The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 133 Obtaining God's Perspective!Observe the movements of all the troops on the main bat

Chapter 133 Obtaining God's Perspective!Observe the movements of all the troops on the main battlefield in Xiajieyuli!

In the distance, under the deafening shouts of killing, about a battalion of volunteers rushed towards the rear of the US special warfare battalion.


Several guards around Leonard rushed forward and helped him up when he was slumped.

"Order the first company to go backwards to stop the reinforcements of the Volunteer Army, the second company..."

Leonard pinched his own man, and barely woke up to give an order, but the sudden gunshot interrupted his words.


A stray bullet from behind hit the guard next to Leonard, and a pool of bright red blood spattered onto his face.

"Fuck you! When did they get so close?"

Leonard wiped off the blood on his face in a little horror, and a wave of turmoil set off in his heart.

It turned out that the Volunteer Army who was packed behind remained calm, and after trying their best to get closer, they blew the charge horn.

The current U.S. special warfare battalion has no room to operate at all, and the originally dominant situation is instantly reversed.

"There is no need to block, each company will form a triangular army formation, cooperate with each other, and rush out!"

Leonard forcibly suppressed the panic in his heart, trying to let the special warfare battalion stand out before being surrounded by counterattacks.

It has to be said that the combat resilience of the US special warfare battalion is extremely strong.

In the face of two-sided attack, they can still maintain fire suppression, desperately open the distance from the seventh interspersed company, and rush out.

"Go ahead and stick to these American devils! We must not let them run away like this!"

Wu Qianli stared at the U.S. military with sharp eyes, and shouted loudly.

In the fierce melee in the dark night, there was no time for complicated tactical command, and the shortage of ammunition of the seventh interspersed company did not allow it.

"Brother, the bullets are concentrated, you take them."

Wu Wanli ran forward with his legs wide open, and delivered the urgently needed bullets to Wu Qianli.

In the case of lack of ammunition, Wu Qianli, who is skilled in marksmanship, can play a greater role.

"Okay! The whole company uses the three-three system tactic, weaves through it in a roundabout way, and we must keep them."

As Wu Qianli said, he yanked the cold bolt, looking for a valuable target with his eyes.


Accompanied by the sound of metal twitching, Wu Qianli quickly raised the Springfield sniper rifle and looked ahead with the scope.

In his perspective, a white American soldier gritted his teeth and fired wildly with a Browning heavy machine gun.

The hot and red muzzle of the gun kept spraying gun flames, and countless thrown bullet casings fell on the snow.

Yu Congrong had just counterattacked with his comrades in the firepower platoon, but was suppressed in place by the US heavy machine guns.

"His grandma, if you don't turn on the firepower, you won't be able to rush up."

Yu Congrong gritted his teeth and looked at the heavy machine gun in front of him. He was grabbing the submachine gun, and was about to spare it and take a risk.

At this time, the roar of the US heavy machine gun stopped, and the bullets just ran out.

The US military deputy machine gunner immediately grabbed the prepared ammunition belt and quickly reloaded the heavy machine gun.

Seeing the machine gun that was about to roar again, the corners of Wu Qianli's lips raised slightly, mastering the skill of hitting every shot.

He wants to play a big one!
I saw him gripping the sniper rifle tightly, aiming the crosshairs of the scope at the muzzle of the Browning heavy machine gun.

The moment before the American heavy machine gunner pulled the trigger, Wu Qianli immediately pulled the trigger hard.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three clear gunshots rang out, and the bullets that came out of the chamber flew out quickly, shooting straight into the muzzle of the heavy machine gun.

At this time, the US heavy machine gunner just pulled the trigger.

The primer of the machine gun bullet was fired and ignited, and quickly escaped from the barrel.

However, the bullets that were shot into the barrel with precision just blocked the muzzle.


Accompanied by the huge explosion of the barrel, the heavy machine gun exploded!
In an instant, the flames of the explosion burned his face beyond recognition, and the fragments of the machine gun pierced deeply into his flesh and blood.


The U.S. deputy machine gunner, who was lucky enough to survive, held back the severe pain in his wound, and ran back scrambling.

Originally, Ping He raised his gun and wanted to snipe, but happened to see this scene clearly through the sniper scope, his mouth opened wide in shock, and his eyes straightened.

If Wu Qianli's marksmanship show was considered a sharpshooter before, then his current operations can be called a spear master!
Unlike Pinghe who was shocked, Yu Congrong reacted quickly after being stunned for a second, and jumped up grabbing the Thomson submachine gun.

"The company commander opened the way for us, follow me to kill!"

While shouting, Yu Congrong shot and killed the fleeing deputy machine gunner.

The comrades in the fire platoon were all high in morale, charging with red eyes, and the sound of killing pierced Leonard's ears.

"Fuck you! What are you afraid of? The volunteers are just lucky."

