The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 184 The decisive moment on the Eastern Front!

Chapter 184 The decisive moment on the Eastern Front!
Toping-ri, the US military frontline position
"Hello sir!"

"The soldiers of the 23rd Regiment are working hard to strengthen their positions. Do you have any instructions?"

Regiment leader Freeman saw division commander Byers coming to inspect and quickly saluted.

"Tell me, how is the situation?"

Major General Byers shrugged and asked.

"The main force of the Chinese army on the eastern front has just defeated the Ninth Regiment. It does not stop and is fighting all the way to Dipingli."

"Now, Toupingri is semi-surrounded."

"Fortunately, General Ridgway has already sent reinforcements. Now that we have sufficient troops and ammunition, we don't know when they will attack."

Colonel Freeman frowned slightly and said.

"The Chinese army wants to conquer Tuoping-ri in one go, open a gap in our eastern defense line, threaten the western front army, and force us to retreat in full."

"Let the soldiers be prepared. Their logistical support is insufficient. It is estimated that they will launch a swift attack after dark."

Major General Byers looked at the sun above his head and smiled.

"Sir, although there are five thousand elite Allied troops in Diping, the Chinese army has mobilized the entire main force of the Eastern Front."

"Moreover, Hengcheng has fallen and Dipingli has become a prominent isolated city. Once the battle is lost..."

Colonel Freeman sighed and said worriedly.

"Fuck you!"

"Don't you know how the Nine Regiments in Hengcheng were annihilated?"

"General Li Qiwei has issued a death order. Dipingli must be defended. This is related to the outcome of the entire fourth battle!"

Major General Byers said with stern eyes.

"Yes, sir!"

Colonel Freeman lowered his head and reluctantly agreed.

"The Chinese army is not that powerful. I think General Ridgway's magnetic tactics are extremely effective."

"As long as we successfully defeat them in Toping-ri, all the Allied boys will no longer be afraid of the so-called ghost troops."

At this time, a calm French officer limped over and spoke slowly.

"Mr. Lieutenant General Ralph?"

When Byers saw Ralph, he was slightly stunned and a little surprised.

He had heard of the legend of this French general, who was considered one of the few strong men in the French army.

He could have lived the rest of his life comfortably in France while resting on his military exploits.

But after the Korean War broke out, the United States formed the "United Nations Army" and sent troops to the Far East. The general immediately applied to the French upper class to lead troops to join.

So Ralph landed in North Korea with a battalion of elite French foreign troops and joined the war.

It is worth mentioning that Ralph voluntarily lowered his rank to lieutenant colonel just so that he could go abroad to fight.

"General Byers, I am just a lieutenant colonel commanding a battalion now. You don't have to salute me."

"At my request, General Ridgway approved the French army's reinforcements in Tuping-ri, and we can finally have a good fight with the Chinese army."

Ralph licked his lips gently, his blue eyes full of enthusiasm for fighting.

"Okay! With your troops stationed here, the chances of winning the battle at Topying-ri will be a little better."

"Now that the Chinese army is approaching, what do you think the chances of winning are to defend Touping-ri?"

Major General Byers complimented him first and then asked.

"Ten percent!"

Ralph smiled slightly and said rather disdainfully.

"Ten percent?"

Colonel Freeman's eyes widened and he shouted in disbelief.

"The Chinese military has no advantages at all except its tenacious will to fight."

"As long as the main logistics and reinforcements keep up, the battle of Topying-ri will be won!"

Ralph picked up a cigar and said confidently.

"Ha ha ha ha ha good!"

"Colonel Freeman, I'll leave Tupingli to you and Mr. Ralph. We'll see you at the celebration banquet after the victory tomorrow!"

Byers nodded with satisfaction and turned towards the helicopter, preparing to leave.

"Yes, sir!"

Freeman reluctantly gave a military salute and watched the division commander board the helicopter and fly away.


1951, midnight on February 2

The volunteers concentrated their superior forces and launched a fierce attack on Dipingli.

Ralph personally led the French battalion to the front line, taking advantage of superior firepower to repulse the attacks many times without risking his life.

Even the notorious French army fought so fiercely. The US military was not willing to raise the white flag before the French. That would be a great shame and humiliation.

As a result, the bloody spirit of Freeman and the US military was also ignited. They shouted God and America and resisted desperately.

Although the volunteers attacked quickly and fiercely, they only captured a few peripheral positions, and then fell into a tug-of-war.

As the morning sun began to rise, countless U.S. military planes flew in with the sound of rumbling engines and began to bombard the volunteers on the periphery indiscriminately.

After fighting all night, Ralph was not tired at all, but excitedly led the French battalion to launch a counterattack.

Freeman was afraid that something would happen to the French lieutenant general, so he quickly followed up with the main force of the US military.

The US howitzers showed off their power together, and the French battalion, under the cover of US tanks, fought their way out.

In the end, both sides suffered heavy casualties, but Topying-ri was still not captured.

