Chapter 22 The Reality of Success
Not long after Bai Tiejun's words fell, Chengcai's shooting results also came out.

Five reincarnations are also full rings.

"No way, monitor, when did you become so talented?"

Bai Tiejun said with an ugly face, this is slapping him in the face.

Shi Jin glanced at Chengcai, curled his lips and said, "I'm also a little surprised, but it's not too abrupt. Chengcai's shooting is already good. I don't want to worry about it. Bai Tiejun, you go back and practice hard. It's fine if you can't surpass the veterans. You can't even surpass those who are in the company with you."

Bai Tiejun opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but seeing Wu Liuyi staring at him, he had no choice but to shut up.

Chengcai walked back to the team from the shooting area, looked at Jiang Bei who was standing in the third team, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

It's not only Ni Jiangbei who can complete the circle, I can too.

He was always unhappy that Jiangbei was pressing on him, especially when shooting, he was the first in the recruit company.

During this period of time, no matter what subject he was in, Jiang Bei always tried to beat him.

He can bear with physical fitness, after all, he can't catch up in a short time, but shooting, he can't bear it, in private, secretly practicing various shooting skills by himself.

Today I finally feel proud.

"Chengcai, why are you dawdling, hurry up"

Just when the thinking of becoming a talent diverged, Gao Cheng frowned and cursed when he saw the dawdling Chengcai.

"Oh yes"

Only then did Chengcai react, and quickly trotted back to the team.

Gao Cheng returned to the team after seeing success, and then continued to call the next class to play.

The shooting ended soon, and the results of the whole company came out. The first row was three Jiangbei, the second row was seven Chengcai, the third row was nine Wang Wei, these three people were ranked in the top three of the whole company, in no particular order, because they were all full rings .

Two recruits and one veteran, this result surprised both veterans and recruits. I didn't expect that No. 2 was taken by recruits.

In addition to mixed feelings, the veterans also complained secretly, because they felt that Gao Cheng looked at them strangely.

"Jiangbei, Chengcai, Wang Wei"


"Can you shoot eight or five?"

Gao Cheng looked at the three of them and asked.

"Report to the company commander, we haven't fought before, but we can try it"

The three of them looked at each other, shook their heads, and said to Gao Cheng in unison.

"Okay, yes, if you have the guts, I'll let you try it, second platoon leader, bring three [-]s."

Seeing that the three were confident and calm, Gao Cheng called the second platoon leader and asked him to arrange sniper rifles.

The three people in Jiangbei took the Type [-] sniper rifle, looked at Gao Cheng, and waited for his words.

"Did you see the target 500 meters ahead?"

Gao Cheng pointed to the target in the distance and said, seeing the three people nodding, he continued: "Take the sniper rifles in your hands and shoot me once, with just one bullet, let me compete to see who wins."

"Yes, the mission is guaranteed"

The three people in Jiangbei stood at attention, took the 7.62mm bullets from the second row, walked into the shooting area, and lay down on the ground in a prone position.

Jiang Bei touched the Type [-] sniper rifle and was a little excited. He already basically knew the world's famous sniper rifle, but this time, it was the first time he touched it and shot it.

Man, who doesn't aspire to be a sniper?
The ancient soldiers were proud of taking the head of the general among thousands of troops, while the modern soldiers are proud of being a sniper who can kill the enemy thousands of meters away.

He was one step closer, and Jiang Bei was sure to win the sniper gesture.

Jiang Bei loaded the bullet, loaded the magazine, opened the safety, and looked at the distant target through the scope.

A chest-shaped target appears in the shot.

Jiang Bei felt the wind speed, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, he held his breath, and fired a shot.



Jiang Bei took a breath. He had considered the recoil of the sniper rifle, but his shoulder still hurt a little from being hit.

But he didn't care about the pain, and quickly looked through the sights.

Fortunately, hit the target, just hit the middle.

With the completion of Jiangbei's shooting, Chengcai and his two soon finished shooting, and the voice of the target reporter sounded.

"No. [-] Target, Ten Rings"

"No. [-] Target, Ten Rings"

"No. [-] Target, Nine Rings"

Jiang Bei glanced at Chengcai unexpectedly, he didn't expect him to be on the same level as himself, both with ten rings.

"Okay, not bad, this is the first time I have used a sniper rifle."

Gao Cheng put down the binoculars, looked at the three of them with satisfaction and said.

"Since your shooting is not bad, so, who, the second platoon leader, go and arrange the 800-meter target, let them shoot again, I will see again"

The second platoon leader hesitated and said: "Company commander, there are no targets at 800 meters, how about I find a balloon?"

