In the brightly lit Marine Brigade conference room, the battalion-level officers sat very quietly in their seats, everyone in a daze with different thoughts.

Not long after waiting, the door to the conference room opened, and Brigadier Xiao, Political Commissar Lin, Jiang Bei and others walked in.

"Stand up!" Everyone stood up one after another.

Brigadier Xiao returned the greeting and asked everyone to sit down, and then said: "I think everyone knows the content of the meeting to be held today. After all, the chief of staff and the staff who came with the fleet have already figured out the situation in the brigade. "

Then Brigadier Xiao stood up and said: "Since everyone is confident, let's ask the Chief of Staff to read out the order of the Fleet Party Committee!"

Jiangbei took out the red-headed document and began to read: "Order! In accordance with the spirit of the headquarters' instructions on the digital synthesis reform of the Marine Brigade, the Fleet Party Committee decided to cancel the original establishment of the First Marine Brigade. On the basis of the First Marine Brigade The Marine Corps Combined Brigade is established, consisting of the brigade headquarters, two heavy combined battalions, two medium combined battalions, a reconnaissance battalion, an artillery battalion, a technical support battalion, an integrated support battalion, an air assault battalion, and the brigade helicopter squadron , formed by the brigade teaching team.”

After reading about the changes in the organization, Jiang Bei continued: "This is the battalion-level organization of the combined brigade. It can be said to be a complete change to our original organization. Except for the amphibious reconnaissance group and the helicopter squadron, which have not been removed, the rest will be carried out. Break it up and reorganize it.”

Looking at the heavy-hearted people, Jiang Bei said very calmly: "I know everyone's feelings. Everyone is reluctant to leave the team that they are very familiar with. However, what I want to tell everyone is that in peacetime, our soldiers must do what they want. What is important is to resolutely promote the military reform of the army and improve the combat effectiveness of the army. Otherwise sooner or later, we will fall behind and be beaten. By then, it will be useless for us not to be afraid of death, because of the military changes brought about by technological progress. The generation gap cannot be filled by human lives, and the gap can be made up.”

After finishing speaking, Jiang Bei walked up to Long Baichuan: "Captain Long, the establishment of the air assault battalion requires soldiers with extremely strong individual military qualities. When it comes to individual military qualities, no one in the entire brigade has the quality of your amphibious reconnaissance brigade." The soldiers are outstanding, so the brigade party committee decided that your reconnaissance brigade will allocate some soldiers and cadres to support the air assault battalion. Does your reconnaissance brigade have any objections?"

Long Baichuan sighed after hearing this, and then said softly: "Report to the chief of staff. It is an honor for the reconnaissance brigade to participate in the establishment of the air assault battalion."

"That's good, but don't worry, the air assault battalion will become a sharp knife for our Marine Corps in the future. Like your reconnaissance brigade, it will penetrate into the heart of the enemy." Jiangbei gave Long Baichuan an answer.

"Yes! Chief of Staff, please rest assured that the people of our reconnaissance brigade will never let our leaders down!" Long Baichuan said seriously.

"Okay, then your reconnaissance brigade will start the first reorganized team. If you need any support, report it to the brigade in a timely manner." Jiangbei said with satisfaction1
"Yes!" Long Baichuan replied loudly.

"Then please ask the political commissar to make personnel arrangements!" After Jiangbei finished talking about the staffing arrangements, he handed over the personnel arrangements to the political commissar.

After the meeting, Long Baichuan and Wu Gang walked out of the building. Looking at the crowd gradually dispersing, Long Baichuan sighed: "The soldiers of our reconnaissance brigade have been targeted by the chief of staff. It is estimated that a large number of good soldiers will leave this time. Plus those who are retiring this year, I’m afraid one-third of the team will be gone.”

Wuhan Iron and Steel opened the document in hand, looked at the content on it and said: "I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. If you go according to the plan, after your reconnaissance brigade is reorganized into a reconnaissance camp, as long as you, Long Baichuan, make good use of it, the combat effectiveness will be doubled." To improve, if you look at the chief of staff's plan, the reconnaissance battalion will incorporate part of the electronics battalion to form an electronic reconnaissance company and a drone reconnaissance company. With these, the reconnaissance brigade's eyes can be extended from the ground If it reaches the sky, the reconnaissance range of a squad will be expanded countless times."

