The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 104 The Destruction of the Polar Bear Group

Chapter 104 The Destruction of the Polar Bear Group

"Da da da da da da da da..."

The muzzle of the submachine gun in Wu Qianli's hand kept flickering, and the thrown bullet casings quickly smashed to both sides.


This time, the flying bullets directly hit the shells stored in the tank, and the sound of the explosion immediately resounded through the sky.

Many U.S. troops who hadn't reacted and evaded were also affected and became funeral objects of steel wreckage.

The few surviving American soldiers opened their mouths to ask for help, but they spat out a big mouthful of blood, and their internal organs had already been cut and torn by shrapnel.

When the American soldiers were beaten again, the soldiers of the assault platoon immediately bit off the tabs of the grenades, and threw them towards the densely populated American soldiers behind the tanks.

When the smoking black dots fell to the feet of the US troops, they realized that they were in a bad mood and wanted to escape, but it was too late.


Accompanied by the continuous sound of grenades, more than [-] American soldiers fell heavily on the snow, no longer conscious.

"Let me kill them and overthrow them!"

Wu Qianli ran to the other side quickly while roaring and issuing military orders.

Sure enough, not long after Wu Qianli moved, the place where he was just now was attacked by intensive artillery fire and bullet fire from the US military.

In a short while, the white snow field was instantly burnt black by the blast.

Wu Qianli, who was hiding in the darkness, gritted his teeth and rubbed his arms, then quickly reloaded the submachine gun with a magazine.

The two guns fired wildly like that just now. Although the firepower was fast and fierce, it also made his arms and chest faintly numb, and even a little red and swollen.

While reloading for five thousand miles, the American soldiers continued to shoot into the darkness ahead.

They want to rely on the firepower covered by the carpet to kill the demon Wu Qianli.

While some people were shooting, their mouths were still screaming and screaming.

In fact, the brains of these US troops have long been blank, and they just want to use this method to relieve their inner panic.

"Da da da……"

With several bursts of fire, the American non-commissioned officer beside McClain was shot in the chest.

The impact of the bullet caused his heart to stop suddenly, and he only had time to twitch a few times before he fell heavily to the ground, tilted his head, and died.

It's a mess, it's all a mess, and the Sherman tank, which has an absolute advantage, was easily destroyed by the volunteers.

This polar bear regiment, known as the elite ace of the U.S. military, was also beaten like this.

McLean thought about Wu Qianli who was just like a god of killing.

Looking at the assault platoon soldiers approaching gradually, I couldn't help but have a negative thought in my heart.

"These volunteers are invincible, and the only thing left is to be slaughtered."

When this thought came to McLean's mind, he was instantly taken aback by himself.

If even the commander himself has doubts, can the American soldiers below persist?

"Calm down, all of you, and leave that demon alone! (Leave that demon alone, let me calm down!)"

McClain shook his head vigorously to shake off the negativity and irritability, while reminding the American soldiers loudly.

Hearing the familiar voice of their superiors, these US troops realized that they were just consuming ammunition meaninglessly.

After all, there was darkness in front of him, and there was no trace of the killing god at all.

However, when they just calmed down, the gunfire of the assault platoon soldiers sounded again.

And this time, there are only tens of meters away from their position.

A close-quarters fight with a bayonet in the red seems to be imminent.

"Concentrate on fire, those volunteers who rushed up, we still have hope of victory! (Concentrate on fire to suppress those volunteers who rushed up, we still have hope of victory!)"

While boosting his morale, McLean thrust his hand into the snowdrift underground.

Such a cold and biting feeling made my mind clearer.

He didn't dare to bring the volunteers closer. If you really want to fight hand-to-hand, the US military will show you what it means to collapse instantly.

Just suppress those volunteer soldiers in place and consume a lot of their vitality.

The fluttering regiment flag and the U.S. troops standing firm will inevitably attract more routs to gather, so that they have the hope of winning.

The American soldiers who received the military order managed to stabilize their minds, and used all the firepower in their hands to block the advance of the assault platoon soldiers.

"Go to hell, you fucking volunteers! (Go to hell, you fucking volunteers!)"

A U.S. soldier copied the Browning machine gun mounted on the personnel carrier and fired at the assault platoon fighters who rushed over.

Next to him was a U.S. military man who was sorting out the vibrating ammunition belt, ready to take over the position of the machine gunner at any time.

Under the extremely strong firepower of indiscriminate shooting, a soldier of the assault platoon was severely drilled into the brain by a bullet during the charge.