Gao Cheng glared at him and said, "Okay, okay, then the balloon, hurry up."

Not long after, three red balloons were hung in the distance, very conspicuous.

The three of them continued to lie down again, aiming into the distance.

Cheng Cai turned his head to look at Jiangbei, took a deep breath, and looked at the balloon in the distance through the scope.

Under the blowing of the breeze, the balloon drifted a little bit, and it was not stable. He frowned when he saw Chengcai. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Just when Chengcai was hesitating, the gunshots of the two people next to him rang out, and the two men in Jiangbei shot.

Only then did Chengcai make up his mind and hit the balloon with one shot.

After shooting, he could go to the target. His balloon burst and shattered all over the ground. The balloon on the left was still there, but Wang Wei missed it. Just as he was about to look at it on the right, he heard a commotion in the team.

"Jiangbei's balloon floated, what the fuck, he broke the rope?"

Cheng Cai quickly looked, and saw a red balloon floating from the ground into the air, which was particularly conspicuous on the green land.

Facing everyone's uproar, Jiang Bei looked serious and remained motionless.

In fact, he was already happy in his heart, it was so cool, he had only seen this kind of shooting with a rope hundreds of meters away, and he had only seen it in reports and videos.

Unexpectedly, he also realized it today.

"What are you yelling, what are you yelling, you didn't hit me"

When Gao Cheng saw the chaotic team outside the shooting range because of Jiangbei's shooting, he cursed loudly, which made everyone look at each other in blank dismay and fell silent.

"You look like you have never seen the world"

Seeing that everyone was not talking, Gao Cheng cursed a few words before turning his head and announcing, "Jiangbei is the first in this shooting, Chengcai is the second, and Wang Wei is the third."


After Gao Cheng finished speaking, Cheng Cai's eyes turned red when he heard the result, he was a little angry, and immediately reported.

His voice caused everyone to stare sideways.


Gao Cheng was a little surprised to see Chengcai stand up, but he still let him talk, after all, Chengcai is also a soldier he values ​​very much.

Chengcai glanced at Jiangbei, and said unconvinced: "Report to the company commander, I want to ask why Jiangbei is the first, our goal is obviously to shoot the balloon, not some rope"

After finishing speaking in one breath, Cheng Cai looked at Gao Cheng nervously.

He really couldn't bear it, he followed the request, he hit the balloon, why not be the first, even if Jiang Bei hit the rope, he didn't follow the request.

As soon as these words came out, the members of Gangqi Company fell silent, and their gazes towards Chengcai changed.

Is this still a talent?

Is he still the one who smokes when he sees his military rank?
He actually stood up and confronted Gao Cheng.

Gao Cheng frowned, but he quickly let go. He knew that he had drawn conclusions too quickly, which would be unfair to Cheng Cai. After all, Cheng Cai shot the balloon as required.

"That's right, I didn't think about it, so Jiangbei, you shoot the balloon again. If you miss it, then Chengcai will be the first. If you hit it, then you and Chengcai will both hit the rope once."

Gao Cheng immediately re-arranged. He is not a person who does not admit his mistakes for the sake of so-called face. Since he found a problem, he should change it.

Seeing that Gao Cheng rearranged the shooting, Chengcai felt relieved. He was also afraid of offending Gao Cheng.

Jiang Bei glanced at Chengcai, and he was also surprised at Chengcai's performance just now, which was too unprofessional.

Jiang Bei was not afraid of re-shooting. After these two shots, he had a better feeling for the Type [-] sniper rifle.

He believes his shooting form is getting better and better.

Jiang Bei took the bullet, lay down to take aim, and fired a shot. In the distance, the balloon burst.


There was a clap of applause, and Gao Cheng nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Cheng Cai, and said, "Now Jiangbei has shot the balloon, and you two are level. Now, you two shoot again, and the target is the one who is tied to the balloon." rope"

Chengcai responded, turned around and got down on the ground, ready to shoot the balloon rope. At this moment, he already felt that he might lose to Jiangbei.

Because he had no confidence in hitting the rope at all.

Jiang Bei didn't know Chengcai's thoughts, he only knew that he was going to feel the wind speed again, because it was a bit windy now, and it was not as easy to shoot as before.

Jiang Bei grabbed a handful of sand and sprinkled it on the ground. After feeling the wind speed, he felt that it was almost the same, so he calculated the speed, temperature, and humidity of the bullet in his heart.

"bang, bang"

Two gunshots followed, and the results came out quickly.

Jiang Bei shot the rope again, because his target red balloon floated up again.

Chengcai's balloon didn't move, and he failed.

