Chapter 152 Talent Gap
"Everyone, look at the bullets in the distance. There are twice as many bullets as before. I have applied for you, so today, I just ask you to show your best strength and let me see how well your night tigers are doing." How powerful is it?"

On the shooting range, Jiang Bei pointed to the veterans who were unloading live ammunition from the car, and said loudly to the soldiers.

Then Jiang Bei shouted to Company Commander Miao: "Old Miao, let everyone start!"

"Yes, deputy battalion commander!"

Company Commander Miao said cheerfully, you must know that this bullet can not be fired every day, and different units have quotas. Although their Yehu reconnaissance company is a scout, they shoot relatively more, but any more will only be a little more Well, the deputy battalion commander added more to the reconnaissance company, of course he was happy.

As for Jiangbei's various drills of their Night Tiger Reconnaissance Company during this period, he is not disgusted at all. As a veteran and an officer who is about to change jobs, he can naturally see that the deputy battalion commander is trying to touch the foundations of their soldiers, and he knows that why is that.

This kind of research is good for Yehuo. The military reform is imminent. Not only is he going to change jobs, but many ordinary soldiers will be discharged. He naturally hopes that the deputy battalion commander can improve the level of the soldiers during the period before the military reform. In this way, during the military reform, the soldiers also have more opportunities to stay.

"A group, dequeue"

Company Commander Miao signaled to Chen Guotao to take the lead.

A group of fighters quickly moved forward and entered the shooting range. Under the command of Chen Guotao, they started rapid-fire movement.

Watching the scene of bullets flying across the shooting range, several squad leaders brought by Jiang Bei began to record the results according to the roster.

"bang bang bang"

One group ended, another group was replaced, and the gunfire kept ringing.

Seeing that Jiang Bei was observing the performance of the soldiers very carefully, Company Commander Miao asked, "Deputy Battalion Commander, from your point of view, how is the level of the soldiers?"

Hearing this, Jiang Bei said, "It's not bad, it's basically qualified!"

In the past, if anyone said that his soldiers couldn't shoot well, Company Commander Miao would have been dissatisfied long ago, but he said with a smile to Jiang Bei's words: "You are right, I will come down and let these guys continue to practice."

As soon as the words came out, the few guys who felt good about themselves were a little unhappy after the shooting. They suddenly felt that their disrespectful company commander Miao had changed. Why did he agree with everything the deputy battalion commander said? Where did Miao Lian, who was fighting against the leader, go?

Although they knew that Deputy Battalion Commander Jiang must be a master, it wasn't that they were barely qualified!

At this time, a non-commissioned officer of the first batch stood up and typed a report: "Report!"

While talking, Jiang Bei and Company Commander Miao were taken aback for a moment, looked over, and motioned for him to speak.


The sergeant glanced at Jiangbei a little unconvinced, but his mind was quite normal. He didn't contradict directly, but said around the corner: "Deputy Battalion Commander, you said that we are basically qualified. I want to know what is the standard of excellence? We are good If you practice hard in that direction, you will reach the excellence that the deputy battalion commander said as soon as possible."

As soon as these words came out, some old fritters and arrogant soldiers in the Yehu reconnaissance company immediately echoed them.

They do want to know what is the standard of excellence!The deputy battalion commander can't just say no, right?Their night tigers are only qualified, so the other companies are not good enough, and they can't overrule their pride all the time just because the deputy battalion commander is a first-class hero.

Although they knew from the physical training in the past few days that the deputy battalion commander is not an ordinary person, but shooting is not physical fitness, so they don't believe that there are so many of them and none of them is better than the deputy battalion commander.

"What are you talking about? It doesn't matter whether it's big or small. Are you really good? It's like the bottom of the well. Oh, yes, the frog in the well! Deputy battalion commander, don't be as knowledgeable as them."

Company Commander Miao suddenly changed his face and cursed at them.

