The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 154 The strength of Shangganling!Van Vleet ammo!

Chapter 154 The strength of Shangganling!Van Vleet ammo!

"Give me a hard hit! Fuck these bastards to death!"

Wu Qianli roared angrily, raised his submachine gun, and shot at the U.S. troops.

It wasn't just him, the angry soldiers of the Seventh Interlude Company took the risk to stand up one after another, raised their guns and shot towards the densely populated US troops.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

The orange-red gun flames flickered fiercely, and countless bullets spewed out at an extremely high speed, making a whistling sound piercing the air.

A dozen or so U.S. troops in the front row were shot in the body immediately, and a burst of blood sprayed out rapidly.

"Shit! How can the volunteer army have such strong firepower!"

Alexander, who wanted to take the lead in the charge, was pushed back directly, and cursed viciously
Many U.S. troops were also frightened and kept shouting for God.

Under the spray of countless fire snakes, the bursting gravel and corpses quickly rolled down, hitting many advancing US troops.

Wu Qianli abruptly emptied a magazine, and a dozen American soldiers had already fallen where the gun pointed.

At this moment, the goose feather and heavy snow fell one after another, dyeing Wu Qianli's khaki military uniform into plain white.

But the cold snow particles could not extinguish the raging fire in his heart, and the blood and wounds of comrades in the reconnaissance platoon had already pierced his heart.

"Wanli, stay by my side and reload my submachine gun!"

Wu Qianli looked at the U.S. troops within 150 meters, and his killing intent rose violently.

At this moment, he could no longer care about any side effects.

He wants to use the intensive firepower of every shot to kill this American army!

Wu Wanli looked at Wu Qianli's red eyes, and his heart trembled.

He hastily brought two loaded Thomson submachine guns, and a large number of clips.

"I'll kill all these American devils!"

Wu Qianli roared angrily, and grabbed two Thomson submachine guns.

I saw him holding two guns, with his chest against the butt of the guns, his body formed a stable triangle with the soil wall and the gun body, and then he slammed the trigger.

"Da da da da da da da da da..."

The bullets of the two submachine guns shot out violently, roaring across the battlefield.

Some U.S. troops laughed out loud when they saw Wu Qianli's way of holding up guns.

"Oh, God, this volunteer army must have lost his head, so the bullets will not float into the sky!"

A U.S. military man stretched his brows, and looked at Wu Qianli with his head half exposed, laughing and laughing.

Seeing this, an American non-commissioned officer also laughed, his eyes froze, and he planned to shoot to understand Wu Qianli.

But soon, he stopped laughing.

"Da da da……"


Accompanied by the muffled sound of a bullet penetrating through, a puddle of brains mixed with blood mist splashed on the face of the US sergeant.

"Oh no, that's impossible!"

The U.S. sergeant wiped the sticky mixture from his face and shouted in horror.

Obviously, only half of the head of the US military around him was exposed, but the bullets were able to penetrate the steel helmets of the US military by rubbing stones at tricky angles.

" must be luck!"

After being stunned for a moment, the U.S. military sergeant immediately mustered up his courage and wanted to get up and shoot.

However, the moment he got up, his eyes hadn't been exposed yet, and the helmet on his head had already been hit by a bullet.


The bullet hit the helmet, making a crisp metal impact sound.

Although, fortunately, the head of this American soldier was not directly penetrated.

However, the huge potential energy turned his helmet and head backwards, twisting his spine abruptly!


There was a crisp sound of bone shattering, and the U.S. military sergeant fell to the ground and twitched his body, completely losing his ability to move.

"Brother, isn't this a fucking submachine gun..."

Wu Wanli stared blankly at Wu Qianli's terrifying hit rate, his face full of shock.

"Change bombs!"

Wu Qianli emptied a magazine, threw the Thomson in his hand, picked up a new one, and shouted loudly.

He didn't explain too much, he just wanted to pay homage to the dead comrades with the blood of these American devils!

When Wu Qianli raised the gun again, the side effects of dizziness in his mind had already begun to appear.

But he still gritted his teeth and frantically pulled the trigger to the bottom.

Two precise and venomous fire snakes spurted out from his hands, like the sword of death, crazily slaughtering the lives of American soldiers.

"Shit! Concentrate your firepower and kill the Volunteer Army's killer!"

Knowing that it was that tough stubble again, Alexander shouted in panic.

Upon hearing this, several U.S. troops immediately loaded their rockets and aimed at Wuqianli's position.

However, before they could shoot, their bodies were quickly pierced by several submachine gun bullets, and blood gushed out from the blood holes one by one.

