The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 199 The whole of China is our strong backing!

Wu Jin from the reconnaissance vanguard team quickly ran back to the tunnel, still breathing heavily.

"How's the situation?"

Wu Qianli quickly approached and handed over the military kettle and asked.

"The American devils are working hard to clear mines now!"

Wu Jin took a drink of water and said quickly.

"Let them clear the mines slowly! These mines are enough to fend them off for a while."

Wu Qianli nodded and said with a smile.

"What we want now is to delay, and the longer the delay, the better."

"And the mines I laid are not that easy to eliminate."

Having said this, the smile on Wu Qianli's lips became even stronger.

Because Wu Qianli deliberately placed some mines and arranged booby traps.

The US military engineers will definitely suffer if they are used as ordinary landmines to clear them, which can also delay the US military to the maximum extent.

What Gang [-] needs right now is time, so the longer it takes, the better.

"Captain, do you want us to continue investigating a few more times?"

Wu Jin asked after drinking a bottle of water and wiping his mouth.

"It's okay. Everyone who needs to rest has rested and recuperated. Let's have some fun with these foreign devils tonight."

Wu Qianli waved his hand and said.

"I guess those mines won't be able to stop them for too long. They will launch an attack in the afternoon."

Lei Gong shook his pipe and said.

Wu Qianli said nonchalantly: "Just let them come, and we can just use the old method to deal with them."

"But at night, they will definitely not dare to attack. By then, it will be our turn to fight back."

"If there is a chance, we will have fun with them."

At the same time, on the battlefield, two US military engineers were removing an anti-tank mine.

These two US military engineers were also experienced and successfully dug out the mines.

Seeing that the danger had been eliminated, a US soldier carefully took out the landmine.

At this moment, a puff of black smoke suddenly appeared from under the mine, and the American engineer couldn't help but change his face.

"Not good~!"


The two put down the mines, turned around and ran away.


There was a violent explosion, and the mine was blown up directly, and then exploded in the air.


There was another violent explosion, and a ball of fire rose into the sky.

The two American engineers were blown to pieces in an instant, and several nearby engineers were also blown away.

The U.S. military suffered heavy casualties and was so frightened that it had to temporarily stop demining.

After a long time, the US military engineers dared to continue clearing mines.

When Colonel Colombates learned that the demining engineers had an accident, he cursed angrily: "Damn it, these damn Chinese soldiers are so cunning." A US military officer said: "What the officer said is absolutely true. China The army is too cunning and the mines they lay are very strange."

"However, we have changed our strategy and detonated the mines directly after discovering them. This can reduce unnecessary casualties."

Colombates gritted his teeth and said: "But we are wasting a lot of time now. Your Excellency, the Commander, has sent telegrams more than once to urge us."

A US military officer said: "There is nothing we can do about it. We have tried our best."

"Besides, this can't be entirely our fault, because the rest of the troops also encountered stubborn resistance when they attacked, and their progress was not smooth."

Colonel Crombetz sighed helplessly, looked up into the distance, and said with a sigh: "It seems that we still underestimate the Chinese army. It is an unattainable luxury to end this war as soon as possible. "

A US military officer said: "But as long as we move forward step by step, we will definitely be able to eliminate these Chinese as soon as possible."

"The final victory will definitely belong to us."


At the same time, inside the headquarters of the Volunteer Army.

The boss stared at the sand table, and the Chief of Staff Xie next to him said: "The US military's offensive has been basically contained, and the troops we withdrew have also stabilized their position."

"Subsequent reinforcements have also rushed to the front line, and the entire battle situation has been basically stabilized."

"In this way, we can stabilize the front line near the [-]th parallel."


The boss's expression also softened a little and he said, "In this way, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

"After the follow-up main force arrives, we can take a period of rest before launching a large-scale offensive again."

Chief of Staff Xie said: "Our biggest problem now is logistics. Our logistics pressure is too great, and with the increase in frontline troops, this pressure will gradually increase."

"The country is also trying its best to help us solve this difficulty."

The boss said firmly: "I believe it will get better and better. These difficulties now are insignificant compared with those we had before."

Chief of Staff Xie nodded and said: "The entire China is our strong backing. As long as we have the determination and courage to win, we will definitely win this war."

"Even if the U.S. military devotes all its strength to the country, it can never defeat us on the battlefield."

The boss pointed to the sand table and said: "Order all frontline troops to hold their positions and take advantage of this opportunity to consume as much of the US military's effective strength as possible to prepare for our counterattack."


Chief of Staff Xie responded quickly.


At this moment, in the US military headquarters, Li Qiwei couldn't help but frowned and said: "Now we have lost the best opportunity. The Chinese army has stabilized its position, and their reinforcements are constantly moving to the front line."

"Such a good opportunity was wasted. If we want to defeat them again, I'm afraid we will have to pay a higher price."


Major General Dole reluctantly persuaded: "General, calm down. All our troops have tried their best. It is really because the Chinese army is too strong."

"But our advantage is still very obvious. Although we cannot defeat them quickly, with our strength, there is no problem in finally defeating them and winning the final victory."

Li Qiwei sighed helplessly and said, "It seems that I thought of this war too simply."

Major General Dole said: "Winning the war at the minimum cost is an issue that every commander needs to consider, so the commander is not wrong."

Li Qiwei pondered for a moment and said: "These Chinese people overestimate their own capabilities and insist on going against us, so let's play with them."

"We can also take this opportunity to show our strength to the world again. Any force that dares to be our enemy will be completely defeated by us."

"No one can stop our chariot!" (End of this chapter)

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