Chapter 204 Air Strike
In the tent of the Synthetic Battalion, He Zhijun stared at the so-called headquarters of the Synthetic Battalion, which simply had a military sand table, and was taken aback, before giving Jiang Bei an angry look.

"Don't tell me this is your command post? I heard that you have built a mobile command platform. How could this be?"

The cadres of the synthesis battalion who followed behind almost couldn't help laughing.

They knew that this was just a headquarters that everyone used to show the Red Army scouts, and what they were defending against was their pervasive reconnaissance.

"He Dadi, let's go! Let's go to the woods behind."

Jiang Bei said with a smile, and then took He Zhijun to the edge of the woods behind, took the walkie-talkie handed over by the correspondent and called, "Get out the command vehicle!"

Not long after he finished speaking, an army green armored vehicle drove out, but this command vehicle was not equipped with the weapons that ordinary armored vehicles carry, but instead had several antennas erected.

It was only then that He Zhijun discovered that there were many chariots of different shapes hidden in the entire forest, some he had seen before, and some he had not.

"Do you still have a drone launch vehicle?"

He Zhijun didn't look at the command vehicle. He knew that the latest generation of the command vehicle of the Synthetic Battalion must have a better layout inside, but what he was more curious about was the drone launch vehicle not far away.

Although the car was covered by a camouflage net, he could tell it at a glance.

"Ah! Team He, haven't you Langya used drones before? It shouldn't be, drones have been equipped with the army since the 90s!"

Jiang Bei was a little puzzled. As far as he knew, UAVs had been developed since the 60s. Although before the 90s, they were mostly used as target drones for the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, but before he joined the army, the Army had The history of reconnaissance with drones.

Especially in the late 70s, the first large-scale unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, Changhong No. [-] (no reconnaissance five) was born.

The history of the People's Liberation Army's use of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft for reconnaissance is not much later than that of Jianguo.

He was in Brigade A, and he had fought with drones before. Although the Spike was a little short, it shouldn't be unusable.

He Zhijun faltered when he heard the words, and gave him a blank look: "Of course we have used it, but it is not very useful for our special forces. After all, it is basically a large unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, like yours, which is also It’s too small, how much effect are you sure it can have?”

"That's true, but Team He, now times have changed, this small drone is very useful, not only with clear picture quality, but also equipped with thermal imaging, used for reconnaissance, and can also guide coordinates for our artillery, of course The small drone equipped with thermal imaging has not been equipped to us, but I heard that it should be equipped soon, do you know what this means?"

Jiang Bei shook his head. He was careless. In his previous life, drones had already entered the homes of ordinary people. Agricultural drones, aerial photography drones, and surveying and mapping drones were all for civilian use. Equipped with various radars.

Not to mention military drones.

So when he saw the drone equipped for the synthetic battalion, he didn't think it was very strange, but He Zhijun was different. He was shocked by such a small drone much more.

"What does it mean?" He Zhijun asked back.

Jiang Bei pointedly said: "It means that a new form of warfare is coming. In the future, on the chariot field, drones will shine brilliantly, and even become an existence that reverses the situation on the battlefield. This will be a message The real form of the digital war is also the competition between the digital technology and the scale of industrialization among the major countries."

Then he pointed to the UAV launch vehicle, and continued: "Think about it, when UAVs are manufactured for real industrial production, each squad will be equipped with a single-soldier UAV, and these UAVs can Reconnaissance can attack, that kind of scene, think about it, the soldiers are one or two kilometers away, holding the monitor, and the drone that they can hold with one hand is hovering at a height of hundreds of meters away. The enemy must either direct artillery strikes immediately, or take bombs and make suicide attacks toward places where there are enemies."

"At that time, the special forces, in this situation, might be difficult to deal with. After all, the enemy is one or two kilometers away. Even if you kill the hovering drone, you will be exposed. Soon Facing artillery coverage."


He Zhijun gasped when he heard what Jiang Bei said. He already understood that once the drones were assigned to the squad level, their special forces might not have the unique advantage of being so flexible in front of the conventional forces.

