The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 131 Annihilation of 2 divisions of the U.S. Army, a chance to kill the 38th line in advance!

Chapter 131 Annihilating two divisions of the U.S. Army, the chance to kill the [-]th parallel in advance!
"not good!"

When the U.S. military bazooka aimed at Wuqianli, he also sensed this huge murderous aura in his heart, and most of the dizziness in his mind was instantly dissipated, and he hurriedly ran away.

"Heavy machine gun fire, covering the transfer of the company commander!"

Mei Sheng also found a bazooka aimed at Wu Qianli, shouted loudly, and raised his submachine gun to shoot at the US troops.

"Baa baa baa baa..."

The machine gunners of the [-]th interspersed company heard the order and reflexively aimed at the US military and pulled the trigger.

In an instant, countless hot bullets flew towards the US military at extremely high speed.

The long fiery snake tore through the flesh and blood of several soldiers, and balls of bright red blood scattered and splashed in all directions.


Leonard lay down on the ground, loudly urging the rocket to launch as soon as possible.

Half of the U.S. troops were suppressed by firepower and lay dead on the spot.

Another part of the US military ventured out and fired rockets.

"call out--"

The white-smoke rocket rushed out quickly, piercing through the icy snow, and flew towards the front of the five thousand li sprint based on the advance calculation.

Originally, this kind of shooting preset can improve the accuracy as much as possible, which is the performance of the elite of the US special warfare battalion.

However, more than a dozen rockets have been calculated in advance, but only blocked the way forward for five thousand miles.

It's better to aim at the approximate position, bombard it randomly, and cover it completely.

Sure enough, Wu Qianli looked at the muzzle of the US bazooka, and keenly estimated the trajectory of the rocket.

The moment the rocket was launched, he hurriedly stopped, gritted his teeth and rushed in another direction.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of rocket explosions sounded one after another, and huge fire clouds exploded behind Wu Qianli, and the thumping heat wave made his back sweat profusely.

When the last rocket flew out, it hit a position closer to Wuqianli.

Wu Qianli quickly exerted force on his hind legs, and jumped forward with all his strength.


The shock wave from the explosion of the rocket spread rapidly in all directions, directly sending Wu Qianli flying over two meters high.

A piece of shrapnel even cut through his khaki military cap and rubbed against his scalp.

"Sh... it really hurts!"

Wu Qianli felt as if his body was about to fall apart, he held his scratched scalp and gasped for air.

"Company commander, let's go, the American devils seem to be eyeing you and want to kill you."

Yu Congrong raised his heavy machine gun and fired a few bursts, reminding Wu Qianli loudly.

"Order the entire army, each platoon should adopt a defensive retreat formation, cover alternately, and retreat one by one, don't let the American devils take advantage!"

With Pinghe's support, Wu Qianli struggled to stand up, and shouted orders to Quanlian.


The soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company walked through the gate of hell a few times, and their will to fight had long been tempered, and they all organized their retreat in an orderly manner.

Brigadier General Laroulac looked at Wu Qianli who survived the catastrophe, frowned, and paced back and forth anxiously.

"Use the radio to tell Leonard that the No. 17 and NO.[-] positions on the front line have already mobilized troops to come back and will join the battlefield soon."

"Let him do whatever it takes to annihilate this volunteer army! Especially that demon!"

He gritted his teeth and roared angrily, wishing he could skin and cramp Wu Qianli right now.

You must know that the Seventh Interlude Company relied on its strength this time to blow up the planes at the airport and cut off their retreat in the air.

Moreover, they also killed the commander of their Eastern Front Army.

If they are allowed to leave in this way, the military supremacy of the US military may be questioned if it is spread out.

This is also the reason why Lalulac did not hesitate to mobilize front-line troops to annihilate the seventh interspersed company.

Soon, the radio station of the U.S. Special Operations Battalion received the death order, and a U.S. sergeant quickly handed it over to Leonard.

"Fuck you! That old thing who only hides in the watchtower to command, they don't even dare to provide long-range machine gun fire support, and they even gave me the order to die!"

Leonard cursed angrily, but he also understood that this army must not stay, so he led his troops to chase after it.

Because he had experienced the combat power of the Seventh Interlude Company, he didn't dare to overwhelm him too much. He only used firepower from a long distance to wait for the Seventh Interlude Company to show his flaws.

After all, in such a dark midnight, it is easy for a warrior with nerves to become confused.

As a result, the U.S. Special Warfare Battalion has been biting behind the seventh interspersed company, chasing and killing them for more than ten minutes.

But not only did they fail to find any flaws in the Seventh Interlude Company, but they also dropped more than [-] corpses.

Ping He led the reconnaissance platoon and hid in the darkness like a ghost. Taking advantage of the U.S. military not paying attention, he aimed at the target and fired a single shot.

