"Squad leader, go and call A-Gump here! I have something for him to do!"

Jiang Bei looked at the picture on the screen, rolled his eyes, and explained to Shi Jin.

Shi Jin nodded and went out quickly, but after a while, Gan Xiaoning trotted to Jiangbei's side.

"Report to the battalion commander, Gan Xiaoning, squad leader of the armored infantry company, reports for duty!"

Gan Xiaoning saluted with a smile.

"A-Gump, come and take a look. I have something I need you to do?" Jiang Bei waved to Gan Xiaoning, pointing to the thermal image on the electronic screen.

Gan Xiaoning was puzzled, but he quickly came to the electronic screen: "Commander, what is this?"

Jiang Bei said: "This is a combat team of the Red Army Special Forces. Three people have sneaked into our camp and poisoned us. Three people are covering them outside. This is the location discovered by our anti-infantry radar. I have a task for you. Take The veterans of your class, carrying communication terminals, detoured from behind the camp, trying to find a way to touch them, and follow them! Remember, don’t get too close to them, and don’t fight them, just follow them and report their positions at any time.”

Gan Xiaoning was taken aback for a moment, but he immediately realized that he didn't ask about the poisoning. He patted his chest and said, "I understand, I promise to complete the task!"

"Okay! At that time, I will let other people cover you to go out!"

Jiang Bei nodded in satisfaction. The reason why he is called Forrest Gump is very simple. Gan Xiaoning is also the soldier king of his old army, and he has fought against old A several times. .

Then Jiangbei explained the situation that should be paid attention to, and let Gan Xiaoning lead the team to leave.

Seeing Gan Xiaoning and the others leaving under the cover of other fighters, Shi Jin said excitedly and nervously, "I hope Forrest Gump and the others are all right!"

As a veteran, he understands the purpose of Jiangbei this time. If A-Gump and the others do a good job, maybe A-Gump and the others can have a happy achievement. After all, it is not easy to follow the special forces. With the assistance of the battalion, kill this Spike or something combat team.

Then A-Gump's class will definitely be rewarded. For A-Gump, the class monitor, this can add a lot of money to his resume.


at the edge of the jungle,
A military green jeep drove along a dirt road toward the depths of the forest, and finally stopped in a deserted place.

Three soldiers wearing blue army uniforms quickly got off the car. The three of them swiftly replaced the blue army camouflage uniforms with Spike camouflage combat uniforms.

"Hurry up, let's get out of here and join the hyenas!"

Sirius took the equipment, looked at the surrounding environment, confirmed that no one was following, and gave instructions to the other two.

"Understood!" The two nodded.

"Grey wolf, gray wolf! This is Sirius, this is Sirius, is there a tail behind us? How is the situation in the synthesis camp?"

Sirius turned on the communication terminal he was wearing, and started calling Gray Wolf into the headset.

Not far from the synthesis camp, Gray Wolf Motor, who was lying in ambush, glanced through the binoculars at the chaotic scene in the synthesis camp, exchanged glances with the hyena, and laughed.

After he laughed, he said to Sirius in the headset: "The croton has already worked, and the synthesis camp is now a mess. Come back, we should leave!"

After speaking, he took out the radio and started to contact the Spike Command.


In the synthesis battalion, Zhao Zhonglian, the company commander of the technical support company, hurried out of the communication detection vehicle with the antenna erected, and trotted to the command vehicle where Jiangbei was waiting.

"Report to the battalion commander, the other party has started contacting the Spike Command!"

Zhao Zhongliang said with a smile on his face.

"Okay! Have you confirmed the location of the Spike Command?"

Hearing this, Jiang Bei patted the chair next to him very satisfied, and began to ask for details.

"Confirmed, the location of the Spike Command is more than 200 kilometers away from us, hidden deep in the mountains!"

Zhao Zhongliang immediately pointed to the temporary military map, pointed to a coordinate, and gave the answer.

Jiang Bei took a look, laughed, and said happily: "Okay, it seems that we still have to thank Comrade Langya, this is a big gift for us!"

Wang Pengfei echoed, "Our rockets are completely within reach of this position. Do you want to send out the scout platoon to find out the situation, and then the rockets will wash the ground?"

