The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 117 The Power of Special Blitzkrieg

Chapter 117 The Power of Special Blitzkrieg
On the snowy ground, several American Sherman tanks were wrapping around the front of the Longshuidong artillery position at the fastest speed.

The radio carried on the tank is sending urging words again and again, indicating that the battle situation on the front line has reached the point of collapse.

"His grandma, these American devils are already in a hurry. It seems that Commander Yang is putting a lot of pressure on him."

Not far from the road that the US tanks must pass, Lei Gong, who was lying in ambush, smiled slightly, and slowly put down the binoculars in his hand.

In the distance, the gun barrel of the US Sherman tank was already visible, and Lei Gong quickly waved his hand to signal the artillerymen below to get ready for bombing.

"Give me the aiming point, and strive for two rounds of bombardment to destroy all the tanks of the American Devils."

Lei Gong lightly stroked the cold barrel of the heavy artillery, looked at the American tanks in the distance, and said fiercely.


The artillerymen below quickly responded, and directly pried open the wooden box storing the shells, gritted their teeth and stuffed the heavy shells into the barrel.

On the other side, the U.S. tanks that were galloping at full speed on the snow did not notice the danger coming, and each of them pulled the joystick with bitterness and hatred.

"Shit! Isn't our frontal line of defense known as a saturated attack? Why are the half-fortress positions so quickly unable to hold up?"

The company commander of the US tank company listened to the urging of the radio getting more and more anxious, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

Originally, they could have taken a safer path, but now they can only take the nearest path for quick reinforcements.

"Hmph, what a half-fortress, I think they are just paper positions."

"But it doesn't matter, these volunteers will soon die under our thick gun barrels and tank steel tracks."

A US tank soldier cleared his throat and said a little angrily.

Even if the friendly army is pulling their hips, they can only complain in private, and the more intense anger can only be poured out by blowing the volunteer army to pieces.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. Wasn't the tank power of the polar bear regiment severely torn apart by the volunteers?"

The commander of the tank company sighed secretly while speaking.

Although there was a calm scene in front of him, he always had a bad premonition in his heart.

While the U.S. military was chatting on the radio, their tanks also entered the range of the artillery.

Even so, Lei Gong, holding the binoculars, was unusually calm and didn't say a word.

The current U.S. tanks have not yet fully entered the range of artillery fire. If you are impatient, it is very likely that a few tanks will be released.

Don't underestimate the few tanks released, it is very likely that the entire artillery battalion that is under pressure will be wiped out, so Lei Gong has to be careful.

"Mount No. 1 turns left three densities, aiming at 11 o'clock."

"The No. 2 artillery position turns right two densities to extend the bombing area."

"Mount No. 3 remains largely unchanged, and can be fine-tuned by itself..."

As the U.S. tanks got closer, Lei Gong also carefully adjusted the aiming range of the cannon, trying to achieve the maximum bombardment.

The artillery platoon at this moment is like a white wolf lurking in the snow, ready to lay down at any time and kill the prey with one blow.

Time flies, Lei Gong has been able to vaguely see the five-pointed star under the barrel of the US tank through the snow, and it is obvious that the time has come.


Lei Gong opened his eyes wide in an instant, drew a knife shape with his right hand, and slashed down hard, roaring at the top of his throat.


Accompanied by the muffled sound of shells shooting out of steel barrels, the artillery on the position opened fire together, large and small shells quickly fired at the US tanks on the snow.

"call out--"

"call out--"

Countless shells tore through the wind and snow, and smashed towards the armor of the US tank with a rapid sound of breaking through the air.

"Fuck you! We are ambushed, move quickly!"

The company commander of the American tank company could hear the movement in the sky through the heavy armor. He couldn't help roaring nervously, and pulled the joystick to break out to the flank.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Before the U.S. tanks had time to transfer, gorgeous explosion sparks bloomed on the snow.

Several Sherman tanks were hit directly, and the entire tank exploded together with the shells inside.

The huge explosion resounded through the sky, and even the runners in the distance felt a ringing in their ears.