After all, they can use drones to spy on you from one or two kilometers away, or engage in suicide attacks. How can you play? No matter how accurate your guns are, no matter how powerful your tactics are, they will not be able to reach the enemy, and the effect will be useless.

Of course, He Zhijun also understands that any change brought about by technology is the same for everyone. As conventional troops advance, special forces will naturally advance, and it is impossible to remain unchanged.

So he said with a smile: "It seems that I, an old guy, still have wolf cubs with fangs, continue to study!"

Seeing what He Zhijun said, Jiang Bei didn't say anything anymore. His purpose of saying this was naturally to let the Spikes know that they could no longer use the previous fighting methods and had to change.

He has discussed with Langya several times in the past two years, and he found that Langya is really not good at the application of technological equipment, so he has this reminder.

Of course, he didn't say much more. The synthetic troops of later generations are not simple drones. Those unmanned combat vehicles and unmanned personnel carriers are even more powerful.

But it’s useless to say it now, drones can be seen now, and these things may have a concept for now, but it’s just a concept, no one would have thought that it would develop so fast.

At this moment, the voice of the correspondent rang out: "Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander!"

Jiang Bei and the others looked over quickly, and saw the correspondent running over with sweat profusely, pointing to the communication terminal in his hand and saying, "Report to the battalion commander, the air defense company reported that there are five attack planes flying towards our station. Our plane, but the air defense company said something was wrong with the other party!"

Jiang Bei hurriedly took the communication terminal, listened to the report of the commander of the air defense company, and then said calmly: "Commander of the fifth company, are you sure there is something wrong with the other party?"

"Battalion Commander, I'm sure, our radar observed that our air force's planes at the airport were divided into several batches and flew towards the brother troops and us. No airport!"

The commander of the air defense company said with certainty.

"Okay, I understand. You should pay attention to the movement immediately. If the planes attack us, you should find a way to shoot them down immediately, regardless of whether they are our planes or not!"

Jiang Bei gave the order without hesitation, and the fighter plane would arrive soon. Any hesitation would bring about the defeat of the Synthetic Battalion.


After talking with the commander of the air defense company, he quickly looked at everyone present: "Chen Guotao, immediately sound the air defense alarm, the whole battalion pays attention to air defense, and everyone who is still in the tent evacuates immediately! By the way, immediately pass the information to the brother troops , Let them pay attention to air defense!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander"

Chen Guotao hurried away.

"Battalion Commander, it's not possible, how could our plane attack us!"

Instructor Wang Pengfei said doubtfully, and the rest of the cadres also seemed a little bit unconvinced.

Jiang Bei didn't say anything, and immediately used the power of the military chief to shout: "It's too late, everyone should disperse immediately according to air defense requirements, immediately, immediately!"

finished yelling,

Jiang Bei led the crowd into the temporary air-raid shelter that had been set up by the engineers.

Seeing that Jiang Bei didn't answer him, Wang Pengfei didn't say anything, and quickly followed the team. After all, according to the routine, although the military chief will discuss with the political chief when deploying operations, the military chief has the right to make military decisions of.

Looking at the people in the Synthetic Battalion going away, He Zhijun and other Spikes did not move. After all, they were already dead, so it didn't matter whether the plane bombed or not.


Not long after the synthesis battalion was ready, the roar of fighter planes came from the dark cloud-covered sky.

"The plane is coming!"

Shi Jin said in a low voice.

As soon as the words fell, several fighter planes appeared and launched an attack on the synthesis battalion station on the flat ground. White smoke rose from the temporary tents of the synthesis battalion and piles of false targets.

However, the air defense company moved quickly, and soon news came that two of the fighter planes were locked by the air defense company's anti-air missiles, and they also withdrew from the exercise.

The rest of the fighters flew away when they saw white smoke rising from all visible targets on the ground.

Seeing the plane leave, Wang Pengfei sighed and said, "Thanks to Jiangbei, you had the foresight to put all our important equipment and personnel in the forest, and set up so many false targets. Otherwise, the first exercise of our synthetic battalion would have To end the exercise as a whole, it will definitely cause trouble for our digital composite force pilot work."

