Chapter 2
"Bright sword system?"

Wu Qianli stood upright all of a sudden, and his whole body became much more energetic.

"I still worry about how those who lack guns and guns can be tough with the US military."

"That's all right, now you can be a rich man in the army, open up your fight, right? Hahahaha..."

Wu Qianli was taken aback for a moment, then immediately grinned with chapped lips and laughed.

"Ding——It is detected that the host is being bombed by a US bomber, and the host is sent a novice gift package, M9 type 60mm rocket launcher and three rockets."

"And the system grants a speed bonus to the rockets. There are only three rockets with a speed bonus. Please be careful with the host."


Wu Qianli was ecstatic when he heard the system prompt. As a special soldier in his previous life, he was familiar with the operation of various weapons, let alone this old-fashioned bazooka.

"It's really dozing off and meeting the pillow. It's very comfortable now."

Wu Qianli noticed that the snowdrift around him had suddenly swelled up. After digging for a while, he found a bazooka and a few rockets lying underneath.

Maybe the M9 rocket launcher is a little strange, but when it comes to the famous name of Bazooka, everyone knows it.

This kind of bazooka was seized in large numbers during the War of Liberation, and several armies of the Volunteer Army who entered the DPRK were equipped with it, so Wuqianliyou didn't seem so obtrusive.

And with the original reliability and power of the bazooka, coupled with the speed bonus given by the system, it can definitely be regarded as an artifact on the battlefield.

"Commander, how are you doing?"

At this time, Mei Sheng squatted and trotted over, looked at Wu Qianli, muttering to himself and laughing, and couldn't help frowning, a little worried.

"That's right, company commander, you are the backbone of our Seventh Interlude Company, you can't be troubled!"

"If these fucking American devils blow up my company commander, I'll skin them and cramp them!"

Yu Congrong didn't know when he came to the side, and said viciously.

"Go, go, go, fuck you, you're fucking stupid."

"The American devils just set off two firecrackers. What's there to be afraid of? Hey, I have a treasure for them to drink!"

Wu Qianli laughed angrily at Yu Congrong's words at first, couldn't help kicking Yu Congrong a few times, and at the same time fiddled with the bazooka with great interest.

"Brother! You shouldn't have brought two bottles of shochu to stun the boss of the military supply department, and stole this big treasure back. Why don't you call me? I can drink well."

Wu Wanli smiled and licked his lips, as if thinking of the aroma of baijiu, he swallowed silently.

Seeing that Wu Qianli seemed to be fine, Mei Sheng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Company commander, I know what you think, but this is the U.S. military. If you fail to take down and expose your position, our seventh interspersed company will definitely suffer heavy losses."

"What's more, even if it is defeated, they can quickly replenish it in a short time. This is the gap in the industrial base."

As Mei Sheng spoke, he seemed to think of something, and sighed silently.

"Company commander, let's fight. When our Seventh Company interspersed from the Long March to the Anti-Japanese War, and from the Anti-Japanese War to the War of Liberation, have we ever been afraid?"

"If this ticket is won, think about it, if we enter the DPRK and kill the U.S. planes, our [-]th Interlude Company will be a superstar in North Korea!"

Yu Congrong waved his fist excitedly, staring at the U.S. aircraft with fighting spirit in his eyes.

The seventh interspersed even most people are like this, facing the fierce bombing.

Some people were directly cut off in half, their intestines spilled all over the floor, and they took out their military thorns to understand themselves, and they didn't even want to waste a single bullet.

The whole company condensed a fierceness of daring to fight, daring to fight, howling like a wild wolf, which is the unique military spirit of the seventh interspersed company.

"They both carry one head on two shoulders. What's the difference? Isn't it just relying on flying to the sky? Watch me knock these birdmen down!"

Wu Qianli looked at the plane in the sky resolutely, his teeth itching with hatred.

"Then have someone move the station and interpreter to a safer location and make sure they are safe."

Although Mei Sheng would put forward suggestions cautiously and carefully, when Wu Qianli made a decision, he would still choose to respect Wu Qianli's opinion.

