what should we do? Can we just wait for it to return to Hong Kong, then sneak in and kill it!" Han Cheng said with a frown.

"At present, this is the only way to go. Fortunately, there are forests from here to the port. We can easily approach. Wait a minute. If there is really no way, we should open the communication before we act, and ask the captain where they are? If they It’s here too, we can work together inside and outside, otherwise even if we complete the task, we will have to be reimbursed.”

Jiang Bei analyzed the situation at the port.

(End of this chapter)

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