Jiang Bei thought about it, and after a while, his eyes became firmer, and he waved his hand and said, "There is no need for us to scout the platoon, the Black Tiger Brigade must have a small team nearby, we can use them to find out, besides, they are professional Yes, just in case, let them go!"

There is nothing in Jiangbei that puts all the credit on the synthetic battalion. What he has always liked is that the various arms cooperate with each other to complete the task in the fastest way.

Naturally, it is the same now. The reconnaissance platoon of the synthetic battalion is sent out. When they arrive, when will it be? On the chariot, the opportunity changes rapidly.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bei looked at Chen Guotao, who was observing the Langya combat team, and said with sharp eyes: "Notify Gan Xiaoning and others, let them do a good job in guiding the firepower strike, and wait for the follow-up team to catch up with them, and immediately carry out the annihilation operation. Don't let go." That team ran away!"

Chen Guotao immediately became serious, saluted and left.


"Squad leader, how long do we have to wait before we can kill these guys? Don't let us let you go!"

On a small hill, Xiwa looked at the Spike Special Forces advancing at full speed, and said worriedly.

He has been in the training of Langya, and he knows the physical fitness of Langya's people. He is like a wolf, running around in the woods. Anyway, the people in his class are definitely not as good as him, so he is worried that he will let the wolf go. teeth.

"Don't worry, Xiwa! Aren't you just special forces? What are you worried about? The communication terminals and night vision goggles we carry are no different from those of the special forces. We are even better than them in terms of communication. With these things, it’s not that the special forces can’t resist, if they really can’t, we can shake people! Go, follow, pay attention, be quiet!”

Gan Xiao looked at the disappearing figures in the distance with the binoculars, comforted Xiwa, put away the binoculars, and quietly followed.

"This time we finally regained the face of our lone wolf commando team. Last time our team suffered a big loss in Jiangbei's hands!"

In the team, Gray Wolf leaned on a tree, took a breath, and said to the hyena next to him.

The hyena glanced at him, and said, "Give me the radio, and I'll carry it for you. If you want me to tell you, Gray Wolf, you have to practice more when you go back. You're already panting."

Gray Wolf was also polite, handed the radio to the coyote, sighed and said: "There is no way, these years make people old, and when they get older, they are naturally not as good as you young people."

"You, that is, the wild wolf didn't see your current situation. Otherwise, you will definitely be rebuilt. Look at the flesh on your body now. We estimate that you have the most flesh in the entire Wolf Fang."

The coyote shook his head, took the radio on his back, and continued walking.

"I'll lose weight when I get back this trip!" Naturally, Gray Wolf knew what the hyena meant, smiled, and quickly followed.

Before they had gone far, the sniper in charge of reconnaissance and security in the team suddenly became serious: "Coyotes, gray wolves, the situation is wrong, we have tails behind us!"

As soon as the words fell, the other five people quickly hid towards the surrounding obstacles. Gray Wolf pounced on the root of a big tree and asked quickly, "Which direction are you in?"

The sniper immediately gave the position, and Gray Wolf turned his head to the side, and saw the team following behind, his expression changed suddenly: "It's broken, it's from the synthetic battalion!"



The sound of a sniper rifle sounded in the forest, followed by a series of nine-five sounds.

"The sound of the sniper rifle, Langya spotted Gan Xiaoning and the others!"

Not far behind Gan Xiaoning and the others, the platoon leader who finally caught up with the company had a bad way, and hurriedly said to the correspondent beside him: "Contact the battalion immediately, and tell Squad Leader Gan and the others that they have already contacted Langya. Let the artillery company prepare for artillery support at any time!"

After finishing speaking, he urged the platoon of soldiers who were marching into the mountains: "Comrades, the special forces from Langya are just ahead. Whether you can let the special forces from Langya stay depends on today. Everyone, speed up and don't let them Ran!"

As he spoke, the platoon leader climbed up the hill, and the footsteps of the soldiers following him quickly accelerated.

While a row was climbing up the hill, Xiwa hid at the foot of a big tree and glanced at the first-class non-commissioned officer who was smoking a few meters away. This guy was eliminated by a single shot from a sniper rifle.

According to the gunshot just now, he quickly glanced at the outcropping, then quickly lowered his head, gestured to Gan Xiaoning who was also holding the gun, and signaled: "Squad leader, the sniper is at ten o'clock!"