Jiang Bei was amused. He didn't expect Xiao Zhuang to be dissatisfied with the story of the dog-headed boss, so he ran into him, but it was true. He hadn't touched the gun much when he came to the first battalion. It's normal for everyone to be dissatisfied.

"Hey, Lao Miao, it's a good thing that soldiers want to see the standard of excellence. It's normal to be unconvinced. If you don't have the spirit, I will look down on them."

Jiang Bei smiled and said to Company Commander Miao, and then he said to Chen Guotao who was beside him: "A platoon leader, go, find some beer bottles for me."

"Ah? Yes!"

Chen Guotao was stunned for a moment, then quickly answered, and then took a soldier to the cafeteria.

"Deputy Battalion Commander, you don't have to be like this, these boys don't know Mount Tai." Company Commander Miao looked at Chen Guotao who was going away, and shook his head.

Jiang Bei glanced at him angrily: "Okay, Lao Miao, I don't know what you're thinking, don't you just want to protect these boys!"

"Where, where, I'm really ashamed of these boys. The frogs in the well don't know it, but this is good. I hope that the deputy battalion commander can kill the arrogance of these boys and let them know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

Company Commander Miao showed embarrassment on his dark face, but after coming over for a while, he pretended not to know anything and said viciously.

Soon, the wine bottle was found by Chen Guotao.

"Do you know what to do?"

Jiang Bei took out a wine bottle and said.

"Report to the deputy battalion commander, I know, we have also fought!"

It was still the first-term non-commissioned officer just now, seeing that it was a wine bottle, he said indifferently.

"Yes, it seems to be okay. Experience is good. What's your name?" Jiang Bei nodded and asked.

"Report to the deputy battalion commander, my name is Bai Qi, and I'm a group of soldiers." The sergeant said loudly.

"Bai Qi, kill God Wu'an Jun? Who else hits the wine bottle? If you hit a good shot, stand up."

Jiang Bei was overjoyed when he heard the name, but he looked at the soldiers without changing his face and said.

Immediately, several soldiers in the team looked at each other and stood up.

"Okay, just a few of you, go, change the magazines, and shoot the wine bottle with me. I will show you what excellence is, although it is self-proclaimed!"

Jiang Bei glanced at them, nodded and said. , and then motioned for Chen Guotao to bring a few soldiers to throw the wine bottle.

"Give me a nine-five! It's yours!"

Jiang Bei pointed to the ninety-five on the back of a soldier and said.

After receiving the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Jiang Bei replaced the magazine, then motioned to Company Commander Miao to start.


"Bang bang bang..."

Several wine bottles were immediately thrown into the air, Jiang Bei didn't aim at all, gunshots rang out, several wine bottles exploded in a fraction of a second, and the soldiers nearby were stunned.

Especially Bai Qi, blushing because the wine bottle was gone before he could shoot.

Jiang Bei glanced at a few people, waved his hand and said, "Throw another round."

"Bang bang bang!"

Several wine bottles exploded in a very short time, and the only one smoking from the muzzle was Jiuwu in Jiangbei's hand.

The soldiers observing by the side were already stunned.

"No way! Did I read it wrong just now, the deputy battalion commander directly beat up several of their wine bottles!"

"You read that right, it's true!"

"It's nothing. I just found out that the deputy battalion commander didn't calibrate the gun at all, and he didn't aim to shoot. He raised the muzzle and shot."

"I finally understand what the deputy battalion commander said, why we are barely qualified, the deputy battalion commander is not human!"

The soldiers swallowed their saliva and started talking.

Jiang Bei withdrew the bullet, turned off the safety, handed the gun to the soldier, and coughed twice violently.

The coughing sound woke up several fighters in the competition, and they looked at Jiang Bei as if they were looking at a monster.

"If you don't go back to the team, you will lose your life."

Company Commander Miao on the side glared at them and said.

Several people rolled back immediately.

