Chapter 186
"Comrade Jiangbei! The Beijing University is ahead. I have already contacted the school's armed forces department. I will give some publicity lectures in their auditorium."

At the gate of the Beijing gate, a military jeep stopped at the intersection. A major opened the door, walked out, and spoke to Jiang Bei who had already got off the station by the roadside.

"Okay, Section Chief Yang, then we're almost in. Not to mention, I haven't been to Beijing University yet. I wanted to take the exam when I was in high school, but my score was just a little bit worse."

Jiang Bei glanced at the gate of Beijing University in the distance, nodded, and then said in a teasing tone.

This Section Chief Yang is a cadre of the Armed Forces Department in the capital. During this period of time, he followed Jiangbei to various colleges and universities, coordinating the recruitment and publicity work.

"Hahaha, Comrade Jiangbei, you are also a graduate of China University of Science and Technology, not much worse than Beijing University. Look, you are now a well-known young officer in our army! Even if you are from Beijing University, there are not many in it. You have this kind of ability in this age group."

Section Chief Yang doesn't know anything else, but he has seen Jiangbei several times in the military newspaper. It is obvious that Comrade Jiangbei has leaped to real power before he was 30 years old, and he has surpassed most young cadres. cadre.

As long as this one can continue to maintain this ability, maybe that star has a chance!

"Hahahaha! Hope! Let's go, Section Chief Yang, let's go in, we can't let the school leaders and teachers wait, we are here to poach people from their school!"

Jiang Bei smiled, didn't say anything, and urged Section Chief Yang to walk to the school!

They have been in the capital for four or five days. During this time, they have been running around various universities, racking their brains to think of various ways to increase the enthusiasm of college students to join the army!

Both new and old propaganda methods have been put into battle, and the effect is good. There are still more college students who are willing to enlist in the army than before.


A few days later, the tiring work of recruiting troops for several days was finally over.

In the evening, in the cafeteria of the Municipal Armed Forces Department, Section Chief Yang greeted Jiangbei and the others to sit down, and said politely, "Come on, you guys have worked hard these two days, and I'm afraid your words will be broken. Let's eat and drink today."

Jiang Bei and Section Chief Liao looked at each other, lifted the wine, and said to Section Chief Yang: "Where is it, we have to thank Section Chief Yang for his help, otherwise we are not familiar with each other, and the work will not be easy to carry out. I toast you !"

After Jiang Bei finished speaking, he picked up the wine and drank it in one gulp. Seeing this, several other people also gulped down.

Section Chief Yang held the wine and said with a smile: "No need, this is my job, and I should cooperate with Comrade Jiangbei and you."

After finishing speaking, he also drank wine and took a few bites of appetizers. Thinking of Jiangbei's propaganda methods these days, he continued to sigh: "Comrade Jiangbei, your method of recruiting and propaganda has opened my eyes. This is better than our previous methods." Propaganda methods are much more useful, we used to do dry propaganda, and these college students are the pride of heaven, it is difficult to mobilize them!"

"Yeah, Section Chief Yang, let alone you, I have learned a lot from Comrade Jiangbei during my trip. Comrade Jiangbei has an incredible brain, not only in military theory, but also in propaganda."

Section Chief Liao loosened his collar and echoed Section Chief Yang's words.

Jiang Bei said modestly: "Where is it, these are just some whimsy. Generally speaking, I need everyone's help to realize it, otherwise I am just some fantasy."

Jiang Bei was a little ashamed, he was just standing on the shoulders of his predecessors, talking about the general experience of everyone in the future.

Section Chief Yang sighed and said, "This man is more than angry. Comrade Jiangbei, you don't know something about our recruitment work."

"To be honest, it is much more difficult to be in the city than in the countryside. I am also a child from the countryside. I am very aware of these situations. For rural children, it is a very good thing to be a soldier. Because there are not many choices, it is easy to do in the recruitment work. Work, but the city is different, young people have many choices and a lot of knowledge, and now everyone looks at money, most of them are not willing to join the army, and few are willing to go.”

Jiang Bei very much agrees with Section Chief Yang's words. He knows the situation. The current country is in the process of transformation. There are too many opportunities for knowledgeable urban youths. From an economic point of view, it is not very good to be a soldier. chosen.

"So, Comrade Jiangbei, if you have any good means of publicity, you have to mention it to us! Maybe your wonderful idea may open up our work difficulties." Section Chief Yang said.

