Chapter 65 Graduation Conferment
On the way back to school, Jiangbei took a train for more than ten hours before reaching the city of Zhongnan.

Jiang Bei returned to school and immediately went to the head teacher's office to report that military schools are different from ordinary universities. Even during the holidays, some of the school's teachers stayed in school to work, and most of the teachers who did not stay in school were civilian teachers.

After cleaning up the dormitory carefully, Jiang Bei went to the duty room downstairs, called his parents, and reported that he was safe, telling them not to worry.

After sorting everything out, Jiang Bei took out the collected military books and flipped through them. He wanted to use his professional knowledge and combine with the actual situation of the army to write a good thesis on the informatization of the army.

His undergraduate major is communication engineering, and the major he studied in the military school is also related to communication, general communication technology and command, with an emphasis on general and command.

When he was in the No. [-] Steel Company, he discovered that, except for a few company chiefs and chariot communicators, the other fighters were not equipped or had not learned communication technology.

In modern warfare, this should not be the case. Of course, it may be that the troops have limited conditions and cannot be equipped.

There are also armored forces that do not pay much attention to the application of electronic countermeasures technology, and blindly focus on artillery and heavy equipment. This should not be true in modern warfare.

Modern warfare is increasingly following the principle of discovery and destruction. This is the new situation of warfare under high-tech conditions.

So what if there are heavily armed troops, they will not confront you head-on, they will send satellites in the sky and small troops on the ground, and when they find the camp, the missiles will come, and before you can react, you will be blown into the sky.

What's more, according to Jiangbei's analysis of the Seventh Steel Company, there are too many top talents in the Seventh Steel Company, and almost all the top talents from the 702nd Regiment were recruited.

The No. [-] Steel Company has its establishment right there. Many top talents can serve as backbone non-commissioned officers in other companies, but in the No. [-] Steel Company, they can't even be a non-commissioned officer. This is too much of a waste of talent.

This is also an important reason why the Seventh Steel Company was adapted later.

There are many top talents, and no one will accept the other, and team and group coordination will be problematic.

As small as a squad, a platoon, or even a company, all of them are strong players, who wants to be a soldier who doesn't get the limelight.

As Gao Cheng said, the production base and the cooking team needed people, but the Seventh Company didn't arrange to go there. What if it was a wartime?

If there are top and mediocre ones, then it will be easy to distribute, and the top ones can lead the mediocre ones to improve each other.

Secondly, based on the memories of later generations and his own observations, Jiang Bei found that the current firepower configuration of the troops has not kept up with the times.

He has to study hard, write a thesis, wait for graduation and return to the army, so he can try to perfect the firepower configuration of the off-duty team in high-tech warfare.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bei's hand in writing things down in his notebook became faster and faster.


A few months later, the lecture hall of NUDT
Several school officials sat under the stage, looked at Jiang Bei who was seriously answering the essay on the stage, and kept nodding to agree with Jiang Bei's point of view.

"Dear teachers, I will finish my defense of the research topic "On the Development Direction of the Heavy Armed Forces under the Condition of Modern Communication Technology—Electronic Countermeasures and Command". This is also my graduation thesis. Thank you for your guidance and comments. , thank you” (I don’t understand it either, so I chose a name, and if you know it, you can spray it lightly)
Jiang Bei recounted the thesis he had prepared for half a year in its entirety.

"Jiangbei, I won't say anything about this paper. You answered it very well. I feel that this article should be in line with the reform direction of the army. I will pass your article to the relevant leaders. I hope you will return to the army. , can develop in this direction, the army is very short of talents like you now."

In the audience, a colonel pondered for a moment and said to Jiang Bei.

"Okay, teacher, my old army is the heavy army, I will send some thoughts to this in the future"

Jiang Bei thanked him and said that this colonel is a leader in the school's communication applications, and he has led many technological reforms in the army, which is still very good.

"Jiangbei, I heard from Mr. Zhao that you still have a paper on the reform of the firepower configuration of the army squad. Have you published it? If not, I hope you publish it as soon as possible. I will wait and see."

