The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 142 Gun God's Combat Strength! 1 to several fights!

Chapter 142 Gun God's Combat Strength!A one-to-ten fight!


The muffled sound of bullets piercing through flesh and blood resounded, and Adam's eyes instantly went dark, and he fell powerlessly to the ground.

"Oh—shit! The platoon leader was killed by these demons!"

An American soldier spotted Adam lying on the ground out of the corner of his eye, his eyes widened instantly, and he yelled in horror.


The resisting U.S. troops around turned their heads to look in disbelief, and cold sweat broke out all over their backs.

In their eyes, Adam's position is a natural bunker, and it is difficult to threaten it no matter what direction it is shot from.

Seeing Adam bleeding to death now, the U.S. military was a little terrified.

They felt as if they had no cover and were exposed to the volunteers.


Wu Qianli saw that the morale of the US military was shaken, so he simply replaced the sniper rifle with a Thomson submachine gun, shouted and killed.

"Grenade! Aim at places where the American devils are dense!"

Pinghe watched Wu Qianli rushing out suddenly, and broke out in a cold sweat.

He yelled and pulled the tab of a "pineapple" grenade, and threw it out.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon understood instantly and threw away the sniper rifle in their hands.

All of them pulled out their grenades, rounded their arms, and threw them violently.

In an instant, more than twenty small black dots emitting white smoke circled and flew towards the U.S. military quickly.

The grenade was so precise that it almost sealed off all their exposed spaces.

"Lie down! Cover up!"

The U.S. sergeant wanted to send two shuttles to Wu Qianli, but when he saw the white smoke of the grenade rolling down not far away, he quickly hid in the bunker.


There was a violent explosion, and a large number of shrapnel were deeply embedded in the dead trees in front of the American soldiers.

In the billowing black smoke, a Wu Qianli armed with a Thomson submachine gun rushed over, followed by a dozen soldiers from the reconnaissance platoon.

"Since there is a systematic bonus for every shot, it's better to play a little bigger, maybe we can get rid of these American devils sooner."

Wu Qianli looked at the submachine gun next to a corpse on the ground, quickly shoveled it with his foot, picked it up, and the submachine gun flew into the air in an instant, and Wu Qianli caught it firmly.

"What? What does this volunteer army want to do? Is he crazy?"

An American soldier just raised his gun, and was taken aback when he saw Wu Qianli holding a double submachine gun.

You must know that the Thomson submachine guns of the US military have extremely strong recoil when fired in bursts.

Even a tight grip with both hands cannot guarantee [-]% stability, let alone holding two guns.

The eyes of the U.S. military were stunned at first, and then turned to contempt and questioning.

Seeing this, Wu Qianli just raised the corner of his mouth slightly, raised his gun and immediately pulled the trigger.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The flames of the submachine gun flashed, and all the bullets hit the American soldier steadily, piercing through blood holes one after another.


The American soldier with damaged internal organs felt a sweetness in his throat, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and fell heavily on the cold snow.

Until the last moment of his death, there was still a trace of unbelievable panic in his eyes.

"Rush to the past! Annihilate them all in one go!"

Wu Qianli roared angrily, raised the muzzles on both sides of the gun, and pulled the trigger directly after aiming slightly.

Although he held the butt of the Thomson submachine gun tightly, under the strong recoil, the muzzle still fluttered uncontrollably from time to time.

However, what shocked the U.S. military was that the bullets fired in this way, as if they had eyes, actually penetrated the head of the U.S. military with no mistakes.

"Shit! God bless, this volunteer army must be just lucky."

An American non-commissioned officer gripped the butt of his Garand rifle in prayer, his body raised slightly.

"Hoo ho ho..."


There was only a crisp sound of metal being knocked into the air, and the American steel helmet that had just been exposed was hit by a point shot, and it was directly knocked into the air.

The American soldier was frightened and wanted to dodge immediately, but under the impact of the bullet, the helmet directly turned his head to the side and back.


With a scream from the American soldier, his neck was directly twisted under the force of the helmet.


Hearing the sound of a broken spine, the U.S. soldier kicked his legs and struggled a few times in pain, then gradually lost consciousness.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly! These volunteers are monsters, they are simply invincible!"

A U.S. sergeant looked at the soldier with a broken neck, dropped the M3 submachine gun in his hand in panic, and ran towards the rear screaming.

The other American soldiers were also shocked by Wu Qianli's fierce charge, and they lost the will to resist one after another, and fled to the rear in a hurry.

This time, it wasn't just the U.S. military that was shocked, even Ping He and other reconnaissance platoon fighters couldn't help opening their mouths, looking at Wu Qianli in a little surprise.