Jiang Bei nodded, thought for a moment, and said: "You have never considered the promotion center of the joint military region's film and television, to engage in some modern military TV dramas, from the perspective of soldiers, to film the friendship of the troops, and the spirit of each company, such as My old army does not abandon or give up these things! I think it is good, and now college students have various club activities. The Ministry of Armed Forces can also let universities support college students to organize some military fan clubs, and do some publicity from time to time. The activities will definitely attract those who are willing to join the army.”

During this period of time, Jiang Bei discovered that many college students were actually interested in the army, but there were no various military clubs in later generations. Jiang Bei remembered that when he was in college, there were national flag classes and military fan clubs in the school. I have participated in it, there are retired students, and there are also many college students who want to join the army.

When Section Chief Yang heard this, he was very happy: "Good idea, among other things, it is very good for university clubs to set up military fan clubs. This can let everyone understand college students' understanding of the army, and it is also beneficial to our work. As for the TV series , This is true, modern military dramas do lack some soldier angles, but TV dramas are a bit difficult to make, not only do you need the support of the military region, but you also have to have a good script, otherwise the public will not watch it."

"That's right. TV dramas are hard to make. A good script, a good director, and a good actor are all indispensable." Jiang Bei nodded, agreeing with Section Chief Yang's words.

To be honest, he really wanted to take pictures of the soldiers' assault. After all, the soldiers' assault gave young people a very clear understanding of the army, and it was because of the soldiers' assault that they joined the army.

But he is not a professional at all, even if he has experienced these, it is useless, after all, he can't even write the script, let alone shoot.

When he mentioned TV dramas, he was just talking about his current military propaganda direction, and he didn't expect to change the situation.

What he wanted more was to let Section Chief Yang promote the establishment of the university's military club to facilitate the recruitment work.

"The main reason is that there is no good script. With a good script, everything is easy to talk about." Chief Liao also said.

"Yeah, forget it, let's drink and eat, so we won't talk about it." Jiang Bei shook his head, not continuing the topic just now.


"Hello, I'm Jiangbei!"

Just after dawn, Jiang Bei, who lived in the guest house, was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

"I, Gao Cheng!" Gao Cheng's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

Jiang Bei woke up instantly, glanced at Chen Guotao who was sleeping in the bed next to him, got up softly, and walked to the bathroom.

"Company commander, what's the matter, you called me so early!" Jiang Bei wondered.

"I heard from Shi Jin that you are coming to the division's reconnaissance camp today?" Gao Cheng said.

"Yes, the recruitment is over, I'll pick them up." Jiang Bei said with certainty.

"Well, I just came to the city, and I'll be back at noon, you give me the address, I'll pick you up later
"Gao Cheng confessed.

Jiang Bei laughed immediately, and quickly agreed.

He did go to Division T today to pick up Shi Jin and the two to report to the Southeast Military Region.


At the entrance of the guest house, Jiang Bei took Chen Guotao to stand at the intersection not long before he saw a military jeep parked on the side of the intersection and honked. Jiang Bei looked up and saw Gao Cheng waving at them.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Bei smiled and said to Chen Guotao that he was going to take Chen Guotao to the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion today. Although this guy is very good, he has never been in the heavy army. The difference with armored infantry.

"Yes, Battalion Commander!" Chen Guotao hurriedly followed.

Coming to the jeep, Jiang Bei greeted Gao Cheng with a smile: "Company Commander!"

"Hello, Chief!" Standing behind, Chen Guotao glanced at Gao Cheng's military rank and saluted quickly.

Gao Cheng ignored Jiang Bei, looked at Chen Guotao, returned a salute, and asked doubtfully, "Who is this Comrade Lieutenant?"

Jiang Bei introduced: "Company Commander, he was my former platoon leader, and now he is the staff officer of the Synthetic Battalion. His name is Chen Guotao. By the way, Company Commander, he is still your old schoolboy, and he also graduated from Luzhi."

"Guo Tao, this is the old company commander when I was a conscript, and now I am Gao Cheng, the battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion of the T division!" After Jiang Bei introduced Gao Cheng, he said to Chen Guotao.

Gao Cheng nodded, motioned for the two to get into the car, and then asked Jiang Bei, "How is your recruiting going? Has it worked?"

"It's okay, there are still some who are interested."

Jiang Bei said happily that this time it was just an intention to sign up, and the specific implementation had to be done by Section Chief Liao and Section Chief Yang.

