Chapter 97 Purposeful Elimination
Looking at the soldiers who started to check their equipment, the head of the regiment Wang Ruiqing walked up to Yuan Lang, and said in a low tone: "I have a suggestion, how about you, you can tie up all these soldiers, and then shoot them with a machine gun, and take the rest with you." Let's go, what do you think!"

Yuan Lang was stunned, put away his smile and said, "You mean I overestimated your soldiers?"

"No..." Wang Ruiqing said with a long accent.

"Then why do you underestimate them?"

Yuan Lang retorted in confusion.

Wang Ruiqing's face turned ugly for a moment, he snorted heavily, turned around and left the camp.

Yuan Lang looked at Wang Ruiqing and the others who had left, sighed, and muttered, "Hey, I offended another one. No wonder those guys in the brigade avoided each other like snakes and scorpions."

After muttering a few words, he shook his head and stopped thinking about these things, so he returned to the camp tent and prepared to arrange this two-day pursuit operation.


"Captain, the pumpkins have set off, should I take them to chase after them, or do you play them yourself?"

Qi Heng looked at the military vehicles going away, came to the tent, and said to Yuan Lang.

"You go, I'll wait for them at the finish line."

Yuan Lang shook his head, indicating that he was going to be in command, then he turned his head to look at Jiang Bei who was sitting in the shade of a tree, eating dry food for field battles, smiled at the corner of his mouth, pointed to Jiang Bei and said, "Take that guy and let him follow to see See the world."


Hearing the sound, Jiang Bei got up and walked over with a puzzled look on his face: "Sir, what's the matter?"

Yuan Lang looked at Jiangbei who was wearing camouflage on his face, even though he was wearing an old-fashioned training uniform, he looked extraordinarily energetic.

"Qi Huan, you should know him. You can follow him later and take part in the pursuit."

Jiang Bei smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that I'll let go of the people from Gangqi Company because of my favoritism?"

"I don't think you will show favoritism." Yuan Lang smiled when he heard this.

"Really? But I refuse to participate in the pursuit!"

Jiang Bei shook his head, not approving Yuan Lang's arrangement.

Yuan Lang was taken aback, paused, and asked, "Why, I need a reason?"

"Because I don't care about selfishness or not, it's unfair to the people of Qilian; if I don't do favoritism, even if I don't deliberately eliminate them to show that I don't do favoritism, but as long as I shoot, those people, Subconsciously, I will still choose Qilian people, this is the biggest unfairness to them."

Jiang Bei directly stated the reason for the refusal.

"Interesting, I really didn't think of this question. It's really unfair to them. In this way, if you participate in the pursuit, just don't shoot. Just observe the characteristics of this knockout match. If you have any questions, you can ask Qi Huan. "

After listening to Jiang Bei's explanation, Yuan Lang slapped his head heavily, and withdrew Jiang Bei's order to join the pursuit.


Without chasing, Jiang Bei naturally agreed to come down. He also wanted to see why several people reached the finish line after a battalion was chasing and intercepting.

After Jiangbei Qihuan left, Yuan Lang stroked the beard that had grown back not long after he had just shaved it off, showing his satisfaction with Jiangbei.

He is becoming more and more optimistic about Jiangbei. He is also engaged in technology. Jiangbei is much more capable than the master of optoelectronics he dug some time ago.

Technically, he doesn't know which of the two is better, but Jiangbei's thinking is more practical in the frontier of information reform. This may be because Jiangbei started step by step from the grassroots company.

In other words, of the two, Jiang Bei is a military officer who understands technology, and the other is just a purely technical talent.


"Has entered the war zone, ready to disembark"

Following the reminder from the driver in front of the military vehicle, Wu Liuyi, Xu Sanduo and the people from the old seventh company immediately packed up their equipment and prepared to get off the vehicle.


"Bang bang bang..."

As soon as they were ready, the military vehicle had already stopped. Amidst the shouts of the driver, gunshots rang out outside. Blank bullets were constantly fired from the direction of one o'clock and three o'clock, and the selectors seemed to have entered a real battlefield.

"Get off, get off, go fast"

The soldiers hurriedly faced the hail of bullets, turned over from the military vehicle, and began to run in all directions, quickly looking for obstacles to avoid shooting.

There were also soldiers who dawdled after getting out of the car, causing the laser cursor on their body to be hit by blank bullets fired from a distance. The selection had just begun, and they were already eliminated.

They could only sit down on the ground, choking on the white smoke rising from their quilts, waiting for the corpse collection team to come and pick them up.

The soldiers of the old seventh company were all good. From the moment they got off the car, they were no longer stragglers, but an organized and cooperative tactical team.

Xu Sanduo and Wu Liuyi grabbed Ma Xiaoshuai, who hadn't reacted for a while, and led Qilian's people, quickly fled the open area around the car, and hid in a ditch not far away.

Fortunately, they ran fast. Old A's men rushed out of the dense forest with the soldiers of the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion. Relying on their numbers and strong firepower, they kept harvesting the contestants who were still fighting around the car.

After those who could run away, Qi Huan, who was hiding in the woods and commanding, saw that the eliminated people were almost gone, so he stopped the pursuit.

"Count the number of people eliminated."

Qi Huan got up and left the woods, picked up the communication headset, gave orders to the old team member a, and then looked at Jiangbei and said.

"How about it, Staff Officer Jiang, do you see anything?"

Jiang Bei put down the binoculars, recalled the scene just now, and expressed his thoughts: "Your elimination is selective, right? First eliminate those soldiers who are slow to get off the car and are still dawdling in the face of bullets. Then eliminate the soldiers who don't have battlefield awareness, and then let the rest go away."

Hearing this, Qi Huan glanced at Jiangbei, nodded and said, "That's right, as expected, he is the person that both the captain and the captain value. This analysis is in place. That's right, our selection is not just simply letting them reach the finish line."

"Every time we chase, we have a goal. The first time is to eliminate the people you mentioned, and the next time there are other problems. In short, the person who can go to the end is not necessarily what our captain wants. People, but it must be suitable for our old a."

After Qi Huan finished speaking, he said to Jiang Bei: "It's a pity that you belong to the talents that our old A needs, so you don't need to be selected in this way, otherwise I also want to see if you, the king of soldiers in the capital military region, can be the first Get to the finish line."

There was a trace of regret in Qi Huan's words.

Jiang Bei thought his mother was selling criticism, so he really wanted to see him make a fool of himself. Although he really participated in this and had confidence, confidence is subjective, so to speak, in case he accidentally overturned.

After all, people as strong as Wu Liuyi will have problems. He may be better than Wu Liuyi comprehensively, but sometimes no one knows if there will be accidents.

"You mean I was transferred directly, without any further training and selection?"

Jiang Bei rolled his eyes, trying to match Qi Huan's words.

"Uh, didn't the captain tell you?"

Qi Huan asked back.

"What are you talking about, I don't know." Jiang Bei looked confused.

"Then no, you were transferred there, and you still use the training camp to select?"

Qi Huan smiled strangely, but did not tell the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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