It is understandable to use a pistol to hit a hundred shots before. After all, the US military is densely packed and the pistol bullets are relatively stable.

Later, they used a sniper rifle to hit a hundred shots, and they could guess that it was the blessing of a sniper scope and a stabilizer.

But now... Fuck, I haven't seen a submachine gun that can hit a hundred shots!
In particular, the operation of overturning the helmet and killing the enemy with a burst of fire made Wu Qianli directly named the gun god in the hearts of these sharpshooters.

"Tsk, when did this company commander practice marksmanship secretly? I guess I won't be able to do it this time."

"No, after I go back, I must pester the company commander and ask him to teach me the secret."

Ping He glanced at Wu Qianli's back with great admiration, and thought while clenching the sniper rifle in his hand.

"Company commander, let's snipe and kill all these American devils, don't leave them alive!"

Looking at the US troops fleeing in all directions ahead, Ping He followed Wu Qianli's usual style and was determined to wipe them out.

"No, we've already counted down the majesty, let the comrades retreat immediately, don't love to fight!"

Wu Qianli hesitated for half a second, and immediately rejected Ping He's proposal, with a little worry in his heart.


Although Pinghe was somewhat puzzled by Wu Qianli's order, his body already retreated backwards on a conditioned reflex.

Just as the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon were retreating up the mountain like a tide, the U.S. troops down the mountain had already set up howitzers.

"Oh sir, are you sure we want to bombard immediately? What if we accidentally wound our own soldiers?"

An old artilleryman looked at the officer behind him and questioned him.

"You idiot, the gunshots on the mountain have stopped, didn't you hear it, immediately fire at the location of the gunshots!"

"If you delay the battle because of you, shoot immediately on the spot!"

The US military chief drew out his pistol angrily, and roared loudly at the old artilleryman.

This is also one of the plans of the US military officers. They rely on this group of cannon fodder to search for traces of the volunteers. Once they fire, they can kill and injure the defenders of the volunteers by shelling.

As long as he quickly captured Xiaokaolin, he would open up the retreat of the U.S. Army on the Eastern Front.

Even if he cruelly sacrificed the lives of some US troops, he is still a hero of the Seventh Division of the US Marine War.

"Yes, sir!"

The artillerymen figured this out, no longer hesitated, and quickly stuffed the heavy shells into the barrel.

Anyway, they weren't the ones who sacrificed, and they could enjoy the dividends of retreat, so why bother to be that Madonna whore.

"49 degrees to the northeast, five rapid fires, extended fire coverage, release!"

Accompanied by a shout from the US artillery commander, the US artillery quickly adjusted the position of the muzzle and pulled it violently.


The cannon was ejected from the chamber, and the white smoke scattered in an instant, and seven or eight large-caliber grenades smashed towards the mountainside.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Continuous explosions resounded through the sky, and the rising mushroom cloud reached a height of three to four meters. The shock waves scattered at a high speed broke down the dead trees around.

Ping He, who was running up the mountain, almost staggered and fell to the ground. Looking back at the huge scorched pits, he felt a moment of fear.

"Is the company commander being guided by the gods? How can he be so accurate..."

Wu Jin, a member of the reconnaissance platoon, looked at the billowing gunpowder smoke behind him, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva and said with emotion.

"Stop that set, speed up and return to the station, we are not safe yet!"

Wu Qianli reached out and knocked Wu Jin on the head, and shouted for comrades to hurry up and transfer.

Sure enough, shortly after they withdrew to the distance on the mountain, extended shots from the US military behind them followed one after another.

The soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon were engulfed by the heat wave behind them and retreated to the station, but no one died.

"Brother, are you okay? The American devils are so fucking vicious, they don't even care about their own people."

Wu Wanli on the ground rushed to Wu Qianli anxiously, and was relieved when he saw that nothing was wrong, and cursed in the direction of the US military.

"These American devils are calling for human rights every day, but in the end they are doing things that these pigs and dogs are inferior to."

Mei Sheng shook his head with a sigh, and became more determined to drive the US troops into the sea.

"Don't worry, no matter how vicious they are, they won't hurt us at all."

"Pinghe, disperse all the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon, and pay close attention to the movement of the American troops down the mountain, as well as the path up the mountain, and report any abnormalities immediately!"

Wu Qianli pinched his chin and thought for a moment, then quickly ordered to Pinghe.


Ping He, who had just sat down, bounced up in an instant, and led the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon down to carry out the mission without complaint.

"Company commander, do you think... the American devils will attack immediately?"

Mei Sheng frowned, as if he didn't agree with it.

