Film and television begins with soldier assault

Chapter 210 Chapter 204 The new battalion commander is Gao Cheng?

Chapter 210 Chapter [-] The new battalion commander is Gao Cheng?

The top and bottom of the Synthetic Battalion soon learned that their battalion commander, Comrade Jiang Bei, was about to go to the National Defense University for further studies.

Although the soldiers usually know a little about the things in the battalion, most of the time they just focus on training and listen to the rest. After all, training is exhausting, who cares about the affairs of the cadres!
So they didn't know the situation, and they were simply happy that their battalion commander was about to be promoted again.

But the cadres are different, especially the cadres of the battalion company, who have different views on Jiangbei's transfer in their hearts. Some are happy and some are worried about the future of the synthetic battalion.

The one who is happy is naturally the deputy battalion commander. No matter whether Jiang Bei is transferred from the battalion commander's position or takes the battalion commander's identity to study, it is good for him. After all, the battalion commander is not around, so he can naturally Alone.

As long as he performed well during this period of time, maybe according to the situation of the synthetic battalion, he was very likely to be the new battalion commander.

The others, like Wang Pengfei, were afraid that the new battalion commander would not be able to take Jiangbei's squad.

Regarding this point, Jiang Bei knew everyone's thoughts, but he didn't say anything. After all, it was still a matter that had not been finalized.

Even if he leaves the army and goes to the military academy for advanced studies, and has the deputy battalion commander to help Lao Wang, he believes that there will be no problem.

Not long after, Jiangbei received a call from the division, and the division commander and political commissar were about to talk to him.

Jiang Bei answered the phone and quickly went to the division headquarters. He entered the division commander's office with the worries of the whole battalion.

"Jiangbei is here, sit down and wait for me to call the political commissar over!"

Seeing Jiang Bei coming, Master Jiang motioned for Jiang Bei who had just saluted to sit down, then picked up the landline on the desk and dialed out.

Not long after Jiang Bei sat down, the door next to him was pushed open, and political commissar Li Peng walked in.

"Jiangbei, you're here. It just so happens that you already know the reason why my teacher and I asked you to come!"

Li Peng didn't say much, and just started the chapter with some questions, pointing out why he came to Jiangbei.

Jiang Bei nodded and said, "If Lao Wang is right, then I know."

"Okay, that's good. The division has already decided that you are going to go to the National Defense University for a period of time to gain qualifications. After you come back, you will take the class of Deputy Chief of Staff Qian and help the division commander and me build a combined brigade. No problem. Bar?"

Li Peng took the tea cup he brought from his office and went to the water dispenser to get a glass of water, and said to Jiang Bei.

Jiang Bei quickly stood up and said solemnly: "Report to the teacher, political commissar, I obey the organization's decision!"

Speaking of this, he joked about himself: "It happened that during the time when I was working on the Synthetic Battalion, I haven't been free to verify some ideas. I just went to the military academy to calm down and think about it. It's just the division commander and the chief of staff. I'm a little worried, after all, the Synthetic Battalion has not been established for a long time, and it's time to cheer up, and I'm worried that the progress of the Synthetic Battalion will be affected in a short period of time if the battalion commander is changed."

Master Jiang took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "You kid is worried that the comrade who takes over your class will not do well, right?"

Jiang Bei touched his head and smiled: "Where, teacher, political commissar, I believe that the two leaders will definitely not put a mediocre person in this position, but no matter how powerful the new battalion commander is, it will definitely take him a while to get familiar with the synthetic battalion." In terms of time, there is a lot of training and exploration in the synthesis battalion now, and there is no delay, so I am worried that the progress of the synthesis battalion will fall behind during this transitional stage."

After listening to Jiang Bei's words, Master Jiang pondered for a moment and said, "You're right. The Synthetic Battalion has to cooperate with the division's reforms, but instability is a problem. Then Jiang Bei, do you have any suggestions for good candidates?"

"Yes, Jiangbei, you are the chief officer of the Synthetic Battalion. You still have a certain say in who will be your successor. Otherwise, you, the old battalion commander, will not be satisfied, and the new battalion commander will not be able to carry out his work!"

Li Peng, the political commissar, also looked at Jiang Bei with a smile on his face and said, they are all good people, so they naturally knew that Jiang Bei would definitely want to make some suggestions to the new battalion commander.

Regarding this, he and Lao Jiang naturally had to listen to the thoughts of Jiangbei, the first battalion commander. They both had no selfish intentions on this matter. After all, it was related to the success or failure of the division reform brigade, so they should listen to everyone's opinions.

Seeing that the two leaders understood his thoughts, Jiang Bei no longer hesitated, and tentatively expressed his thoughts: "Teacher, political commissar, or let the deputy battalion commander of our battalion take care of it, he He has a good view of the digital synthesis battalion, and the soldiers also recognize him."

Jiang Bei couldn't recommend anyone else. There were not many suitable people for this position, and the only one he could recommend was his deputy.