"Come on, son of a bitch, fly to your grandpa."

Wu Qianli was lying on the icy snow, slowly moving towards the best direction from time to time.

His eyes were fixed on the position where the bomber was flying to. Dare to shine a sword does not mean that he is hot-headed and reckless. He needs a good time.

In the sky, inside the hovering fighter
"Oh, God, look at these exploding carriages, those yellow-skinned monkeys should be afraid."

A U.S. military pilot raised his mouth slightly and smiled triumphantly.

"Hehe, I don't understand where your fun is. It's so cold that we have to perform this boring task. Why don't you let me play cards?"

Another U.S. pilot curled his lips and shook his head helplessly.

"Hey brother, don't be so discouraged. Didn't General MacArthur say that we will quickly get rid of these damned yellow-skinned monkeys, and then go home for Christmas, hahaha..."

"That's right, these yellow-skinned monkeys who don't have the slightest ability to resist, just treat them as a show of mercy and send them to God, hahahaha..."

Speaking of which, the pilot drove the bomber and dived again, impartially, just in the direction of five thousand miles.

Wu Qianli felt the approach of the bomber, only felt the pores all over his body dilate, and his heartbeat accelerated abnormally.

He could only take a deep breath, and kept reminding himself to remain absolutely calm.

"5, 4, 3, 2..."

Wu Qianli counted every second, but the US bomber was getting closer and closer, and the buzzing roar of the engine directly suppressed the whistling cold wind.

"Death to me!"

Just as the U.S. bomber was about to dive to a low point and the bomb was about to be dropped, Wu Qianli stood up abruptly.

He quickly raised the bazooka and pointed it at the U.S. bomber in the sky, and the soaring rocket flew out with white smoke.

"Oh, damn the yellow-skinned monkey."

The pilot yelled and cursed in shock, firmly controlled the direction with both hands, and quickly swayed to avoid it.

"call out--"

A rocket grazed past under the U.S. bomber, and the U.S. pilot broke out in a cold sweat as he felt the shaking of the plane.

Before he had time to rejoice, a small black dot with white smoke quickly flew towards the cockpit.

His eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he was full of panic. He suddenly regretted that what he did just now was not a promotion, and it was impossible to escape this time.


The rocket hit the bomber and exploded instantly, along with the fuel tank and the bombs on the plane.

Clouds of fire one after another bloomed in the sky, leaving only a small amount of wreckage slowly falling down.

Wu Qianli didn't care to appreciate it, he just fired two rockets, got up immediately, and ran away, even throwing the rocket launcher on the spot.


Sure enough, a roar came from behind Wu Qianli. It was another American pilot who immediately swooped down after being shocked for a short time, intending to bomb Wu Qianli.

"Oh, poor brother, I will avenge you. Don't worry about your wife and daughter. I will take care of you."

The American pilot made a sign of the cross in his heart, and murmured while driving the plane into a dive.

"Run, run as hard as you can, the faster you run, the better!"

This was the only thought in Wu Qianli's mind, and the icy north wind howled in his ears.

His hands seemed to be so cold that he was almost unconscious, and his whole body was on the verge of dizziness.

"Hey, why should someone else be reborn with a beautiful woman in his arms to command a large army to charge, and I was chased here by a U.S. military plane like a mouse."

Wu Qianli scolded his mother in his heart while still running at a faster speed.


With a muffled sound, Wu Qianli stumbled and fell on the snow.

It turned out that he had been lying on the ground for too long, and the weather was extremely cold, and the blood in the legs did not circulate, so they softened for a while.

"His grandma, if this is a box lunch just after entering the court, it will probably make other reborn people chatter for a year."

Wu Qianli murmured half-jokingly, it was all about giving himself the final relaxation.

He is not afraid of death, but he doesn't want to die like this. There are many more things he wants to do for the country.

Wu Qianli clenched his fists and listened to the roar of the approaching plane, smiled wryly and shook his head, waiting for the arrangement of fate.

(End of this chapter)

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