Chapter 195

dorm room
A soldier from Gan Xiaoning's squad walked in with a disappointed expression on his face, and sat down on the bed.

Gan Xiaoning, who was writing something, glanced at him, and said in a low tone, "I'll count to three, and if I don't get up from the bed, I'll let you go, three..."

Before Er could say anything, the soldier quickly stood up from the bed, smiled and said to Gan Xiaoning, "I'm sorry, monitor, I'm depressed, I just sat on it without paying attention."

"Old Xiao, why are you depressed? Didn't you go to ask for leave? I was thinking that it would be my turn to ask for leave next week, and then I would buy two high school textbooks."

Xiwa, who was memorizing high school chemistry knowledge next to her, put down her book and asked suspiciously.

Then Lao Xiao said depressingly: "Don't mention it, I also said to go to the company to ask for leave, but I was not granted it at all. You say you are depressed or not."

Xiwa rubbed her head and said, "It shouldn't be, you haven't been out for a long time, it's easy to ask for leave, monitor, why can't Old Xiao ask for leave?"

Gan Xiaoning glanced at them when he heard the words, and said to Lao Xiao: "You didn't realize that, let alone our company this week, even our camp, no one can ask for leave."

"Ah? Squad leader, why is that!" Xiwa and the others were suddenly surprised.

"Why else, of course there is something in the camp! Anyway, you just wait, and you will know when the time comes."

Gan Xiaoning left a suspenseful smile.



Just after the nap time, a whistle suddenly sounded downstairs in the dormitory, followed by Chen Guotao's voice, which also spread into the dormitories of each company.

"All the officers and soldiers of the Synthetic Battalion, except those on duty, all brought paper, pens and small mats to the big playground. Be quick, and I will give you 5 minutes!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiwa, who had already jumped off the bed, looked at Gan Xiaoning in surprise: "Squad leader, is that what you just said?"

Gan Xiaoning ignored him, and yelled at everyone: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up, find paper and pens, and hurry to the big playground."

After Gan Xiaoning finished yelling, he opened the cabinet that had been packed before, took a pen and notebook, and rushed out with a ponytail.

The soldiers in their class also reacted, busy holding things, and followed.

Five minutes later, under the national flag fluttering in the wind, the soldiers of the Synthetic Battalion stood in the middle of the playground under the scorching sun, looking at the two chief officers who had already been waiting beside the playground with doubts on their faces.

"Report, there should be 95 people in the Synthetic Battalion, but it actually arrived at 980 with three people, ten people on duty, two people on sick leave, and the person on duty, Chen Guotao!"

"Please rest!"

After giving the order to rest, Jiang Bei and Wang Pengfei walked to the steps under the national flag and looked at the soldiers in the battalion very seriously.

"Stand at attention, everyone is there, put down the bench and sit down!"

Under Jiang Bei's command, nearly 1000 officers and soldiers sat down in a coherent manner. Jiang Bei was very satisfied with the uniform scene.

After everyone sat down, Jiang Bei looked at Wang Pengfei, the instructor. Wang Pengfei understood Jiang Bei's meaning, nodded immediately, took the trumpet in Jiang Bei's hand, and started talking.

"The officers and soldiers of the entire battalion are gathered here today, mainly to hold a meeting related to our digital synthesis battalion!"


The audience suddenly started whispering, especially the recruits, all of them looked curious.

"Quiet!" Jiang Bei couldn't help shouting at the noisy scene.

The voices of nearly 1000 people suddenly fell silent as if their throats were pinched.

"Who told you to talk? People don't know. I thought it was a group of raw melon eggs who had just entered the recruit company. The instructor hasn't said anything yet. You are just like this. You are usually disciplined, Chen Guotao!" Jiang Bei said loudly with a dark face.

"Here!" Chen Guotao trotted over.

"Everyone present, whether it's the company commander or the recruit, will run an extra three kilometers for the training later. Just remember, and if anyone doesn't run, tell me!" Jiang Bei said expressionlessly.

"Yes!" Chen Guotao said with a smile.

The recruits in the audience dared not speak out. One month after they left the company, they had figured out the situation of the main cadres of the Synthetic Battalion. Jiangbei had always been a smiling tiger in front of them. He cared about everyone in private. At that time, none of the soldiers was afraid of him.

Especially those college students who were recruited by Jiangbei himself felt even more deeply. Who would have thought that the young major who was very elegant in their school at the beginning would be a completely different person in the army.