"Deputy Battalion Commander, you are still the best. Sure enough, no one from the special forces is a good stubble." Seeing a few people roll back to the team, Company Commander Miao complimented Jiang Bei.

"Come on, old Miao, it's not that you don't know that marksmanship is not something that is fed by bullets. Let's move on to the next project."

Jiang Bei shook his head and said, although he was trying to suppress the arrogance of the soldiers of the reconnaissance company, he didn't think he was really good. For marksmanship, as long as the supply of bullets is sufficient and you practice for a long time, it will be fine. Maybe everyone There is a difference in talent, but not much difference.

You know, since he entered the old A, the bullets have already vomited, and even Wu Liuyi, the guy who has always cherished the opportunity to shoot with live ammunition, has become disliked to shoot with live ammunition.

"Indeed, we are not as old as the Special Forces with sufficient funds."

Company Commander Miao said little, and then asked everyone to start the next shooting project.

Because of Jiangbei's performance just now, the soldiers of the reconnaissance company no longer had any dissatisfaction with what Jiangbei said to them.

"Deputy Battalion Commander, those boys just now, how do you feel, are they suitable for special forces?"

Seeing that Jiang Bei had been observing the guys just now, Company Commander Miao asked.

Jiang Bei was stunned when he heard the words, shook his head and said, "You old Miao, what's going on, why do you want to turn your soldiers into special soldiers so much? No matter how you look at him, you want to see if he is a special soldier seedling? Special soldiers are so good ?"

Company Commander Miao said: "Deputy Battalion Commander, Special Forces is the highest honor for a scout. As the company commander of a reconnaissance company, I certainly hope that all my soldiers can become special forces."

"The highest honor for scouts is of course special forces, but you can't always think this way. If the top fighters of every company go to be special forces, how can the combat effectiveness of this company be improved?"

Jiang Bei sighed, looked at Company Commander Miao and said, he used to think that the military reform was just to change the formation, equipment, and tactics of the troops, but now he suddenly felt that he wanted to form a synthetic battalion, maybe these were not the biggest problems, The biggest problem is the officers. There are too few people who can become officers at the command level of the synthetic battalion.

In Gaocheng back then, he tried his best to hug all the good soldiers, but now Lao Miao is only looking for special forces seedlings, so he has no way to become an officer of the synthetic battalion.

Gaocheng is alright. Although he is a traditional officer, he is still young and accepts new technologies and tactics quickly.

However, although very traditional officers like Lao Miao have led troops for a long time, most of them cannot keep up with or understand new technological innovations and new tactical concepts, and there are many, many such officers in the grassroots units.

The synthetic battalion he will build later needs people who understand new technologies and new concepts. The soldiers are okay, and they can recruit student soldiers, but what about the officers?
However, it took a long time to cultivate. Thinking of this, Jiang Bei suddenly realized that the article on the synthesis of troops he had been writing these days needed to be revised.

Facing Jiangbei's question, Company Commander Miao was stunned for a moment, then said in silence for a moment: "Is there no solution? I know it's not good, but if our excellent soldiers want to do well in the army, they must Go to the Special Forces!"

Jiang Bei quickly gave the answer: "Professionalization of soldiers used to be the professionalization of officers. With the reform of the army, the professionalization of soldiers will also become the mainstream in the future."

Company Commander Miao nodded, but he knew that he couldn't see these things anymore, so he didn't talk about it, but changed his head and said, "Deputy Battalion Commander, why don't you gather the powerful fighters of our battalion, Give everyone training and training, so that everyone can understand the training of special forces."

"Don't worry, I have this plan, but it's not a powerful fighter, but the whole battalion needs to train."

Jiang Bei said.

For the training of the first battalion, he already has a detailed idea. Many things he learned in the special forces, he will appropriately lower the standard according to the support situation of the first battalion, carry out team tactical reform, and special warfare knowledge training .

(End of this chapter)

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