Splashes of blood mist and brains splashed out, falling forever on the way of charge.

Countless bullets seemed to be woven into a huge firepower net, stopping the assault platoon soldiers from charging.

At this time, the thick barrel of the US tank was also slowly turning, ready to aim at the assault platoon fighters who were pressed in place, and deal a fatal blow.

"His grandma's American devil thinks he's great with a machine gun, I'll make you crazy!"

Wu Wanli bit open the tabs of the two anti-personnel grenades in an instant, waited for a few seconds, and threw them viciously into the distance.

When the smoking black dot hit the U.S. military, some veterans of the U.S. military were already prepared and planned to throw it back in an instant.

However, when the anti-personnel grenade was still in the air, just level with the head of the American soldier, brilliant sparks burst out instantly.


An anti-personnel grenade harvested several nearby American soldiers with the largest damage radius.

Another grenade was thrown at the front of the personnel carrier, just to shred the Browning machine gun and the US machine gunner at the same time.

At this time, the US military deputy machine gunner, who was lowering his head and sorting out the ammunition box, looked up.

At this moment, he saw his companion whose head was full of shrapnel, and immediately widened his eyes, filled with fear.

"Fight or not, we can't beat them anyway! (If we don't fight, we can't beat them anyway!)"

While screaming in despair, the American soldier jumped out of the troop carrier and ran frantically towards the rear.


The dullest and tiniest gunshot rang out, and the American soldier who was running fast just now fell to the ground in the snow.

At this moment, a trace of madness appeared on McLean's cold face, and a wisp of white smoke gradually dissipated from the muzzle of the pistol in his hand.

"Hold your ground, stop these volunteers, and those who dare to escape will be killed!

McClain roared almost crazily, staring angrily at the charging volunteers.

At this time, he can't care about his political future anymore. If he doesn't shoot deserters, he, the US military, will inevitably follow suit, and he will no longer have the courage to resist.

In this way, it meant that the entire elite polar bear group was defeated by the volunteers in one day in his hands.

Even if he was lucky enough not to be killed by the volunteers, he would be shot and killed by his angry boss.

Under such suppression, the American soldiers finally managed to stabilize the army formation, and there was no situation of continuing to escape for the time being.

"I can't see it, but these American devils can be considered to be strong-willed, so I will fulfill your heroic dreams."

At this time, Wu Qianli had already changed the ammunition for four Thomson submachine guns, two were standing on his chest and two were on his back.

However, at this time, the American soldiers were struggling to deal with the charging assault platoon fighters, and did not notice that the killing god came again.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

The violent submachine gun sounded again, and the bullets flew out quickly, exuding a strong smell of gunpowder, and the huge shooting recoil kept pressing against Wu Qianli's chest.


Another US tank exploded in an instant, and the majestic and heavy armor instantly scorched and shriveled.

Even the gun barrel that was about to shoot the shell was bent and deformed, leaving half of the coke tube that was still burning.

The blazing fire spread all over the entire steel wreckage and engulfed the nearby U.S. troops.


A US military signal soldier, smelling the stench of burnt corpses and gasoline in the air, immediately vomited out the canned luncheon meat he ate in the morning.

"Stay away from the tanks in front of you, and look for a bunker to shoot again! (Stay away from the tanks in front of you, and look for a new bunker to shoot again!)"

McClain was choked and coughed again and again, and quickly asked the soldiers to move the bunker.

He looked almost desperately at the American tank that had turned into a burning wreckage, and remained silent.

He really couldn't figure out why the thick steel armor of the tank had turned into streaks of crispy skin at this moment.

However, judging from the current situation, these tanks can no longer be used as life-saving bunkers, but will devour bomb piles that harvest the lives of American soldiers.

Many U.S. troops in the Polar Bear Regiment are also veterans, and of course they are aware of this.

But when they retreated slowly, the soldiers of the assault platoon kept shooting at them with their guns.

Countless bullets with murderous intent struck, forcing them back to their original place helplessly.

Only a small number of U.S. troops escorted McClain, and he was very lucky to find a bunker with a huge rock.

Before McClain left, he didn't even dare to take away the flying polar bear regiment flag, for fear of attracting the attention of the volunteers and being surrounded and wiped out.

"Sir, just on the way, General Barr sent us a telegram asking about our situation... (Sir, while on the way, just now General Barr sent us a telegram asking about our situation...)"

The communications soldier who had just vomited, endured the sore throat from the stomach acid, and reminded McClain.

McLean looked at the U.S. signal soldier a little dejectedly, seeing his hesitant expression, obviously not knowing how to reply now.