In the darkness, every flash of gunfire meant an American soldier fell.

Seeing the sudden death of one by one comrades in arms, the American soldiers who were advancing were all panicked, looking forward and backward, and the speed of pursuit slowed down.

"Damn it, can't this group of volunteers fight us upright? They have to hide in..."


Leonard pulled out his Colt pistol and fired three shots into the darkness.

But just halfway through his angry yelling, he was immediately interrupted by a crisp gunshot, and there was a tearing pain above his chest.

"Protect the chief!"

The American guards beside Leonard yelled, and immediately surrounded him in panic,
Several American soldiers immediately pulled out the "pineapple" anti-infantry grenade, threw it towards the position of the gunshot, and quickly poured the bullets away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of the explosion was deafening, and the shock wave splashed snow several meters high.

A huge scorched black snow pit was left in place, but there was no Pinghe's body.

Ping He has rich experience in combat. He turned his head and ran back the moment he pulled the trigger. His extreme speed allowed him to quickly escape the fire coverage.

"Hmph—American devil, if you want to kill me, you have to ask Lord Yan if he will accept it."

Ping He murmured softly while pressing a new clip into the Springfield sniper rifle in his hand.

Looking at the slowed down team, Leonard stood up slowly, clutching his wounds.

At this moment, every movement he made would involve the wound, causing tearing pain.

Near him, the fallen corpses of American soldiers were shocking.

It was only then that Leonard realized that chasing like this was exhausting the volunteers. It was clearly that the strength of the Special Operations Battalion was being eroded bit by bit.

"Shit! You bastards! Don't fight like this anymore. Concentrate superior forces and wipe them out within 15 minutes."

Leonard endured the great pain and continued to command his soldiers loudly.

In 15 minutes, the seventh interspersed company can break out of their core position and get the support of other volunteers, and the offensive and defensive momentum of the two sides will completely change hands.

At that time, if the U.S. special warfare battalion pursues again, it will be surrounded by volunteers instead, causing greater casualties and losses.

"yes sir!"

An American soldier quickly responded, and the general's order was passed on.

Due to the strong industrial capabilities of the US military, each of their squads is equipped with a single-soldier liaison radio.

Therefore, their news was transmitted very quickly, and the various departments of the US military quickly switched to an offensive posture.

"This volunteer army killed Major General Barr and let them go. We have nothing to eat!"

"Whoever charges forward and kills the volunteers will be credited with great merit!"

Leonard understood the thoughts of these veterans, and in order to stimulate the combat effectiveness of the special warfare battalion, he threatened and lured him with his throat.

After hearing this, the soldiers of the U.S. Special Operations Battalion froze for a moment, exchanged glances with each other, then gritted their teeth and accelerated their charge.

Under Leonard's command, the first company of the U.S. Army charged forward at the fastest speed, while the second and third companies were directly surrounded by the two ends.

The entire special warfare battalion went all out to kill them, leaving no reserve troops behind.

Wu Qianli had originally led more than [-] comrades to break the cover, but at this time the U.S. Special Operations Battalion's extremely fast attack caught him by surprise.

"Retreat quickly and look for a bunker. These American devils are going to be ruthless!"

Wu Qianli loudly reminded his soldiers, and retreated as fast as he could behind a huge exposed boulder.

Sure enough, the moment Wu Qianli and the others found the bunker, more than a dozen rockets flew towards them quickly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The rocket exploded quickly, and several shrapnel were deeply embedded in the boulder five thousand miles ahead, billowing black smoke everywhere.

"Kill! Kill these damned yellow-skinned monkeys!"

Enticed by the reward, countless American soldiers shouted and accelerated their charge while emboldening themselves.

"Battle baa baa baa baa..."

Numerous submachine gun bullets hit the bunker of Wu Qianli and the others, and the dust and small stones hit the comrade's head with pain.

"No, the American devils probably want to keep us here."

As Wu Qianli said, he wiped the muzzle of the Springfield sniper rifle with his clothes.

Now is not a good time to shoot, not to mention the lack of precision, but it will expose the current sniper position.

Wu Qianli was waiting silently, wanting the American soldiers to rush within 150 meters before making a move.

At the same time, he took a quick look at the rear and estimated the route and method of retreat.

When the U.S. military marched 300 meters, some soldiers had already retreated to a farther position to set up firepower points and carry out firepower counter-suppression.

When the U.S. military advanced to 250 meters, there were only a dozen soldiers left near Wuqianli.

When the U.S. military marched to 200 meters, their firepower stopped shooting at Wuqianli at all, and no one cared about this remote rock.