"No, Xiao Zheng, I am going to let him go to the newly established second battalion in the future. Although he is a little worse than you, it is still no problem to re-establish a synthetic battalion according to your battalion. After all, he has also experienced the synthetic battalion. The process of building!"

As soon as Jiang Bei mentioned the deputy battalion commander of the synthetic battalion, Master Jiang quickly waved his hand and refused. This deputy battalion commander Zheng is one of the important candidates for his division reform brigade. It is impossible to put him in the already mature synthetic battalion. .

Jiang Bei was immediately dumbfounded. He didn't expect his deputy battalion commander to be transferred away. He immediately became anxious: "Teacher, political commissar, this can't be done. Old Zheng is very suitable to take over my class. In the past two years, he In the synthesis battalion, he has also gotten along well with the soldiers, and he took over, so there is no need for a transition period at all!"

His Deputy Battalion Commander Zheng was the one who was most likely to succeed him before he came to the meeting. Suddenly he might be called out of the Synthetic Battalion. Wouldn’t it mean that both the Chief and Deputy Battalion Commanders of the Synthetic Battalion have left? What about the Synthetic Battalion? Even if a deputy battalion commander is mentioned from the company under the synthetic battalion, it will be too late!
"Stop, Xiao Zheng didn't discuss this. Besides, Jiang Bei, you will be our deputy chief of staff in the future. You have to consider the problem from the perspective of the synthetic brigade. You said that it is important to let Xiao Zheng go to the new synthetic battalion. It is better to stay. The next important thing is that you have a lot of talents in the synthetic battalion, as long as there is a new battalion commander who can grasp the overall situation, then there will be no problem, and you kid can definitely keep an eye on it, and the position of deputy chief of staff will be useful for you."

Master Jiang scolded with a grin.

Jiang Bei was speechless. He hadn't even gone to the National Defense University for further studies. Isn't the deputy chief of staff still a castle in the air? This big cake was drawn for him.

But the big cake painting belongs to the painting, and he also knows that what Mr. Jiang said is reasonable, and besides, he just has the right to make suggestions, and the final decision is still in the division, and the army has the final say.

"Okay, then I obey the order!"

Jiang Bei gave up struggling, and it was hard for him to say anything against the two leaders who were so confiding in him.

"That's right, you go to the National Defense University to study hard. The battalion commander of the synthetic battalion and the political committee will choose carefully, and you will be satisfied!"

Seeing that Jiang Bei agreed, Master Jiang comforted him cheerfully.

"Yes, Jiangbei, we will choose the battalion commander carefully, so don't worry!" Political commissar Li Peng also smiled to comfort Jiangbei's heart.


After Jiangbei left, Commander Jiang came to the window, looked at Jiangbei who got into the car downstairs, started the car and left, sighed and said: "Comrade Jiangbei's words are also right, whether the new battalion commander can do it is very important to the synthetic battalion , Political Commissar, didn’t the military send us a list of the battalion and deputy regiment-level cadres of our entire military region at this stage, let’s study it!”

Commander Jiang couldn't help either. Their division used to be a traditional infantry division, but the synthetic battalion was a highly informationized heavy-armed unit. There were not many outstanding cadres of the right age in the division who could grasp the digitized synthetic battalion, so they had no choice but to find someone from outside.

Political commissar Li Peng nodded, then he suddenly remembered something, and said: "I just saw in the office that a young lieutenant colonel from the capital military region has just been transferred to our military region, and the location has not been confirmed yet. I see his resume Very rich. After graduating from a military academy, he worked as a platoon leader in the T Division Armored Reconnaissance Company of the C Group Army, and then worked all the way to the divisional reconnaissance battalion. Moreover, the troops he led have always been at the forefront of information reform, and the C Group Army is also Famous."

"Where is he? I'll check his situation. If he's suitable, even if he's not the battalion commander of the synthetic battalion, it's definitely good to hire our division. We're short of too many talents now."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Jiang turned and said to the political commissar.

"Wait a minute, I'll get it!"

The political commissar nodded, and quickly went to his office and came over with a document.

Commander Jiang opened it: "My surname is Gao, hey, he has the same surname as our army commander, the commander of the reconnaissance battalion of the T Division of the C Group Army, hehe, this kid is not bad, he won two outstanding awards when he was the company commander Even with the title of company commander, and the fact that he has been in close contact with old A, this battalion commander is also worthy, and he is actually a pioneer unit in the capital military region's informatization reform!"

Then he looked at political commissar Li Peng: "Didn't I remember that Jiangbei also served in the T Division of the C Group Army? Looking at Comrade Gao's record, maybe Jiangbei also knows him!"

Seeing that Mr. Jiang was interested, Li Peng said, "Then I'll ask someone to search for his detailed information, and inquire about his situation by the way. After all, the information is a matter of time, and some information can't reflect something."

"Okay, tell the army first, and don't let other units intercept you."

Master Jiang nodded.


synthetic camp

Jiang Bei drove into the camp area, parked the car, and just sat down at the camp headquarters, and was about to pick up a water glass to drink water when a report sounded.