The "United Nations Army" command ordered the 28th US Army Regiment to go to support, but it was discovered by Wu Qianli, who had already foreseen it.

The Gang 28th Regiment blocked the route of the [-]th Regiment of the US Army, which greatly slowed down the speed of US military support.

Until other volunteers gradually came closer, the 28th Regiment, which was secretly supporting, was afraid of being surrounded, so it simply gave up reinforcing Toiping-ri and turned around and retreated.

Li Qiwei did not give up and mobilized the 5th regiment of the [-]st US Cavalry Division for reinforcements.

However, due to the ambush arranged by the Eastern Front Command, the US 5th Regiment was unable to advance at all.

Although the U.S. troops in Dipingli were tenacious, reinforcements could not come in. The defenders were losing their lives one by one, and their effective strength was getting less and less.

At the same time, the end of the Volunteer Army's "Zhao Offensive" was approaching, and if they could no longer capture Topying-ri, they would have to withdraw.

Thus, the fourth battle reached its most critical moment.


In the command hall of the "United Nations Army" headquarters
"General, Toipingri has sent three urgent telegrams in succession."

"The Volunteer Army's offensive is getting more and more fierce. If we don't get reinforcements, they may not be able to hold on."

"Tiping-ri has become the core theater of war on the Eastern Front. Once it is lost, all our previous efforts will be in vain."

Chief of Staff Dole reminded in a low voice with a sad face.

"Hahahaha... don't worry, the defenders of Tuipingli suffered heavy losses, and the volunteers were not much better."

"As long as Toipingri continues to be nailed to the Eastern Front for three days, it only takes three days!"

"In three days, my 'magnetic suction tactics' will be successful, and the volunteers who are short of food and ammunition will inevitably retreat!"

Ridgway played with the cigar box in his hand and said without any panic.

"General, if Di Pingli cannot hold out for three days, we will be defeated."

"During the Battle of Changjin Lake, Major General Smith also thought that Shuimen Bridge could be defended, but as a result..."

Chief of Staff Dole hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and reminded.


Hearing this, Li Qiwei's blue eyes flashed with anger, but he was quickly suppressed by reason.

He understood that what Dole said made sense. The previous failures of the US military were largely due to the commander's pride.

"What you said makes sense. Toupingri has become a strategic location that determines victory or defeat. We must keep it."

"But I just sent two main regiments for reinforcements, but they were blocked by the volunteers. It is estimated that it will be difficult to reach them quickly if I send another one."

Ridgway put down the cigar box and said seriously.

"General, you have forgotten that we still have a trump card that allows us to reinforce Topyingri without any obstacles."

Chief of Staff Dole raised the corner of his mouth and reminded.

"Okay, I didn't expect it to be used so soon..."

"The 186th Airborne Regiment is ordered to airborne to Dipingli as quickly as possible. We must coordinate with the defenders and hold on for three days at all costs!"

After Li Qiwei hesitated for two seconds, he made his decision immediately.

"Yes, sir!"

Chief of Staff Dole immediately agreed and turned around to convey the order.

Soon, a US military regiment parachuted into Dipingli and joined the defensive operation.

The Volunteer Army subsequently launched many fierce attacks and suffered numerous casualties, but failed to open a breakthrough.

During the day, the volunteer commander in charge of the attack had to order a retreat again.


Shiji, in the command room, "Boss, a US military regiment is parachuted into Toipingri. Our army has been unable to attack for a long time, and the war situation is getting more and more unfavorable..."

Chief of Staff Xie looked at the battle report in his hand and sighed.

"Hey, it seems that Wu Qianli's warning is correct. Di Pingli will most likely not be able to fight to the death."

The boss rubbed his temples and said slowly.

"Wu Qianli? Did he foresee the current situation?"

Chief of Staff Xie put down the battle report and said in surprise.

"Yes, he also set up a blocking position in advance to block the 28th Regiment, which was secretly reinforced by the US military."

"Otherwise, do you think that old fox Ridgway would use the airborne regiment so quickly?"

The boss smiled slightly and asked.

"Boss, if that's the case, has Qianli provided any countermeasures?"

Chief of Staff Xie asked quickly with his eyes shining.


"But that's what gives me a headache."

The boss took a sip of steaming boiled water and said slowly.

"Boss, do Qianli want to give it a try again and get closer to the rear regardless of the risk?"

"This time is different from Changjin Lake. We are at a disadvantage. Instead, the US military wants to eat us."

Chief of Staff Xie frowned, mentally preparing to object.


"He hopes to withdraw early while our army still has three days of reserves!"

The boss narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"What? Withdraw troops early?"

"Boss, it's not certain whether we can capture Dipingli in three days. Once we capture it, the situation will be completely open."

"Withdraw troops at this time, unless...he predicts that we will not be able to capture it in the end."

Chief of Staff Xie said with some surprise.

"Lao Jie, the strategic goal of our counterattack is to crush the US military's defense and stabilize the front line near the [-]th parallel."

"Qianli's idea is not to simply withdraw troops, he has proposed a new plan."