This is not over yet. After the first round of shelling, the skilled Pao Pai fighters quickly stuffed the heavy shells into the barrel to start the second round of bombing.

Amid the explosion of shells, only three US tanks survived.


The shock wave of the explosion just now caused the surviving Sherman tank to shake for a while. The commander of the US tank company bled from the head collision and cursed loudly.

"Those who are still alive, immediately turn around and rush towards the gang's hateful volunteer artillery positions, otherwise we can't survive!"

The commander of the US tank company yelled into the radio while driving the tank frantically towards Lei Gong's artillery position.

As an experienced U.S. Army veteran company commander, he could tell what caliber cannons Lei Gong had in his artillery positions.

According to the effective range of these artillery, if they turn their heads away now, they will definitely be blown into scrap iron by the extended firepower.

As a result, the crazy American tanks launched a desperate charge towards Lei Gong's artillery positions.

They understand that this is a gamble on their lives. If they lose the bet, they will be turned into scrap iron and burned in flames.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect there to be such a courageous person among the American devils. I respect him."

"But there is no way, I can only fulfill his dream of being a hero on the battlefield."

While speaking, Lei Gong raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and waved his right hand fiercely.

On the artillery position, small-caliber mortars quickly sent the shells into the air and smashed them down.

Most of the shells bounced off the armor of the American Sherman tanks, but one or two landed right next to the American tanks, smashing their tracks.

In an instant, two fast-moving American tanks lay dead in place, and one of them was emitting thick black smoke.

However, the Sherman tank driven by the commander of the US tank company had already rushed not far from the artillery position, and fired wildly with the machine gun it carried.


The adjusted large-caliber artillery instantly fired the shells in the pond flat, just hitting the galloping Sherman tank.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of armor bursting, the US tank that was majestic just now turned into a burning steel wreck.

Due to the short distance, the shock wave from the shell explosion overturned several soldiers in the front row to the ground.

Accompanied by another round of saturated artillery bombardment, the only two remaining US tanks also turned into a pile of scrap iron that was blazing.

With the annihilation of the US military's armored forces, the balance of victory seemed to be slowly tilting towards Wu Qianli.

But Lei Gong didn't get carried away in the slightest. Instead, he urged the artillery platoon fighters to move the artillery to coordinate with the artillery battalion's strenuous frontal attack.

At the same time, Wu Qianli, with the seventh interspersed company, was also attacking the US flank positions.

Although the US military is weak, Wu Qianli did not directly attack, but chose to infiltrate quietly.

"Isn't it just a barbed wire fence? Make a human ladder and quickly turn it over, don't alarm the American devils."

When Wu Qianli led his men to the outer barbed wire fence, he immediately gestured for everyone to speed up.

The soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company nodded, and formed a human ladder with a tacit understanding, turning inside one by one, and the bells on the barbed wire were not touched at all.

The small number of U.S. troops stationed inside are half leaning on the machine gun position made of sandbags.

They were breathing hot air while guessing when the battle would end.

In fact, it is not the first time that these U.S. troops have been attacked by volunteer troops, but every battle ends with them winning.

In the eyes of these U.S. troops, as long as their proud armored forces are dispatched, these volunteers will be wiped out soon, at most it is just the speed of time.

Just when the U.S. military was relaxing, Wu Qianli immediately made a few fighting gestures with the soldiers of the [-]th Interlude Company under him.

The fighters of the seventh interspersed company turned into several small teams and killed towards their own targets.

Wu Qianli touched the front of a U.S. military position, but he didn't do it immediately, but secretly counted down while looking at the slightly broken watch in his hand.

In order to cause huge damage to the unprepared U.S. military at the first time, they planned to attack at the same time after 1 minute.

Time passed by one minute and one second, until the soldiers of the seventh interspersed company arrived at the predetermined positions.

Only then did Wu Qianli pull the tab of a grenade, and slammed it towards the US military position.


The grenade was very dramatic. It hit a tripod of American steel helmets, bounced up, and jumped in front of the American soldiers who were sitting and chatting.