Without looking up, Jiang Bei knew who was standing outside by hearing the voice.

"Come in!"

After the voice fell, the door was pushed open, and Shi Jin walked in with Gan Xiaoning smiling.

"battalion commander!"

After Jiang Bei drank the water, he glanced at the two of them, puzzled and said, "Didn't you just train, why did you two come back, squad leader, this is not your character!"

Shi Jin and Gan Xiaoning came to the sofa in the office and sat down unceremoniously. Shi Jin smiled and explained: "Just after the training, we found time to find you!"

When there were no other people, the two behaved similarly to those in the Seventh Steel Company, not because Jiangbei's position was getting higher and higher.

Jiang Bei was also very happy about this. After all, in the Southeast Military Region, he was the only old comrade-in-arms of the two of them. Other cadres or soldiers would be more or less affected by his status.

"Why, you are so happy, is there something happy about it? Or is it A-Gump, who are you looking for, no, we don't have any female soldiers in the Synthetic Battalion!"

Jiang Bei joked with a smile.

Gan Xiaoning said hastily: "Battalion Commander, it's not this one. Our company commander called just now. You didn't pick up the squad leader with me. It's a happy event!"

Jiang Bei was taken aback when he heard the words, and guessed, "The company commander's phone call, what is his happy event? Could it be that he has another child, right? He shouldn't know how much this extra child affects him!"

But soon he realized again: "Could it be that the company commander has been promoted to lieutenant colonel? This is a happy event!"

Shi Jin saw that Jiang Bei was still guessing, so he gave the answer with a smile on his face: "The company commander came to our southeast military region. He just called and said that he has now reported to the personnel department of the military region. By the way, he also Promoted to lieutenant colonel!"

"Come to our southeast military region? No, the company commander has been transferred to our military region, and he has been promoted to lieutenant colonel. Please tell me in detail!"

Jiang Bei was drinking water, and when he heard this, he almost spit out the water.

Speaking of this, Shi Jin and Gan Xiaoning shook their heads and said: "The company commander didn't say anything specific, he just said that he came to our military region. As for where to go, we have to wait for the decision of the military region leader!"

At this moment, the phone in the office rang. Jiang Bei reacted and motioned to the two to stop talking. Then he looked at the caller ID and found that it was the teacher's call, but he didn't think much, so he picked up the phone He continued: "Hi, this is the Synthetic Camp, I'm Jiangbei!"

"Jiangbei, I'm Li Peng!"

Political commissar Li Peng's voice quickly rang on the phone, and Jiang Bei was puzzled. Didn't he just come back from the teacher? Didn't the teacher and the political commissar tell him anything?

But before he could say anything, political commissar Li Peng told him the reason for the call.

"political commissar!"

"Jiangbei, that's right. I called because I wanted to ask you, did you serve in the T Division of the C Group Army in the Capital Military Region?" Li Peng explained the reason for his call.

"Yes, political commissar, I used to serve in the 702nd Regiment of Division T, political commissar, did you ask what's wrong with this!" Jiang Bei was confused and didn't understand what Li Peng meant by asking him this.

"Then do you know Gao Cheng, the commander of Division T's reconnaissance battalion? What do you think of him? The division commander and I have just seen his situation and plan to get him our division." Li Peng said.


Jiang Bei raised his head in surprise, and looked at Shi Jin and Gan Xiaoning who were sitting on the sidelines without speaking, but he quickly reacted, and quickly replied: "Political Commissar, Gao Cheng is my old company commander, who was there when I was a soldier. The company commander of my company, so of course I know him!"

"What, he is your old company commander? This is too coincidental. He must be very good at bringing out an outstanding talent like you. It seems that our division leaders have to ask him to come over!"

Li Peng was surprised for a moment, quickly realized, and praised Gao Cheng.

"Political commissar, the teacher and you asked my old company commander to come to our division. Don't you intend to let me take this position for my company commander?"

Jiang Bei rolled his eyes and took the opportunity to probe.

"You boy, I can only say that it is possible, well, that's it, hang up."

Soon, the sound of the phone hanging up rang in my ears.

Li Peng gave Jiangbei an answer that was neither affirmative nor negative, which made Jiangbei's heart itch, but the political commissar had already hung up the phone, and he couldn't help it.

Putting the phone away, Jiang Bei just turned his head when Shi Jin and Shi Jin looked at him curiously. He said angrily, "It's all a matter of horoscope, wait for the teacher to confirm it!"

"Then why don't we call and ask the company commander?"

Shi Jin tentatively said, Gan Xiaoning also agreed.

"The phone number is here, call as soon as you want, but squad leader Forrest Gump, think about it, the company commander may not know it yet, you won't be surprised by calling him this time!"

Jiang Bei said with a smile.

"Okay, let's wait until we're sure!"

When Shi Jin saw Jiang Bei say that, he also understood what it meant. After all, he was still not sure, so he had to wait until it was confirmed and give Gao Cheng a surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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