"Resist every step of the way, and absolutely don't retreat, or we're all done!"

Looking at the army formation that was about to collapse, Leonard drew out his pistol anxiously, fired three shots at the sky, and shouted loudly.

Under the icy cold wind, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he looked in Wu Qianli's direction full of fear.

That godly shot just now was able to hit the muzzle of the machine gun, causing the chamber to explode.

After almost breaking the morale of the US military, even Leonard regretted taking the risk.

He could only pray, hoping that Wu Qianli's shot was luck.

However, God seemed to be asleep and did not hear the prayers of the casual believer.

The U.S. military barely stabilized the army formation, while slowly retreating, while continuing to set up firepower points to suppress the cover.

Seeing this, Wu Qianli's eyes froze, and he quickly rushed to a new bunker ahead, and raised his Springfield sniper rifle again.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After three clear gunshots, the bullets flew into the muzzle of the US machine gun again with precision.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two U.S. heavy machine guns exploded, and the U.S. machine gunner's face was covered with fragments, and his whole body was bloody.

The other U.S. troops looked at the godly marksmanship, and a huge sense of panic surged from the bottom of their hearts.

Some U.S. troops yelled frantically, and poured bullets randomly into the darkness, venting their infinite fear.

Facing the U.S. troops exposed by their random firing, Ping He led the reconnaissance platoon to quickly harvest.

After a while, the ground was littered with the bodies of American soldiers.

The U.S. military lost the protection of heavy firepower, morale collapsed, and the military formation became chaotic.

"good chance!"

Seeing this situation, Wu Wanli moved to the side of the U.S. military very presumptuously, opened the grenade and blew it hard.


The grenade exploded in the air, and the fragments killed seven or eight American soldiers in the maximum radius.

The morale of the US military, which had already fallen to the bottom, was hit hard again.

"Shit! Keep up the formation, raise your guns and fight back. We want to fight out, not flee!"

Leonard waved his pistol, shouting anxiously to the point of breaking.

However, no matter how tough the U.S. special warfare battalion is, it will not be able to sustain more than half of the casualties and being flanked.

Some U.S. troops who had lost their minds even dropped their guns, and quickly ran towards the gap on their own.

The U.S. military, which was still insisting on resisting the blockade, saw it, and was unwilling to sacrifice itself to let these deserters survive, so they all started the idea of ​​​​fleeing.

"Security squad, immediately form a supervising team, and those who dare to escape, give me..."

Leonard gritted his teeth and was about to make a final effort.

However, just halfway through his words, his eyes saw a few small black spots with white gas trails approaching quickly, and his voice stopped abruptly.

"Sir, be careful!"

Several U.S. guards shouted and rushed up anxiously.

"Boom! Boom!"

Several rockets slammed into the snow not far from Leonard, exploding with a loud noise.


A U.S. guard had his throat cut by debris and fell heavily to the ground.

On his neck, blood from the aorta was gushing out quickly, splashing onto Leonard's leather boots.

"Sir, our rear is about to be destroyed by the volunteers, let's run away."

The monitor of the security squad looked at the blackened Daxue Cave and said with lingering fear.

"Shit! What nonsense are you talking about, we call it transfer, transfer immediately!"

Leonard managed to stabilize his mind, his mouth was still stubborn, but his body was very honest and broke out towards the gap.

Before retreating, he changed his clothes very quickly, disguised as a soldier and fled.

Wang Biao, the battalion commander of the reinforcements, frowned. Seeing that the U.S. troops were about to flee after the rocket missed, he hurriedly led his troops to press over.

"What's the matter with you bastards, our new battalion is not as powerful as a company of friendly troops?"

"Hurry up and kill them all! They can fight Megatron Beichao in the seventh interlude company, so can we!"

The battalion commander of the friendly army, Wang Biao, shouted loudly to the comrades behind him with a hint of ambition in his eyes.

Obviously, as a soldier, he is also very eager to achieve a world-shaking record like Wu Qianli, and rush to the front at the first.

However, at this moment, a khaki figure flashed past quickly.

Wu Qianli ran and fired three shots in a row, and the American soldiers he aimed at fell down.

After shooting, he took advantage of the opportunity to install the bayonet, and ran faster, almost as fast as an afterimage, and rushed into the US military formation by taking a shortcut.

"Don't wait, the whole company will launch a general attack immediately, rush to kill all of them, and cover the company commander!"

Mei Sheng looked at Wu Qianli who was rushing into the U.S. Army formation like a tiger and wolf, but he broke into a cold sweat in his heart and shouted loudly.

Ping He and the reconnaissance platoon no longer hid, they rushed directly to the sides of Wu Qianli, protecting him and charging forward.

Yu Congrong's firepower platoon and Lei Gong's artillery platoon strangled them in a "herringbone" shape with pincers on both sides.