"Okay, everyone, keep listening!"

Seeing that Jiangbei had taught everyone a lesson, Wang Pengfei continued to say: "Everyone knows that our synthetic battalion is a newly established experimental force. The synthetic troops are the seed troops for the modernization of informationization, and today we will hold a meeting to discuss with you the future development of our synthetic battalion."

Speaking of this, Wang Pengfei looked at Jiangbei and said, "Let the battalion commander tell you how to develop so that we can build the first digital synthetic battalion in the army. Welcome!"

"Papa papa!" The applause of more than 1000 people was like the sound of the tide, one wave after another.

Jiang Bei took the horn, coughed twice, looked at the soldiers below and said, "Just now the instructor also said that our synthesis battalion is a newly established experimental unit, which was established for the exploration of the digital synthesis of the whole army. What does this mean? Do you all know?"

"Report!" Chen Guotao shouted.

"Speak!" Jiang Bei was a little speechless when he came out to Chen Guotao. He originally wanted the recruits to speak, but since he came out, he couldn't stop him from speaking.

"It means that we must become a model unit of the whole army!" Chen Guotao said loudly.

"Okay, that's a good point, but don't say it next time, give the chance to the recruits!" Jiang Bei said with a blank look at him.

"Hahahahahaha!" Everyone burst into laughter, they never expected that the battalion commander, who had always kept a straight face, would tease people like this.

"Yes!" Chen Guotao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only sit down.

Jiang Bei continued: "Officer Chen is right, which means that we have to become a model unit of the whole army, not only in terms of combat effectiveness, but also to explore a digitally synthesized training system and various command tactics for the whole army.

"But more importantly, our synthetic battalion is a new one. I am the first battalion commander of the synthetic battalion, and the instructor is the first instructor. And you are also the first batch of fighters in the synthetic battalion. To put it simply, all of us present People are all founding members of the Synthetic Battalion. The performance of our group of people determines how far the Synthetic Battalion can go and how many traces it can leave in the history of the construction of the People's Army! In the words of Staff Officer Chen, we are not only To become a model unit of the whole army, it has to lay the foundation for the latecomers of the synthetic battalion!"

"Tell me, do you want to!" Jiang Bei shouted loudly.

"Think! Think! Think!"

Do you want to?
The officers and soldiers of the Synthetic Battalion have already answered this question with voices resounding through the sky. After all, it is possible to leave a name in the history of an army, but there are no soldiers who volunteer to serve as soldiers without some ideas!
"Okay! Comrades, since the establishment of the Synthetic Battalion, many veterans have privately said that our Synthetic Battalion does not have the heroic history of their old company, so there is not much cohesion. Some cadres said that they want this cohesion. , It takes time to boil it, until we have history, we can have this kind of cohesion."

Jiang Bei waved his hand and said this, thinking of the various sayings of the Synthetic Camp during this period, and immediately came to his head.

The construction of the synthesis battalion was a very troublesome matter for Jiangbei. Not only externally, but also internally, there were many problems to be solved.

The technical problem was simple, and if it was a big deal, he would have to do more groping, and it could always be solved, but he had to improve the morale of the soldiers of the synthesis battalion, and he would never allow some noise to affect the construction of the synthesis battalion.

"Speaking of which, let me ask everyone, was Huang Jiguang's company always a new company when Huang Jiguang didn't show up, and was it a new company when our Red Army was first established?" Jiang Bei roared.

"It can be said that there is no difference from us now. Apart from the difference in equipment, we are better than them, because we have several veterans in each class, but they don't!"

"But why the Red Army has become the great People's Liberation Army today? What is the reason? Let me tell you, it's very simple, because the ancestors knew that they had nothing, and they could only work hard from generation to generation. With Huang Jiguang and others There are tens of thousands of heroes, and there is a glorious army."

Speaking of this, the soldiers in the audience also became serious!
"The main reason for talking about these ancestors is that I want to tell you whether the synthetic battalion will work, whether there will be a glorious history in the future, and whether it can become a powerful modern army depends not on time, but on our actions. Only our first A generation has worked hard, and the synthetic battalion has a future, whether it is me or a new recruit who just joined the army, only if each of us builds the synthetic battalion as our own home, can we develop well!"

"The fraternal troops regard themselves as heroic troops, but we don't have these. What we have to do is to become new heroes, to become a steel army loyal to the party, the motherland, and the people!"