At this moment, no matter whether it was the charging US troops or the soldiers of the Seventh Penetrating Company on the ground, they were all stunned.

When the firepower density of the two submachine guns is combined with the accuracy of every shot, it is almost impossible to solve!

Within 150 meters, Wu Qianli who can output stably is almost invincible!
"Relief! It's really his grandma's relief!"

"Company commander, the American devils have been crushed to death!"

Yu Congrong took aim at the muzzle of his gun and found that no one dared to show his face anymore, so he shouted excitedly.

In just 2 minutes, Wu Qianli directly killed half a platoon of American soldiers!

But at this moment, Wu Qianli felt a dizziness like an electric shock hit his brain directly, and the scene in front of him instantly became hazy.

With a soft hand, he dropped the submachine gun to the ground and leaned against the ditch with his temples.

"Brother, how are you? Are you okay?"

Seeing Wu Qianli's pale face, Wu Wanli rushed forward and asked
"In one go, annihilate the first wave of US troops attacking the mountain!"

Wu Qianli grabbed Wu Wanli's hand and whispered in his ear.

He understands that only in this way can the U.S. military be given a head-on blow, hurting them until they doubt themselves and stop moving forward.

Otherwise, the superiority in firepower and military strength will crush the seventh interspersed company to death, and Wu Qianli will be powerless even if he is possessed by a god.

"Don't worry, company commander, leave it to me!"

A murderous look flashed across Wu Wanli's eyes, and he immediately took out a grenade and aimed at the few remaining hiding places of the US military.

At this time, Alexander looked at the corpses all over the ground and understood the seriousness of the situation.

"No, the vanguard troops who dare to die are wiped out, and no troops will charge..."

"Light and heavy fire cover, let them all withdraw!"

Alexander immediately made a fighting gesture, signaling the vanguard to retreat, and the heavy machine guns and mortars behind him also fired.

"Grandma, how can a duck fly when you eat it?!"

"Concentrate your firepower, seal off the escape routes of the American devils, and don't let them escape!"

While roaring, Yu Congrong turned his gun and fired at the US military bunker.

On the position, heavy and light firepower made intensive roars, tightly strangling the US military's retreat route.

Two U.S. troops wanted to take the risk of rushing back, but they were beaten into a sieve just as they appeared.

Seeing this, the other U.S. troops had no choice but to cling to the bunker tightly, not daring to show their heads.

Just when they thought they would be temporarily safe in this way, Wu Wanli had already bitten off the tabs of two grenades.

"Blow up these bastards!"

Wu Wanli shouted and threw two grenades with all his strength.

The grenade emitting white smoke circled and flew towards the US military bunker quickly.

"oh my god!"

The U.S. military behind the bunker looked at the precisely dropped grenade and immediately yelled to lie down.

However, at this time, a brilliant flame had completely engulfed them.


The explosion of the grenade air blast was deafening, and the shrapnel like flowers scattered by the goddess immediately divided the U.S. troops behind the bunker.

"Good boy! I knew you were going to be empty-handed! Come again!"

Yu Congrong looked at the flames blooming in the distance, and immediately threw a few more grenades at him.

"Hmph, look!"

The corner of Wu Wanli's mouth raised slightly, he bit off the metal tab of the grenade, and continued to use the air blast.

Soon, the U.S. troops behind the bunkers were engulfed in an instant sea of ​​flames.

On the huge battlefield, only the bunker at a distance of more than 130 meters has not been cleared.

"Grandma's, it's too far! I don't have that much strength, I can't reach it at all."

Wu Wanli rubbed his numb arm and said in pain.

"Gua Wazi, are you just throwing it away yourself and using our cannon platoon as a display?"

Lei Gong watched Wu Wanli and Wu Qianli's performance for a while, and stared angrily.

There is no way, ammunition is in short supply, and if bullets and grenades can solve the problem, they have no suitable reason to fire.

Now that Jiang finally had a target, Lei Gong immediately set up the mortar, gestured with his thumb, and immediately stuffed the shell into the muzzle.

The black shell shot up into the sky in an instant, hitting the back of the bunker with precision, and the bodies of several American soldiers were blown out.

So far, a company attacked by the US vanguard was wiped out in just 8 minutes!

Alexander clenched his fists tightly, his body trembling slightly but helpless.

Their original plan was to use rounds of attacks to wear down the bullets and morale of the Volunteers.

Then launched a large-scale onslaught to completely annihilate the seventh interspersed company, which was at the end of its strength.

But now Wu Qianli, a fierce man, led the company to directly eat up the vanguard, and the U.S. military's wheel battle was completely declared bankrupt.