The morale of the U.S. military has completely collapsed. The soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company stabbed a large number of U.S. troops in the back, which was a massacre.

By the time Battalion Commander Wang Biao anxiously led his troops in, the battle was almost over.

Wu Qianli raised the muzzle of the sniper rifle, held his breath, and fired the last shot.

In an instant, Leonard, who was disguised as a soldier and fled quickly, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his heart was damaged and stopped.

After a whirlwind, he spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow", and then fell powerlessly on the snow.

"The Seventh Interlude Company, withdraw troops!"

Wu Qianli took a look at the rest of the U.S. Army's rout, and they already had enough achievements.

Just be a favor and donate these military exploits to the friendly comrades who came to support them.

Seeing this, Wang Biao couldn't help but glance at Wu Qianli, feeling a little good in his heart.

But he only let part of the army continue to pursue, and he himself brought the backbone and walked towards Wu Qianli.

"Hello, comrade, I am Wang Biao, 20nd Battalion, 59th Regiment, 177th Division, 2th Army. Your troops are fighting really hard!"

Wang Biao glanced at Wu Qianli approvingly, and shook his hand with a smile.

"I am from the 20th Division of the 80th Army, and I am now directly under Zhisi's Seventh Interlude Company Wuqianli."

"Thank you comrades for helping me out, otherwise I might have really confessed here."

Wu Qianli didn't dislike Wang Biao's smoky hand and held it tightly.

When Wang Biao heard the words Seventh Interlude Company and Wu Qianli, his figure froze for a moment, his eyes seemed to glow with excitement.

"The Seventh Interlude Company?! You are the company that captured the Major General alive and annihilated the Polar Bear Regiment?"

As Wang Biao spoke, he looked at Wu Qianli with a much more eager expression.

In the beginning, the Volunteers were a little apprehensive in the face of the U.S. Army, which is known as the number one army in the world.

It wasn't until Wu Qianli, a ferocious man, came down from the sky that he achieved a series of tough victories, which greatly boosted the morale of the whole army.

Under Zhisi's propaganda, Wu Qianli and his seventh interlude company have evolved into the battle totem of the entire volunteer army.

This is also the reason why Wang Biao was so excited when he heard about the seventh interlude company.

"Company Commander Wu, after the battle is over, let's have a good drink."

"You can dispose of the weapons and ammunition on the ground as you like, and I will continue to kill inside with soldiers and horses."

As Wang Biao said, he waved his hands, and led his troops, quickly chasing the rout of the US troops and killing them.

At this moment, his heart is also very eager for military exploits, hoping to achieve the same record as Wu Qianli.

Wu Qianli pricked up his ears, hearing the gunshots from other battlefields in Xiajieyu gradually stop, his brows immediately frowned.

He wanted to persuade Wang Biao not to rush forward, but Wang Biao, who was eager for merit, had already taken his army away, and he didn't seem to listen to his advice.

"Ding——congratulations to the host, successfully defeated the US special warfare battalion, completed the task of hiding the bright sword, and the system rewards have been issued!"

At this time, the system's cold notification sound echoed in Wu Qianli's mind.

In the warehouse of the system, various rewards have been automatically deposited into it.

[Quick recovery of physical strength, self-healing and strengthening bonus]

【Full company rapid march experience card】

[Global Battlefield God's Perspective Experience Card]

"Use all the rewards immediately!"

Wu Qianli looked at the wounded and exhausted comrades behind him, and used up all the stored bonuses without hesitation.

In an instant, the soldiers of the seventh interspersed company who felt the change were slightly taken aback.

They felt that the physical strength recovered from this rest was extremely fast, and the bleeding wounds were itchy, and the scabs gradually healed.

Not only that, a hot current seems to reverberate in their bodies, making them full of vitality, ready to go into rapid march or battle at any time.

Compared with the astonishment of these soldiers, the dynamic scene Wu Qianli observed in his mind was even more shocking.

I saw the direction Wang Biao and others were chasing, within a certain distance in front, there was indeed a rout of troops, and the defense was empty.

But at some point, a small group of tanks and a large number of US troops gathered behind the watchtower.

The watchtower with empty defense in front has become a bait to lure the volunteers to take the bait.

These American soldiers and tanks are arrayed in a semicircular mesh bag, and they seem to be waiting for the volunteers to plunge into an ambush.

"No, Battalion Commander Wang and the others may be in big trouble..."

Wu Qianli frowned, and murmured impatiently.

This is not over, the system's God's perspective suddenly stretched to a higher place, and the range of visible troops instantly became extremely vast.

In an instant, Wu Qianli's eyes widened, his pupils shrank instantly, and even his heart accelerated a lot.

He saw outside the Xiajieyu-ri battlefield, a large group of U.S. aircraft carrier flying formations flying towards here quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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