"At first, I thought you were a professional in technology, but after listening to Mr. Zhao, I realized that you were the soldier king of the capital military region. I also just heard that you were studying the firepower configuration of the squad. After all, to study this, you must be in the combat unit Only after staying there can we get started, and you are just right, so I have great expectations for you."

Next to the colonel, a white-haired senior colonel said cheerfully, this is their vice president, he heard that he had participated in the war against the small southern country, and he was an officer with real combat experience.

"Teacher, I will publish it the day after tomorrow, and you can read it in the army newspaper then."

Jiang Bei responded quickly.

"Okay, let's do this first, Jiang Bei, you go first, just wait for the graduation ceremony." Zhao Wei, the head teacher, let Jiang Bei go down.


After a few days,

In the auditorium of the National Science and Technology University, the annual graduation ceremony was officially held.

The principal and the political commissar took the stage to give speeches one by one, followed by the presentation of certificates for outstanding students. With excellent military training and nearly perfect grade points, Jiangbei became the only three outstanding students in the promotion class with two influential papers. Cadet soldiers.

After receiving the certificate from the principal and walking down the steps, Jiang Bei's heart could not be calm for a long time, time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he was about to graduate from the military academy.

Next is the conferring ceremony, which is also the best reward for all the students in the promotion class who have studied hard, studied hard, and trained hard since joining the army.

Different from other majors in military academies, commanding majors, as well as the students in their cadre classes, all had a three-month internship after they were discharged from the army.

Of course, Jiang Bei returned to the old army for an internship and served as the trainee platoon leader of the No. [-] steel company.

The previous platoon leader had been transferred from the No. [-] Steel Company to serve as the deputy company commander of the No. [-] Battalion and No. [-] Company, which just left a place for Jiang Bei.

So as soon as Jiangbei returned to the 702 regiment, Wang Ruiqing arranged to return to the No. [-] steel company.

During this period of time, Jiangbei also used the seventh steel company as a template to collect the data of the team's firepower configuration paper to support his research, which is why the paper is so convincing.

The first students awarded titles by the school are students majoring in technology. They are all engaged in scientific research and do not need to go to the army for internship.

Next is the students in the promotion class, who are officially awarded titles.

"Student Jiangbei, graduated from university and joined the army for two and a half years. He was an outstanding soldier for two consecutive years, an advanced individual twice, and an outstanding student for one year. The study decided to award the trainee the rank of Captain Jiangbei."

Principal Wang Jianguo looked at Jiang Bei who came up to him with a resolute face, put on the epaulets of the captain's rank for him, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Jiang Bei, I hope you will continue to work hard in the army and live up to the expectations set by the party. The party's army building has made new achievements."


Jiang Bei was obliged to accept the party's expectations.

Amidst the impassioned military music, the graduation ceremony officially ended.

"Jiang Bei, you're so awesome. It's only ten cents. I'm also an excellent student. How can I be like them? It's only ten cents."

After the ceremony, Xiao Ran looked at Jiangbei's epaulettes and his own, and complained.

"You've got it, you don't look at Jiang Beili's merits, just a first-class merit, you have no share, not to mention Jiangbei's family also has a second-class merit."

Ling Yun at the side gave Xiao Ran a blank look, and said angrily.

"What do you know, I call it the pursuit of progress, learn from Comrade Jiangbei"

Facing Ling Yun's complaints, Xiao Ran opened his mouth and talked nonsense. During the one-year dormitory life, the relationship between the four of them became very good.

It’s time to say goodbye to the students in the promotion class. Before the ceremony, we made an appointment. After the graduation ceremony, we should have a good drink. meet.

"Let's go, Jiangbei, our class has ordered a table of good wine and food in the school cafeteria, just waiting for us to enjoy it"

Jiang Wei patted Jiang Bei on the shoulder, and said in a depressed mood, on the day of parting, you will never return if you are not drunk.

"Okay, I'll call the head teacher and the others to have a drink together."

Jiang Bei nodded in agreement. He was just feeling a little bit emotional, not really sad. Although we were about to part, it was different from retiring.

The students in the promotion class, even if they are separated in various places, are still one of the millions. The environment is still the same, and they all guard the country for their families.

 I have made up for the lack of updates, and the next two chapters will return to normal. It will be on the shelves soon, and it will be updated at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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