Chapter 189 Synthesis camp training
Deep in the wilderness away from the city, in an open field near the [-]th Regiment's garrison, the national flag fluttered in the wind.

On the concrete floor not far from the national flag, rows of new equipment were neatly parked, and bright red big red flowers were hung on each chariot!

Armored infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled howitzers, self-propelled rocket launchers, new tanks, artillery radar vehicles, Hongqi anti-aircraft missiles, engineering work vehicles, electronic jamming vehicles, armored command vehicles, etc., are like steel giants, dazzling and yearning.

In front of the new equipment, the soldiers of the Synthetic Battalion held their heads high and sang military songs like a rainbow!

"Our team goes to the sun!"

"Stand on the land of the motherland!"

"Bearing the hope of the nation!"

Under the national flag, on the newly built high platform, hung two banners, which read: "One is not afraid of death, and the other is not afraid of hardship!" in large characters.

Under the banner, Jiang Bei was standing on the high platform with the leaders of the division, waiting for the time to start the meeting!

Today is the inaugural meeting of the synthesis battalion and the equipment awarding ceremony. After today, the synthesis camp that Jiangbei and comrades in the synthesis battalion are preparing to form is officially announced.

Since joining the army, Jiangbei has never been as excited as he is today.

After he came to the army, the biggest change for him and the army was that he promoted the establishment of the synthetic battalion several years in advance!


"I announce that according to the order of the Southeast Military Region, the pilot of the digital synthesis battalion of the B Group Army will be established today..."

In the applause of the soldiers, Master Jiang officially announced the establishment of the Synthetic Battalion!
"I hope that the comrades of the Synthetic Battalion can unite under the leadership of Comrades Jiangbei and Comrade Wang Pengfei, master the equipment of the Synthetic Battalion as soon as possible, form a strong combat effectiveness, and make important contributions to protecting national security and the interests of the people! Comrades , Do you have confidence?"

Jiang Bei immediately took the lead and shouted loudly: "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Use me in the first battle, use me to win!"

"Use me in the first battle, use me to win!"

"Good! Very imposing! I hope you will always maintain this spirit and explore a new way out for the construction of the army!"

Master Jiang looked at the energetic soldiers in the audience and nodded with satisfaction.

"Then let's take an oath to confer costumes! Comrade Jiangbei will lead! Jiangbei!"


Jiang Bei roared loudly, trotting to the front!

"Start!" Master Jiang shouted seriously.

"Yes!" Jiang Bei saluted several leaders, walked to the microphone with a serious face, and took out the oath he had prepared!

Jiang Bei took a deep breath, glanced at the soldiers under the stage, and shouted loudly: "Members of all crews, get on board!"

Give an order, the drivers of armored vehicles, tanks and other vehicles, commanders, machine gunners and other crew members who have been waiting for a long time, immediately boarded the tanks at the fastest speed!

After getting all the crew members to board the car, Jiang Bei led the soldiers to raise their fists and began to take the oath of outfitting!

"I swear!"

"Care for weapons and equipment like you love your own life!"

"Strictly abide by the regulations on the management of weapons and equipment!"

"Operate and use weapons and equipment correctly!"

"Keep weapons and equipment a secret!"

"Make sure the weapons and equipment are safe!"

After taking the oath, Jiang Bei began his speech: "Leaders and comrades, today is the day for the establishment of the digital synthesis battalion, and brand new equipment has arrived!"

"As a member of the Synthetic Battalion, on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the Synthetic Battalion, I would like to assure the leaders that we will definitely use a positive attitude and an indomitable determination to stand ready to form combat effectiveness for the Synthetic Battalion as soon as possible, actively train, earnestly explore, and play new roles. The powerful performance of the equipment..."




In the uninhabited mountainous area, tanks and chariots fired live ammunition at distant target ranges as they marched.

"Report to the battalion commander! The first tank company has completed the first round of test firing, and all hit the target range!"

On a small hillside, Jiang Bei and instructor Wang Pengfei were standing in front of the command vehicle, holding binoculars to watch the tank company and armored infantry company that were training under the hillside. Not long after a round of volleys had passed, Chen Guotao from the command vehicle ran over. , reported to the two.

"Okay, I see, tell the first company commander, switch the venue according to the plan, and conduct another round of test firing!"

Jiang Bei nodded to show that he knew. He took the training plan, glanced at it, and turned to Chen Guotao to explain.