Then he added: "I also know that you are reluctant to part with it, but the chief of staff is right. According to the reform progress of our army, a new type of unit such as the air assault battalion is likely to become the standard equipment of every group army. These soldiers under your command If you go to the air assault camp, as long as you perform well, your future will be much better than staying in the reconnaissance brigade, and you have to think about their future as well."

Long Baichuan glanced at him angrily and said, "You're telling me I don't know. Look at the people up here. Many of them are soldiers I worked so hard to recruit. Now they are all picked by the air force battalion. "

Having said this, he looked at Wu Gang and said, "Besides, I estimate that some of the people in your beast camp will also be transferred away."

Wu Gang didn't believe it and said: "How is it possible? There haven't been any big changes in the structure of our animal camp. We just made improvements in training methods and equipment. Besides, most of our animal camp are instructors. How can we train new recruits if they are removed?" !”

"Just take a look! Maybe the personnel of your beast camp will be adjusted tomorrow." Long Baichuan coughed and said.

At this time, Long Baichuan's phone rang. Long Baichuan answered the call and looked happy after just two sentences: "What, you found the owner of the Yuanyang fishing boat? You are already monitoring them, okay. I'll be there soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Long Baichuan's mind was no longer on the adaptation. He explained a few words to Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and hurriedly walked towards the jeep. Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. was a little worried about him and followed him.

At the same time, in a hotel in a small town near the coast, a smoky and dilapidated room was filled with the smell of depression and panic.

A dark and thin man cursed in dialect at several people next to him, and while cursing, he counted a few bills in his hand.

At this moment, the man suddenly realized that something was wrong and walked out of the house. But before he opened the door, a burst of rapid footsteps suddenly came. Before several people in the house could react, several heavily armed special police officers rushed in. After entering, he pushed the thin black man who was the leader to the ground, then pointed the gun at several people, forcing them to squat down and put their heads in their hands.

"You said they were smugglers and had internal strife because of uneven distribution of the spoils?"


In Jiangbei's office, Jiangbei looked at the confused Long Baichuan in front of him, with question marks on his face.

Long Baichuan was interested in tracking down the Ocean. Naturally, Jiangbei didn't stop him from investigating. After all, he didn't know exactly why the Ocean killed people, but he knew that the Ocean was related to the pirate Thomas.

Jiang Xiaoyu was captured after encountering the Ocean, resulting in Liu Xiaoshan's death.

"This is the current evidence. I originally thought that this Ocean Ocean was obviously a fishing boat but did not fish in our waters. Instead, it often appeared in the high seas. I wondered if they were looking for the 303 submarine. But unfortunately, according to the police arrest, Those who arrived showed that this fishing boat was a smuggling boat.”

Speaking of this, Long Baichuan coughed in frustration.

Wuhan Steel on the side glanced at him and said: "I told you a long time ago, it's just a fishing boat, how could it be related to 303? If you don't believe in evil, you have to go and investigate. Now, okay, the evidence is conclusive, it is a smuggling boat. If you have this skill, you might as well go to the hospital to recuperate."

Jiang Bei did not have his thoughts disrupted by what the two said. He said, "I see, your thinking on this matter is somewhat fixed. You are looking at dead people, and you are thinking about the internal strife among the fishing boat crew. But you are so sure that it is an internal strife? What if the fishing boat was hijacked by others, and then the resisting fishermen were killed." Being reminded by Jiangbei, Long Baichuan suddenly realized, patted his head and said: "Yeah, why didn't I think of that? On the high seas, this kind of thing is very possible. Pirates hijack or rob the ship and use it for other purposes."

Wuhan Iron and Steel said with some confusion: "But there are no pirates near our country's waters."

Long Baichuan shook his head and said, "Have you forgotten the group of people who caused Wu Tie's death a few years ago? They have been on the high seas near here."

Wuhan Iron and Steel became somewhat silent after hearing what Long Baichuan said.

"Yes, I analyzed the situation based on what you reported. If there are pirates, it means there are pirates' nests near the high seas. After all, they can't come all the way to rob a fishing boat. With pirates Conditions, they should also have no ships for long voyages."

"So, if we want to find the Ocean, we can increase patrols around the sea area where the incident occurred, and we must also pay attention to whether there are people on the nearby islands." Jiangbei looked at Long Baichuan and already understood what he meant, and he gave Long Baichuan another message. Baichuan some tips.

"Yes, Chief of Staff, I will make a plan immediately and apply to the brigade for more patrols in the waters near here." Long Baichuan said happily.

