Chapter 71 Attacked
"Forrest Gump, look at the neighbor, you say our class, Jiangbei can't leave his [-]th sniper to our class, why give it to the first class?"

In the woods, Bai Tiejun, who had finished touching the paint, fanned the wind with his hat, saw the eight-five sniper in the hands of a group of soldiers not far away, and said to Gan Xiaoning depressedly.

"Bai Tiejun, that's the deputy company commander. You can call me whatever you want in the dormitory. Everyone is here. Take care of your mouth."

Hearing this, Gan Xiaoning gave Bai Tiejun a hard look, and reminded, Bai Tiejun is outspoken, and he doesn't know if he offends others, that is, the deputy company commander is open-minded and doesn't mind anything, so he has to be someone else , even if one class came out, even if he didn't say anything, he would give Bai Tiejun a bad impression.

"Okay, Forrest Gump, he is the deputy company commander"

Bai Tiejun changed his tune under Gan Xiaoning's pressure, but he still looked at the row of snipers unhappily.

"Bai Tiejun, you are usually not very smart. You can't even tell from this. The deputy company commander came out of our squad, but he is also the platoon leader of the first row. No matter how you want to be a bowl of water, he will be the sniper of the first squad." The hand is also a good shooter, although I want to give it to him, why should I give it to you who fell off the rear of the car?"

Wu Liuyi kicked Bai Tiejun, and said contemptuously, he didn't expect that Bai Tiejun's usually easy-to-use brain would not be very useful for this matter.

As soon as Wu Liuyi finished speaking, three signal flares rose in the distant sky.

"The exercise has begun, quickly board the car"

Shi Jin turned his head to look, he who was still talking to Xu Sanduo with a smile just now, his face became serious, and he immediately ordered the soldiers of the third squad to enter the fighting state.

Under Shi Jin's command, the soldiers of the third squad quickly stood up, put away their equipment, entered the chariot, and waited for the order to be issued.

Not long after, Gao Cheng, who was in the command car, gave an order to attack the enemy through the car phone.

The forest, which had been calm just now, became noisy in an instant. The roar of the chariot resounded through the entire forest, startling groups of birds, far away from the ground.

With the roaring sound, the hidden chariot, which was still wearing a camouflage one second, drove out of the forest the next second, and rushed out towards the traffic fortress in the distance.

After a while, the tanks rushed to the enemy's position, the tanks stopped, and the communication system of the entire heavy army was filled with chaotic voices.

"Report to the headquarters, report to the headquarters, there is no blue army in the enemy's position, there is no blue army in the enemy's position, we may be exposed"

Before the headquarters responded, the roar of helicopters pierced through the sky, and the sound of tanks on the ground seemed particularly abrupt.

"It's broken, the enemy army aviation unit is coming, please report to the headquarters quickly"

As the vanguard of the No. [-] Steel Company, the first time they spotted the armed helicopters flying over the forest in groups, Gao Cheng's face became serious, and he quickly asked the messenger to contact the headquarters.

"Hurry up, let the people from the Seventh Company get out of the car and hide, the armored car is under the helicopter, it is the target"

Needless to say, Gao Cheng, Jiangbei took the car phone and asked Qilian to get out of the car to find a bunker to avoid the bombing, and then pulled Gao Cheng out of the car and hid in the bunker.

"No, we're not the target"

After hiding, the instructor Hong Xingguo pointed at the helicopter in the sky and said with an ugly face.

The two of Gaocheng raised their heads and looked through the binoculars, and saw that the helicopter didn't fire a single shot at them, and rushed towards the command post and tank cluster in the rear.

"Their target is not us, but the headquarters"

Gao Cheng said a little unhappy.

Sure enough, not long after, the No. [-] Steel Company was notified that the Red Army headquarters was completely destroyed, and the heavy firepower was gone.

After being depressed for a while, the officers of the 034th company regained their spirits and continued to maintain a combat state. According to the original plan, they rushed towards the Blue Army [-] Heights.

Even if the headquarters is gone, even if the tank unit is destroyed, the exercise must go on if it is not judged to be a failure, and the soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company must continue to implement the combat plan. Only in this way, the loss of the red side is worth it.

Faced with this kind of difficulty, Jiang Bei can do nothing. He knows that this situation will happen, but he can't change anything, because up to now, the soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company have not even seen the shadow of the Blue Army. It is impossible for him to say that the other party It's a small group of special forces.

Under the command of Gao Cheng, the seventh company that escaped the army aviation continued to attack the blue army's position at an extremely fast speed.

"Attention all units, in battle formation, search and move forward"

Gao Cheng's order was issued, and Jiang Bei, as a platoon leader, led a platoon of people across the small river on guard, forming a three-three formation, and touched the 034 highland hundreds of meters away.

Jiangbei's man hid under a tree with an eight-one bar. He looked at the jungle in front of him, but he still didn't see a figure of the Blue Army. made a gesture.

"Squad [-]'s cover, Class [-]'s move to the left, and Class [-]'s to the right, be careful"

As a platoon leader, he must command in the center to prevent accidents, and it is impossible for him to charge forward like a soldier.

The three squad leaders nodded, and went to carry out their work.

Jiang Bei took out the binoculars and observed the woods in front of the two classes.

"Pay attention to concealment, someone"


Suddenly, Jiangbei's telescope saw leaves shaking 200 meters away. After careful observation, he saw a heavily armed soldier running in the woods. Just as Jiangbei reminded him loudly, gunshots rang out.

White smoke rose from the body of a soldier in the first squad, and the soldiers of the two squads quickly evaded and gathered together to shoot at the place where they fired, but it was useless, and the figure disappeared long ago.


Jiang Bei beat the pine tree hard, cursed, and continued to look around. Suddenly, he saw another figure lying under a tree not far away.

Jiang Bei didn't make any noise this time. He put down the binoculars, picked up the Bayi Bar, aimed at the figure, took a deep breath, and muttered, "I don't believe it anymore."


The gun rang out, white smoke rose, and Jiang Bei quickly changed positions.

"Whoever hit it did a great job"

In a row of high cities not far away, I also saw white smoke rising, and said excitedly, "It's so relieved, if your blue army kills one of my people, my people will kill one of yours."

"It's the deputy company commander"

The soldier next to him said, because from the direction of the gunshots, he found that Jiang Bei was switching positions, looking for the next hiding spot.


There was another gunshot, aiming at Jiangbei. Obviously, someone on the other side saw Jiangbei, but unfortunately, Jiangbei avoided him.

Jiang Bei, who dodged the shooting, lay down under the tree and took a deep breath, crawled back a certain distance, and then squatted up and looked forward.

He heard gunshots, and knew that it was the sound of [-], not a sniper rifle, which meant that the opponent was very close to them, and they might be spotted by the opponent if they made any movement, so he didn't choose to run, but crawled to change positions.

(End of this chapter)

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