Film and television begins with soldier assault

Chapter 213 People and things in the school

Chapter 213 People and things in the school
Two days later, the scorching sun
capital Airport
A bus with a military license plate drove into the airport. After checking the documents at the sentry post, it drove directly into the airport apron.

Then the bus drove towards the airport apron in the distance, and stopped in front of a civilian airliner!
The hatch of the plane that had just landed opened, and out came out neatly lined up soldiers carrying marching backpacks. Each of these soldiers was a school-level officer with two bars hanging on them.

These are the cadres of various troops from the Southeast Military Region who went to the National Defense University for further study, and Jiang Bei is one of them.

After staying with Xu Ningmeng at home for one night, he went to the assembly point early the next day. After waiting for all the training cadres from the Southeast Military Region to arrive, a group of people went to Yangcheng Airport and took a civilian airliner to the capital.

Jiangbei followed the team and got on the bus. This time, there were many leading cadres participating in the training of the National Defense University. A lieutenant colonel in Jiangbei was not so conspicuous in this team.

The bus carrying a group of cadres quickly disappeared on the airport apron, leaving only a group of very shocked passengers.

After all, so many school officials appeared together, and most of them had never seen each other.


The bus left the Capital Airport and arrived at the National Defense University after spending more than an hour along the Ring Expressway.

Entering the heavily guarded gate, the car stopped in the school parking lot, and the team immediately got off the car and lined up, waiting for arrangements.

Not long after, Jiangbei saw a cadre with the rank of a colonel walking over with a few people.


The colonel with the highest rank in the team shouted quickly, and Jiang Bei and others quickly followed the colonel to salute the visitor.

Comrade Colonel walked up to the crowd with a roster, bowed back, glanced at the neatly lined up team, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he introduced himself: "Everyone, I am Chang Aiguo, the teacher of the school. You can call me Teacher Chang in the future!"

After the introduction, he looked at the colonel at the front and said, "Comrade colonel, all the people from the Southeast Military Region are here!"

"Reporting to Comrade Colonel, the XX batch of trainees in the Southeast Military Region is reporting to you! There should be 25 people, but there are 25 people, please give instructions!"

The colonel stood up straight and reported with a serious face.

Jiang Bei knew the colonel's background, and at the age of just forty, he served as the commander of the artillery regiment of the group army next door. He heard from people in the team that this comrade colonel should be promoted to the deputy division after this training, and the future is very bright. .

"Please take a break!" Teacher Chang nodded and said.

After everyone rested for a while, his expression became serious: "I know that you are all rare generals in the army. Among you, there are lieutenant colonels and colonels, but from today onwards, you all have to forget about your duties in the army and The military rank on your body, become a student, and study again! Do you understand!"

"Understood!" Everyone replied loudly.

The predecessor of the National Defense University was the school where Li Yunlong studied in the Liangjian TV series. Although, like Li Yunlong, Jiang Bei and others were military cadres who came to study.

But the difference is that today, more than 50 years later, the cadres who can come here are basically military elites with culture and strategy, so it is impossible to offend the teachers.

Li Yunlong didn't take it seriously when he first arrived at the military academy, and some just obeyed orders. This is the PLA soldier who has been regularized for more than 50 years.

"Okay! Let's start assigning classes now. Stand together one by one, and I'll take you to the dormitory when the time comes!"

Teacher Chang nodded and began to assign classes.

The training at the National Defense University includes short-term training and postgraduate training, so these cadres from the Southeast Military Region will be assigned to different training classes.

The roll call ended soon, and Jiang Bei was assigned to the Department of Information Operations and Command Training, and became a member of the training class for regimental cadres.

"The students from the Department of Information Operations and Command stay, and the others leave with their teachers!"

After the assignment, Teacher Chang waved Jiang Bei and the others to stay, and the others left with their teacher.

Seeing the comrades from other departments leave, Teacher Chang looked at the three people in Jiangbei who were still standing, and smiled gently on his serious face just now: "Come with me, I am the teacher of your department, if you have any questions in the future, you can contact me I!"


Jiangbei and the others quickly followed.

When he came to the dormitory, Teacher Chang looked at Jiangbei and said, "Comrade Jiangbei, after you settle down, come to my office first. I have something to ask you!"

see me!Jiang Bei was puzzled, but he quickly replied, "Yes, I'll be in the teacher's office right away!"