The American soldiers looked at the grenade emitting white smoke, their eyes widened, and their hearts were full of horror.


Before they could react, the grenade exploded immediately.

The shrapnel that was thrown off directly blew up their heads, and the instant death of the US military was a relief.

American soldiers in other positions met a similar fate.

When some of them saw the bomb thrown in, they were stunned for a second and immediately picked it up. They wanted to throw it out, but the grenade exploded in their hands.

Some American soldiers immediately wanted to climb out of the position, but they were interspersed with company soldiers who had already ambushed in the area, cut their necks with a knife, and died holding their bleeding arteries with hatred.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by the serial explosions of anti-infantry grenades, a large number of American troops were killed on the ground without knowing why.

A small number of surviving American soldiers wanted to grab their guns and stand up to fight back, but they were directly shot to death by machine guns that came in.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

Wu Qianli carried a Thomson submachine gun wildly, pouring out firepower crazily.

He had just suddenly killed an American soldier in a position, and immediately turned his gun and shot a few bursts at the American soldiers who escaped by chance.

The American soldiers not far away immediately fell to the snow while clutching the bloody hole in their chest.

The U.S. soldiers in the retreat position heard the movement, picked up the machine gun in their hands, and wanted to suppress the attack of the [-]th Interlude Company with firepower.

But soon they discovered in despair that these volunteer soldiers did not directly suppress the charge according to the routine.

All the soldiers mixed with the U.S. military, I was among you, and you were among me, fighting in a melee in the dark night.

Sometimes the U.S. military has just built a rear line of defense, and when they want to snipe with confidence, they suddenly find that several volunteers behind them shoot a rocket at you.

Sometimes American soldiers rushed forward to fight the volunteers hand to hand, thinking that there would be a duel between real men.

At this time, Wu Qianli and others didn't talk about martial arts, so they pulled out their Colt pistols and shot a few shots at the American soldiers in close combat. The American soldiers were killed on the spot.

There are also American soldiers hiding in a remote part of the position. They want to sneak back to the headquarters to escape. I have already run halfway, and suddenly two grenades were thrown into their midair and exploded instantly.

Wu Wanli's grenade air blast technology is becoming more and more proficient, and it is even close to comparable to the bombing power of mortars.

All the soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company, like cold killing machines, frantically slaughtered the American soldiers they saw.

For the U.S. military, they were chatting, and suddenly their companions were blown into two pieces.

These devil-like fighters of the Seventh Interlude Company didn't even think about clearing out all the American TV dramas, so they rushed forward.

Some U.S. troops just came to their senses and wanted to fight back, only to find that their front and back were covered with volunteer soldiers.

In fact, this scene can be seen in the blitzkrieg on the European battlefield. The steel torrent of German tanks was so unstoppable that it entered the core area of ​​​​the enemy's country.

But for the U.S. military, they have always been the only ones to crush the opponent, and they have never been attacked by such a surprise attack.

So in the melee, a large number of American soldiers were tired of resisting, and they really felt as if they would not be able to fight. The original step-by-step battle became extremely chaotic.

But in fact, the so-called chaos is only felt by the US military.

Several combat teams of the Seventh Interlude Company were clearly heading in the corresponding direction, without any confusion.

This kind of fast interspersed annihilation battle in the dark has very strong requirements on the discipline and execution of the combat troops.

If the seventh interspersed company is replaced by other troops, it may be a fight, everyone will be messed up, and even friendly troops may be injured.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

With the last blast of machine guns, the remaining US soldiers were completely annihilated, and the US flank positions were declared to have fallen.

"Company commander, it didn't take 3 minutes, but just over two minutes, and we wiped out these American devils."

Yu Congrong wiped the blood on his face with his frozen sleeve, and said proudly.

"Very good, each combat team returns to the overall organization, the whole army twists into an iron fist, and immediately kills the innermost part of the US military!"

"You must act fast! We must not let the American devils blow up those cannons!"

Wu Qianli didn't even take a look at the position full of American corpses, so he quickly led his men to kill towards the innermost part.

 I got a bloody brother, I can't type anymore
(End of this chapter)

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