After saying that, he hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Wuhan Iron and Steel looked at Long Baichuan leaving, and said to Jiangbei with some worry: "Chief of Staff, I am a little worried about Long Baichuan's condition. I asked him to go to the hospital to recuperate, but he is unwilling to go."

"The matter of the 303 submarine is already a concern for him. Even I can't persuade him. What we can do is to help him find the 303 submarine as soon as possible." Jiangbei sighed.

"But we have been looking for submarine 303 for so many years. Every time we look for it, it appears and then disappears. We don't know when we found it. I'm really worried that Long Baichuan's body won't be able to bear it," Wuhan Iron and Steel said.

"Let's do this. I'll find an opportunity to tell him. If the Ocean is still missing, I and the brigade commander will force him to go to the hospital to recuperate and let him let go of the 303 submarine."

Jiangbei gave Wuhan Iron and Steel a promise and told him not to worry too much.

Jiangbei was confident when he would find the Oceania. After all, he knew that the Oceania was really floating in this sea area, and that guy Thomas might be on an island near the high seas.

But he couldn't remember which island it was, so he could only ask Long Baichuan to patrol and search.

As long as you find the Ocean, you can find Thomas. If you catch Thomas, you can get half of the 303 submarine's data from him. Then 303 will naturally be found.

"I hope, I'm just worried that he won't be able to let it go."

Wu Gang nodded, then looked at Jiangbei and talked about the business: "Chief of Staff, the reconnaissance brigade will deploy troops to the air assault camp. I understand. After all, the air assault battalion needs assault troops with strong combat effectiveness, but there is no need for our beast battalion to send troops to the air assault camp. Xiang Yu and the others will also be transferred away. Without them, the training quality of our beast camp may be reduced."

Wu Gang really didn't expect that their beast camp would be mentioned by Long Baichuan. Not long after, the transfer order from their beast camp came to transfer Cheng Cai and Wu Liuyi away. He was not surprised. After all, he had known about it before. But he didn't expect that soldiers such as Xiang Yu and Balang would be transferred to the air force assault camp by him from the brigade.

Jiangbei stood up from his seat after hearing what Wuhan Steel said, walked to the window and looked at the brigade company training outside, and said, "I don't believe that your beast camp can't train well without a few veterans. If it doesn’t work well, it just means that adjustments must be made!”

Speaking of this, he looked at Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.: "Comrade Wu Gang, as the brigade teaching team, the Beast Battalion is responsible for the training of new recruits. However, the construction of the Air Assault Battalion is more important. I need the comrades of the Beast Battalion to go to the Air Assault Battalion to find out more about it. Helicopter combined with infantry tactics.”

"Because future animal camps will also have to include training subjects for cooperating with helicopters."

"But..." Wuhan Steel had something to say.

"Stop it, what the Beast Battalion needs to do is to comply with the reforms in the brigade, familiarize yourself with the high-tech training equipment assigned to you as soon as possible, and use new tactics to improve the combat effectiveness of the recruits!" Jiang Bei interrupted Wu Gang's words.

Having said this, Jiangbei gave Wuhan Iron and Steel another sweet date: "Of course, after I have slapped some of you, the brigade has also decided to add a group of people to you."

Wuhan Iron and Steel said with some disbelief: "Chief of Staff, the people you poached are almost the elites of our Marine Brigade. The people who replenish us, even veterans, are not as good as them."

Jiang Bei said angrily: "Who said we should give them to you veterans? Other battalions of veterans are not enough, but the people in the brigade who will supplement you, although their physical fitness is average, are all technical soldiers and are very familiar with various high-tech equipment. "

Wuhan Iron and Steel reacted immediately: "Chief of Staff, do you mean to ask us to train each unit on scientific and technological equipment?"

Jiangbei saw him reacting and said with a smile: "Yes, as we equip more and more new equipment, many of them require a certain level of education to control, but we can't let the level of education be average, but the military quality Retirement of excellent veterans will affect the unit's combat effectiveness, so the brigade decided to send staff officers with strong technical capabilities into the animal camp, set up training classes, and then take turns to provide technical training to the basic soldiers of each unit."

"Is it similar to a sniper training camp?" Wuhan Iron and Steel said as an example.

"Yes, that's it!" Jiang Bei said.

"Then I understand!" Wuhan Iron and Steel no longer dwells on the matter of veterans being transferred away. From his perspective, it is natural to see that this kind of training class will become more and more common with the advancement of technology. .

(End of this chapter)

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