Teacher Chang nodded and left the dormitory.

"Come on, two comrades!"

Seeing Teacher Chang's back disappearing at the intersection next to the dormitory, Jiang Bei lifted his luggage, looked at the two comrades next to him, and said with a smile.

"Battalion Commander Jiang, that's fine. As expected of the person who founded the synthetic battalion, he received the attention of the teachers as soon as he entered the school."

The two comrades looked at each other, and one of the lieutenant colonels joked to Jiangbei with a smile.

"I said, Old Ding, the leader may call you tomorrow when he sees me this time. No matter what you say, you are also an excellent commander of our army. As far as the electronic warfare method you engage in, our battalion's technical company is not as good as it should be." Just follow along, your tactics have caused the blue army's electronic battalion to suffer a lot."

Seeing what he said, Jiang Bei laughed and scolded angrily, this lieutenant colonel, named Ding Kesen, Jiang Bei knew before, and he was the squadron leader of the information brigade of the military region.

During the red and blue exercise in the southeast military region, a lesson was taught to the electronic battalion of the blue army. If the synthetic battalion hadn't been equipped with advanced equipment, they would have suffered a lot.

And the person in charge is the polite cadre in front of him with glasses, but this guy's gentleness is superficial, and every word he speaks has nothing to do with gentleness.

"Okay, you two, go to the dormitory quickly, don't brag, the picket is here, be careful to be called and notified as soon as you arrive at the school!"

The remaining Lieutenant Colonel Tan Chao glanced at the approaching pickets, his eyelids twitched, and hurriedly urged the two of them.

The three of them carried their luggage and their allocated dormitory numbers, and walked up the stairs. There was no way, this dormitory was an older dormitory building, and there was no elevator. Besides, the military dormitory, according to what the elevator looked like, It's not a very high floor.

After reaching the fifth floor, Dinkesen threw his luggage on the corridor, and said after a breath, "It's really unlucky to be assigned to the fifth floor. If there is a gathering or something in the future, won't we be the slowest?" It's gone."

Jiang Bei glanced at him and said with a smile: "You haven't participated in training for a long time! But I understand that your information team must be mediocre in terms of physical training!"

Ding Kesen said unhappily: "Don't mention it. Most of the leading cadres in our brigade sit in front of the computer all day long. I'm good. I still do morning exercises every day. Some people, are you I don't know, I have a big belly, I don't know, I thought his mother was pregnant."

"Hahahaha, Lao Ding, don't say what you said in front of others, maybe I will wear shoes for you."

Jiang Bei hadn't laughed yet, Lieutenant Colonel Tan Chao standing next to him smiled and reminded Ding Kesen.

"Come on, Lao Tan, I don't believe that there are no such people in your unit, Jiang Bei, tell me, don't you!"

Ding Kesen gave Tan Chao a blank look, and didn't take his words to heart.

Tan Chao sighed and said, "I know what you said. I don't think our unit is inferior to yours, but who made our country peaceful for a long time? Some people must be lax in their discipline."

Jiang Bei knew what the two were talking about, so he took up the topic: "So we have to study hard, strive to improve, and manage these people well. I can't say anything to others. Anyway, if my subordinates don't participate in training, don't work with me. Serve as an officer!"

"it is good!"

Hearing Jiang Bei's words, Ding Kesen immediately applauded and praised: "I finally know why Jiang Bei is valued by the leaders. Not only are you strong in military theory and technology, but you are also a real soldier."

"His grandma, our tradition is that the cadres come first. You did the right job in Jiangbei, and I have to do the same when I go back. Who the hell dare not listen? I'm going to change jobs at worst, so I have to fight him to the end!"

"The current situation in our country requires our soldiers to be competent, otherwise the situation will be severe in the future, and the army will still be loose!"

Dinkson picked up his luggage cursingly and continued to look for their dormitory.

Looking at Dinkson, who was a bit unscrupulous, Jiangbei became more and more fond of him. He had always admired Dinkson's ability, but now, judging by his character, he also had a special appetite for Jiangbei.

