The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 164 MacArthur's Kill Order to Wu Li!

Chapter 164 MacArthur's Kill Order against Wu Qianli!
Watergate Bridge, Pump House (U.S. Army Command)
Marshall, the US military commander, pinched his chin and stared at the defense map of the Watergate Bridge, with a slight hook of his mouth, showing a hint of complacency.

"Sir, our defense of the Water Gate Bridge is airtight, and it is absolutely impossible for those damn volunteers to blow up the bridge deck."

"If the volunteers still dare to come, those battered corpses will be their end!"

US military adjutant Bauer looked at Marshall with a smile, and flattered him.

Seeing that Marshall did not respond, Bauer cleared his throat, and was about to continue to praise deeply, but was interrupted by Marshall waving his hand.

"The defense of the Water Gate Bridge is by no means impenetrable. As long as there are capable people in the volunteer army, they will definitely find that weak point."

As Marshall said, his eyes moved to the right, fixedly fixed on the direction of the water pipe leading to the pump room.

"This...sir, I will go down immediately and tell the soldiers to strengthen the defense of the thick water pipe, and never let them come in from there."

U.S. military adjutant Bauer followed Marshall's gaze, and a cold sweat broke out on his back immediately, and he was about to rush out in a hurry.


Marshall frowned, and immediately stopped Adjutant Bauer's actions.

"Sir, our defense is empty. If the volunteers really break through, you may all be in danger..."

Ball was a little confused about what Marshall meant, scratching his head, hesitant to speak.

"But this also gives us a chance to wipe out these volunteers, doesn't it?"

"Bauer, do you know what kind of gun is the most deterrent?"

"It's a gun with a well-loaded bullet aimed at our hearts, but it didn't pull the trigger!"

Marshall took out a pistol with a flashing black iron streamer, and said while playing with it.

"Sir, what do you mean, let the volunteers come in, annihilate them all, and make them completely lose the ability to blow up the Shuimen Bridge?"

Bauer pondered for a moment, his whole body was shaken, and he suddenly guessed what Marshall was thinking.

"But... is it really worth it to deal with a remnant army with such great fanfare?"

Bauer sneered when he recalled the volunteers who failed to blow up the bridge before.

He admitted that those Chinese soldiers were very brave.

However, those small groups of volunteers with poor equipment, a shortage of cotton clothes, and weak combat forces can be suppressed with firepower.


"Idiot! When is it your turn to question me!?"

Marshall's face darkened, and he slapped Bauer's face fiercely, his eyes were full of disgust like looking at a fool.

"Do you think General MacArthur sent me just to defend the Watergate Bridge?"

"Internationally, the prestige of the United States has been greatly damaged by the 'ghost' force of the volunteer army."

"The old gentlemen in Europe are starting to look at the Far East. Once we fail again..."

After Marshall finished speaking, he took a deep breath, and his mind was full of those two shit-stirring sticks, England and France, who were clamoring for independence.

"The little army god of the Volunteer Army, Wu Qianli, must die! These are the exact words that General MacArthur telegraphed to me..."

After Marshall finished speaking, he waved his hand a little tiredly, and let Bauer go down to prepare.

"Yes! China's ghost army must be wiped out under the holy light of God!"

Ball nodded heavily, with a fierce look in his eyes.

On the Shuimen Bridge in Northeast Korea, two gamblers with extremely unequal strengths began to place all their bets...

If the U.S. army wins, Wuqianli and the Seventh Interlude Company will be wiped out, the U.S. Army on the Eastern Front will flee, and the U.S. international prestige will be greatly restored.

The Soviet and Eastern European media who had previously touted the Seventh Interlude Company will be slapped in the face, the morale of the volunteers will be greatly damaged, and the future of New China will be even more precarious.

If you win five thousand miles, the first U.S. army formation will be destroyed, and the current U.S. political situation will be in turmoil.

China will rely on this battle to shock the world, or it will win a big victory in advance and end the Korean War earlier than in history!


Near Water Gate Bridge

Wu Qianli was leading the reconnaissance platoon, taking advantage of the cover of night, to quietly touch the Shuimen Bridge.

Different from the other two roads, Wu Qianli had to get closer to the water pipe leading to the pump room, which was more difficult, longer and more dangerous.

When Wu Qianli led the army to a few hundred meters away, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

He quickly raised his right hand, and with a combat gesture, the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon immediately lay down in the snow.

The snow in the middle of the night was mixed with the howling wind, and everyone shivered as soon as they lay down.

