The Bright Sword of Changjin Lake becomes stronger

Chapter 201 Between China and the United States, the horrific battle loss ratio!



Two more crisp gunshots rang out, and two American soldiers in the distance fell to the ground, also shot to death.

At this time, the U.S. military had completely retreated, and basically only the corpses of the U.S. troops were left on the battlefield, scattered across the entire hillside.

Not only did the infantry slip away, but the US tanks also began to retreat.

If they continue to stay here, they may be in danger.

Wu Qianli immediately shouted: "Everyone withdraw immediately! Quick!"

After hearing the order, the soldiers immediately put away the remaining weapons and ammunition without any hesitation. Some soldiers supported the wounded, or even directly picked up the wounded and turned away.

The remains of some sacrificed soldiers were all taken down by the soldiers, preparing to find opportunities for burial.

Due to the circumstances at the time, it was impossible for most of the martyrs' remains to be transported back to China for burial and could only be buried on site.

Wu Qianli put away his gun, patted Wu Wanli on the shoulder and said, "Let's go!"

Wu Wanli did not hesitate, picked up his rifle and ammunition bag and followed Wu Qianli out of the position.

Sure enough, as soon as the soldiers retreated into the tunnel, U.S. artillery fire came down.

One after another, as if for free, the shells hit the 331 Hill one after another.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and pieces of fire rose into the sky. Soon, the entire 331 Highlands was once again plunged into artillery fire.

On the US military position.

Colombates looked at this scene, but he was not happy at all.

They have carried out this kind of artillery fire coverage many times, and the effect is very poor.

He never dreamed that such a small high ground had stopped the US military for two days and nights.

As night fell, the US military was forced to stop the attack.

Colonel Colombates could only order the troops to retreat to the camp and tighten defense.

Late that night, Wu Qianli took some soldiers out again.

Wu Qianli and others quietly descended the mountain under the cover of darkness, groping forward.

The purpose of their coming here this time was to lay anti-tank mines.

During the day's battle, Wu Qianli also carefully observed the strategies and tactics of the US military's attack, so he made some targeted improvements in laying mines.

The soldiers were busy for several hours, always being cautious, for fear of alarming the American troops in the distance.

However, these American soldiers were honest. They just hid in distant positions and did not find Wu Qianli and the others.

After laying all the mines, Wu Qianli led the people back to the tunnel on Highland 331 and continued to sleep.

After all, the US military may launch an attack the next day.

Soon it was dawn, and the U.S. military's artillery fire once again covered the entire 331 Highlands. After some fierce artillery fire coverage.

The U.S. military launched another attack.

Colonel Crombetz said angrily: "Today may be our last chance. No matter what, we must capture Highland 331 and annihilate these hateful Chinese troops."

In the past two days, the US military launched more than a dozen attacks on this small 331 Highland, but as a result, 331 Highland is still in the hands of the Gang [-]th Regiment.

Colombates's troops had already suffered 700 casualties.

On the other hand, the Gang [-]th Regiment, due to its tactical advantages and terrain advantage, coupled with the bombing reduction bonus rewarded by the system, suffered much less casualties.

There were only more than 30 casualties, of which only a dozen died.

The total casualty ratio was as high as 1:25.

Such a disparity in casualty ratio is extremely rare on the battlefield.

And under the premise that the US military has absolute firepower and air superiority, it has such a disparity in casualty ratios. This is simply a shame for the US military.

Now, according to information from the intelligence department, the main reinforcements of the Volunteer Army have sent to the front line for reinforcements.

Moreover, the volunteers have also rebuilt their defense lines. The US military's fighter planes have been lost, and there is little point in continuing to fight.

It can be said that they lost the best opportunity to defeat the volunteers.

So today's attack may be the last day.

If Huachuan is still unable to be captured, it is estimated that even Li Qiwei will be forced to order a halt to the attack or even retreat.

A US military officer next to him said cautiously: "Sir, there is no need to be angry. I believe that we can definitely defeat these Chinese troops this time and seize the opposite position."

Crombez rolled his eyes at the guy. He had heard this kind of nonsense more than once, but in the end he failed again and again.

After the artillery preparations were completed, the US military launched another attack.

The tanks covered the infantry and began to rush towards Hill 331.

At this time, a US military officer reminded: "Sir, the Chinese army will not lay landmines at night again!"

Colombates sneered and said: "Even if they lay mines, we don't have time to continue to waste mine clearance."

The US military officer asked in surprise: "Sir, if this is the case, if the Chinese army lays landmines, wouldn't we suffer heavy losses?"

Although the tanks are in front, these sturdy tanks are difficult to be completely destroyed by mines.

But even if they were injured, it would still be considered a loss to them.

Because in the previous battle, some tanks were damaged and have not been repaired yet.

Colombates sneered and said: "I have my own way of dealing with those mines."

"We don't have much time left now, and we can't let a few landmines affect our offense."

Many US military officers were a little surprised because they could not figure out that besides demining, there were other ways to avoid casualties caused by landmines.

Looking at Colombates's expression, he seemed to be confident. Several staff officers around him obviously knew Colombates' method, and they just looked relaxed at the moment.

There was not much time left for the US military, and Crombetz did not want to waste precious time on a few landmines.

Therefore, the US military launched an offensive without clearing mines.

Tanks rumbled onto the battlefield, but when they approached Hill 331, they suddenly stopped.

The tanks seemed hesitant, but soon the tanks started up again and slowly moved forward, but at a relatively slow speed.