"Telegram Nicholas, cancel the original plan, implement the backup doomsday plan, and die with this volunteer army!"

Alexander gritted his teeth, looked at the highlands piled up with American corpses, and said with a low growl.

"Yes, sir!"

When the adjutant of the U.S. military on the side heard the doomsday plan, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly nodded in response.

This is to directly advance the final onslaught, relying on both firepower and human life, and desperately suffering heavy casualties to win Xiaokaolin.

Soon, at the artillery position, Nicholas received the telegram, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes immediately.

He didn't expect that this group of volunteers would be so strong that they could push the battle to this point so quickly.

However, he still nodded slightly, and with a solemn expression, he ordered the reinforcements, and the artillery support started the highest level bombing.

"Raise the muzzle, turn right five secret positions, and prepare to fire!"

Nicholas slowly raised his right hand, and made several fighting gestures to the flag bearer behind him, preparing to bomb.

"General, is it wrong? The intensive artillery fire of this base is almost never..."

The flag bearer looked at Nicholas' gesture, his expression changed instantly, and he asked immediately.

According to Nicholas' order, they will shoot out the remaining [-]% of the shells at one time, and plow the hillside by half a meter!

"Fuck you! Are you questioning my orders!?"

Nicholas drew out his pistol angrily, pointed it directly at the head of the American flag bearer, and roared loudly.

"Oh nonono! I'll pass it on!"

The American flag bearer was frightened into a cold sweat, and quickly waved the flag.

The U.S. artillerymen on the artillery position were surprised when they saw this.

They hurriedly got piles of snow beside them, ready to cool the gun muzzle at any time, and then they lifted the heavy shells and stuffed them into the gun bore.

"Fire! (Fire!)"

With an order, rows of artillery roared violently.

The huge recoil caused the barrels of the cannons to shake back suddenly, and the white smoke choked everyone on the spot coughing again and again

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, continuous and violent explosions sounded on the seventh interspersed company's position.

The dense cannons of the US military did not stop as usual, but kept roaring.

Clusters of orange fires kept blooming, and the whole snow ridge seemed to be trembling slightly.

The shock wave of the explosion set off countless dirt and snow particles, and the blazing flames covered the front of the position, like a purgatory on earth.

Mei Sheng originally yelled loudly to lie down and hide, but soon the dust choked into his lungs and coughed repeatedly.

Even Yu Congrong and Lei Gong kept their mouths shut. Now that their voices were under fire, they couldn't even be called mosquitoes.

Wu Qianli clung to the earth wall of the trench, shaking with the explosion.

At this time, there were bursts of sharp tinnitus in his ears, and bursts of scorching high temperature baked his khaki military uniform.

I don't know how long it took, when the muzzle of a cannon on the US artillery position cracked, the violent bombing finally came to an end.

"Grandma, I've already given Van Fleet ammunition to Lao Tzu before we reach Shangganling!"

Wu Qianli wiped his blackened face, gritted his teeth and cursed.

The soldiers in the trench slowly emerged, and many of them were dug out by their comrades from under the half-collapsed earth wall, and some weapons were blown away.

"Grandma, the two divisions of the Japanese devils didn't have such firepower back then. These American devils wanted to bury us alive!"

Yu Congrong threw out the half-broken submachine gun, set up the Browning heavy machine gun that was still in good condition, and cursed through gritted teeth.

"Ding—the system prompts: There are 47 minutes left in the mission of defending Xiaokaolin, and the U.S. military will launch its last violent attack!"

"Please host as much as possible to complete the task, defend Xiao Gaoling, and survive!"

"Repeat, survive!"

When the long-lost system notification sounded, Wu Qianli was shocked.

"Hold on...survive..."

Wu Qianli looked at the wounded comrades around him, raising his gun with determination, and a trace of madness flashed in his eyes.

"Come on, American devils, don't wait for Shangganling, Xiaogaoling is your burial place!"

Wu Qianli yanked the bolt of the gun, and the sound of metal friction caused a burst of murderous aura.

Soon, densely packed steel helmets appeared as scattered soldiers, and gradually broke into the field of vision of the Seventh Interlude Company.

Countless white U.S. soldiers laid out firepower points, and fired Browning heavy machine guns towards the mountain.

Mortars are roaring!

The bazooka is raging!

The grenade is threatening!
The U.S. military blocked all possessions, covered countless U.S. soldiers and launched the most violent final blow!
 Thanks to imon, book friend 20210408133930797, Shen Shiranui Mai, book friend 20170318225900698, book friend 20180205153409721, book friend 20200806034523415, book friend 20181212170554636 for the monthly vote~
(End of this chapter)

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