"Yes!" Chen Guotao received the order, saluted Jiangbei, and returned to the command vehicle to contact the tank company.

Just as Chen Guotao left, Jiang Bei felt sleepy and yawned. He patted his face to relieve the sleepiness a little.

"Jiang Bei, you'd better lie down in the car, I'll watch over you, I'll call you if there's anything else!"

Seeing Jiangbei's tired face, the instructor Wang Pengfei persuaded Jiangbei.

Jiang Bei shook his head and said, "No, I just feel sleepy for a while, it's nothing, it's not like I haven't slept for a few days!"

After receiving the new equipment, in order to allow the soldiers and cadres of the synthesis battalion to master various new equipment as soon as possible.

During the day, Jiang Bei took the chief officers of each company to the squad level to learn new equipment and explore new training methods with the soldiers.

In the evening, Jiangbei had to bring several battalion staff officers and comrades from the expert group together to summarize the soldiers' experience in learning and exploring the use of new equipment, and form it into a new equipment use system.

For the past two weeks, he has hardly slept well!
"It's terrible for you to do this. The body can't bear it, and it will collapse sooner or later. Besides, we have to work steadily. This kind of pilot work can't be done soon. It's easy to ignore the details." Wang Pengfei said worriedly.

"No, time waits for no one. Almost all of our new equipment is the latest model. If we don't work overtime to explore, it will be difficult to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible. You know, our synthetic battalion pilot, so many people are staring at it. Generally speaking, the time given here is enough, but time, you have to squeeze it like a sponge, only in this way can you have more time to try and make mistakes! Only in this way can you form combat power faster!"

After Jiang Bei finished speaking, he took the mineral water on the side and twisted it away, and when it touched his face, the cold stimulation made the drowsiness disappear completely.

As the facilitator of the synthetic battalion pilot, he was under a lot of pressure. Although the leaders told him not to put too much pressure on himself, he knew that if the synthetic battalion could not produce excellent results in the following exercises , he will definitely face a lot of accusations.

After all, reform naturally touches the interests of others. Now that everyone is not criticizing, one is that the leaders rely on their prestige to suppress them, and the other is that the synthetic battalion does not yet have combat effectiveness.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bei said with a serious face: "In a word, we must fully promote the pilot project of the synthetic camp. We can only succeed, not fail. Even if it fails, it must be a meaningful failure!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Bei got into the jeep parked next to the command vehicle and drove towards the tank company.

Looking at the jeep going away, Wang Pengfei called the battalion secretary.

"Instructor, you are looking for me!" said the clerk.

"I have some medicinal materials for soaking feet at home. You can drive to your sister-in-law to get them later, and then use them for the battalion commander so that he can relieve his fatigue!" Wang Pengfei confessed.

Wang Pengfei admired Jiangbei very much. During the period since the establishment of the Synthetic Battalion, he got along well with the soldiers. He drove armored vehicles, played with tanks, and had new training. Jiangbei came here in person. During this time, Every day I make my face look ashamed.

As an instructor, he can't help much with these tasks. What he can do is to do his best to do the ideological work of the comrades and lead the instructors of each company to do the logistics work.

"Yes!" The clerk saluted and left.


"battalion commander!"

Jiang Bei drove a jeep to the training ground of the tank company, and the commander of the tank company immediately greeted him.

"How are the soldiers training? If you have any questions, please tell me immediately! I will let the expert team solve it!"

Jiang Bei glanced at the dusty and dirty company commander who was blown by the wind, and said.

"Reporting to the battalion commander, the problems of the previous few days have all been resolved, and the soldiers have mastered them well. So far, there are no new problems!" The company commander said with a smile.

"Okay, as long as there is no problem, but today is the first test shooting. After returning home, I will organize an inspection of the equipment to find out the problem. The cause of the problem, get rid of it!"

Jiang Bei came to a tank, circled it around and said.

"Yes! After returning, I will organize an investigation immediately!" The company commander responded.

This tank is the latest [-]th modification, and it is the first time that Jiang Bei has touched it in the old A. He used to touch the first generation [-]th type.

Jiangbei is actually a bit regretful. This generation of [-]-[-] is not [-]-A. Although some information-based components have been installed, it is still a bit worse than the future [-]-A.

The digital synthesis battalion pays attention to informatization, heavy firepower, and high mobility.