Finally, Wu Qianli slowly raised the sniper rifle, aimed the crosshairs of the scope at the center of the helmet of an American machine gunner, and pulled the trigger hard.


The swirling bullet escaped and hit the helmet of the US machine gunner.


There was a muffled sound penetrating through metal, and a splash of bright red splashed out.

One shot hit, Wu Qianli didn't stop at all, and fired eleven shots in eight seconds.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

After the intensive gunshots, five thousand miles of guns hit, and the hits were all US machine gunners and submachine gunners.

In just a few seconds, the original ferocious firepower of the U.S. military was suddenly misfired by Wu Qianli.

"Ah! Help me! My leg..."

The fallen American soldier clutched his thigh and knee and wailed loudly.

This time Wu Qianli did not pursue a one-hit kill, but deliberately created eleven wounded for the US military.

Without exception, these people had their kneecaps shattered and could no longer run and charge normally.

However, the U.S. special warfare battalion had to send a large number of soldiers to control them, unable to participate in the battle.

This means that it took only eight seconds and eleven shots for Wu Qianli to pin down dozens of American soldiers.

"Good fight! His grandma, that's what you should do to these inhuman guys!"

Thinking of the artillery platoon soldiers who had just been tortured and killed, Lei Gong suddenly felt extremely relieved, and couldn't help applauding.

However, when Leonard saw the American wounded all over the ground, he was so angry that he almost fainted.

"Fuck you! Spare three heavy machine guns, aim at the bunker of the Volunteer Killing God and shoot continuously, we must not let him escape!"

Leonard's back molars were almost crushed with hatred, and he roared loudly.

"yes sir!"

After receiving the order, the three heavy machine guns turned their muzzles immediately.

It doesn't matter whether Wu Qianli is showing his head or not, the continuous machine gun fire is uninterruptedly suppressing the boulder.

"Battle baa baa baa baa..."

The dense bullets hit the boulder, causing dense bullet holes and small gaps.

Wu Qianli couldn't even raise his head, let alone shoot.

"His grandma, are these American devils playing tricks?"

"The three heavy machine guns don't care about the main force of the company, and specifically blocked me?"

Wu Qianli shook his body vigorously, shook Sha Shuo to the ground, and cursed a little aggrieved.

He thought that he would be invincible with a hundred shots and a hundred shots, but the U.S. military was frightened by being beaten, and he had no chance to shoot.

"Rush forward one after another, and shoot this god of death first, so you don't need to keep alive!"

"Speed ​​up two times and three times, even if you suffer heavy casualties, you must forcefully keep this volunteer army."

Leonard seemed to see the dawn of victory, and commanded with some excitement.

After the U.S. Special Warfare Battalion listened to the order, it quickly stepped up its attack.

Although Yu Congrong and others still tried their best to block the pace of the US army, the US vanguard was getting closer and closer.

And, what's more serious than this is that the bullets of the seventh interspersed company are seriously insufficient!
"Bang! Bang!"

The gunshots from the [-]th Interlude Company became more and more sparse, and the balance of victory seemed to be tilting towards the U.S. Special Warfare Battalion.

"Company commander, the bullets of comrades can only last for a few minutes at most!"

"Go, I'll take someone to cover you!"

Yu Congrong yelled, gritted his teeth and used the remaining bullets to suppress the US heavy machine guns, his eyes full of worry.

At this moment, the second and third companies of the U.S. Special Warfare Battalion charged regardless of casualties, and gradually formed a new encirclement circle against the seventh interspersed company.

In this situation of insufficient ammunition, if the Seventh Interspersed Company is surrounded again, it means that it is in a dead end and the entire army must be wiped out!
Wu Qianli sighed slowly, feeling that he had gained enough this time, and was planning to evacuate quickly.

At this time, the small dynamic combat map in his mind suddenly had a new change.

A small blue dot representing friendly forces broke through the U.S. position, and was quickly approaching the rear of the U.S. Special Operations Battalion, and it only took 2 minutes to kill it by visual inspection.


Wu Qianli was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt a little hesitation in his heart.

This is an opportunity. If we can cooperate with friendly forces to wipe out the US special warfare battalion and then turn to fight back, it is very likely that the US Army on the Eastern Front will completely collapse.

At that time, if the friendly forces cooperate properly, they will not only cut off the air retreat of the U.S. Army Group Army, but will wipe out two divisions of the U.S. Army!
Historically, only one regiment of the U.S. military was eliminated in the battle of Changjin Lake.

If this is successful, it will change history and allow the Korean War to enter the stage of a major counterattack in advance, and even have the opportunity to kill the [-]th parallel in advance!

Wu Qianli took a deep breath, looked at the approaching U.S. troops, clenched the sniper rifle in his hand, and fought desperately with two choices in his mind...

(End of this chapter)

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