"General Barr telegraphed that the highest command post on the eastern front of our army had fallen, and General Smith was missing... "

McLean spoke dully while licking his chapped lips.

But at this time, he said to himself almost comfortingly in his heart, how did the First Division of the U.S. Marine Corps lose the battle, and what was he worth?

"When our army arrived, it was ambushed by volunteers and suffered heavy losses under artillery bombardment."

"Our army rose up to resist, and after all, it was outnumbered. (Our army rose up to resist, and after all, it was outnumbered.)"

When McLean talked about being outnumbered, he suddenly swallowed with a guilty conscience.

Holding the somewhat incomplete radio station, the communications soldier probably understood what his boss meant.

"How many people did the enemy report? (How many people did the enemy report?)"

"There is a whole division. (Just say there is a whole division!)"

McLean's face was not blushing and his heart was not beating. He reported the number, and the messenger had no choice but to do so.

Although the battle report can deceive the boss, but the current situation on the battlefield that is close to collapse cannot be faked.


Another U.S. tank exploded, like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of U.S. soldiers hard.

At this time, many American infantrymen have gradually raised the idea of ​​surrendering or taking the opportunity to escape.

At this moment, in the only remaining American tank, several American tank soldiers inside also exchanged glances with each other.

The tanks accompanying them exploded one after another, and they obviously didn't dare to stay any longer.

So, it didn't take long for the top cover of the US Sherman tank to be slowly opened, and several US soldiers flipped out frantically as if fleeing for their lives.

When other American soldiers saw these people escape, instead of accusing them, some rabbits and foxes covered them with submachine guns in their hands.

But at this time, some American tank soldiers who had just climbed out of the tank had not had time to jump out of the tank, and two small black spots emitting white smoke were thrown over them.


Accompanied by the explosion of the grenade, a pool of blood instantly stained the upper armor of the US Sherman tank red.

A U.S. tank soldier who had just jumped off the tank and hadn't landed on the ground was also cut by the main artery in his throat by shrapnel at this moment, and his body fell limply to the snow.

At this time, Wu Qianli, who had run out of bullets, threw the submachine gun in his hand to the ground.

Immediately, he copied Thomson who was prepared on his back, and shot at the only remaining tank of the US military.

The submachine gun bullets that came out of the tank mercilessly tore through the outer armor of the tank, detonating the last tank.

Under the pressure of the fall of all the tanks, the spirit of the American soldiers was exhausted.

The only surviving American veterans are only relying on the last sliver of reason in their minds to fight back and fight back.

After all, they understand that retreating in a panic and leaving the volunteers behind will only make them die faster.

McLean, who was hiding behind the boulder, saw the flames of the wreckage of the tank in his eyes.

"Take the league flag and retreat immediately! (Take the league flag and retreat immediately!)"

McLean sighed dejectedly while speaking.

At this moment, he also knew in his heart that he was lucky to be able to keep some of his troops to retreat at this time.

After finishing all the tanks, there was still time left for Wu Qianli's one-shot-one-shot bonus, so he turned his attention to the flagpole of the Polar Bear Tuantuan flag.

"Hoo ho ho..."

Accompanied by Wu Qianli's bursts of bullets, the flagpole of the flying polar bear flag creaked and fell slowly.

It was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Watching the regimental flag fall, the last illusion in the hearts of American soldiers was shattered.

All American soldiers completely gave up counterattack and resistance, and frantically scattered towards the rear.

"These damn volunteers, when I find the opportunity, I will definitely poke their bones and raise their ashes!"

Seeing the flag of the polar bear regiment fall, tears welled up in the corner of McLean's eyes, but he could only run back in embarrassment with hatred.

"Give me a quick outflank, don't let the big fish of the American devils escape!"

Wu Qianli yelled to remind him, while holding the submachine gun in his hand, he just walked in the direction of the boulder in a detour.

Hearing the shouts of killing getting closer and closer behind him, McLean, who knew it was too late, gritted his teeth, and simply lay down on the ground, pretending to be a dead body.

And the soldiers of the assault platoon, who were busy chasing the U.S. military, didn't seem to have time to make up their swords. They passed by McClain one by one, and they were about to miss him.

But at this moment, Wu Qianli, who was carrying a submachine gun, happened to kill the boulder.

McLean's nervous heart was pounding, and a huge panic swept over him, and he had to force himself to hold his breath.

 Thanks to imon and book friend 20190823112742663 for the monthly vote~
(End of this chapter)

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