"Brother, why don't you continue walking forward?"

Wu Wanli looked at the motionless Wu Qianli, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Don't make a sound."

Wu Qianli put his finger up to his mouth, signaling that everyone was quiet, and looked into the distance.

Sure enough, at this time, a huge and dazzling beam of light came, and it happened to sweep to their hiding place.

Once they just slowed down a little, I am afraid that they have been sieved by the US military who discovered it in advance.

"so close……"

Wu Wanli sighed in his heart, and glanced at Wu Qianli with admiration.

But after the beam of light passed, Wu Qianli still lowered his hands and pricked up his ears, listening to the subtle voice not far away.


Hearing only the very slight sound of stepping on the snow, Ping He immediately clenched the rifle in his hand vigilantly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

"It's probably the sentinels placed here by the U.S. military. Don't shoot, just get rid of them quietly."

After Wu Qianli expressed his meaning with fighting gestures, he immediately took out the bayonet at his waist.

Hearing this, Ping He secretly nodded and got ready.

"Only four people..."

Wu Qianli listened to the footsteps for a while, and immediately made a judgment in his heart.

Ping He obviously heard it too, told the other fighters not to act rashly, and he and Wu Qianli would just settle it.

When there are too many people and there is a lot of noise, it is easy to cause bad things.

Not far away, the patrolling US sentry walked talking and laughing, not very wary.

"Oh, Jimmy, those Chinese troops are really funny, trying to blow up the bridge with that little man gun."

American sergeant Andy thought of the bridge bombing troops suppressed by the firepower, and couldn't help grinning and said with a smile.

"That's right, those Chinese troops only relied on their superiority to defeat us, and they actually thought that they could break through with a small force, hmph!"

Another U.S. non-commissioned officer, Jimmy, snorted coldly, disdainful of the combat effectiveness of the Volunteers in his words.

They have just been transported and landed by the aircraft carrier, and have not really fought against the volunteers, so they still retain the arrogance in the bones of the US military.

"It doesn't matter, you will soon see the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army."

Hearing the approaching voice, Wu Qianli raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and sneered in his heart.

Soon, the U.S. sentry was only a few steps away from Wuqianli and Pinghe, but the accident happened just at this time.


Accompanied by the whistling sound like a whistle, the biting cold wind suddenly became more violent.

On Wu Qianli's body, the originally relatively stable white cloak was lifted up immediately, and there was a rattling sound.


The leading American soldier froze in place, his eyes widened, and he didn't react for a while.


The moment Wu Qianli was stunned by the U.S. military, he jumped up from the snow and rushed towards the nearest U.S. sentinel.

A cold light flashed, and the sharp edge of the bayonet easily cut through the aorta of the American soldier, and warm blood gushed out.

At the same time, Ping He also moved quickly, stabbing the bayonet fiercely into the chest of an American soldier.

Before the American soldier could cover his heart, Ping He quickly kicked him to the ground, and took out the red-stained bayonet.

"Fuck you! Volunteer army night attack!"

When Jimmy reacted and cursed, Wu Qianli had already rushed to a position less than five meters away from him.

In a panic, he quickly raised the muzzle of his gun, intending to shoot at Wu Qianli.

However, Wu Qianli had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and directly dropped his gun, rushed forward to hold Jimmy's gun body with his hand, and sent a violent flying kick.


Jimmy hummed, feeling as if his chest had been hit by a high-speed truck, and he flew out weightlessly, while Wu Qianli snatched the gun directly.


Andy on the other side cursed, clenched his rifle tightly, and wanted to take advantage of Wu Qianli's time to clean up Jimmy, aiming at his back and shooting.


However, at this moment, a gust of wind approached violently and quickly, and the butt of the gun slammed into his head with great force.


Before Andy finished his English syllables, red and white brain and blood mist splashed out of his head.

It turned out that after Wu Qianli took Jimmy's gun, he directly swung his backhand at Andy, which made the U.S. military have no chance to fight back.

On the other side, Ping He also took advantage of the opportunity to kill Jimmy who was kicked to the ground, and nodded slightly to Wu Qianli.

"Keep going!"

Wu Qianli wiped away the blood from the bayonet with his dead US military uniform, and waved to the reconnaissance platoon soldiers behind him.

Soon, Wu Qianli and the others arrived at the water pipe under the Shuimen Bridge.

A thin layer of ice slag was frozen on the water pipe, and the thick pipe appeared to be very wide, enough for two or three people to travel in it at the same time.