Hearing this, Gan Xiaoning put the gun on his back and crawled towards the first class soldier holding the communication terminal.

Gan Xiaoning knew that they had to call for support, otherwise, despite the confidence he showed in front of Xiwa just now, he knew that just relying on the few people in his class was not enough for the opponent to fight!
People must be sought for support, and if they can use heavy firepower, use heavy firepower. Anyway, these guys have to be dealt with in this way.

"It's troublesome, these people on the opposite side have been hanging around, I guess there are chasing soldiers behind them!"

Gray Wolf looked at the other side without any movement, and couldn't help but frowned and said.

"Don't worry, they've already caught up! We have to find a way to get rid of them! Gray Wolf, you lead the assault team to retreat first, we will cover you, and gradually leave alternately."

The coyote not far away said in the headset that they killed the synthetic battalion, and now they don’t want to fight these pursuers. There are only six of them. Now that the task is completed, what we need to do is to keep everyone from being eliminated, not to fight with them. It is not worthwhile for special forces to fight against ordinary soldiers.

They are not used in this kind of place.

As he said that, the coyote raised his gun and fired at a blue army soldier who had just climbed the mountain. The soldier soon smoked and one of them was eliminated.

"Platoon leader, they are at ten o'clock, and the opponent's marksmanship is very accurate!"

Seeing the reinforcements finally arriving, Gan Xiaoning quickly told the platoon leader about the situation.

"I see, Squad Leader Gan, you call the battalion immediately and report their coordinates, we will hold them back!"

On the side of the Synthetic Battalion, Jiang Bei looked at the battlefield picture uploaded on the screen, immediately took the communicator, and contacted the technical support company.

"Send the drone out!"

The battle took place in the mountains and forests, and most of the equipment of the Synthetic Battalion could not be used. What Jiangbei could do was to use drones to observe the situation on the scene, and leave the rest to the officers at the battle scene.

It is impossible for him not to sit in command, and to be on the front line of the battle like a big soldier like before.


Not long after, the technical staff said: "Report to the battalion commander, the first group has uploaded the coordinates of the Red Army special forces, do you need to launch artillery strikes!"

Jiang Bei thought for a while, turned his head to look at the commander of the artillery company, and asked: "The Red Army special forces are on the reverse slope, can they hit it?"

The artillery company commander replied: "Report to the battalion commander, there is no problem, the artillery company is on standby!"

"Okay, I understand!" After Jiang Bei understood, he immediately looked at the technical staff and said, "Tell the first row that the artillery company is ready, let them hold on for a while, but don't get too close!"


In the forest, Lone Wolf Group A has not left yet.

"Grey Wolf, the people of the Blue Army didn't move forward! They scattered in all directions, and they are surrounding us."

Sirius said.

"Retreat, withdraw quickly, the blue army does not plan to join us in a shootout! They want to guide the firepower to cover our position!"

Gray Wolf hit a private soldier a few hundred meters away, glanced at the situation of the blue army, and suddenly became anxious because he was aware of what the blue army was thinking.

A few people quickly turned on the running mode, but it was too late. Before the gray wolf ran far, they heard the voice from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, smoke rose from the bodies of several people, and it was obvious that they were eliminated by the laser system of the exercise.


Black Tiger Special Brigade
The deputy chief of staff hurried into an army green tent with the documents, and saw Lei Keming drawing on the white paper with a plate of paint spread out.

What appeared in the painting was a soldier of the People's Liberation Army guarding the boundary marker!

Lei Keming heard the voice, turned his head to look over, and asked in doubt: "What's the matter, is there something new?"

Black Tiger's deputy chief of staff nodded and said: "The Synthetic Battalion of Army Group B wiped out the Lone Wolf Group A that attacked them. Before that, they also designed and detected the exact location of the Spike's headquarters. Here, send people to find out the situation of the Spike Command, and give them the firepower to attack and guide them!"

When Lei Keming heard the words, he quickly took the document, took a deep look, and said, "I thought Lone Wolf Group A would come to mess with us, but I didn't expect them to go to a synthetic camp."

"As for the Spike Command, you should immediately contact the Cobra Squad and let them guide you!"

Heihu's deputy chief of staff nodded: "That's right, we made all the arrangements for nothing."

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