The boss said with a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

"Hahahaha... This kid is doing the job of a regiment leader and is thinking about the Commander-in-Chief!"

When Chief of Staff Xie heard that it was true, he couldn't help laughing.

"A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. I think after the Korean War, this guy will have a chance, hahaha..."

"Here, look at the map."

"Qianli believes that the main force of our army on the eastern front can attack Tuiping-ri for half a day, and then pretend to be unable to attack and retreat in a hurry."

"Then our army will build defensive positions in the Hwachuan area to attract the US military to venture deep and fight us here!"

The boss pointed to the map mark of "Huachuan" and said.


"Qianli probably wanted to consume the invading U.S. troops in the Hwacheon Battle, making the U.S. military as a whole unable to attack, and ultimately allowing the fourth battle to end undefeated."

"But what if the U.S. military does not fall for the trick, but advances slowly, or even ignores Huachuan, and concentrates its forces to attack the western front?"

Chief of Staff Xie thought calmly for a moment and analyzed.

"There is an [-]% probability that Li Qiwei will attack, because as long as Hwachuan is captured, the US military can directly cross the Han River and reach Seoul. This is their best and fastest attack method."

"If they are willing to stick to the stalemate and consume, then our strategic goal will be achieved in advance. We can just wait for the follow-up legions and supplies to arrive, hahahahahaha..."

The boss said, letting out a hearty laugh.

"This kid Wu Qianli also used a conspiracy."

"Boss, in that case, let's make preparations early."

Chief of Staff Xie nodded slightly, approved the plan, and said.

"it is good!"

"Instruct the 27th Army and the Gangqi Regiment to quickly go to the Hwacheon area to build defenses and prepare for blocking operations."

"Instruct all the main forces on the Eastern Front to pretend that they are unable to attack and retreat quickly to lure the main forces of the U.S. Army on the Eastern Front to go deeper."

"When they kowtow to death in Huachuan, we can wait for an opportunity to eat some of their pursuers."

The boss waved his hand domineeringly and gave the order.


Chief of Staff Xie nodded in agreement and quickly went down to deliver the order.



The main force of the Volunteer Army on the eastern front launched its last fierce attack, then pretended that supplies were insufficient and had no choice but to retreat.

The soldiers of the French battalion and the American army burst into thunderous cheers as they looked at the retreating volunteers.

In the battle just now, Ralph, who personally rushed to the front line to fight, enjoyed hero-like treatment and was surrounded by French and American troops and caroused.

"Guys, have you seen it? This is the Chinese army that has been deified by the media!"

"Now, we have defended Toiping-ri, and they have been defeated at our feet!"

"But this is not enough, we have to continue to attack, attack!"

"Kill them all, even cross the Han River, and take back that damn Seoul!"

Ralph blushed, scratched his neck, and excitedly mobilized the soldiers.




The soldiers of the French battalion took the lead in raising their guns and shouting.

The American soldiers were also infected by the high morale, and they raised their guns and started shouting.

Almost everyone was caught up in the frenzy of battle, except... a certain American commander who was shot in the shoulder.

Freeman looked at Ralph, who was like a cult leader, and couldn't help but be stunned, his mind went blank.

"Mr. Lieutenant General Ralph, I know you are brave, but we have just finished a big battle and the soldiers are exhausted. If we launch an attack rashly..."

Freeman walked up to Ralph and reminded him in a low voice.

"Captain Freeman, are you afraid?"

"Look at these brave soldiers, don't you feel guilty?"

Ralph didn't give any face and retorted directly.

"Mr. Ralph, don't you feel strange that the volunteers retreated too suddenly?"

"I have no fear, but I am responsible for the lives of the soldiers."

Freeman suppressed his anger and reminded calmly.

"It doesn't matter. French soldiers will create new military glory. Just lead your people and continue to hold on."

After Ralph finished speaking, he made a fist gesture with his right hand, and the French battalion immediately gathered together.

"Guys, follow me in pursuit!"

Ralph picked up the MAS35 pistol and shouted loudly.

The soldiers of the French battalion did not hesitate at all. They immediately picked up their guns and jumped onto the military vehicle.

"Go on, go on an adventure with your lieutenant general, damn..."

Freeman looked at the French battalion vehicles rushing out and sighed with a headache.

"Sir, why are these French troops so brave? They fight like they are desperate for their lives."

"With all due respect, this seems a little different from their poor performance in World War II."

A US military officer asked in disbelief.

"Humph, France relies on these foreign legions to maintain some dignity."

Freeman snorted and said disdainfully.

"Sir, do we really not care about them?"

The US military officer turned and asked.

"Fuck you! I really don't want to deal with these lunatics, but I can't let anything happen to the French Lieutenant General!"

"You can follow him with your tank company. I hope he won't ruin the American armored forces."

Ralph hesitated for a moment, but finally sighed and said helplessly.

"Yes, sir!"

After the US military officer responded, he hurriedly led the tank company and chased in the opposite direction of the French camp.

(End of this chapter)

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