"Brother, while the American devils are not paying attention, let's quickly blow up a hole and get in!"

Wu Wanli looked at the beams of searchlights one by one, and the countless US military patrols in the distance, and couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Don't worry, there is still one minute and 23 seconds..."

Wu Qianli looked at the slowly turning hands of the watch and said in a low voice.

As the pointer ticked, the fighters of the Seventh Interspersed Company and the other two routes gradually got ready to attack.


Shuimen Bridge North
Yu Congrong looked at the countless searchlights through the binoculars, his face darkened in disgust.

"His grandma, just rushing over like that, like a girl with a yellow flower who strips off her clothes and lets others tease her."

"No, tell comrades, as soon as the battle starts, I will destroy all those glowing ones!"

Yu Congrong gripped the Browning heavy machine gun tightly and said in a low growl.

"Platoon leader, the company commander is not here now, our firepower platoon doesn't have any sharpshooters, it may be a bit difficult."

The fire platoon soldier Tieniu came forward and said in a low voice.

"Grandma, you're so stupid! If you're not sure, just sweep two more shuttles. Wouldn't you know how to fight without a company commander?"

As Yu Congrong said, he patted Tie Niu's helmet with his right hand.


Tieniu straightened his helmet and said with a smirk.

An old soldier like him has fought poor battles for too long, and the subconscious idea of ​​saving bullets pops up from time to time, which limits the imagination of firepower tactics.

Soon, several leading soldiers of the fire platoon touched the US military position not far away, pulled out a grenade and threw it at the US military.

In the position, an American soldier was yawning when a grenade emitting white smoke hit him, startling him and running away on the spot.

"Grenade! Watch out..."

He immediately yelled in panic, pulled up his legs and ran out.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It's a pity that the loud noise of continuous explosions sounded one step earlier, and more than a dozen US troops were blown up on the spot.

In the orange flames, the sandbags on countless positions were blown to pieces, and the raised yellow sand covered the entire air.


Yu Congrong yelled, and set up a heavy machine gun to suppress the U.S. troops who wanted to take the lead.

At the same time, a large number of fire platoon soldiers fired at the searchlights of the US military, and intensive gunfire rang out violently.

Although most of the bullets drifted away into the darkness of the night sky, a few bullets still hit the searchlight.



Accompanied by a clear sound, the glass shards of countless searchlights shattered to the ground, and the bright north of the Shuimen Bridge was suddenly more than half dark.

"The American devil's eyes are blind! Go through it according to the predetermined plan, kill!"

Yu Congrong jumped up with a gun in his hand, and led the soldiers of the fire platoon to kill the darker American positions.


Shuimen Bridge South
When the U.S. military officers stationed heard the movement, they immediately called out hundreds of U.S. troops and rushed towards Yu Congrong and others for reinforcements.

However, at this moment, Lei Gong, who was holding up the binoculars, laughed out loud when he saw this scene.

"These American devils have finally acted. If we don't come here, our gun barrels will freeze."

"Pass down the order, as soon as the American devils arrive at the predetermined location, they will immediately fire and blow up their mother!"

Lei Gong waved his hand and roared domineeringly.

Soon, the soldiers of the artillery platoon looked at the right time and quickly stuffed the mortar shells into the barrel.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After the muffled sound of the shells being ejected, countless mortar shells shot up into the sky, and white smoke filled the air.

On the bridge, the reinforced American soldiers were immediately engulfed by clouds of fire, and they had to undergo a new round of artillery fire.

The attack on both sides of the Shuimen Bridge was very sudden, and a large number of US troops were quickly attracted by the huge movement, and they threw themselves into the defensive attack.


At this time, in front of the thick water pipe under the Shuimen Bridge

"It's time, do it now!"

Wu Qianli looked at the flames on the bridge, and immediately waved and ordered.


Wu Wanli responded loudly, rang the explosive package, and threw it towards the thick water pipe in front of him.


The fuze of the explosive package kept emitting sparks, and Wu Qianli and the others hurriedly retreated a certain distance, waiting for the explosion.


There was a loud explosion, and countless white steam gushed out of the water pipe, making a violent noise for a few seconds.

When the white smoke dissipated, a huge gap appeared, and there were scorched black and red marks around the water pipe.

"Pinghe, arrange a few soldiers to guard near the gap."

"Besides, other people rushed in with me, took the US military headquarters, and executed the beheading operation!"

Wu Qianli's eyes froze, and he rushed into the opening with a Thomson submachine gun in his hand.

 Thanks to Granier, imon voted for the monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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