For Jiangbei, the most suitable main battle tank for the Synthetic Battalion should be the first real information tank [-]A.

After all, it was already eight or nine years later when he appeared on the stage.

"What's the next subject?"

Jiang Bei asked.

"Report to the battalion commander, the next subject is marching salvo!"

"Then let's start, pay attention to safety!" Jiang Bei nodded and said.

"Yes!" The first company commander responded, then picked up the walkie-talkie and started calling the tank teams.

"Attention all units, attention all units, the next subject, salvo on the move, target southeast, 500 meters, hillside target area, start!"

After the company commander finished speaking, black smoke came out of the tanks that had just stopped, started up, and began to move towards the target hillside with thick billowing dust.

Jiang Bei also took over the binoculars handed over by the soldiers of the tank company and began to observe.

Not long after, the voice of the tank shooter rang through the intercom: "Armor-piercing bombs, straight ahead, infantry vehicles, annihilate!"

After the voice fell, the tank guns that had just driven away sounded one after another, and live ammunition passed through the wilderness and landed on the circular target range that had already been circled.

"Bang bang bang!"

Thick smoke rose in an instant, and the top of the hill was almost leveled.


Synthetic camp cafeteria entrance

"What's the difference between us soldiers!"

The soldiers of the armored infantry company were singing, and Chen Xiwa, a senior soldier standing in the back row, suddenly saw not far away, Jiang Beizheng and Chen Guotao Shi Jin walked over talking.

His expression changed, and he said in surprise: "No, the battalion commander and Staff Officer Chen are here!"

"Come here as soon as you come, isn't it a normal meal time?" A soldier next to Xiwa said angrily.

"No, I heard from the technical support company that when they were eating this morning, the battalion commander led Staff Officer Chen to randomly pick people out and recite equipment knowledge, and those who couldn't recite it would be fined five kilometers!" Xiwa said with a sad face.

"No, what are you afraid of? Just recite it if you draw it!" The soldier said indifferently.

"But I haven't memorized all of them. If I can't recite all the questions, then I'm in trouble?" Xiwa sighed.

"Chen Xiwa! Your skin is itchy, isn't it? You said that the team is not allowed to speak!"

Gan Xiaoning, who was standing in front, caught sight of the two of them from the corner of his eye. He glared at Chen Xiwa fiercely, and cursed in a low voice.

At this time, the singing ended, and Xiwa and the others began to enter the cafeteria.

Jiang Bei didn't know about Xiwa's depression, but if he knew, he would give Chen Xiwa one more training session and take away the floating red flags from Xiwa's class.

"Battalion Commander, the recruits have already started training. It's not far from their next company. By then, our battalion will be completely organized. Otherwise, there will be two or three people in each squad like now. It's inconvenient, let alone the actual combat training you do." Chen Guotao said with a smile.

During this period of time, he didn't do any other work, but he devoted himself to assisting Jiangbei in training, so he knew the situation of each class very well.

"What Staff Officer Chen said is true. It's not just when the infantry and tanks are coordinating. Each position needs a full complement of personnel to complete the coordination of tanks, infantry combat vehicles and soldiers. This is especially true for actual combat training. Assaulters, precision shooters, and machine gunners Wait, we need people. It’s okay for us armored infantry. After all, the car rental members are fully equipped. Although the car crew affects tactical training, it is not a big problem. Other technical companies are not good, especially technical support. Lian, it doesn’t work for warriors of ordinary culture, and college students are required to play with those computer equipment.”

Squad leader Shi also echoed.

"Don't worry, these are just a matter of time. After the recruit company is over, these problems will be solved. What I am worried about is the mastery of the new equipment by the veterans, especially those like Xiwa. Our current fire guidance equipment is getting more and more advanced. I’m worried that even if they know how to memorize knowledge points, they won’t be familiar with using them.”

The armored infantry company has an armored reconnaissance platoon below. Xiwa is in the reconnaissance platoon, and his squad leader is Gan Xiaoning. His worry is that the scouts of the synthetic battalion will not only play infiltration operations like the Yehu reconnaissance company used to do. .

They have to guide all kinds of firepower to attack the enemy as they did when they were in the A brigade, and most of the guidance equipment equipped by the synthetic battalion are high-tech things.

For Xiwa, who has only junior high school level, it is a bit difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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