"Okay, company commander, our firepower platoon has been building fortifications for a long time. After taking the shovel for so long, it's time to pick up the submachine gun and do it!"

As soon as Yu Congrong heard the words that the U.S. military was going to attack, his eyes lit up with excitement, and he immediately called for a fight.

"Don't worry, it will happen sooner or later. Don't be in a hurry. Now let's strengthen the air-raid shelter. I guess the American devils will use their three-axes to greet us again."

Wu Qianli thought about it, and chose the safe course.

After all, their task now was to defend Kokaolin for three days, and the longer it lasted, the better it would be for them. It was only the U.S. military that was eager to open the retreat gap.


Yu Congrong knew that he might face a heavy bombing by the US military, so he quickly responded and continued to strengthen the fortifications with the fire platoon.

"Brother, it's rare for you to be so cautious. Are we going to face ten times as many American devils again?"

Wu Wan's face showed a trace of solemnity, and he guessed in a low voice.

"It could be a battalion, a regiment, or even a division!"

"No matter how many people there are, we have to hold on to this mountain. This is an opportunity for our Chinese soldiers to shock the world!"

As Wu Qianli said, he clenched the cold gun body in his hand, and looked very firmly into the distance.

In the distance, clusters of red lights were blooming densely. Under the bombardment of countless planes circling, countless steel torrents of the US military were rushing fiercely towards the positions of the volunteers.

Everyone's eyes froze, and there was a trace of uneasiness about the next battle in their hearts.

The protruding US troops, no matter how many, can only be blocked by them.

This is a tenacious defense, a hard resistance, and a battle of great disparity in strength, and the remaining time to stick to it is about two days.

"Add support at the entrance of the air-raid shelter, don't let comrades be buried alive..."

Wu Qianli estimated the explosive firepower of the US military, and said cautiously.


The soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company nodded heavily and joined in the reinforcement of the air-raid shelter.

At the foot of the mountain, the American soldiers stationed there couldn't help but feel their hearts sink when they saw the few colleagues who had fled back.

These U.S. troops were not killed, which means that they were defeated within a few minutes of shooting.

And based on the estimation of the dense gunfire, this should have been a close battle, but it ended like this.

Thinking of this, the U.S. military officers couldn't help but glance at the direction of the volunteers on the mountain with some trepidation.

"Sir, Brigadier General Laroulac once again urged us to launch an attack immediately?"

At this time, a US military sergeant ran over and asked cautiously while handing over the telegram.

"Shit! We only have such a small force. Facing that army, launching an attack from the bottom up, isn't it courting death?"

The US military officer threw the battle report to the ground, cursing with displeasure on his face.

The American soldiers behind them couldn't help trembling when they heard "that army".

That's right, based on the gunshots just now, they had already guessed that the troops stationed on the mountain were the Seventh Interlude Company.

After all, in the entire volunteer army, only the Seventh Interlude Company is equipped with American weapons.

"Build a position in place and wait for reinforcements to arrive."

"As long as we concentrate our superior forces and firepower, no matter how elite this volunteer army is, it won't last a day!"

The US military officer snorted coldly, and immediately said a harsh word, full of confidence in the upcoming battle.


At this moment, there was a roar of military vehicles and tank motors behind them.

A large number of US troops broke through the Ninth Army's external defense line and are coming for support.

Until the sunset was about to end, Alexander, the head of the US Marine Regiment [-], had taken over the command of the attack, and raised the telescope in his hand to observe the situation on the mountain.

At this time, the U.S. military under the mountain had also assembled a regiment of troops, and the ratio of the troops of the Seventh Interspersed Company reached a terrifying dozens to one.

Not only that, but the U.S. military has assembled a large number of heavy tanks and a series of large-caliber howitzers.

"Sir, the whole army is assembled, and we can go up the mountain to launch a fierce attack at any time."

A US battalion commander stood straight in front of Alexander, reporting loudly.

"No, this army is extraordinary, and its combat effectiveness is extremely fierce."

"Even the elite polar bear group has been defeated by them, we must not easily go up the mountain to fight with them!"

"Order the tanks and the artillery battalion to concentrate all their firepower, regardless of the shells, and aim at the mountain in advance for a violent bombardment!"

Alexander said, frowning, and waved towards the position of the artillery battalion.

The artillery battalion who received the order immediately adjusted the position of the muzzle, and heavy shells piled up all over the ground.

Even the U.S. tanks raised their muzzles, aiming murderously at the position above the hillside of Xiaogaoling.

 Thank you for the four monthly tickets cast by Cha Tongwu, and thank you for the monthly tickets in the box that you voted for thousands of years

(End of this chapter)

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