"Remember, we start from scratch, keep our feet on the ground, step by step, and we must leave a glorious army for the latecomers! Comrades, do you have confidence!"

Jiang Bei waved his fist and roared vigorously.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The heroic ambition of the soldiers is resounding through the sky!

Looking at the soldiers whose morale had been aroused by him, Jiang Bei began to talk about business.

"For a unit to be cohesive, it must have something iconic. Therefore, today's meeting is to let everyone learn to sing the camp song of our synthetic battalion, and then solicit the slogan of our synthetic battalion from everyone."

"Slogan is the fighting voice of an army, it is the fighting will of an army, without a unified voice, without a will of steel, this army is a group of scattered sand!"

"So, for the slogan, I hope that every soldier will actively participate, and then select the best slogans, and the soldiers of the whole battalion will vote to decide!"

Jiang Bei expressed everyone's doubts.

Hearing Jiangbei's words, the soldiers were immediately excited. They put aside Jiangbei's discipline for a while, and whispered to each other. They really didn't expect that they would decide the slogan of the Synthetic Battalion.

There are also camp songs. They are also curious about what is the camp song of the synthesis camp?
Jiang Bei didn't care about the noise on the playground at this time. What he wanted was this kind of effect. If everyone participated, the cohesion would rise.

After a while, the excitement of the crowd passed, and Jiang Bei said: "I will read the camp song to you now, everyone remember it carefully, and I will sing it with you later!"

With that said, Jiang Bei read the lyrics to the soldiers one by one and asked them to write them on paper.

"Everyone! Listen up, I'll sing it once, you sing it again!"

"Listen, the horn of the new journey is sounding. The goal of a strong army is calling ahead. If the country is strong, we must take responsibility. The battle flag is full of iron and blood glory..."


"Listen to the horn of the new journey..."

At the entrance of the cafeteria, the soldiers of the tank company and the air defense company were singing songs before meals. Jiangbei, who was standing not far away, was very satisfied listening to the songs sung by the soldiers.
Since the end of the conference, did all the fighters of the Synthetic Battalion put the camp song of the Synthetic Battalion on their lips and sang it, and after that conference ended, I wonder if everyone’s ideological work has been done, and the cohesion has suddenly increased.

All the previous noises disappeared one after another, only the sound of panting on the training ground and the sound of machines in combat equipment remained.

There were also various competitions among the companies, and Jiangbei knew exactly what this meant.

It means that the synthesis camp has officially entered the normal process!As long as all kinds of training are completed, the synthetic battalion is a combatable force and will shine brightly on the exercise field!

"Report to the battalion commander! The officers of the group army have come to our synthetic battalion, saying they are here to interview our synthetic battalion!"

A report disturbed Jiang Bei's thoughts, and Jiang Bei wondered: "The officer of the group army? Didn't I tell the division commander that before the results of the synthetic battalion, the military newspaper will not be interviewed. Besides, the synthetic battalion cannot be published in the newspaper." Ah, let him go!"

Jiangbei is a little upset!

Just because the Synthetic Battalion is the first digital synthetic battalion in the whole army, during this period of time, various people have been coming to the Synthetic Battalion for inspections, and the leader is fine. After all, Jiangbei still counts on them to support his pilot work.

But these officers in charge of propaganda also want to come to interview the synthesis camp. He is so annoying that he is so annoying, so he directly greets the division and asks them to go aside. Synthesis camp training!
The soldier was told by Jiangbei, and he didn't know what to say for a while. At this time, Wang Pengfei trotted over, saw the soldier's appearance, and immediately understood the reason, motioned the soldier to leave, and said to Jiangbei: "Jiangbei, I know what you mean, but this It was different this time, it was arranged by the military."

"Arranged by the army?" Jiang Bei asked doubtfully.

"Isn't this our battalion song reported to the division, and then it was sent to the propaganda office of the army by Mr. Ye in the division. The army thought the lyrics were very good, and wanted comrades from the propaganda office to interview and push it. This song!" Wang Pengfei said excitedly.

Jiang Bei immediately understood that this was for the song. It seems that even if it was several years in advance, the song could not stop being excellent, and was discovered by the discerning leader.

But this is also good, this must be a great encouragement to the morale of the synthesis battalion.

Think about it, my army's camp song turned out to be a military song that the whole army would sing, and Jiang Bei couldn't describe the sense of pride!
(End of this chapter)

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