Chengcai, who was lying on the ground, stood up in a daze, and before Gaocheng could speak, he said first: "Commander, I admit defeat this time, I admit that I can't be a sniper."

After Chengcai finished speaking, he looked complicatedly at the Type [-] sniper rifle under his feet.

He really wanted to be a sniper, but now it seemed impossible.

Hearing Chengcai's words, Gao Cheng was dissatisfied and said: "Admit defeat? Is this surrender? Let me tell you, Chengcai, that the Seventh Steel Company only fails, and there is no such thing as admitting defeat. Let me hear you say admit defeat in the future. Believe it or not, I will beat you up." "

Seeing that Chengcai bowed his head and said nothing, Hong Xingguo, the instructor next to Gaocheng, said in confusion: "Chengcai, who told you that you can't be a sniper?"

Chengcai said in a low voice: "Isn't the company commander only wanting the best, and Jiangbei is the number one?"

Hearing this, Gao Cheng and the two looked at each other, unable to smile.

Instructor Hong Xingguo came in front of Cheng Cai and said loudly: "We want the best, but the best is not necessarily just one. Steel Seventh Company will set up a sniper in each platoon, so the candidates are of course the top three."

"Ah, instructor, you mean I can also be a sniper?"

Cheng Cai looked at the instructor Hong Xingguo with disbelief.

Hearing this, not only Chengcai, but Wang Wei in the third row also pricked up his ears to listen.

Hong Xingguo looked at Gaocheng in a daze, and signaled him with his eyes, wondering what's going on, didn't he agree to choose three snipers?
The two cooperated tacitly, Hong Xingguo's eyes were read by Gao Cheng.

"Then what, I forgot to make it clear just now, the top three shooting scores will all be the snipers of the No. brother, keep it safe"

Gao Cheng saw that everyone was looking at him with something wrong, explained the situation clearly, waved his hand awkwardly, and left the shooting range quickly.


Everyone in Gangqi Company looked at Gaocheng who was going away, and the smile that had been suppressed just now burst out.

Jiang Bei also couldn't help laughing, and laughed twice.

The proud captain of the Seventh Steel Company, the Seventh Princess of the Steel Seventh Company.

Netizens do not deceive me, the analysis of Gaocheng is too in place, just now Gaocheng looks arrogant.

Steel Seventh Company

"Boss, what are you thinking?
Gao Cheng took the water from the instructor Hong Xingguo, unscrewed the cap, took a sip, and answered Hong Xingguo's question after thinking about it.

"The sniper has been decided, so we have to arrange someone to take them three. This sniper rifle is always different from the Bayi Bar. There are many things to understand. I am thinking now, who will take them three, after all The only ones in the company who have systematically trained sniper rifles are our officers and a few old squad leaders."

Hong Xingguo nodded. It was really difficult to arrange. The leader of the first row couldn't come back in a short time because he went to study, and the seat was empty. The training of the first row was usually done by Shi Jin, the leader of the third row.

The other two platoon leaders also have to do training, so they don't have much time.

"It won't be a while, the annual new sniper training camp in the division will start soon, and you will definitely train at that time, so you don't have to worry about anything"

Gao Cheng shook his head and said, "It's because they are going to participate in the training camp, so I want to arrange someone to take them in advance, and give them a small stove, so that they can perform better when they go to the training camp."

"It's not good to start a small stove, isn't that unfair to other people?"

Hong Xingguo hesitated.

Gao Cheng gave him a blank look, and said, "I'm talking about Lao Hong, why do you still think that way? The other companies didn't just start a small business in private. Look at the Sixth Company. Last year, even those snipers of the Sixth Company did it like this! "

"We haven't violated the army's regulations, why can't we?"

"Okay, let's arrange for the seventh squad leader to take it. He used to be a sniper in the old army."

Hong Xingguo knew that there was really no requirement for this, so he ignored it, and recommended a candidate to Gao Cheng.

"Squad Seven? All right, that's him."

In the third class dormitory, everyone finished their meal, watched the news broadcast, read books in the dormitory, and rested.

"Jiangbei, will you go out tomorrow weekend?"

Shi Jin stood beside Jiang Bei and asked, tomorrow is the two of them taking turns off, and the recruits must be accompanied by the squad leader when they go out, so he has to ask Jiang Bei.

"Go, I haven't gone out for a long time, go out and buy some delicious food"

Jiang Bei nodded and agreed, this was his first time going out, he was already tired of the army food, and wanted to go out and improve the food.

"Okay, let's get up early tomorrow."

Jiang Bei nodded in agreement, and continued to read with his head down.

 Supplementing yesterday's [-] words, today's is being coded

(End of this chapter)

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