The infantrymen who followed also followed closely behind, forming two lines and following the tanks.

It turns out that Colonel Crombetz's so-called method is also very simple, which is to make the tank move forward according to the track marks of the previous tank.

If the Gangqi Regiment lays mines here, it will definitely destroy the tank marks, so as long as they move forward along the complete tank marks, they can avoid hitting the mines.

The reason why the infantrymen at the back were lined up in two lines was to follow the tank tracks in front.Although these infantry cannot trigger anti-tank mines, it is still necessary to be careful, just in case the Gang [-]th Regiment also lays ordinary infantry mines.

It can be said that although this method is simple, it is also quite practical.

The tank advanced very slowly, and also adjusted its direction appropriately, gradually advancing forward.

However, at this moment, a tank suddenly hit a mine.


A violent explosion sounded, the tracks of the tank were blown away, and one side of the tank was completely blown away.

Although it was not completely destroyed, after being blown up like this, it definitely needs major repairs, and may even face scrapping.

After the anti-tank mine exploded, there was another violent explosion.

The explosion occurred about ten meters behind the tank that struck a mine.

The power of this explosion was also quite huge. More than 20 infantrymen following the tank were blown away instantly.

Some of them that were relatively close were directly blown to pieces.

More than 20 American infantrymen were lying on the ground, dead or wounded.

It turned out that Wu Qianli deployed a series of mines, with an anti-tank mine in front and a booby mine about ten meters behind.

After the anti-tank mine explodes, this mine will also be detonated, and the following mine is specifically designed to explode the US infantry following behind.

The U.S. military was unprepared and suffered heavy losses.

Colonel Colombates saw the flames rising on the battlefield and quickly raised his binoculars.

A staff officer nearby said quickly: "Sir, the attacking troops hit a mine, and they indeed laid mines."

Colombates was not too surprised about the mine laying. What surprised him was why the tank hit the mine.

Colonel Colombates pondered for a moment and concluded that the attacking force must have been too careless and hit the mine.

Colonel Crombetz couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it, these bastards, haven't I already told them to be careful? How could they trigger landmines? It's really unreasonable."

"Are they all a bunch of stupid pigs?"

A staff officer next to him said: "Sir, there seemed to be two explosions just now. It should be a series of mines. One mine in the front and one in the back. Not only did it damage our tanks, it also killed many of our infantry. .”

Colonel Colombates said angrily: "These hateful Chinese are becoming more and more cunning."

A US military officer asked: "Sir, what should we do now? Should we continue to launch an attack?"

Colonel Colombates said angrily: "Of course we have to attack, this is just an accident."

"Inform the frontline troops to continue the attack and ask them to be careful and keep their eyes open."

"yes sir!"

Colonel Colombates concluded that this was just an accident, so he immediately ordered the attack to continue.

After the attacking US troops stayed for about two minutes, they cautiously moved forward again.

This time the U.S. military was obviously slower and more cautious.

There are a few sharp soldiers in front, checking the track marks on the ground, and then guiding the tank forward.

However, less than 1 minute passed.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

A violent explosion sounded again, and this time there were four violent explosions in succession.

Two more tanks were damaged, and the infantrymen behind the tanks were also killed and injured 50 people.

There was wailing for a while, and the injured American soldiers lay on the ground wailing in pain.

After a while, the conscripts from behind rushed forward and began to rescue the wounded.

The US military stopped again, and all the US soldiers looked at the ground in front of them in horror.

Because they don't know where the landmines are, let alone whether these landmines will suddenly explode and send them to hell.

Crombez held up his binoculars and observed the two damaged tanks, muttering in his heart.

How did it happen?

The troops were obviously advancing according to the previous tracked vehicle guidance, so why did they hit a mine?

They didn't destroy these car prints, so how did they place the mines?

Colonel Colombates was puzzled, but at this time, he did not want to waste time anymore. He gritted his teeth and said, "This must be just an accident."

"Let them move on!"

Colombates felt that his decision was somewhat risky, but now he just wanted to capture Highland 331 as soon as possible.

The attacking US troops obviously hesitated and hesitated to move forward. After several minutes, they seemed to make up their mind and continue to advance.

We are about to reach the foot of the mountain, it should be safe now.

"Boom~! Boom~!"

The violent explosion sounded again.

Two more tanks hit mines one after another, with only a few seconds difference.

The same serial mines caused the US military to lose dozens of infantrymen again.

In just a short period of time, the US military lost five tanks and more than 100 soldiers were injured or killed.

By this time, Colonel Crombetz did not dare to let his soldiers continue to take risks.

"Shit! It's really evil."

Colonel Colombates cursed: "These hateful guys are so evil."

"Let them withdraw immediately and return along the original road, quickly~!"

The remaining American troops did not dare to stay any longer and immediately retreated cautiously.

In this way, a new round of US military attacks was successfully repelled by the mines deployed by Wu Qianli.

Wu Qianli slowly put down the telescope and said with a smile: "Okay! Five American tanks were blown up, and more than 100 infantrymen were killed or injured."

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up with excitement.

Thinking that all this was Wu Qianli's credit, Yu Congrong rushed to Wu Qianli and asked: "Captain, how did you do it?"

Lei Gong took a drag on his dry cigarette, frowned in confusion, and said, "Their tanks are all moving forward along the tracks of the original tank tracks. Logically speaking, they shouldn't hit mines!"

Wu Qianli smiled and said: "Hahahaha, this is very simple to say!" (End of Chapter)

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