Seeing Ding Kesen walking away, Jiang Bei and the two quickly followed. They walked half of the floors according to the dormitory number, and found the dormitory for the three of them at the corner closest to the corridor entrance.


"Teacher Chang! Jiangbei is here to report!"

At the door of the office, Jiang Bei, who was allowed to open the door, walked into the office, and reported to Teacher Chang who was sitting in the office looking at the documents.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Bei glanced at the layout of the office. On the wall behind Teacher Chang, there was a pair of calligraphy. Under the calligraphy and painting, there was a bookshelf. The bookshelves seemed to be full of military books and some party theory books.

For the rest, there is only one desktop computer, two potted plants, and a water dispenser.

Compared with other leading cadres, one word is very concise.

Teacher Chang saw Jiang Bei come in, motioned him to sit down, and poured him a glass of water.

Jiangbei quickly thanked him.

"You're welcome, I read your resume, and I can only say that you are very good. In terms of understanding information technology, you are closer to actual combat than many of our teachers. It is even no problem to come to our school as a teacher!"

When Teacher Chang said this, he smiled: "Of course, this is just my metaphor. I think if you come to the school to be a teacher, those old heads of yours will probably come after the school with a knife and trouble the school leaders!"

"The teacher praised me, but Jiang Bei only knows a little superficially! I don't know why the teacher came to me, what's the matter?"

After a moment of humility, Jiang Bei asked why he was given the office.

"Hahahaha, you boy, you are just like what the old railway boy said, you are very humble!"

Teacher Chang smiled and talked about a person.

"The teacher knows Captain Tie?" Jiang Bei suddenly asked.

"Well, I've been to Team A to inspect it, and I've had contact with him!" Teacher Chang nodded with a smile.

Then he said: "The reason why I asked you to come here this time is very simple. In my career in vocational education, I have never seen a young cadre who has not yet entered school, and the leaders of several units have already called the school. The leader of the school is going to grab people in advance, so you have attracted the attention of me and the school leaders, now that you are here at the school, naturally you have to have a good chat with Comrade Jiangbei."

Hearing the words, Jiang Bei remembered what Yuan Lang had said to him before, and he tentatively asked, "Is there a leader in the navy?"

"It seems that you already know?" Teacher Chang understood the situation when he asked this question, and said with a smile: "What are you going to do, I want your unit a little too much, I want to hear your opinion!"

Jiangbei University was speechless: "Teacher, I just came to school, and I never thought about this at all!"

Teacher Chang said: "Looking at this situation, I think it is basically impossible for you to return to the old army, so I will not give you a choice during this period of time. You should think about it carefully and tell me what you think when you finish your training! After all, the training time is not long at all!"

Hearing this, Jiang Bei shook his head. He experienced this situation when he came out of Brigade A. Now, his choice is to obey the order of the organization. After all, he is a party cadre, and he will go where the organization tells him to go!
So he said: "Teacher, the first choice, I still want to go back to the old army, but if the organization's arrangement wants me to go to other units, I will obey the order. After all, I am a cadre of the People's Army, and the People's Army is the party's army." , as a party member, I accept the arrangement!"

"Okay, what you said is good, Jiangbei, if everyone is like you, has the principle of a soldier, and insists on the original intention of being a party member, then why don't our army not be strong!"

Teacher Chang listened to Jiang Bei's words and took a deep look at Jiang Bei. Now he understood why so many leaders valued the young people in front of him.

Not to mention strong ability, he is still a true soldier with ideals, morality, culture, and discipline.

Then Teacher Chang continued to chat with him about information reform before letting Jiangbei leave.

In the dormitory, Tan Chao and Ding Kesen had already packed the dormitory.

This dormitory is for four people. Since leaving old A, Jiangbei has not lived in this kind of dormitory very much. After all, he has become a battalion cadre and basically has his own single dormitory.

Now that he was back in the room of four, Jiang Bei seemed to have returned to the time when he was still a soldier in the company.

Teacher Chang had already told them just now that from now until the end of the training, the school will manage everyone with the strictest internal affairs standards, so everyone started the internal affairs with a very cautious attitude.

Jiang Bei is not used to this. He doesn't know about other troops. Anyway, his troops, cadres and soldiers have the same internal affairs standards, including himself, so the school's standards have long been used to him. up.

(End of this chapter)

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