"That's good. It's not just you guys who have a high level of education. Our division reconnaissance battalion also needs it. The current equipment and tactics increasingly need educated fighters to control and execute them." After Gao Cheng finished speaking, he Start the car and drive out of the city.

Seeing that Gao Cheng didn't mention Shi Jin and Gan Xiaoning's affairs, Jiang Bei tentatively asked, "Company commander, are you not angry with me?"

Gao Cheng drove the car without turning his head and said, "Angry? Why are you angry with you?"

"I'm not going to take the monitor and A-Gump away. You scolded me on the phone, and you shouldn't scold me when we meet." Jiang Bei said with a smile.

He was ready to be scolded by Gao Cheng when he came to bring Shi Jin and the other two, but Gao Cheng didn't get angry.

Gao Cheng said unhappily: "I promised you, why are you still angry? It's not when I was a company commander before. I knew the severity. I went to your southeast military region. You just need to take good care of both of them for me, otherwise you will die. If something happened, I'll take you as a questioner."

According to Gaocheng's previous temper, he would definitely not give Jiangbei a good face, but now he has matured a lot, and he no longer acts righteously when considering things. He knows that it is better for the two of them to go to Jiangbei, no matter whether it is public or private.

Hearing this, Jiang Bei glanced at Gao Cheng in surprise, but Gao Cheng was different. It seemed that Xu Sanduo still had a deep influence on him.

"But let me remind you that just because I'm not angry doesn't mean my trainer isn't angry, and the political commissar, they know that Shi Jin will be transferred to the Southeast Military Region, but they lost their temper."

Gao Cheng knew what Jiang Bei was thinking, so he didn't say anything, and instead reminded Jiang Bei.

"That can't be helped. I'm ready to be scolded. The Synthetic Battalion needs them!" Jiang Bei shrugged and said lying flat.

Shi Jin is a fourth-rank non-commissioned officer, a mid-level non-commissioned officer, and enjoys the company-level treatment, so he was transferred with the approval of the division.

"You kid, you deserve it. You think about poaching people every day." Gao Cheng scolded with a smile.


T division headquarters, division commander's office, Zhao Guodong glanced at Jiang Bei standing in front of him, then glanced at the documents on the table, sighed, picked up a pen, and signed the documents.

"I know you are excellent, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. You are almost at the deputy regiment level. I am afraid that Lao Wang never thought that one of the student soldiers under him back then would almost catch up to him."

Jiang Bei said: "Master, it is the support of Division T that allows me to show my talents. If I did not have the support of Division T, I would have left the army when the conscripts were over."

Jiangbei is full of affection for T Division. The recruit company is here, the first company is here, and I met Gaocheng here. Xu Sanduo and the others also went to the National University of Science and Technology with the support of T Division leaders. They have no experience in T Division. , it is impossible to make him a real soldier.

Zhao Guodong nodded, and took a serious look at Jiangbei. The relatively young college student soldier in his eyes had become a pillar of the army's military reform.

He handed the document to Jiang Bei and said, "You are going to carry out a pilot camp. As your teacher leader, veteran troop, what Division T can do is to support you two people. I hope you make good use of them and don't lose them." In the face of Master T."

Jiang Bei stood up straight and saluted: "Master, please rest assured, I will not lose the face of Master T. I will definitely inject the spirit of Master T into the new army and pass it on gloriously."

Zhao Guodong nodded, and then asked, "When are you going back to the Southeast Military Region?"

"Report to the teacher, the day after tomorrow!" Jiang Bei replied suspiciously.

"Then go and see the 702 regiment. Old Wang is about to retire. You finally came to the division, so go and see him!"

Zhao Guodong gave the reason.

"Retire?" Jiang Bei was surprised, he didn't listen to Gao Cheng.

"Yes, it is estimated that we will retire next year. Now the army is streamlining its troops and streamlining its administration. Old Wang is considered to be retiring early when he is old!" Zhao Guodong said.

"Yes, sir! I will go!"

Jiang Bei was silent for a moment, and then said, he really did not expect that Captain Wang would retire.

Coming out of the division office, looking at Gao Cheng who was waiting outside, Jiang Bei said, "Company Commander, I want to go to 702 to see!"

Gao Cheng was stunned for a moment, and said, "You know?"

Jiang Bei nodded: "Understood, the teacher told me, time flies so fast, the head of the regiment is going to retire."

"Then go to the division's reconnaissance camp first, and let Shi Jin accompany you there!" Gao Cheng said.

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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