He also admired Jiangbei's military command ability even more. Thinking of what he just said, Wang Pengfei blushed a little. Fortunately, he had been a battalion commander before, so he didn't even have this battlefield awareness.

"Instructor, I just did some preventive work in advance, just in case, but I just didn't expect it to come in handy."

Jiang Bei was a little ashamed. He actually took a small advantage. After all, he knew the plot. Although he didn't know whether Xiaozhuang and the others could still mobilize the Blue Army plane because of him, he still had to take precautions!
(To explain, normally speaking, this kind of situation is very difficult to happen, after all, there is an identification friend or foe system, but this is the original work, and there are logic problems, and I can't change it, I can only make do with it.)
"That's why Jiangbei took precautions. This is the real battlefield awareness. In my opinion, the commanders of the synthetic battalion have to learn from you. After all, on the battlefield, a little bit of awareness may save countless lives. , to change the situation on the battlefield.”

Wang Pengfei shook his head, glanced at the cadres of the synthetic battalion who were following him, and said seriously.

He, Wang Pengfei, has always had the attitude of learning from the best and being jealous, it is impossible for him to happen.

Not far away, Shi Jin watched and listened to what Wang Pengfei said, and was very happy for Jiangbei. It was Jiangbei's luck and the blessing of the synthesis camp to have such a broad-minded instructor as Jiangbei's partner.

If the relationship between the two chief officers is good, all the commanders and fighters of the synthetic battalion will be of one mind, then nothing can be done wrong, and the pilot of the digital synthetic battalion will naturally succeed.

Looking at the two, he seemed to see Gao Cheng, the commander of the No. [-] Steel Company, and Hong Xingguo, the instructor.

This made him, the old squad leader of Jiangbei, the old man of Gang Qilian very excited, he couldn't wait to recall the past of Gang Qilian with Gan Xiaoning.


Two days later

Several red flares exploded over the synthetic camp's new position!
On the battlefield, the soldiers of the Synthetic Battalion looked up at the sky, looked at the bright signal flares, and suddenly became happy. Those in the tanks and the trenches all jumped out one after another, waving the flags of the Synthetic Battalion, and said in unison They sang the camp song of the synthesis camp.

The soldiers understand that this is the signal flare for the end of the exercise, and the Red Army has only some remnant forces left, so they cannot fail. This time, their blue army won the exercise. One of the biggest winners naturally wants to celebrate.

Sure enough, not long after, the director's department issued an order to the troops to end the exercise, and the Synthetic Battalion also received a judgment about the exercise. The blue army won and the red army lost!
"it is good!"

After the correspondent read out the director's decision, Wang Pengfei applauded first in the temporary command post of the Synthetic Battalion, and the others followed suit.

They understood what Wang Pengfei meant. Although the commanders and fighters of the Synthetic Battalion performed well in this exercise, their battalion commander deserved the most credit.

This exercise, as everyone knows, is the first test of the digital synthesis battalion, and this test, the synthesis battalion should be completed well, then the digital synthesis battalion is likely to change from a pilot unit to an official unit. A member of the unit.

As for the proponents and creators of the construction concept of the digital synthetic battalion, their battalion received the greatest applause in the north and south, and it is a matter of course.

Jiang Bei looked at them and shook his head. For these guys, this is just the first step for the digital synthesis camp. There will be more challenges waiting for them in the future, and there is no need to wait for the champagne.

However, Jiangbei didn't pour cold water on them. After all, this encouragement can't be vented. Anyway, the exercise was successful, so it's natural to celebrate, so let them vent. Everyone has been holding back for so long, and it's not good for a long time.

"Okay, Squad Leader Shi, tell the cooking team that tonight, our battalion will have a dinner here, and we will make up all the things left over from this exercise, and tell each company that there is enough beer, let go drink!"

Jiang Bei looked at Shi Jin and made arrangements.

"Yes, I'll go right away!" Shi Jin said.

(End of this chapter)

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